Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 514 The pain of burning the hundred-year-old soul and the division of interests of the Demon

Ling Pengyun laughed grimly. At this moment, he remembered the faces of the tribesmen who had died tragically during the Little Demon Rebellion.

"Grandpa Yunfu, Aunt Yunhan, Grandpa Yunan, Grandpa Yunhui... Aunt Xiaoying, Uncle Zhuwen, your great revenge has finally been avenged...!"

For a moment, he didn't know whether to be happy or sad.

Although the revenge was avenged...

But...the gone!

A sense of sadness emerged in his heart.

It took a long time for him to come back to his senses.

He raised his hand and waved, directly offering the magic lamp next to him that was spewing countless burning essence true fire.

This magic lamp quickly flew to the residual soul of the poisonous blood demon and rolled it into the magic lamp.

Countless burning essences immediately swept over the residual soul, burning it so that the residual soul screamed continuously.

If the soul is damaged, the Burning Yuan Magic Lamp, a magical weapon that is closely related to the soul, will also transfer the power of the soul to the remnant soul to keep it alive.

On the side, the poisonous blood flying sword was no longer controlled because the old demon died, and Ling Yunhong also broke away. He held the poisonous blood flying sword and looked at the "old demon remnant soul" burned by the fire in the Burning Yuan Magic Lamp with a look of relief, and laughed.


"Pengyun, that's it, refine the poisonous blood old demon to death."

At this point, he glanced at Bao Yuan Zhenren and Wan Shou Zhenren, who were also in the early stage of Jindan, and then turned his eyes and looked at the remnant soul of the old demon again, and said something meaningful.

"Dare to touch my Ling family's people, don't think about it!"

Only Bao Yuan Zhenren and Wan Shou Zhenren, who were in the early stage of Jindan, heard it, and their expressions became a little weird.

How could they not hear the hidden meaning of the Ling clan leader's words?

Bao Yuan Zhenren was not afraid of Ling clan because he had the powerful Bai Ling Sect behind him, and the sect behind him had a close relationship with Ling clan, so he quickly adjusted his mentality.

But Wan Shou Zhenren, who was not very powerful, could not help but recall the powerful fighting power of Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong just now, and the superior third-grade high-quality spiritual talisman that Ling Yunhong had cast, which was comparable to the full-strength attack of a ninth-level Jindan cultivator.

He shuddered and immediately made up his mind that it would be best not to make enemies with Ling clan in the future.

After all, his Wan Shou Sect, like Ling clan, only had two early Jindan fighting forces, and they did not have such treasures as the superior third-grade high-quality spiritual talisman.

He was one of them, and the other Jindan fighting force was the sect's guardian spirit beast "Golden Wing Dapeng".

The Golden Winged Dapeng was seriously injured in the battle with the Poison Blood Demon and the two Purple Spirit Jade Scorpions some time ago, and his roots were damaged.

In order to let the beast recover as soon as possible, Master Wanshou arranged it back to the Wanshou Sect’s residence. With the help of the rich spiritual energy of the third-level spiritual veins in the residence, it can recover much faster.

Just as Master Wanshou was distracted, the clan leader Ling Yunhong looked at the three storage bags with spiritual light flashing in the pile of the old demon’s meat on the ground, and his eyes flashed.

Then, he said to Master Baoyuan and Master Wanshou.

"My two Taoist friends, this demon is dead now, and the Poison Blood Demon Sect behind him will also be defeated. It's time for us to divide the benefits."

"Just now, I used a secret method to trap the most powerful attack of this demon, the Poison Blood Flying Sword. Then, I used a valuable third-grade upper-grade spiritual talisman to destroy the old demon's strongest defense, the Poison Blood Shield."

"Pengyun also trapped the Poison Blood Old Demon with the Five Elements Return to Origin Formation, making it difficult for the old demon to escape, which prompted us to work together to kill the old demon."

"Therefore, my Ling family wants 70% of the benefits of this old demon and the Poison Blood Demon Sect behind him."

"Of course, the demon sect has occupied the spiritual veins within the sect territory where fellow Taoist Wanshou is in recent years. Our clan will not touch them at all."

The melancholy Ling Pengyun also came back to his senses at this moment. His expression condensed, and he took back all the magic weapons he had played beside him, soaring to Ling Yunhong's side, staring at Baoyuan and Wanshou with a bit of vigilance between his eyebrows.

Ling Yunhong was the same.

Just now, although they were allies with Bao Yuan and Wan Shou Zhenren, it was extremely dangerous to divide the benefits now.

After all, if one person could be reduced, the remaining people could get more benefits.

As for how to reduce the number of people, it was very simple.

However, Zhenren Bao Yuan and Zhenren Wan Shou did not have this idea. They had seen the strength of Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong just now. They did not dare to provoke Ling Yunhong and Ling Pengyun.

After all, their strength was only in the early stage of Jindan. Who knew if Ling family still had the powerful third-level upper-grade spiritual talisman.

Zhenren Bao Yuan, a Jindan level 1 cultivator from Bailing Sect, hesitated for half a breath, and considering that the two Jindan of Ling family had indeed contributed a lot this time, he also spoke out.

