Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 510 The Greedy Bailing Master Adapts to the Treasure Pattern (3400 words, please subscribe)

Just as the Poison Blood Demon withdrew the Poison Blood Flying Sword, the Jindan middle-stage Scorpion King, who was using his physique to resist three sets of Fiery Flying Swords, immediately fell into a disadvantage.

Fortunately, when it was resisting the One-horned Mad Bull Shadow, it summoned the third-level lower-grade defensive life-defense magic weapon "Purple Spirit Shield" to support a magic weapon light curtain, so that it was not in danger of life.

The Scorpion King was about to question the Poison Blood Demon why he withdrew his sword, but he saw that the Poison Blood Demon had already fled several miles away.

This action made the Scorpion King furious, and he even roared.

Just now, it, the Poison Blood Demon, and the Jindan early-stage Scorpion Demon joined forces to barely resist the attack of Bailing Zhenren.

But now that the powerful Poison Blood Demon has retreated, leaving it and the Jindan Early Stage Scorpion Demon alone, it will not take long for Bai Ling Zhenren to kill it and the Jindan Early Stage Scorpion Demon.

Not to mention, three Jindan Early Stage Zhenren are coming from afar.

The Wanshou Zhenren who is in the market is also flying over.

Thinking of this, the Jindan Middle Stage Scorpion King, whose intelligence is as strong as that of the old Taoist monk, suddenly wants to eat the Poison Blood Demon alive.

And secretly swears that as long as it can escape this time, it will destroy the entire Poison Blood Demon Sect to avenge today's grievance.

Then, a sense of regret emerges in his heart.

"I should not have believed the slander of the old poisonous blood demon. If my son and I had taken steady steps to capture the territory of the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect, how could we have attracted so many Jindan Zhenren?"

It did not know that the purpose of Bailing Zhenren and others was the old poisonous blood demon. It only thought that it had invaded too much territory of the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect, which caused the displeasure of the other Jindan of Yan State.

Under the misunderstanding, the Purple Cloud Jade Scorpion King decisively used the desperate method "Purple Spirit Body Strengthening Technique" to fight for a glimmer of life.

Its body was full of spiritual light, and its physique also surged, rising to a hundred feet in size, enough to cover the sky and the sun.

With endless roars, this scorpion swung the two pincers in front of it and the scorpion tail behind it to hit the three blazing flying swords around it.

These three attacks actually burst out with nearly a million pounds of strength. Under the three attacks, the three blazing flying swords were directly knocked away for dozens of feet.

However, this scorpion king also valued its offspring very much. After making a successful attack, it did not take this opportunity to escape directly, but immediately fled to the side of its offspring in the early stage of the golden elixir a hundred feet away, blocking a large piece of black flame true fire for it, wanting to help its offspring escape first.

Bai Ling Zhenren, who was controlling the third-level upper-grade magic weapon "Black Flame True Fire Gourd", became interested when he saw this scene. He stared at the two huge claws in front of the middle-stage golden elixir scorpion demon king and the scorpion tail behind him, and his eyes could not help but glow.

"The scorpion demon's claws and crab tail are strong enough to be comparable to third-level lower-grade magic weapons, and they are good materials for refining third-level middle-grade magic weapons."

"If it can be killed, and its third-level middle-grade purple spirit green cloud flying sword and the third-level lower-grade purple spirit shield can bring me at least a million spiritual stones of wealth."

In the face of huge benefits, the hatred he had for the poisonous blood demon in his heart dissipated a lot.

He turned his head and saw Ling Pengyun, Ling Yunhong, Baoyuan Zhenren, and Wanshou Zhenren had all arrived, and his brows moved slightly.

Then, he waved his hand and patted the storage bag on his waist, summoned a small white flying boat from it, threw it to the "Baoyuan Zhenren" who was at the first level of the Golden Core Realm, and gestured to Ling Pengyun and others who had just arrived.

"Four Daoists, the poisonous blood flying sword of the poisonous blood demon has been severely damaged by my three blazing fire flying swords, and its power is only about 80% of that of the victory."

