Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 522: Collaborative blackmail of Xuanyang Sect (3400 words, please subscribe)

Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong were deeply moved by what they said.

They had planned to take this opportunity to ask for a benefit, after all, this trip was to support Xuanyang Sect.

However, because Xuanyang Sect was the strongest Jindan force in Yan State and Ling family was weaker, they could not ask for benefits directly, so as not to be "taken care of" by Xuanyang Sect and settle accounts later.

But now, with Bailing Zhenren taking the lead in talking about this matter, it was different.

Even if Xuanyang Sect retaliated against Ling family in the future, Ling family could use the fact that it was Bailing Zhenren who took the lead in asking for spiritual objects today to shirk responsibility for this matter.

Xuanyang Sect's fake Dan realm Jinyang Zhenren had been prepared for this. He had also discussed a suitable price with several Jindan of the sect, and then he spoke.

"Our sect is willing to give each of the four of you 10,000 spiritual stones. Is that okay?"

Bailing Zhenren just smiled and continued to knock.

"What about sending away beggars? The gift that our sect gave to the Ling family for the relocation banquet was a golden elixir of an early stage monster beast worth 30,000 spiritual stones. A mere 10,000 spiritual stones is not even as much as a gift. I really don't know how you can say that?"

Bao Yuan Zhenren, who is the disciple of Bai Ling Zhenren, also echoed. "That's right, a mere 10,000 spiritual stones is not even enough for the scraps of a monster beast golden elixir."

Jin Yang Zhenren was unconvinced when he heard this. Who would give a gift of a golden elixir of an early stage monster beast worth 30,000 spiritual stones?

Immediately, he asked Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong, two golden elixirs of the Ling family.

"Two Ling family Taoist friends, is the gift true?"

"Indeed, Taoist friends, please take a look." Ling Yunhong said with a smile, took out the jade box that Bai Ling Zhenren had given before, and then opened the jade box and showed the monster beast golden elixir inside to Jin Yang Zhenren.

"If you still don't believe me, you can ask the other cultivators who came to attend the wedding banquet of my Ling family. Before you came, we didn't know about the crisis of your Xuanyang Sect. I had already announced the gift of the demon beast golden elixir given by Daoist Fellow Bailing."

Even with Ling Yunhong's guarantee, Jin Yang Zhenren still felt that it was fake, so he left for a while and asked more than a dozen visitors on the island.

When he learned from the more than ten visitors that the Bailing Sect sent the demon beast golden elixir, and what they said was true, he was extremely shocked in his heart, and even began to speculate whether there was any conspiracy between Bailing Sect and Ling family.

Then, he returned to Ling Pengyun and others with a dark face, and said helplessly.

"15,000 spiritual stones per person, you can always make a move!"

Bai Ling Zhenren still looked like a scoundrel, as if he had defeated Jin Yang Zhenren, and said with a smile. "It's still not enough. My disciple Baoyuan and two fellow Taoists of the Ling family will each give 50,000 spiritual stones, and I will give 100,000 spiritual stones, and we will support your sect."

"If your sect is unwilling to pay this amount of spiritual stones, then we will wait and see who can afford it!"

Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong also stood behind Bailing Zhenren at this moment, looking like they supported Bailing Zhenren.

Seeing this, Zhenren Jinyang was extremely dissatisfied with Bailing Zhenren for "blackmailing the sect".

He also said secretly in his heart. "Don't wait until the sect where this old ghost is located is besieged by the demon clan. At that time, if this old ghost asks for help from our sect, I will definitely let the sect master Xuanyang Uncle blackmail this old ghost even more severely."

Thinking about it, he still needs to endure it on the surface.

After all, Xuanyang Sect does need the support of Bailing Zhenren, Baoyuan Zhenren, Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong, four Jindan.

Once they have the four of them, Xuanyang Sect can also increase its chances of defending the Poison Dragon Pond by 50-60%.

After all, there are only five Jindan Zhenren in Xuanyang Sect now.

Originally, this sect had six Jindan, but yesterday, when this sect evacuated to attack the White Cloud Spirit Fox Clan, a fake Dan realm Zhenren was killed by the Red Gold Bear Clan.

