Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 515 The clan leader obtains a magic weapon prototype sword embryo (3000 words, please subscr

The mountain gate of the Poisonous Blood Demon Sect is located between the original boundaries of the Three States of the Ten Thousand Beast Sect and the boundary of the Purple Scorpion Ridge, a barren land that stretches for hundreds of thousands of miles.

There are only a handful of spiritual veins in this desolate land, and you can count them clearly with both hands.

However, a few years ago, the Poisonous Blood Demon found a high-level spiritual vein at the peak of the second-level high-grade realm by chance in a valley in this desolate land.

That spiritual vein is only one step away from the third level. It is completely enough to support the training of righteous monks in the Golden Core Realm, which is rare even in the entire Yan Kingdom.

The Poisonous Blood Demon also valued this spiritual vein, so he took possession of it, and sacrificed nearly a million mortals with blood. Relying on the secret method, he turned the spiritual vein into a demonic vein that could produce "demon energy".

Following that, he established the Golden Core Demon Sect and the Poison Blood Demon Sect based on that demonic vein, and gathered demon cultivators from the entire Yan Kingdom as disciples.

Several years have passed, and the demonic aura of the Demonic Valley where the Poisonous Blood Demonic Sect is located has become even more intense.

Moreover, there is a very wide range of dark clouds that linger all day long above the Demon Gate Valley, making the area around the Demon Valley nearly a hundred miles dark and hazy.

At this time, a white escaping light flew into this land.

This escaping light was transformed by the "Hundred Yuan Flying Boat" in the hands of Master Baoyuan.

Ling Pengyun, who was riding the flying boat, saw the scenery here and stared at the Demon Valley a hundred miles away. His eyes were slightly startled and he said with a hint of fear.

"I didn't expect that in just a few years, the demon veins in this Demon Valley would be upgraded to the third level!"

"If we give the poisonous blood old demon one or two years, I'm afraid the demon veins in the Demon Valley will truly enter the third level!"

"Fortunately, I killed the old devil in advance and eliminated this trouble. Otherwise, our country, Yan, will have endless troubles."

The third-level demonic vein is of great help to a demonic cultivator, and the demonic cultivator can practice on that demonic vein at a speed that is several hundred percent faster.

This is like divine help for a demon cultivator whose cultivation level has improved rapidly.

"Who says otherwise? The reason why the Demon Sect has developed to this extent is not because of the cowardice and incompetence of the Wan Beast Master."

"If the purple spirit scorpion demon in the early stage of the golden elixir in the Purple Scorpion Ridge had crossed the golden elixir realm, Master Wan Beasts had been more courageous and not afraid of losing his sect's sect-controlling magic weapon, the Golden Horned Arrow. He could have completely stopped that scorpion The demon enters the golden elixir.”

"In this way, it would be impossible for the two golden scorpion demons in the Purple Scorpion Ridge to lead hundreds of thousands of monsters to invade the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect decades ago, causing this land to become chaotic. , allowing the poisonous blood demon sect with a weak foundation to take advantage of it."

"If you ask me, you two fellow Taoists just now definitely want some spiritual veins from the world of Purple Scorpion Ridge. With the urine of the Ten Thousand Beasts Master, you don't dare to have any objections."

The first-level golden elixir master Baoyuan, who was the imperial envoy of the flying boat, spoke with a hint of joking.

Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong, who were riding in the flying boat, heard this and smiled but did not speak.

There are only so many people in the Ling family, and they can't manage the more than two thousand spiritual veins in Lingxiao Qianxing Lake. Even if they want to come to the spiritual veins in the Purple Scorpion Ridge, the Ling family will have trouble managing them at all.

On the contrary, it will really provoke the powerful Ten Thousand Beast Sect.

At this moment, the breath of a third-order formation suddenly came from the extremely vast Demon Valley filled with attics a hundred miles away.

Then a huge black light curtain rose up in the Demon Valley, covering the entire Demon Valley.

Immediately afterwards, a huge sound came from it.

"This is within the territory of our poisonous blood demon sect. The three seniors please stay away quickly."

