Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 521: Bailingmen sends a big gift (3400 words, please subscribe)

At the same time.

This day was also the day of the "Relocation Banquet" held by the Ling family, the only Jindan family in Yan State.

At this time.

Under the leadership of a giant turtle, a million fish gathered around Lingyun Island and swam around Lingyun Island.

Under the reflection of the sunlight from the flames in the sky, the fish were like pieces of sparkling gems.

And in the sky of Lingyun Island, there was a huge blue cloud made entirely of spiritual power, covering the entire Lingyun Island.

This cloud dropped fine raindrops containing pure spiritual power, which dripped into the island and moistened all things on the island.

Countless birds in the vast Lingxiao Qianxing Lake were also attracted by this cloud, creating a scene of hundreds of thousands of birds gathering.

This spectacular scene amazed the visiting monks who either drove flying instruments or took wooden boats to the island to attend the relocation banquet.

At this time, a member of the Ling clan who had been waiting outside the island gate would come forward to lead the way for the monks.

Those visitors were all prepared and would give the gifts they had prepared to the Ling clan monks.

The Ling clan monks would also loudly say the gifts one by one to express their gratitude.

After a while.

Two beams of light suddenly slid across the sky from the outside world and landed on Lingyun Island.

Their figures also appeared. The visitors were the Bailing Sect Master Bailing Zhenren and his disciple Baoyuan Zhenren who had suffered a defeat in the territory of Zixie Ridge a few days ago.

These two Zhenren were of noble status and were received by Ling Pengshan, the acting clan leader of the Ling clan.

The two Zhenren made a lot of noise when they came. Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong, the two Ling clan Jindans living in Lingyun Island, noticed this and immediately flew up from the core of the island to greet them.

After a few breaths, the two met outside the Ling clan gate.

As a visitor, Bailing Zhenren also smiled. He took out a jade box from his arms and handed it to Ling Yunhong, the head of the Ling clan, and said with a smile.

"Congratulations to the nobles for successfully moving here. The nobles have officially taken root in the Baiyun Mountains."

"The territory of Tayunling occupied by my Bailing Sect in this mountain range has some borders with the territory of Qianxing Lake of the nobles. Our two forces can be neighbors again, hahaha."

"Head of the Ling clan, Fellow Daoist Ling, this is a gift from my sect."

Ling Yunhong swept the jade box with his spiritual sense and immediately found that there was a demon beast golden elixir in the jade box, which exuded the breath of the early stage of the golden elixir and had violent spiritual energy.

He was shocked and looked at Bailing Zhenren unexpectedly, and thanked him with a little curiosity.

"It's a waste of money for your sect!"

Bailing Zhenren waved his hand and said with a smile. "It's nothing to spend money on. Recently, I heard from the younger generation of the sect that the nobles are collecting the spiritual materials needed to refine the third-level cultivation pill Juyuan Dan on the market. I think that Chief Ling has some confidence in refining the third-level pill."

"I hope that the gift from our sect this time can help fellow Daoist to refine pills further."

"In this way, the Jindan cultivators of my Yan country can also get rid of their dependence on Yaowang Valley."

"At the same time, fellow Daoist can also resolve the scarcity of third-level pills in my Yan country."

"In the future, fellow Daoist will become a third-level alchemist, but don't forget my Bailing Sect."

In the past, only Yaowang Valley had the third-level alchemy inheritance in Yan State, so only Yaowang Valley had a third-level alchemy master.

At the same time, Yaowang Valley also relied on this third-level alchemy inheritance as the foundation of the sect.

Ling Yunhong didn't care that Bailing Sect knew about the alchemy, after all, the matter was not covered up.

He laughed three times and said.

"Hahaha, fellow Daoist Bailing, you are joking. Our forces have been allies for thousands of years. If we work harder, we can become third-level alchemists. As long as your sect uses the materials to make elixirs, I will do my best to make elixirs for your sect."

After hearing this, Master Bailing smiled a little more.