"I will stop these two purple spirit green cloud scorpions, and you go to chase the poisonous blood demon. If you find it difficult to kill it, hold it back. I will come to support you after I kill these two purple spirit green jade scorpions."

"Disciple Baoyuan, you can use the third-level medium-grade small flying boat Bailing Flying Boat that is the guardian of our sect. With this thing, you can also speed up a bit."

Earlier, after Bailing Zhenren, who was in the late Jindan period, left Longyuan Flying Boat, he did not use this flying boat to chase the poisonous blood demon and others, because he disliked the slow speed of this third-level medium-grade Bailing Flying Boat.

Although this Bailing Flying Boat is a small flying boat, its speed is enough to reach about 700,000 miles a day, which is not much different from the speed of a fifth-level Jindan cultivator performing escape techniques.

But Bai Ling Zhenren's cultivation level is as high as the late Jindan stage. With this level of cultivation, the speed of performing escape techniques is more than 30% faster than this flying boat.

Moreover, he is extremely confident in his own strength, so he dares to perform escape techniques alone to catch up with the Poison Blood Old Demon and others.

Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong, two Ling family Jindans on the side, heard what Bai Ling Zhenren said and immediately understood what Bai Ling Zhenren was thinking.

However, they did not say much. After all, their cultivation level is here, and it is difficult for them to change the will of Bai Ling Zhenren, who has a cultivation level of up to the late Jindan stage.

Moreover, they are also more confident in their own strength. Even if there are only two of them, they have at least a 50% chance of killing the Poison Blood Old Demon together.

What's more, in addition to the two of them, there are also Bao Yuan Zhenren, who is at the first level of Jindan, and Wan Shou Zhenren, the leader of Wan Shou Sect, who is at the third level of Jindan, to help. Their probability of killing the Poison Blood Old Demon has reached an extremely high level.

After receiving the white "Bai Ling Flying Boat" thrown by his master "Bai Ling Zhenren", Bao Yuan Zhenren immediately transferred his spiritual power into it.

The small Bai Ling Flying Boat grew dozens of times in an instant, reaching a size of ten feet.

"Three Taoist friends, quickly get on the flying boat."

The "Baoyuan Zhenren" of the first level of Jindan jumped onto the flying boat first, and then called out to Ling Pengyun, Ling Yunhong, and Wanshou Zhenren beside him.

Ling Pengyun and the other two immediately followed his instructions.

Then, Baoyuan Zhenren urged the flying boat to turn into a beam of light and chased after the Poison Blood Demon who had already fled hundreds of thousands of miles away.

Although the Poison Blood Demon's cultivation level had been raised to the third level of Jindan through the blood sacrifice of countless human corpses into demon pills, its speed was still three points slower than the third-level middle-grade Bailing flying boat.

The distance between the two was also shortened in a short time.

The Poison Blood Demon noticed this and immediately had a headache.

"Why are those four Jindan chasing me all the time?"

After the doubt came out, the Poison Blood Demon thought about it carefully, and then he remembered the tragedy of killing millions of mortals in the territory of Bailingmen in his early years, and the attack on the Ling clan mountain.

Over the years, the Bailing Sect and the Ling Clan have been expanding their territory in the Baiyun Mountains. Even though both forces had opened up a piece of territory a few years ago, they had not taken any other actions, and the Poison Blood Demon had forgotten about it.

"I didn't expect that the Bailing Sect and the Ling Clan would be so patient and wait until now to take action."

"If I had known this earlier, I shouldn't have left the sect's residence protected by the third-level formation to attack the Wanshou Sect's territory in recent years."

The Poison Blood Demon was extremely regretful.

Then, he considered that there were four Jindan Zhenren chasing him behind him. If they caught up with him, he would definitely be entangled, and when the Bailing Zhenren who was dealing with the Purple Spirit Scorpion King arrived, his life would be in danger.

He didn't have time to think about it, and directly performed the Poison Blood Demon Sect's secret technique "Blood Transformation Escape Technique".

