Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 511: The power of Longyang True Fire and its true origin (3400 words, please subscribe)

Behind him, the sky was tens of miles away.

On the Bailing Flying Boat.

Ling Pengyun breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the old demon of poisonous blood had stopped performing the blood-transforming escape technique.

"This old demon finally stopped performing the blood-transforming escape technique."

The spiritual power required to activate the Bailing Flying Boat to perform the "Bailing Escape Technique" was indeed extremely huge. In just three incense sticks of time, Ling Pengyun, whose spiritual power was comparable to that of a third-level Jindan cultivator, had consumed nearly 30% of his spiritual power.

The first-level Jindan Master Bao Yuan looked even paler, as if his spiritual power was about to be exhausted.

Although Ling Yunhong was also at the first-level Jindan, he had condensed a middle-level Jindan, practiced the superior Bi Hai Zhen Jing, and had been brought into the yin and yang primordial qi, so his total spiritual power was enough to match Ling Pengyun, and he could barely keep activating the Bailing Flying Boat.

The third-level Jindan Master Wanshou could barely maintain it.

The group maintained the Bailing flying boat and activated the Bailing escape technique to chase for about a thousand breaths. Ling Pengyun and others finally caught up with the slowed-down Poison Blood Demon.

Ling Pengyun already hated the Poison Blood Demon who indirectly killed dozens of people in the Ling family. He was afraid that his spiritual power was only 50% left.

In order to prevent the Poison Blood Demon from escaping today, as soon as he approached the Poison Blood Demon within 3,000 feet, he immediately slapped the storage bag on his waist and summoned the formation flag of the "Five Elements Return to Origin" formation, which was powerful enough to be comparable to the third-level middle-grade formation.

Eighteen formation flags whizzed past at an extremely fast speed. In just three breaths, they crossed a distance of 3,000 feet and surrounded the Poison Blood Demon.

"Formation up!"

The eighteen formation flags flashed with spiritual light, and immediately supported a light curtain to trap the Poison Blood Demon.

Then, Ling Pengyun offered up the prototype of the magic weapon, the Jade Sea Heavy Yuan Pearl, which weighed 480,000 jin, the Demon Control Banner, which was at the prototype level, and the third-level lower-grade Burning Yuan Magic Lamp.

The Jade Sea Heavy Yuan Pearl spun around, flashed with blue light, and quickly grew to 48 feet in size.

Its speed was extremely fast, and there was even a sound of crushing the air during the flight, with a huge momentum.

Six mountain-moving evil ghosts at the perfect foundation-building stage sprang out from the Demon Control Banner, and quickly merged into a giant mountain-moving evil ghost that was 18 feet in size, walking in the air and running towards the distance.

The wick of the Burning Yuan Magic Lamp ignited, and countless black Burning Yuan True Fires gushed out, carrying countless hot air, and swept out together.

Ling Yunhong, who also hated the poisonous blood demon, had not sacrificed his magic weapon, so the several life spells he mastered and the trump card, the Fire Yang True Fire, consumed a lot of energy. With only nearly seven spiritual power left to drive the Bailing Flying Boat, it was difficult for him to attack many times.

Now was not the best time, so he just pinched his fingers and used the third-level water spell Water Snake to attack.

The third-level Jindan Wanshou Zhenren on the side was injured by the nine "Golden Horn Arrows" before. If he used them forcibly, it would hurt their foundation and cause the grade to fall.

He had no choice but to use his spiritual power to condense the arrow feathers, put them on the bowstring of the third-level upper-grade Golden Horn Bow, and shoot it out.

Baoyuan Zhenren, whose spiritual power was about to be exhausted, took out a third-level soul-returning talisman, hesitated for a moment, gritted his teeth, and stuck it on his body.

The spiritual power in the golden elixir in his abdomen also quickly recovered by more than 70%, and he also sacrificed his own life magic weapon "Yanyuan Hammer" which was comparable to the top third-level lower grade and weighed 400,000 to 500,000 kilograms.

The effect of the soul-recovering talisman is the same as that of the soul-recovering pill. It can restore the body of a cultivator in the early stage of the golden elixir in an instant. It is extremely expensive, and at least 3,000 spiritual stones are required to buy it on the market.

Moreover, this talisman is still in short supply and rare in the world.

