Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 520: The Fury of the Yuanying Demon Emperor and the Chaos in Yan State (2000 words, please s

In the following month, after the encirclement and suppression by the three major Jindan forces of Ling family, Bailingmen and Wanshouzong, more than 9,800 remnants of the demon sect were eliminated.

However, according to statistics, at least hundreds of remnants of demon cultivators escaped the pursuit.

It’s just that the hundreds of remnants of demon cultivators are difficult to track down and their whereabouts are unknown.

Even if Ling Pengyun and other Jindan searched the entire Yan State, it was difficult to find their whereabouts.

According to the speculation of Ling Pengyun and other Jindan, the hundreds of remnants of demon cultivators who successfully escaped probably ran directly out of Yan State.

Since then, Yan State has become a rare country of immortal cultivation without any demon cultivators.

Not long after this incident, another huge news came out, that is, Bailingmen found a medium-sized second-grade upper-grade "Gold Star Spirit Iron" ore vein of extraordinary value in the territory of Zixie Ridge.

Such ore veins can already produce third-grade precious iron.

It's just a pity that this mineral vein has long been discovered by the monsters in the Purple Scorpion Ridge. The third-level precious iron in it has also been excavated by the two "Purple Scorpion Demon Kings" in the Jindan Realm, the overlords of this land, to forge their own magic weapons.

This matter is not a loss for Bailingmen.

After all, the two demon kings were killed by Bailing Zhenren, and the magic weapons forged by the two demon kings with the third-level golden star precious iron also fell into the hands of Bailingmen.


After a few days or so, the boundless vast marsh also learned that the Purple Scorpion Ridge was occupied by human cultivators.

This incident angered the several Yuanying Realm demon kings in the vast marsh.

First, the Bailingmen territory occupied the Jiaomang Lake territory, then the vast Baiyun Mountains, and now there is another Purple Scorpion Ridge territory.

If it is not stopped, the strength of the Yan Kingdom's cultivation world will also increase greatly.

In order to solve this problem, the Yuanying demon kings in the vast lake directly mobilized the "Ice and Snow White Lion" clan, which had four early Jindan, two middle Jindan, and one late Jindan, in the depths of the boundless vast lake to lead millions of demon beasts to attack the Zixie Ridge occupied by Bailingmen and Wanshou Sect.

Although Bailingmen and Wanshou Sect had long been prepared for the counterattack of demon beasts and transferred all the spare Jindan combat forces of the sect to this territory, they did not expect that the demon clan's counterattack was so strong even though they did not touch the third-level spiritual vein in the Zishou Ridge.

This intensity was more than double the scale of the demon beast riot that occupied the third-level spiritual vein in Jiaomang Lake during the non-beast tide, which was beyond the expectations of Bailingmen and Wanshou Sect.

Bailingmen was easy to deal with, with Bailing Zhenren, who was in the late Jindan stage, sitting in charge, and only some Qi training and foundation building cultivators died.

However, the weaker Wanshou Sect, which did not even have the combat power of the middle Jindan stage, suffered heavy losses, and not only did it kill and injure thousands of disciples in the Qi training stage and foundation building stage.

Even the Wanshou Sect's guardian spirit beast "Golden Wing Dapeng" who was seriously injured and temporarily transferred by Wanshou Zhenren to the Purple Scorpion Ridge was also seriously injured due to its lack of strength and died at the mouth of the late Jindan lion king of the Ice and Snow White Lion Clan.

Wanshou Zhenren was also seriously injured.

The garrison of this sect in the Purple Scorpion Ridge was completely removed by the Ice and Snow White Lion Clan.

This incident also made the Wanshou Sect, which had already suffered heavy losses due to the invasion of monsters and demons in the Purple Scorpion Ridge, even worse. The number of disciples in the sect dropped from tens of thousands to more than 3,000.

Since then, the Wanshou Sect, whose power has been greatly reduced, has honestly guarded the mountain gate and the yellow sand and thick earth turtle land of the Baiyun Mountains, and no longer coveted the Purple Scorpion Ridge.

Bailing Sect was concerned about the strength of the Ice and Snow White Lion Clan and also withdrew from the territory of Purple Scorpion Ridge.

Fortunately, since then, the powerful Ice and Snow White Lion Clan has only defended the territory of Purple Scorpion Ridge and has not invaded the territory of Yan State.

However, both the Ten Thousand Beast Sect and Bailing Sect know that the powerful Ice and Snow White Lion Clan did this not because they were concerned about the strength of the Yan State human race.

Rather, they were too lazy to invade Yan State during the non-monster beast riot.