"If the three seniors continue to approach, the poisonous blood ancestor of our sect will definitely find the three of them afterwards."

Upon hearing this, Ling Pengyun and the others immediately saw nearly ten thousand demon cultivators standing at the entrance of the Demon Valley a hundred miles away.

Although there are many demon cultivators, their cultivation level is not high.

Among them, there are at least 9,000 demon cultivators who are only at the beginning and middle stages of Qi training.

The total number of demon cultivators who have reached the late stage of Qi training and foundation building stage is only close to a thousand at most.

Obviously, the Poison Blood Ancestor has already brought the elites of the Poison Blood Demon Sect to attack Yushanfang City of the Ten Thousand Beast Sect.

Nowadays, the demon cultivators staying in this Demon Valley are all relatively weak members of the Demon Sect.

"The old demon has been dead for several hours. It's strange that the demon cultivators left behind in the demon sect haven't escaped yet!"

Ling Pengyun muttered secretly.

At this moment, Baoyuan Zhenren, who was flying in a flying boat and was a bit "arrogant", also used the sound-enhancing technique to sneer at the Foundation Establishment Perfection Demon Cultivator who had just issued a warning among the tens of thousands of demon cultivators at the entrance of the Demon Valley.

"The ancestor of your sect has been buried. I don't know how you, a mere monastic scum at the foundation-building perfection stage, dare to threaten me?"

After saying that, he accelerated the speed of the Bailing Flying Boat under his feet.

The expression of the old demon cultivator who had completed his foundation building inside the Demon Gate Mountain Gate suddenly changed drastically when he heard what "Master Baoyuan" said.

Next to him, a middle-aged ninth-level foundation-building demon cultivator with a sinister look looked panicked. He quickly stepped forward and asked the old foundation-building perfect demon cultivator.

"Great Elder, is what the Master Baoyuan who came here said is true?"

The other demon cultivators present who were in the late stages of foundation building were also like this, and they all started asking.

The old "Great Elder" of the Foundation-Building Perfection Demon Sect suddenly got a headache when he heard the questions, and said helplessly with a wry smile on his face.

"I don't know. Although I am the Great Elder of the Demon Sect, I am not the direct descendant of the Sect Master, nor am I a member of the Poison Blood Demon Sect, which is the prototype of the Demon Sect. I am only the leader of the Demon Sect of the Ten Thousand Beast Sect. I was recruited by the Sect Master in recent years. Because of my perfect foundation, I was arranged by the Sect Master to be the Great Elder of the Demon Sect."

"In fact, the Sect Master doesn't trust me at all."

"That's why the Sect Master didn't leave any spiritual objects such as life cards in the sect."

Life cards can show the life and death of cultivators. Generally, they have the spiritual consciousness of cultivators. If such spiritual objects are found by people with intentions, they can use the spiritual consciousness in such spiritual objects to perform secret methods to find the person who sacrificed the life card, and then ambush and kill him.

That's why the Poison Blood Ancestor didn't leave any life cards.

In addition, the Poison Blood Ancestor actually has no direct descendants in the entire Poison Blood Demon Sect. The Poison Blood Demon has always been alone, and has not married or accepted any disciples.

The members of the Poison Blood Demon Sect, the prototype of the Demon Sect, were wiped out by the Bailing Sect, leaving only a few people.

The reason why the Poison Blood Ancestor summoned the demon cultivators of the entire Yan State to form the Demon Sect was that he thought it would be easier to seize territory and search for monsters with a group of subordinates.

The Demon Sect leaders who were in the late stage of foundation building heard what the elder said, and with the fierce momentum of Bao Yuan Zhenren and others, they probably guessed the end of the ancestor, and a look of despair suddenly appeared on their faces.

But before they could think more, Ling Pengyun and others had already driven the Bailing flying boat to the vicinity of the Demon Valley.

Although the nearly 10,000 demon cultivators in the Demon Valley had roughly guessed their own end, they did not sit and wait for death. At the signal of the Demon Sect elder who was in the perfect stage of foundation building, they all launched their own attack methods.

