Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 519 Corpse Control Manual Quasi-Clan Master Bao Yuan Zhenren (2300 words, please subscribe)

As the battle subsided, a ray of light also slid across the sky, falling from the sky next to the orb that hit the ground.

The escaping figure also appeared, it was Ling Pengyun who came from Yushanfang City.

He looked at the two iron corpses and the dark fire corpse that were the only survivors under the heavy Yuan Baozhu with great interest, and said secretly.

"These three demon corpses are quite interesting. From this point of view, the Corpse Exorcism Book that I found in the Demon Sect Kung Fu Pavilion is worthy of my improvement."

In the Kung Fu Pavilion of the Poisonous Blood Demon Sect, there are gathered the Kung Fu inheritance of various demon sects throughout the Yan Kingdom.

The Corpse Exorcist Book is one of them. When Ling Pengyun took away the Kung Fu Pavilion, he also collected it into the storage bag.

This skill is a demonic skill that can be practiced to the early stage of the golden elixir. Its main content is to drive demon corpses to fight against the enemy. It also records many secret techniques for driving demon corpses, as well as refining various kinds of magic. The secret technique of the demon corpse and so on.

It records the method of refining the iron corpse and the dark fire corpse.

However, this technique is relatively insidious and can only be refined into a demonic corpse using the body of a monk.

Monks have high spiritual intelligence. Using the body of a monk to refine a demonic corpse that can only kill can make it easier for the demonic corpse to produce spiritual intelligence. This can also greatly improve the demonic corpse's reaction ability in battle, etc., and indirectly enhance the combat ability. force.

Controlling the masters of demon corpses can also reduce the amount of spiritual consciousness injected into their bodies to control their fighting.

On the other hand, although the monster's body is strong, it is more suitable for refining the demon corpse than the monk's corpse.

But the monster's intelligence is not very high, and it is even more dull-witted after being sacrificed and transformed into a demon corpse. Once it fights, even a monk who is weaker than the next level can play with it in the palm of his hand.

Only the master of the demon corpse can maintain its normal combat power by channeling the extremely huge power of divine consciousness into the demon corpse.

But in this case, the Lord of the Demonic Corpse will also have his combat power greatly reduced due to distraction.

It is precisely for this reason that demonic cultivators in the field of corpse control generally do not specialize in the art of controlling demonic beasts into demonic corpses. In the Corpse Controlling Book, there is no record of using demonic beasts as materials to sacrifice and refine demonic corpses. normal.

Under normal circumstances, only those who are strong in the corpse path of the Golden Core Realm or even the Nascent Soul Realm can use monsters as materials to sacrifice and refine demonic corpses.

After all, after the monsters enter the golden elixir and Yuanying, their spiritual intelligence will be greatly expanded, just like that of monks. If such powerful monsters are sacrificed and refined into demon corpses, they will also retain a trace of fighting wisdom and have good strength.

Ling Pengyun's improvement of this sect's manual was naturally intended to resolve the problem of using the bodies of low-level demon beasts as materials to sacrifice and refine demon corpses with low intelligence, and to create a more complete corpse control technique.

Using the bodies of monks as materials to sacrifice and refine demonic corpses is actually an act of demonic cultivation. If word spread, it will not be good for the Ling family's reputation.

The Ling clan has a weak foundation and few secret arts. Ling Pengyun can only use this method to improve the combat power of his clan members.

Yan Siyi and others who were surviving the disaster on the side also had happy faces at this moment. They came up to greet Ling Pengyun and called him one after another.

Then, Yan Siyi asked curiously.

"Husband, why are you here? Didn't you and Grandpa Yun Hong chase the old demon from the Poisonous Blood Demon Sect earlier?"

Ling Pengyun waved his hand and put the huge blue sea heavy yuan orb back into the golden elixir, and placed some restrictions on the three foundation-building perfection iron corpses and the dark fire corpse that still had a trace of life, and put them into the storage bag , then said lightly.

"That old demon has been killed by us, and the blood demon sect is poisoned by the unparalleled power of the golden elixir in the world."

Upon hearing this, the members of Ling Wanduo's generation who were present felt even more joyful.

Although they were young, they had not yet entered the mountain gate during the Little Demon Rebellion.