In the entire Yan Kingdom's immortal cultivation world, only a few third-level spiritual objects of the recovery type have appeared on the market in the past hundred years.

If it weren't for the third-level talisman maker, the Lingfu Patriarch, who was in charge of the Bailing Sect, Baoyuan Zhenren, who only had the first-level cultivation of the golden elixir, would not be able to produce such a rare thing.

Three thousand feet away.

The old demon of poisonous blood was aware of the many attacks coming from behind and did not dare to be careless. He directly sacrificed his two third-level middle-grade life magic treasures "Poisonous Blood Flying Sword" and "Poisonous Blood Cover" that made him famous.

The two magic treasures flashed with magic light, and first transformed into countless poisonous magic energy, facing the large area of ​​burning Yuan true fire that was attacking, and barely resisted the burning Yuan true fire that was as powerful as the third-level middle-grade true fire.

Then, a huge sword light of nearly 85 feet burst out from the poisonous blood flying sword, turning into a sword light, and lightly lifted the heavy Yuan treasure bead weighing 480,000 pounds and quickly slashed at the 18-foot moving mountain evil ghost walking in the air.

The 18-foot moving mountain evil ghost saw the powerful poisonous blood flying sword coming, and condensed his hands, and transformed a thick shield with the Yin Qi on his body.

But this shield was like paper in front of the poisonous blood flying sword, and was easily chopped into pieces.

The moving mountain evil ghost was also cut into two pieces.

However, this ghost was transformed by Yin Qi, and as long as the Yin Qi was not completely dispersed, it could continue to gather and form.

It also gathered its body again.

However, its body was smaller than before, and it was obvious that it was not well affected by the attack on its waist.

In this instant, Ling Yunhong used his magic formula for three breaths to condense a thirty-meter-long water snake, and Master Wanshou also used the golden horn bow to shoot out arrows of spiritual power. Master Baoyuan's "Yanyuan Hammer" containing four or five hundred thousand pounds of power finally arrived and blocked the poisonous blood flying sword that was still trying to commit murder.

Ling Pengyun also took this opportunity to stabilize the Bi Hai Zhong Yuan Baozhu that was previously knocked away by the Poison Blood Flying Sword, and then urged the Ghost Control Long Banner to control the remaining 16-zhang-long mountain-moving evil ghost, and blasted it towards the Poison Blood Flying Sword.

Under the joint efforts of the four Jindan True Immortals, the extremely powerful Poison Blood Flying Sword, the Innate Magic Treasure, was also somewhat overwhelmed.

If the Poison Blood Old Demon had not consumed a lot of magic power afterwards, pinched his fingers to perform his Innate Magic, condensed a "Poison Blood Thorn" and shot it out, relieving some of the pressure on the Poison Blood Flying Sword, otherwise the Poison Blood Flying Sword would probably be destroyed in a short time.

At the same time, Ling Yunhong, who did not use his full strength, saw that the Poison Blood Flying Sword, the strongest attack method of the Poison Blood Old Demon, was entangled and could not get away in a short time, and his eyes flashed with fierceness.

"Finally, I have waited for this opportunity."

He clasped his hands and muttered a sentence.

"Pure Yang True Fire."


The red flames flashed in front of him, and flames of the same color as the blazing sun hanging in the sky suddenly appeared.

A pure flame aura also came with it.

The spiritual power in Ling Yunhong's golden elixir was also rapidly consumed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

But he couldn't care less, he pinched the magic formula again.

The large piece of dragon yang true fire like the blazing sun quickly gathered and turned into a huge fire dragon that was fifty feet long, with two dragon horns on its head, distinct scales on its body, long dragon whiskers under its mouth, a majestic aura, but its eyes were lifeless, like a dead object.

After the fire dragon roared without emotion, it swung its body, turned into a flame, and quickly killed the "poisonous blood flying sword" that was entangled by several attacks a thousand feet away.

Although the old poisonous blood demon noticed that the fire dragon had a strange aura, the poisonous blood flying sword he had shot out was entangled by the attacks of the Bi Hai Chong Yuan Orb and other attacks, and it was difficult to get out.

The pure Yang fire dragon was fast, but in a blink of an eye, the dragon soared across thousands of feet and swallowed the poisonous blood flying sword with a strong demonic aura into its belly.

"Long Yang Fire Furnace!"