However, this situation surprised Ling Pengyun, who was standing next to Ling Yunhong. He was about to use his spiritual sense to explore the contents of the jade box given by Master Bailing, but at this moment, Ling Yunhong's voice came to his ears.

"Master Bailing of Bailing Sect, send me a golden elixir of the initial stage of the demon beast!"

This voice was so loud that it spread throughout Lingyun Island, and even the cultivators who were still rushing over a hundred miles away heard the news.

These visitors and Ling Pengyun were all shocked after hearing it.

Ling Pengyun immediately used his spiritual sense to scan the jade box in Ling Yunhong's hand. When he found that it did contain a golden elixir of the initial stage of the demon beast, he believed it.

You know, the golden elixir of a demon beast in the early stage of the golden elixir can be sold at a high price of at least 30,000 spiritual stones on the market.

Generally, at the "relocation" banquet or the golden elixir ceremony of such a golden elixir force, the better golden elixir forces can present something worth a thousand spiritual stones, which is already a generous gift.

And now, Bailingmen has presented such a heavy gift, which can be said to be rich and powerful.

"Please come in, fellow Taoists!"

As soon as these words were spoken, a golden light flew hurriedly from the distant sky.

The speed of this light was not slow. After a while, he landed on Lingyun Island and walked in front of Ling Pengyun and others.

This is a middle-aged cultivator wearing a Xuanyangmen Taoist robe, with sharp eyes, a sharp feeling all over his body, and a breath that has reached the first level of the golden elixir but mixed with some impurities.

This Xuanyangmen golden elixir cultivator saw that Bailing Zhenren and Baoyuan Zhenren of Bailingmen were both here, and he was a little surprised.

Looking around, he remembered that today was the day of the Ling family's relocation banquet.

If nothing had happened to Xuanyang Sect, they would probably have sent a Jindan to attend the wedding banquet today.

After all, the Ling family now has two Jindan, which is enough to attract the attention of Xuanyang Sect.

Just as he was distracted, Bailing Zhenren asked him in a mature tone.

"Jinyang boy, why did your Xuanyang Sect send you, a small fake Dan, as a gift? This is too much of a disdain for the two Taoist friends of the Ling family."

The middle-aged cultivator with sharp eyes, "Jinyang Zhenren", was extremely dissatisfied with the title of Bailing Zhenren, but he did not dare to get angry.

He was just a fake Dan Zhenren made of monster Jindan, while Bailing Zhenren was a veteran strongman of Yan State, with a cultivation level as high as the late Jindan stage.

Once the battle started, I am afraid that Bailing Zhenren could suppress him with one hand.

In addition, the sect had something to ask of Bailing Sect, so he could only bear it helplessly.

Then, he explained to the four golden elixirs in front of him, Bailing Zhenren, Baoyuan Zhenren, Ling Pengyun, and Ling Yunhong.

"Four Daoists, I am not here to give gifts, but to tell you something."

"Yesterday, when our sect was attacking the Baiyun Spirit Fox Clan, the Yuanying demon clan "Red Gold Bear Clan" in the boundless swamp suddenly sent eleven Jindan to "support" the Baiyun Spirit Fox Clan. Our sect was not prepared and could only temporarily retreat to the Poison Dragon Pond area originally occupied by our sect in the Baiyun Mountains."

"However, the Red Gold Bear Clan and the Baiyun Spirit Fox Clan pressed hard and invaded the Poison Dragon Pond area occupied by our sect."

"Now, our sect is in crisis."

"This time I came to the Ling family to ask for help from the two fellows of the Ling family."

"It just so happens that Senior Bailing of Bailing Sect and Daoist Fellow Baoyuan are also here. I will talk about this matter together. Please also support our sect."

At this point, in order to avoid the Jindan of Ling Sect and Bailing Sect not supporting, Jin Yang Zhenren spoke with a hint of threat.

"If the four Daoists do not support us, given the momentum of the Red Gold Bear Clan and the White Cloud Fox Clan, I am afraid that the Poison Dragon Pond occupied by our sect will be captured, and it will be your turn to face the counterattack of the monster beasts in the area occupied by the White Cloud Mountains."