Helplessly, Zhenren Jinyang could only agree. "Okay, let's do it this way, but please don't spread this matter. The price asked by the other Yan Kingdom Jindan is less than you. If you spread it, you won't get any spiritual stones."

"You can get 30% of the spiritual stones you want after you follow me into my sect and stay at the Poison Dragon Pond. The remaining 70% of the spiritual stones will be distributed by my sect after the war."

Zhenren Bailing was very happy to see that Zhenren Jinyang, the idiot, agreed, and couldn't help laughing twice. "That's good, hahaha."

The three people beside him, Baoyuan Zhenren, Ling Pengyun, and Ling Yunhong, couldn't help but smile.

Thirty thousand spiritual stones are not a small amount for these Jindan early stage cultivators.

With so many spiritual stones, they can buy a Jindan of a Jindan early stage monster.

Besides, supporting Xuanyang Sect was originally a favor, so the spiritual stones were free, and it was free to pick up spiritual stones.

Jinyang Zhenren listened to the hearty laughter and cursed Bailing Zhenren hundreds of times in his heart.

After he snorted coldly, his eyes swept over the 10,000 or 20,000 cultivators who participated in the Ling family's relocation banquet on Lingyun Island. His expression moved slightly, and he asked Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong, the two Ling family Jindan.

"My two fellow Daoists, the 10,000 or 20,000 independent cultivators that were previously summoned by our sect to attack the White Cloud Fox Clan were not able to evacuate in time during the battle supported by the Red Gold Bear, and were completely wiped out. Now our sect does not have many troops stationed at the Poison Dragon Pond. I wonder if I can borrow the nobles' place to gather some people to help our sect guard the Poison Dragon Pond?"

Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong frowned when they heard this. How could they not guess that those scattered cultivators who were previously summoned by Xuanyang Sect were probably abandoned by Xuanyang Sect when it evacuated.

Once such things were spread, it would definitely bring a bad reputation.

However, according to Jin Yang Zhenren, Xuanyang Sect did need a group of low-level cultivators to help, so that it could increase the chances of Xuanyang Sect stationing in the Poison Dragon Pond.

With this in mind, clan leader Ling Yunhong nodded slightly and said.

"Of course, but you need to use the reputation of your Xuanyang Sect, and don't associate it with my Ling family."

After saying that, he and Ling Pengyun went to find the family's acting clan leader Ling Pengshan and told Ling Pengshan about the monster clan's counterattack.

And arranged for him to lead the clan's foundation-building cultivators to urge the clan's medium-sized flying boats to send the mortals in this area back to the family, making the worst plan.

Jin Yang Zhenren, who had received the approval of Ling Yunhong, the head of the Ling family, looked even happier. He immediately flew into the air and released a huge reward through the sound enhancement technique, telling the Xuan Yang Sect that they needed to gather people to guard the Poison Dragon Pond.

The casual cultivators who participated in the wedding banquet did not know that Xuan Yang Sect had abandoned many casual cultivators yesterday, causing them to fall into the mouths of monsters.

In addition, the conditions offered by Jin Yang Zhenren were good, which also attracted the cultivators who came to participate in the Ling family wedding banquet to sign up.

After an inventory, more than 15,000 cultivators participated in the battle to defend the Poison Dragon Pond.

This incident also made the fake Dan realm Jinyang Zhenren of Xuanyang Sect very happy. After arranging this group of cultivators to rush to the Poison Dragon Pond alone, there would be people from Xuanyang Sect waiting for them in that area. Zhenren Jinyang, Ling Pengyun, Ling Yunhong and the three of them boarded the third-level medium-quality Bailing flying boat in the hands of Bailing Zhenren and rushed to the Poison Dragon Pond.

As for the Bailing Sect’s Baoyuan Zhenren, he returned to the Bailing Sect’s Tayun Ridge area in the Baiyun Mountains to gather people.

Although Lingxiao Qianxing Lake and Tayun Ridge are adjacent to each other, the speed between the two is extremely far, and ordinary communication methods can hardly reach the two places.

The third-level communication methods of Bailing Sect are all in the hands of the Jindan cultivators of this sect. There are currently no Jindan cultivators stationed in that area, so it is difficult to convey the matter of supporting the Poison Dragon Pond area occupied by Xuanyang Sect. This is why Zhenren Baoyuan needs to go there in person.