There is a tendency to seize several third-level spirit veins in Yan State in one go during the next monster beast riot.

Under this situation, the Ling family, who was preparing to refine the demon veins deep underground in the "Poison Blood Demon Valley", the original base of the Poison Blood Demon Sect, into spirit veins, temporarily gave up the idea of ​​occupying the Demon Valley.

The location of the Demon Valley is between the territory of Purple Scorpion Ridge and the territory of the Ten Thousand Beast Sect.

Once the Ice and Snow White Lion Clan who occupied the territory of Purple Scorpion Ridge wanted to invade Yan State, the Demon Valley would become the first place for the Ice and Snow White Lion to tread on.

Under such circumstances, how could the Ling family be so foolish as to cause trouble for a third-level spiritual vein preparation site.

On the other side.

Deep in the Baiyun Mountains.

The "Baiyun Spirit Fox Clan", which had been besieged by the Xuanyang Sect for decades, also received the support of the Yuanying Demon King of the Boundless Vast Lake during this period, and sent a small part of the Yuanying Demon Beast Clan "Red Gold Bear" Clan to support.

The small part of the support sent by the Red Gold Bear Clan was several times stronger than the Ice and Snow White Lion Clan. The number of Jindan Demon Kings sent by this clan to support was as many as eleven, including six Jindan Early Stage Demon Kings, three Jindan Middle Stage Demon Kings, and two Jindan Late Stage Demon Kings.

Among them, there was also a Jindan Late Stage Bear King whose cultivation reached the peak of the ninth level of Jindan and was about to enter the Jindan Perfection. He was extremely powerful. With several powerful life magic weapons, this bear was even enough to fight against the Xuanyang Sect's Jindan Perfection Sect Master.

As a result, the Xuanyang Sect, which had six Golden Cores and attacked the Baiyun Spirit Fox Clan, was defeated in a short time.

There was even a fake Dan Zhenren from Xuanyang Sect who retreated slowly, and was seized by the Jindan Perfected Baiyun Spirit Fox King of the Baiyun Spirit Fox Clan, who killed him in one fell swoop.

The 20,000 Qi Training Realm and Foundation Establishment Realm cultivators that this sect had previously summoned to attack the Spirit Fox Clan were abandoned by Xuanyang Sect and all died at the hands of the Baiyun Spirit Fox Clan and the millions of monsters led by the Red Gold Bear Clan.

The people of Xuanyang Sect, relying on the flying boats of Xuanyang Sect, successfully escaped back to the "Poison Dragon Pond", a Jindan demon clan territory that this sect had previously occupied in the Baiyun Mountains.

There was originally a Jindan poisonous dragon in this poisonous dragon pond, but it was easily killed by Xuanyang Sect decades ago, and this territory was also occupied by this sect.

Because there were not many spiritual veins in this territory, it was difficult to fill the Xuanyang Sect, so Xuanyang Sect attacked the Baiyun Spirit Fox Clan.

As for the White Cloud Spirit Fox Clan and the Red Gold Bear Clan, who received the order from a Yuanying Demon King in the boundless vast lake to drive the Yan State human forces out of the demon clan territory of the White Cloud Mountains, they also took advantage of the victory and directly attacked the "Poison Dragon Pond Territory" occupied by the "defeated" Xuanyang Sect, intending to drive the Xuanyang Sect out of the White Cloud Mountains in one fell swoop.

The Xuanyang Sect knew the strength of the White Cloud Spirit Fox Clan and the Red Gold Bear Clan through the previous battle.

Although this sect knew that it was no match for the enemy, it had previously thought that the matter of occupying the White Cloud Mountains was a foregone conclusion, and like the other Jindan forces, it moved nearly half of its mortals, as many as more than three million, to the Poison Dragon Pond Territory.

These mortals were the roots of the Xuanyang Sect, and the Xuanyang Sect did not dare to make the move of abandoning the 20,000 casual cultivators and escaping alone.

Once these mortals were completely wiped out by the monsters, the number of spiritual roots born in the Xuanyang Sect in the future would also be reduced by half.

In desperation, Xuanyang Sect could only defend the Poison Dragon Pond and seek help from the other Jindan forces of Yan State that occupied a piece of land in the Baiyun Mountains.

At the same time, they continued to use the sect's flying boats to transport the mortals in this area back to the safe hinterland of Yan State.

Thanks: Wei Feng Qingliang, Dao amp, Gu Ji-Ea, Shuyou 20211123094621406, Shuyou 2019100821807910, Shuyou 2020005040418380003, soulTOme, Shuyou 20190205022822303, Hui Ye, Tiexue Junhun's monthly tickets

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