But the moment they entered the Ling clan's academy, they learned from their elders that if the clan elders who had been stationed in the clan during the Little Demon Rebellion had not desperately defended the original clan mountain, Lingxiao Mountain, otherwise the entire Ling clan's mortals would have At that time, I am afraid that they will all be slaughtered by the demon cultivators to use their blood as a sacrifice to the demon treasure.

Over the years, they have been taught by their families, and they, who were ordinary people, are also very grateful for the actions of the ancestors of the Ling family back then.

If it hadn't been for the desperate efforts of those ancestors, these younger members of the clan with ordinary backgrounds would have been killed by the demon cultivators at that time. How could they have become monks and enter the world of immortality like they are today.

Under such circumstances, they also deeply resented the original leader of the Little Demon Rebellion, the Poisonous Old Demon.

Now that the old devil was killed, they were naturally happy.

"It's too dangerous for you to kill the demon cultivators alone. Come on the Flying Boat and join me in chasing down the remnants of the demon sect!"

After saying that, Ling Pengyun took out the medium-sized Lingxiao flying boat from the storage bag, jumped on it, and followed the guidance of Yan Siyi and others to follow the traces of the remaining demon cultivators.

at the same time.

On top of the huge Dragon Abyss Flying Boat plywood at Bailing Gate.

Master Baoyuan told the master "Master Bailing" about the discovery of the inheritance of a Yuanying in detail.

After hearing this, Master Bailing was overjoyed.

"Although the old poisonous blood devil had great opportunities, his blessings were not strong enough. In the end, he was passed on to our sect and became a stepping stone for our sect!"

"With this inheritance, our sect has some hope of becoming a Nascent Soul force, hahaha!"

Seeing the appearance of Master Bai Ling, Master Baoyuan weakly told another story about how he and Ling had searched for a top-notch magic weapon called "The Art of Fire Wolf Swallowing the Moon", but because of killing the old poison-blooded demon by himself, When the meritorious service was not great, it was difficult to obtain the magical treasure. It was necessary to give three additional golden elixirs and a third-level low-grade weapon refining inheritance to exchange for it.

The smile on the face of Master Bai Ling suddenly froze, and he became furious.

"Didn't I give you ten third-level low-grade talismans?"

"With the power of those ten third-level low-grade treasure talismans, even the poisonous blood demon dare not underestimate them, how can it not be effective!"

"Are you reluctant to use them again?"

After roaring, he saw his disciple Bao Yuan Zhenren lowering his head, and he was sure of it.

At this time, he really didn't know whether he should continue to scold this disciple, or be happy to have such a good disciple who knows how to save money.

"I really don't know what to do with you, kid."

"It is basically confirmed that the Ling family has a third-grade top-grade talisman maker from the Wubianhai area as a backer."

"And judging from the actions of the third-grade top-grade talisman maker who helped Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong of the Ling family to break through the golden elixir, the talisman maker probably values ​​the Ling family very much."

"We can't afford to offend the Ling family now, and there is no hope of robbing the magic treasure."

"We can only do it according to the requirements of the Ling family."

After saying this helplessly, Baiyuan Zhenren said angrily.

"Your reluctance to do this directly caused the sect to lose more than one million spirit stones, which is really good."

"If you haven't entered the second level of the golden elixir within ten years, get out of the sect."

Seeing the look of the master, Baoyuan Zhenren's heart trembled, and he nodded in agreement.

"Go and kill the demon cultivators. Don't come back until you have found a thousand corpses of demon cultivators."

Bai Ling Zhenren sent him away angrily.

After hearing this, Zhenren Bao Yuan, who felt guilty about the sect, did not dare to stay any longer and left the Longyuan flying boat in a hurry.

But Zhenren Bai Ling was lost in thought as he looked at Zhenren Bao Yuan's back.

"Although this child was stingy this time and missed a big thing, with this child's thrifty nature, he is suitable to be the sect leader who sorts out the sect's internal affairs."

"If more than a hundred years later, I rely on the Nascent Soul inheritance obtained by this child this time, and do not enter the Nascent Soul realm, and pass away, the position of the sect leader can be handed over to this child."

Although he still has Zhenren Bai Yuan, who is good at managing the affairs of the sect, under his command, Zhenren Bai Yuan is only in the realm of fake Dan and is not strong, and it is difficult to deter the villains, so he is not suitable to be the sect leader.

On the other hand, although Master Baoyuan's current cultivation is low, he is also not very old, only over 130 years old, and he has formed a middle-level golden elixir, so he has a chance to break through to the late stage of the golden elixir.

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