"The remaining 30% of the benefits of the Poison Blood Demon Sect, my Bailing Sect wants all of them. I don't want those spiritual veins of your sect, and I will return them to your sect."

When Zhenren Wan Shou heard this, his face suddenly turned black.

"Patriarch Ling, Fellow Daoist Baoyuan, our sect has suffered heavy losses due to the Poison Blood Demon Sect over the years. At least millions of mortals have died, and at least nearly 10,000 cultivators have died. The foundation-building and Qi-training families have suffered even more casualties."

"Earlier, our sect's magic weapon, the nine golden-horned arrows, was severely damaged because it prevented the Poison Blood Demon and the other two purple spirit jade scorpions from escaping."

"Under such circumstances, it is unreasonable that our sect has no benefit from the Poison Blood Demon Sect."

Ling Yunhong did not care about this, but smiled slightly.

"Fellow Daoist Wanshou, you have forgotten the monsters that attacked your sect's Purple Scorpion Ridge in recent years."

"If nothing unexpected happens, the two Jindan-level scorpion monsters in Purple Scorpion Ridge are now in danger and died at the hands of Senior Bailing."

"In this case, wouldn't the Purple Scorpion Ridge territory adjacent to your sect's territory be in your pocket?"

"If fellow Daoist Wanshou is unwilling to give up the interests of the Poison Blood Demon Sect, my Ling family doesn't mind snatching some spiritual veins from the Purple Scorpion Ridge territory."

The main reason why the Ling family doesn't want the spiritual veins in the Purple Scorpion Ridge territory is that the Ling family did not take action against the two Jindan-level purple spirit scorpion kings.

If the Ling family wants to get involved in the spiritual veins in the Purple Scorpion Ridge territory for no reason and without any merit, it will definitely affect the interests of the Bailing Sect and make enemies with its "ally" Bailing Sect.

The eyes of Bao Yuan Zhenren on the side lit up and he also echoed at this moment. "If my master can really kill the two golden elixir scorpion monsters in the Purple Scorpion Ridge, my sect will take 30% of the first- and second-level spiritual veins in the Purple Scorpion Ridge."

"The only third-level spiritual vein in the Purple Scorpion Ridge, my sect will also take it."

"The remaining 70% of the first- and second-level spiritual veins in that area are numerous, not a small number. I estimate that there are at least 1,400 of them. If this number of spiritual veins is well managed, it will be enough to bring hundreds of thousands of spiritual stones to your sect every year."

"In the long run, your sect will not gain less benefits. These spiritual veins will be used to make up for the losses caused by the Poison Blood Demon Sect and the monsters in the Purple Scorpion Ridge in recent years."

At this point, Master Baoyuan paused and said domineeringly.

"If you still have any objections to our sect and the Ling family's proposal..., your sect will not be able to get... even one of the spiritual veins in the Purple Scorpion Ridge."

When Wanshou Zhenren heard this threat, he was immediately filled with anger, and even wanted to kill Baoyuan Zhenren, who was only at the first level of the Golden Core.

But when he thought that Baoyuan Zhenren had the support of the "Bailing Sect" with four Golden Cores, his anger suddenly disappeared.

Bailing Sect is not something that Wanshou Sect can afford to provoke now. If Wanshou Sect and Bailing Sect really start fighting.

It is likely that in less than half a month, Bailing Sect will be able to attack the gate of Wanshou Sect.

The only outcome waiting for Wanshou Sect is to be trampled and destroyed.

A feeling of frustration also arose, and he sighed silently.

His eyes darkened, and he lowered his head and replied in a deep voice.

"Then do as the two Taoists say."

Ling Yunhong, Ling Pengyun, and Baoyuan Zhenren smiled a little more.

Then, Ling Yunhong landed on the ground, found the three storage bags on the broken meat of the old demon on the ground, handed one of them to Baoyuan Zhenren, and suggested.

"Fellow Daoist Baoyuan, Pengyun, now that the old Poison Blood Demon has been killed by us, there is no more Jindan stationed in the Poison Blood Demon Sect's base. How about erasing the spiritual imprints in these three storage bags and opening them later? We will go to capture the mountain gate of the Poison Blood Demon Sect first?"

"In this way, it can also prevent the demon cultivators who stayed in the Poison Blood Demon Sect from getting the news, causing them to take away the spiritual objects of the Demon Sect."

Ling Pengyun naturally had no objection and expressed his agreement. "Grandpa, I agree with this."

Baoyuan Zhenren on the side also agreed with this idea and nodded in agreement. "Clan leader Ling's suggestion is good, let's do it this way."

After speaking, he looked at Wanshou Zhenren who was thinking about something with his head down and greeted him.

"Fellow Daoist Wanshou, I and two Daoist friends of the Ling family are going to attack the Poison Blood Demon Sect's base. I hope you can help inform my master."

This was to bring out the late Jindan Realm Bailing to warn Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong, so that when they attack the Poison Blood Demon Sect, the two Jindan of the Ling family will not attack him for profit.

Tiansheng Realm Wanshou said nothing, nodded slightly, and returned in the direction they came from.

Tiansheng Realm Baoyuan also took out the third-level middle-grade Bailing flying boat again, called Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong to come up, and then turned into a beam of light and rushed to the Poison Blood Demon Sect's base.

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