The fifty-foot-long pure Yang fire dragon was surrounded by flames, and suddenly, it turned into a fifty-foot-long furnace with countless dragon patterns engraved on its body.

The poisonous blood flying sword that was swallowed by the pure Yang fire dragon before was suspended in the center of the flame furnace, and was tied tightly by nine flame iron chains transformed from pure Yang true fire, unable to move and burn.


The "Longyang Fire Furnace" trembled slightly, and countless Longyang True Fires were sweeping over the Poison Blood Flying Sword, burning the originally dark green Poison Blood Flying Sword red.

Even the rich demonic energy contained in the sword melted like snowflakes in front of the Pure Yang True Fire.

In just a few breaths, the demonic energy emanating from the Poison Blood Flying Sword weakened by half, and its aura was slowly weakening.

The Jindan cultivators present were all shocked when they saw this scene.

You know, that third-level middle-grade Poison Blood Flying Sword is the strongest attack method of the Poison Blood Demon, and they only blocked it with their combined efforts just now.

And Ling Yunhong, a cultivator who was only at the first level of the Jindan, actually blocked the Poison Blood Demon Sword with his own strength.

But how could they know that the "Longyang True Fire" cultivation method mastered by Ling Yunhong was a magical power and treasure technique that was comprehended by a fourth-level alchemist named "Longyang True Lord" in Canglan Bihai Sect ten thousand years ago through an "enlightenment".

Even in several immortal cultivation worlds such as the Boundless Sea, this Longyang True Fire magical power is enough to be ranked among the middle-level magical powers.

Although this magical power and treasure technique is a magical power and treasure technique born for alchemy and is not powerful, this fire is pure yang fire. When facing the demon cultivator, it will also burst out with the power of the real "middle-level magical power and treasure technique".

The magical power and treasure technique is an extremely powerful means. Even the lowest-level magical power and treasure technique is more than several times stronger than the same-level spells, and even several times stronger than the cultivator's innate spells.

Moreover, the magical power is not as restricted as the powerful innate magic. Any cultivator can use the magical power, but it is more difficult to comprehend the magical power.

The difficulty of comprehending the middle-level magical power "Dragon Yang True Fire" of alchemy is not low, and the requirements are more stringent than the cultivation method of general magical power.

This method not only requires the practitioner's Yuan Yang to be still there, but also requires an alchemist who has been practicing alchemy for many years to be able to refine it.

Although Ling Yunhong is already 147 or 148 years old, his Yuan Yang has never been broken.

He is also an old second-level upper-grade alchemist with good comprehension. Previously, he had a breath of Yin and Yang Taichu Qi to change his qualifications, and his comprehension was enhanced again. Only in just half a year did he comprehend this powerful magical power.

Of course, Ling Yunhong also had a "Daoist partner" in his early years.

But his Taoist partner had not yet had a real marriage with him, and when he was practicing with him, he died in the mouth of a Qi training monster.

Afterwards, although Ling Yunhong avenged his wife's bloody death, his wife could never come back.

As for the fact that Master Canglan gave Ling Yunhong this precious magical power, it was also because he considered that this treasure was born for alchemy. Once used, it would greatly increase the success rate and quality of alchemy.

Master Canglan also wanted to cultivate Ling Yunhong, a well-lucky alchemist, into the third level, so he gave Ling Yunhong this method and the alchemy inheritance.

"I didn't expect that the pure Yang fire mastered by Grandpa Yunhong would be so strong."

"Judging from the power of the pure Yang furnace now, it's probably not more than a hundred breaths before the evil spirit in the poisonous blood flying sword will be melted away by the furnace and turned into a sword embryo with very low power."

"We will definitely win this battle, hahaha!"

Ling Pengyun laughed heartily.

The Poisonous Blood Old Demon only has two third-level middle-grade magic treasures on his body, one for attack and one for defense. The Poisonous Blood Flying Sword is the strongest magic treasure on the Poisonous Blood Old Demon. Once this treasure is gone, the Poisonous Blood Old Demon will be like A toothless tiger.

At the side, Master Baoyuan and Master Wan Beast, who were not familiar with Ling Yunhong, also noticed the extraordinary real fire produced by Ling Yunhong at this moment, and a look of fear appeared on their faces.

Although they are allies with Ling Yunhong and Ling Pengyun now, after this battle is settled, everything is still unknown.

If the guarantee is not complete, one day, the Ling family will have a conflict with them.

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