In an instant, his speed increased by nearly one-fold, and was nearly 60% faster than the third-level middle-grade Bailing Flying Boat chasing him behind him.

In this way, the old Poison Blood Demon also greatly increased the distance between him and the third-level middle-grade Bailing Flying Boat behind him.

Ling Pengyun and the other four Jindan on the Bailing Flying Boat were a little surprised to see that the old Poison Blood Demon had decisively performed the escape technique.

Although the speed of the blood-transforming escape technique of the Poison Blood Demon Sect is fast, this escape technique requires one's own blood as the source to be performed, and it is no problem to maintain it for a short period of time.

However, if this method is performed for a long time, the blood in the body will be burned out, causing oneself to become weak, and the combat power will be halved, and it will be difficult to recover in a short period of time.

"Fellow Daoist Baoyuan, can the speed of this Bailing Flying Boat be faster?"

Ling Pengyun frowned slightly, looked at the "Baoyuan Zhenren" who was standing on the main seat of the flying boat and controlling the flying boat, and asked him.

"But it is possible. This small Bailing flying boat of our sect, which is of the third-level middle grade, comes with a Bailing escape technique. Once this escape technique is used, it can burst out 50% of the speed in a short period of time."

"However, it takes a lot of spiritual power to use this technique. I am afraid that it will be difficult for me to maintain it for a long time, so I need your help."

After hesitating for a moment, Master Baoyuan replied.

"We have not sacrificed this flying boat, but can we transfer spiritual power into this flying boat?"

Ling Pengyun asked in confusion.

"To be honest, I have not sacrificed this flying boat, nor am I the master of this flying boat."

"When the ancestors of our sect sacrificed this flying boat, they had already considered the situation like today, so they spent a lot of money to find a third-level refining treasure pattern called "Adaptation."

"With this treasure pattern, any cultivator can temporarily control this flying boat without sacrificing it."

"However, this treasure pattern also has a big disadvantage, that is, the spiritual power consumed by relying on this treasure pattern to drive the flying boat will be 50% more than the spiritual power consumed by the master of this flying boat to drive the flying boat."

"That is why I need the help of fellow Taoists to activate the magical power of escape carried by this flying boat."

Bao Yuan Zhenren explained with a little helplessness.

Ling Pengyun and others were curious when they heard the unfamiliar refining treasure pattern "Adaptation Treasure Pattern".

At the same time, they were all secretly shocked that the Bailing Sect, a major refining sect, had a profound foundation.

Without too much distraction, Ling Pengyun, Ling Yunhong, and Master Wanshou, who were on the flying boat, began to help Master Baoyuan and transfer spiritual power into the Bailing flying boat under their feet.

With enough spiritual power as support, Master Baoyuan also activated the flying boat's magical power of escape, "Baoyuan Escape Technique".

Two huge wing patterns engraved on the left and right sides of the Bailing flying boat suddenly emitted countless white spiritual lights.

These white spiritual lights turned into two three-meter-long white feather wings in an instant.

Then, these two white feather wings raised countless strong winds and flapped continuously to help the flying boat fly.

As a result, the speed of the Bailing flying boat increased by more than 50%, barely able to keep up with the poisonous blood demon in front who performed the "blood-transforming escape technique".

Although the poisonous blood demon who fled in front noticed this, he was helpless.

He had no other means to increase the speed of his escape technique. The most he could do was to take three third-grade lower-grade Qi and Blood Replenishing Magic Pills that he had specially killed millions of humans in recent years to increase the time he could use the Blood Transformation Escape Technique.

Previously, he was so decisive in using the Blood Transformation Escape Technique that consumed a lot of Qi and Blood, because he had the three magic pills as a support.

After three incense sticks, the three Qi and Blood Replenishing Magic Pills that the Poison Blood Demon had left in his hand to save his life were also consumed. He was reluctant to use his own blood as the source to perform the Blood Transformation Escape Technique, so he could only withdraw the Blood Transformation Escape Technique and use ordinary escape techniques to escape.

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