Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 523: The Strongest Come Out (2800 words, please subscribe)

at the same time.

Behind the millions of demonic beasts that besieged Poison Dragon City, on the top of a barren mountain, stood a sudden figure that was more than 120 feet tall, like a low mountain, with red-gold hair all over its body, and two pairs of The bear demon has thick claws that shine with the color of iron, an aura that reaches the peak of the ninth level of the Golden Core, and exudes a ferocious aura.

Next to it was a white fox that was only the size of a domestic cat, but had extremely clear eyes, white hair without any debris, a tail behind it, and a powerful aura that reached the perfection of the golden elixir.

These two demonic beasts were none other than the Bear King who was at the peak of the ninth level of the Golden Core of the Red Gold Bear Clan that counterattacked the Xuanyang Sect, and the Fox King who was the original overlord of the Baiyun Mountains, the "Baiyun Spirit Fox Clan".

These two monsters with powerful auras looked vaguely in the direction of Ling Pengyun and others thousands of miles away. With a hint of excitement and teasing, they actually uttered human words and muttered.

"Releasing a fake elixir miscellaneous fish first attracted two small golden elixir early stage fishes from Qingxin Daoguan and Yaowang Valley. Now it attracted two golden elixir small fish and a large golden elixir late stage fish. It is really A good deal!”

After saying that, it looked at the little white fox next to it that was completely incomparable to its body but had a higher cultivation level than it, and ordered.

"My cultivation has reached the peak of the ninth level of the golden elixir. I am only one step away from reaching the perfection of the golden elixir. Those four fishes are treasures. I want them. You can't take them!"

After hearing this command, Baiyun Fox King's eyes suddenly ignited with a trace of fire.

Human monks are precious medicine to monsters, with great tonic effects, just like cultivating spiritual objects.

"Fellow Chijin Daoist, we had agreed before that we would each have half the Jindan monks we attracted. It would be unkind for you to change the contract at such a short notice." King Bai Lingfox said angrily.

"I am making reasonable use of the golden elixir monks. Your cultivation level is as high as the golden elixir perfection. Even if you eat the golden elixir monks, you will not be able to increase your cultivation level. You might as well eat them all for me, which will be of greater use."

"Furthermore, didn't the two Jindan monks who entered Poison Dragon City give you a chance? Who told you not to do anything, so they were all protected by the Xuanyang Gate Jindan stationed in Poison Dragon City and entered Poison Dragon City? ”

The red gold bear king, who was at the peak of the ninth level of the Golden Core, said with a hint of impatience.

"I can't eat it, but my people can't eat it?"

Baiyun Fox King said angrily.

"Baiyun, can you force me to kill your Jindan clan members?"

The Red Gold Bear King heard that the Baiyun Fox King was still questioning, his eyes turned cold and he said.

"you dare!"

The Bailing Fox King roared loudly, and immediately summoned his own magic weapon, planning to take action.

But the red gold bear king didn't care, but said with a hint of contempt.

"If you dare to attack me now, tomorrow, my father, the king, will lead my clan to defeat your Baiyun Linghu clan!"

"As a vassal of my clan, you dare to compete with me for precious medicine?"

Baiyun Fox King was immediately discouraged when he heard this.

Although the cultivation level of this Red Gold Bear King, who is at the peak of the ninth level of the Golden Core, is not as high as it is, this Bear King is a direct descendant of the Nascent Soul Realm Bear King of the Red Gold Bear Clan.

The Baiyun Linghu clan is indeed a vassal of the Nascent Soul Demon Clan’s Red Gold Bear Clan.

The Baiyun Mountains were also given to the Baiyun Spirit Fox Clan to be managed by this clan.

As the lord of the entire Baiyun Mountain Range and usually worshiped by millions of monsters, the Baiyun Spirit Fox King had to bow his head at this moment. He could only nod helplessly and agreed to this injustice.

When the Bear King saw this, he despised the White Cloud Spirit Fox King even more.

Previously, if the Baiyun Spirit Fox King had not been useless, how could the Baiyun Mountains have been occupied by humans, with 70% to 80% of the territory being occupied.

It will not be disturbed from cultivating on the fourth-level spiritual vein of the clan and be sent here to help the White Cloud Spirit Fox King.

In its heart, it already had a grudge against the Baiyun Spirit Fox King who interfered with its cultivation.

If not, his father valued the White Cloud Spirit Fox King as a third-level high-level formation mage, otherwise he would have killed him to vent his anger.

Anyway, with the strength of the Red Gold Bear Clan, it is not difficult to drive the humans away from the Baiyun Mountains.

Of course, as a descendant of Yuanying, this red gold bear king who was at the peak of the ninth level of the golden elixir was naturally confident of killing the white cloud spirit fox king.

After returning to his thoughts, the red gold bear demon king gave instructions to the white cloud spirit fox king again.

"The two people from Qingxin Gym and Yaowang Valley who came to support the Xuanyang Sect's Jindan monks were rescued by Xuanyang Old Dao just because you didn't try your best."

"This time, if you don't use your full strength to block the Xuanyang Master who has perfected the Golden Elixir of the Xuanyang Sect this time, and I miss the opportunity to have a good meal, I will not spare you."

After hearing this, the Baiyunling Fox King glanced at the red gold bear demon king, and countless hatred arose in his heart.

But it didn't dare to show it, and just nodded humbly.

Seeing this, the red gold bear demon king who was at the peak of the ninth level of the Golden Core raised his head and roared at the sky.

In an instant, ten red gold bears of the Golden Core Realm and two White Cloud Spirit Foxes of the Golden Core Realm suddenly took off among the millions of monster beasts that besieged Dulongfang City.

