Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 524: Yan State Golden Elixir Gathers, Superior Force Tianxing Sect (3000 words, please subsc

On the other side.

After the Bailing flying boat that Ling Pengyun and others were riding landed on the main wall of the Poison Dragon City, the Xuanyang Sect Master "Xuanyang Laodao" who had previously blocked the enemy for Ling Pengyun and others came up with five cultivators exuding the aura of Jindan.

Ling Pengyun's eyes swept over the five Jindans, and his expression moved slightly.

The "master" of the Qingxin Taoist Hall, Qingxin Laodao, who had a good relationship with the Ling family, was among the five people. Before he came forward, he nodded to Ling Pengyun and others who were familiar with him.

Ling Pengyun had never seen the other four Jindan Zhenren, but based on the Taoist robes they wore, he could still distinguish the forces to which the four Jindans belonged.

Among the four people, three were Xuanyang Sect Jindans. They all wore Xuanyang Sect Taoist robes and were of different ages, old and young.

The last one, a Jindan with a strong fragrance of elixir, white hair but still a handsome young man, was wearing a Yaowang Valley Taoist robe.

Yaowang Valley is famous for its elixirs, and there is only one Jindan in the sect. Obviously, this person is the third-level alchemist "Yaowang Zhenren" in Yaowang Valley.

Ling Pengyun took a closer look at this person.

Although Yaowang Zhenren is the only third-level alchemist in Yan State, he is the opposite. He is better at fighting and his cultivation is as high as the sixth level of Jindan.

It is precisely because of this cultivation that he was able to lead Yaowang Valley alone to destroy the Blood Spirit Spider Clan with a middle-level Jindan and an early-level Jindan demon king a year ago, and thus occupied the Blood Spirit Cave in Baiyun Mountain Range.

"Master Xuanyang!..." Jinyang Zhenren, who was at the first level of Jindan and had asked Ling for help before, immediately bowed and greeted them when he saw Xuanyang Zhenren with a group of Jindan.

"Thank you four for coming to support our sect."

The red-haired, elderly Taoist Xuanyang nodded to Jinyang Zhenren, glanced at Bailing Zhenren, Baoyuan Zhenren, Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong a little unnaturally, bowed slightly, and said something indifferently.

The Taoist Qingxin who followed behind him also spoke with a smile.

"Two Ling Daoists, this time Xuanyang Sect's request for help happened to coincide with your Ling family's relocation banquet, so I didn't rush to the nobles to congratulate them. I hope the two Ling Daoists will not be offended."

After saying this, Taoist Qingxin took out a bulging storage bag from his arms and handed it to the clan leader Ling Yunhong.

"Clan leader Ling, this is a gift from my Qingxin Dao Pavilion."

The white-haired but young-looking Yaowang Zhenren of Yaowang Valley also took out a storage bag from his arms at this moment and handed it to the clan leader Ling Yunhong.

"Clan leader Ling, this is a gift from my Medicine King Valley!"

The Xuanyang Sect leader, Taoist Xuanyang, who was not very concerned about the Ling family's relocation, also realized it at this moment.

Because he was not prepared, he could only take out a thousand spiritual stones from his storage bag and said a word.

"This is a gift from my Xuanyang Sect."

Clan leader Ling Yunhong took them one by one and said a polite word.

"I'm sorry for the expense. After the crisis, please come to my Ling family to have a glass of wedding wine."

Taoist Qingxin and others also agreed to this.

Afterwards, everyone exchanged a few more polite words and got to know each other.

Ling Pengyun also learned the identities of the three Xuanyang Sect Jindans who followed Taoist Xuanyang.

Among them, the old cultivator who had reached the sixth level of Jindan and had a strong fire was named Li Cheng, and his Taoist name was "True Sun".

Another middle-aged man, who has reached the third level of Jindan and has a steady aura, is named "Zhao Yan" and his Taoist name is "Tuyang Zhenren".

The last young man, who is quite scholarly and has reached the second level of Jindan, is named "Song Shu" and his Taoist name is "Qiu Shui Zhenren".

This person is quite famous in the whole Yan State. He is not only a direct disciple of Xuanyang Laodao, the master of Xuanyang Sect.

It is said that this person is also a person who breaks through Jindan alone by relying on various secret methods.

He also formed a superior Jindan, and his qualifications were also enhanced. In the future, this person has a great chance to break through to the late Jindan, and even if it is the perfect Jindan, this person has a good chance to enter.

This person is also praised by the world as the next "master" of Xuanyang Sect with such qualifications.

In addition, the attribute of the skills he practiced is the same as Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong, which are all water attributes.

This makes the three people who practiced water-attributed skills inexplicably have a good impression of each other, a bit like mutual appreciation.

That's why Song Shu was more polite to the two than to others.

After a while, the Taoist Xuan Yang, who had the highest cultivation level and reached the Golden Elixir Perfection, coughed twice and interrupted the chat.

Then, he spoke.

"Let's talk about small talk after the war is over. Let's talk about this war first."

"The leader of the Wanshou Sect, Fellow Daoist Wanshou, is in the heart of my Yan State, and he needs to be on guard against the group of ice and snow white lions that now occupy the territory of the Purple Scorpion Ridge. It is likely that Fellow Daoist Wanshou cannot get away to help."

"In addition, the Baiyun Mountains are far away from the heart of my Yan State, so I did not send anyone to ask for help from the Wanshou Sect."

"In addition, yesterday I also contacted the Yuanying Sect of the Tianxing Sect, the superior force of my Yan State, and informed the Tianxing Sect of what happened today."

"According to the news from the Tianxing Sect, the Yuanying Sect leader of the Tianxing Sect has entered the boundless vast swamp to look for the Yuanying Demon King of the Red Gold Bear Clan who led the counterattack on the Baiyun Mountains."