"Think carefully about the seriousness of this matter."

The expressions of Ling Pengyun and the other four Jindan suddenly changed when they heard this.

They have heard of the reputation of the Red Gold Bear Clan, which has a Yuanying Demon King in charge.

Even in the entire Northern Wilderness Cultivation World, the strength of the Red Gold Bear Clan is well-known.

"I thought this situation would only occur in the next beast tide, but I didn't expect that the demons in the boundless vast lake responded so quickly and sent out 11 golden cores from the red gold bear clan."

"It seems that the Yuanying demon kings in the boundless vast lake are indeed as Jin Yang Zhenren said, and they are going to drive us Yan cultivators out of the Baiyun Mountains in one fell swoop!"

If it was just to protect the Baiyun Spirit Fox clan, the demon kings in the boundless vast lake would only send three or four demon kings, and naturally would not send so many golden core demon kings like now.

Thinking of this, Ling Pengyun suddenly had a headache.

If the Ling family faced the siege of the powerful red gold bear clan and the Baiyun Spirit Fox clan, there would be no possibility of survival.

If he was alone, it would be fine, and he could directly withdraw from the Baiyun Mountains to avoid this crisis.

But he, like the other Jindan forces of Yan State, thought that the capture of Baiyun Mountain Range was a sure thing, so he moved nearly half of the mortals in the clan to live in Lingxiao Qianxing Lake.

The number of nearly half of the mortals was extremely large. After several years of reproduction, the number of mortals in Lingxiao Qianxing Lake was nearly 300,000.

It would take at least half a year for such a number of mortals to withdraw to Huaishui County in the territory of Bailingmen.

This was still under the circumstance of relying on the huge Longyuan flying boat of Bailingmen. If it relied on the flying boat group of Ling family alone, it would probably take at least two years.

In the current situation, such a long evacuation time is enough to be fatal.

Ling Pengyun was reluctant to give up these mortals and take the Ling family cultivators with him. These mortals were not only the bloodline of the Ling family, but also brought nearly ten cultivators to the Ling family every year, which was the foundation of the Ling family.

Not to mention, the Lingxiao Qianxing Lake area occupied by him and his family can bring in a huge income of nearly 100,000 spiritual stones every year.

No matter from which aspect, the only choice facing the Ling family now is to support Xuanyangmen, use the Poison Dragon Pond area as a line of defense to resist the counterattack of the demon clan, and defend that area.

In this way, the Ling family can avoid facing the counterattack of the demon clan alone in the future.

This principle is naturally understood by the clan leader Ling Yunhong.

However, neither he nor Ling Pengyun agreed to this matter immediately, but looked at Bailing Zhenren who was in the late Jindan stage.

Bailing Zhenren was quite satisfied with the actions of Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong.

When facing the matter of Xuanyangmen, it is naturally a good thing for the Ling family to unite with Bailingmen.

Then, Bailing Zhenren, an experienced cultivator, smiled and said to Jinyang Zhenren of Xuanyangmen.

"Friend Jinyang, although what you said just now makes some sense, it is still uncertain whether the demons who are counterattacking the Baiyun Mountains will attack our base. You are just guessing."

"Let's take a step back. Even if your guess is true, the demons will attack the areas occupied by the rest of our forces after conquering the Poison Dragon Pond occupied by your sect, and retake the Baiyun Mountains."

"But it is your Xuanyang Sect that will suffer, what does it have to do with our sect!"

"What's more, if we help your Xuanyang Sect to defend the Poison Dragon Pond, we will inevitably encounter the counterattack of the demons. According to what you said, the strength of the counterattack of the demons is very strong, and there are more than a dozen golden elixir monsters."

"Under such circumstances, even if I go to support, there is a possibility of being killed, let alone my Baiyuan disciple who is only at the first level of the golden elixir, and the two Taoist friends of the Ling family."

"This support is too dangerous!"

"If there is no visible benefit, my Bailing Sect will not do this!"

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