It was also because of the distance that the news of the Xuanyang Sect's defeat and retreat to the Poison Dragon Pond yesterday was not spread.

The Poison Dragon Pond is next to the Qiuyangyan territory occupied by the "Qingxin Daoguan", another neighbor of the Lingxiao Qianxing Lake.

The two territories are far apart.

However, the speed of Bailing Zhenren's third-level medium-quality Bailing flying boat is extremely fast, reaching 700,000 to 800,000 miles a day.

In just over half a day, Ling Pengyun and others crossed the Qiuyangyan territory and entered the Poison Dragon Pond, which covers an area of ​​about 200,000 miles, which is no less than Lingxiao Qianxing Lake.

Although this territory is named Poison Dragon Pond, it is mostly land, but the golden elixir monster that occupied this territory was a poisonous dragon.

As they gradually went deeper into the Poison Dragon Pond, Ling Pengyun and others also saw that many spirit veins that were originally guarded by Xuanyang Sect monks had been occupied by one or more monsters.

The towns and villages of ordinary people built on the basis of spiritual veins were even more razed to the ground, and from time to time, a strong smell of blood was emitted from them.

This scene greatly stimulated Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong. They could not help but think of the scene where the territory of the Poison Dragon Pond occupied by the Xuanyang Sect was captured by the Red Gold Bear and the White Cloud Spirit Fox tribes, and then attacked the Ling family.

For a moment, their faces were extremely solemn.

At the same time, they secretly made up their minds that they must do their best to support the Xuanyang Sect this time.

This move was not for the Xuanyang Sect, but only for the safety of those ordinary people in Lingxiao Qianxing Lake who could not be evacuated in a short time.

After crossing tens of thousands of miles, everyone finally followed the guidance of Jin Yang Zhenren and approached the city called "Poison Dragon City" deep in the Poison Dragon Pond.

Poison Dragon City was built by Xuanyang Sect relying on a spiritual vein of the peak level of the second-grade upper grade. This city was originally called Poison Dragon Market, which was run by Xuanyang Sect.

The reason why Xuanyang Sect did not occupy the Poison Dragon Pond with the third-grade spiritual vein as its base is also very simple. Once the non-monster beast chaos occupies the third-grade spiritual vein of the monster beast side, Xuanyang Sect will also suffer a more fierce counterattack from the monster clan.

This is tantamount to giving the furious monster clan an opportunity.

Maybe the demon king of the Nascent Soul Realm will run out.

Through various pupil techniques, Ling Pengyun and others can see the current situation of Poison Dragon City clearly.

This Poison Dragon City is very large, covering an area of ​​tens of thousands of feet.

At this time, the city is full of mortals, and a rough look shows that there are at least millions of them.

Obviously, these mortals are the mortals who moved to the Poison Dragon Pond from Xuanyang Sect and survived the monster beast counterattack.

The majestic Poison Dragon City was also protected by a defensive light curtain supported by a water formation that exuded a third-grade superior aura.

Surrounding the Poison Dragon City were a mass of monsters, estimated to be at least a million.

These million monsters were divided into several groups, continuously using various attack methods to bombard the third-grade city defense formation of the Poison Dragon City.

Whenever the monster attacking the formation ran out of spiritual power, other monsters would take over the attack.

Under such an uninterrupted attack, the flashing spiritual light of the Poison Dragon City's city defense formation gradually began to dim.

However, there was still some distance before the formation was broken.

Based on the current situation, this formation can at least last for a few days.

This scene surprised Ling Pengyun and others. After a closer look, they found that the aura of the spiritual vein under the Poison Dragon City was as high as the third level.

The formation of the Poison Dragon City was even higher than the third level.

"I haven't heard of the spiritual vein in the Poison Dragon City being upgraded in the past. The aura of the spiritual vein is not stable. I think the spiritual vein will be promoted in the next two days."

"In just one or two days, a spiritual vein was upgraded to the third level. The foundation of the Xuanyang Sect, the first major sect in Yan State, should not be underestimated."

Ling Pengyun was secretly shocked.


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