These twelve golden elixir realm demon kings, under the command of the Red Gold Bear King, quickly took out their respective magic weapons and blasted towards the Poison Dragon City.

The red gold bear demon king immediately took off, left the barren mountain, and committed suicide alone towards Ling Pengyun and others thousands of miles away.

It was at this time.

A few miles away, a strong and majestic word suddenly came from Poison Dragon City.

"You evil beast! If you dare to think of supporting our sect, you are seeking death!"

I saw a flying sword flying out of the Poison Dragon City that was more than 130 feet long, emitted up to the third level of high-grade dew, was red all over, and contained huge fire aura. It turned into a sword shadow and quickly flew away to the other side. Barren Mountain, the Golden Core Ninth Level Peak Bear King was killing Ling Pengyun and others.

At the same time, several more magic weapons were fired in that city, entangling the twelve golden elixir demon kings who were besieging the city.

The Baiyun Spirit Fox, which had been silent on the top of the barren mountain several miles away from Poison Dragon City, saw this scene. After sighing helplessly, it immediately spit out thirty-six white spirit fox patterns engraved on it from its mouth, and its breath reached the third level. The formation flag of the high-grade realm was raised.

The thirty-six formation flags turned around and turned into thirty-six white lights, which quickly surrounded the third-level high-grade fiery red flying sword in the distance, transforming into a light curtain that trapped the enemy, trapping them in the formation. within.

No matter how the third-level high-grade flaming red flying sword in the formation bombards the formation, it can only create some small waves at most, and it is difficult to pose much threat to the formation.

at this time.

On top of the main city wall of Dulongfang City.

A red-haired old man with a pale face and unstable breathing, wearing a Xuanyang Sect Taoist robe, looked at the third-level high-grade sword he had just struck and was entangled, then looked at the other end who was performing escape skills and asked for support. The red gold bear king who was killed by Ling Pengyun and others from Fangshi suddenly frowned.

"If the King Bear, who is at the ninth level of the Golden Core, is allowed to kill Junior Nephew Jin Yang and the others, they will definitely not be able to survive."

"It seems that we can only use the Xuanyang Lamp, the sect's magic weapon that suppresses the sect."

He raised his hand and took out a magic lamp engraved with dragon patterns from his storage bag.

This dharma lamp is the Xuanyang Sect's ancestral magic weapon "Xuanyang Lamp". It is made from the Xuanyang True Fire in the Xuanyang Volcano and a fire dragon in the Golden Elixir Perfection state as its source.

This lamp has been refined for thousands of years. After being nourished by the spiritual power of successive heads of the Xuanyang Sect, the grade of this magic weapon has reached the limit of the third level of high-grade, which is not weaker than the Zongzhen magic weapon of the Bailing Sect, Hei Yanzhen. Fire gourd.

The red-haired old man is the current sect leader of the Xuanyang Sect, the "Xuanyang Old Taoist" who has perfect cultivation of the golden elixir and is the most powerful person in the Yan Kingdom.

The old Taoist Xuanyang waved his hand and injected a spiritual power into the magic lamp, and the magic lamp suddenly spurted out a large piece of golden red flame.

These golden red flames quickly gathered and turned into a golden flame dragon that was more than 140 feet long.

This dragon's eyes are full of energy, and its aura is as high as golden elixir.

It roared into the sky, and a demon king's aura suddenly spread out from its body, which made the millions of demon beasts attacking Fangshi's formation tremble in their hearts.

Then, the dragon took off and killed him out of Dulongfang City.

This dragon was extremely fast. Before the Baiyun Spirit Fox King could react, the dragon had already crossed over ten miles and blocked the ninth-level peak golden elixir red gold bear king who was planning to kill Ling Pengyun and others. Down.

This Xuanyang dragon has extraordinary strength. Even if the red gold bear king takes out several natal magic weapons, at most it can only be able to block the Xuanyang dragon.

However, the Xuanyang dragon is also uncomfortable. This dragon is not a living creature, but a large amount of Xuanyang true fire. This also causes the dragon's size to be reduced by one point every time it attacks.

"Fellow Daoist Bailing, please quickly send your sect's Bailing flying boat into Fang City. I can't hold on to the Bear King and the White Fox King for long."

Old Taoist Xuanyang on the main wall of Poison Dragon City shouted loudly to Ling Pengyun and others who were thousands of miles away.

Ling Pengyun and others thousands of miles away also knew the seriousness of the matter.

Master Bailing also transferred huge spiritual power into the Bailing Flying Boat under his feet, and directly activated the secret technique "Bailing Escape Technique" attached to the flying boat, doubling the speed of the flying boat.

The flying boat also turned into a white escaping light and slid across the sky. In just a few breaths, the flying boat crossed thousands of miles, followed a gap in the formation of Poison Dragon City, and successfully entered Poison Dragon City.

The red gold bear king who planned to eat Ling Pengyun's four golden elixirs suddenly became furious. It roared several times and frantically attacked the Xuanyang Fire Jiao who had blocked his good deeds.

But this Xuanyang Fire Dragon is not willing to fight. As soon as the golden elixir that Ling Pengyun came with support entered the market, it was also taken back into the Xuanyang Lantern by Xuanyang Master of Poison Dragon City.

With nowhere to vent, the Red Gold Bear King could only look at the Baiyun Spirit Fox King who had ruined its good deeds.

"In the future, your clan will have to pay an increase of 30% to my clan's offerings every hundred years!"

When the fox king heard this, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, it's just a punishment of some spiritual stones, so don't be afraid, just don't attack my people!"

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