In an instant, tens of thousands of attacks came from the Demon Valley.

And the third-level magic formation protecting the Demon Valley also shook slightly at this moment.

A poisonous blood flying sword at the prototype level of a magic weapon suddenly emerged from the formation. This poisonous blood flying sword absorbed countless magic powers from the formation, and a huge sword light of nearly thirty feet burst out from the tip of the sword, and also killed Ling Pengyun and others.

"You jumping clown, dare to make trouble in front of me!"

The clan leader Ling Yunhong, who regarded the poisonous blood demon sect as an enemy, looked at the attack from the Demon Valley and snorted coldly.

He raised his hand and waved, and directly performed the magical treasure technique "Dragon Yang True Fire", transforming into a fire dragon of fifty feet.

This fire dragon roared to the sky, and the power of the scorching sun shot down from the sky was madly integrated into its body, which increased the power of this dragon by 30%, helping its size to surge to sixty-five feet.

Then, this fire dragon spewed out countless dragon yang true fires at the thousands of attacks from the Demon Valley, burning those attacks one by one.

Only the poisonous blood flying sword, a weapon of the third-level formation in the Demon Valley, survived because its quality reached the level of a prototype of a magic weapon.

However, the strong demonic energy on the sword was also reduced a lot under the burning of the Longyang True Fire.

Afterwards, the demon sword was swallowed by the huge Longyang Fire Dragon. In just ten breaths, the demonic energy in its body was completely quenched.

The demon sword, which was a prototype of a magic weapon, also became a sword embryo that was about to fall to the level of a magic weapon.

Seeing this, Ling Yunhong's eyes flashed and he immediately picked it up.

Although the grade of the sword embryo was about to fall to the level of a prototype of a magic weapon, a lot of third-level low-grade metallic spirit iron was melted in this sword embryo, and its power was not bad.

It just so happened that he didn't have a magic weapon or a prototype of a magic weapon now. With the help of this thing, he could increase his combat power in the future.

Thinking back, Ling Yunhong raised his hand and blasted the pure Yang fire dragon directly onto the third-level formation in the Demon Valley, causing a huge roar.

Then, the fire dragon scattered and turned into countless true fires that spread onto this third-level magic formation, turning into a huge dragon-yang furnace, constantly burning this magic formation.

Ling Pengyun and Bao Yuan Zhenren also launched attacks at this moment, blasting the magic formation.

Although the grade of the magic formation was as high as the third-level lower level, this formation was crudely refined and was also made through human blood sacrifice, not by a third-level formation master, so its power was weaker.

There was only one second-level upper-grade peak magic vein in the place where the Demon Valley was located, which could not provide much magic energy to maintain the opening of this third-level magic formation.

Not to mention the tens of thousands of magic cultivators stationed in the Demon Valley, who were suppressed by Ling Yunhong's pure Yang true fire and posed no threat to Ling Pengyun and others at all.

In just half a day, the third-level magic array set up on the Demon Valley was blasted to pieces by everyone.

Ling Pengyun and the other two also flew into the Demon Valley and slaughtered the tens of thousands of demon cultivators in the Demon Valley.

When all the demon cultivators were dead, a bloody smell was floating in the entire Demon Valley.

The entrance and exit of the Demon Valley were filled with piles of corpses.

However, even so, the clan leader Ling Yunhong was still not satisfied, and specially asked Ling Pengyun to use the Burning Yuan Magic Lamp to absorb all the souls of the tens of thousands of demon cultivators and turn them into nutrients for the Burning Yuan Magic Lamp.

Although the Burning Yuan Magic Lamp was modified by Ling Pengyun into a righteous magic weapon, this magic weapon still has the effect of a magic weapon and can also enhance its power through the souls of the human race.

The demon cultivators are the public enemies of the entire human race. Ling Pengyun's absorption of the souls of these demon cultivators is naturally not a big crime. Instead, he was praised by the Baoyuan Zhenren on the spot as a person who hates evil as much as he hates it.

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