"The two Nascent Soul Powers have agreed that no more Jindan Demon King will participate in the battle in the Baiyun Mountains."

"This kind of news is a good thing for us, but Shang Zong also said that this time our Yan Kingdom's Jindan forces went too far in trying to occupy the vast Baiyun Mountains. Shang Zong also said It’s hard to send people to support us, so we can only rely on ourselves to resist the demon clan’s counterattack this time.”

"Currently, there are only eleven of us Jindan stationed in Poisonous Dragon City. The number of monks in the Qi-training and foundation-building realm is only about 5,000 from our sect. All the casual cultivators died in the battle yesterday."

"As for the Red Gold Bear clan attacking the city from outside, there are six early-stage Golden Cores, three mid-stage Golden Cores, and two late-stage Golden Cores, a total of eleven people."

"The Baiyun Linghu clan has suffered heavy losses in the war with our sect in recent years. This clan currently only has two demon kings who are in the middle stage of the Golden Core and one who is in the Perfect Golden Core realm."

"And the two major demon clans have a total of fourteen golden elixir demon kings."

"The remaining monsters are probably in the millions."

"In addition, the Baiyun Fox King of the Baiyun Linghu clan, who has perfected the golden elixir and is good at using formations, is a third-level high-grade formation master. After our sect evacuated to Poison Dragon City yesterday, the Baiyun Linghu The Fox King deployed a third-level formation around Poison Dragon City to affect the ground beneath Poison Dragon City."

"If our sect had not been gifted by our sect a third-level mid-grade pulse-suppressing formation specifically designed to stabilize the power of the earth's veins, I am afraid that the third-level defensive formation protecting Poison Dragon City at this moment would have been passed by the Baiyun Spirit Fox King. Destroy the ley line and then defeat it.”

"But even if the situation stabilizes, we don't have much time to wait."

"The third-level mid-grade pulse-suppressing formation given by Shang Zong is of a lower grade after all. It can only resist the third-level high-grade formation deployed by Baiyun Linghu King that affects the earth veins for about ten days at most."

"Therefore, we currently only have ten days to repel the group of monsters outside the city."

"If it fails, in ten days' time, once the formation of Poisonous Dragon City is broken, we will have to face the monsters outside the city directly. By then, you and I will be in danger."

"And the rest of the territory you occupy in the Baiyun Mountains will also be attacked by the millions of monsters outside the city."

"I won't go into details about the pros and cons. I hope you can take action with all your strength within the next ten days."

The seven great righteous cultivating kingdoms in the Northern Wasteland are divided into the "Lower Three Kingdoms, the Middle Three Kingdoms, and the First Upper Kingdom" according to their power.

The top forces in the Lower Three Kingdoms are all Jindan forces, and there is a Nascent Soul force in the Three Middle Kingdoms. The only Upper Kingdom is the "Yuan Kingdom" where Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong went to the boundless sea to cultivate immortality in their early years.

The Yuan Kingdom can be called the Shang Kingdom because there are three Yuanying sects in the country, and these three Yuanying sects all have many Yuanying real people.

Since the Yan State where the Ling family is located has no Nascent Soul power, it belongs to one of the Lower Three Kingdoms. It is under the command of the "Tianxing Sect", the only Nascent Soul sect in the Tianxing Kingdom, one of the Middle Three Kingdoms.

Every year, the Jindan forces in the Yan Kingdom need to hand over a portion of their spiritual stones to the Tianxing Sect.

Although the Ling family has two real Jindan people in charge, they do not yet officially have third-level spiritual veins. They can only be regarded as a fake Jindan force, so they have not caught the eyes of the Tianxing Sect.

When the day comes when the Ling family possesses both Jindan Daoist and third-level spiritual veins, the Tianxing Sect will also send people to collect the offerings.

The Tianxing Sect is a sect that takes the Tao of Formation as the foundation of its sect.

It is precisely because of this that the five major golden elixir powers in the Yan Kingdom basically obtained a third-level formation path inheritance from the Tianxing Sect through various military exploits. It is a pity that the Yan State's formation path talents are scarce, resulting in the Yan State's There are not many third-level array mages.

After the old Taoist Xuanyang finished speaking, he suddenly coughed heavily, and his face became a little more pale.

When everyone saw this scene, they probably guessed that this powerful man with perfect golden elixir might be injured, and everyone's expressions became gloomy.

Even Master Bai Ling, who originally regarded Xuanyang Sect as his enemy, was like this.

Now that the demon clan is counterattacking, Xuanyang Old Dao is not completely victorious, which is a bad thing.

Maybe, for this reason, their lives will be in danger.

Old Taoist Xuanyang saw the changes in everyone's expressions and guessed what they were thinking, he said with a hint of helplessness.

"Yesterday, the Red Gold Bear Clan suddenly appeared in the Baiyun Mountains to help the Baiyun Spirit Fox Clan. They caught me off guard, causing damage to my natal magic weapon, the Xuanyang Shield, and I also suffered some backlash."

"Just now, I have bought a third-level middle-grade healing elixir, the Rejuvenation Pill, from fellow Taoist Wan Yao in the Wan Yao Valley. Once I refine it, the backlash injuries will probably be healed. Don’t worry about it.”

"Three days later, when I come out of seclusion, that will be the day I wait to take action. In the past three days, you can take a break!"

After saying these words, Xuanyang Lao Dao turned into a red escaping light and rushed towards the depths of Poison Dragon City.

Ling Pengyun and other Jindan also settled down in some residences deep in Poison Dragon City under the arrangement of the remaining four Jindan of Xuanyang Sect.

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