Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 525 Battle Situation: The Powerful Red Gold Bear (3200 words, please subscribe)

Three days passed quickly.

It was early morning on this day.

On the main city wall of Poison Dragon City, Xuanyang Sect’s Lieyang Zhenren, Huayang Zhenren, Qiushui Zhenren, Jinyang Zhenren, Bailing Zhenren, Baoyuan Zhenren of Bailing Sect, Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong of Ling Clan, Qingxin Taoist Master and Yaowang Zhenren of Qingxin Taoist Temple and Yaowang Valley all gathered here.

After waiting for a while, a red escape light suddenly flew from the depths of Poison Dragon City and landed on the main city wall.

This escape light also revealed a figure, which was the Xuanyang Taoist Master who had said that he was backfired by the magic weapon three days ago.

After three days, Xuanyang Taoist Master’s face became much rosier and his breath returned to normal, as if his injuries were greatly healed.

The other Jindan Temples present saw this scene and secretly felt relieved.

When Taoist Xuanyang saw that all the golden elixirs in the city had arrived, he looked at the place where the fourteen demon kings were behind the million demon beasts that were tirelessly attacking the market outside the city. A hint of murderous intent appeared in his eyes, and he said.

"Since everyone is here, it's time for us to take action!"

Then, Taoist Xuanyang took out his third-grade superior life magic weapon "Xuanyang Sword" which had been nurtured for more than four hundred years and forged with a piece of third-grade superior fire-type precious iron.

This Xuanyang Sword is one of the life magic weapons recorded in the Xuanyang Sect's sect-protecting technique "Xuanyang Treasure Book". This sword belongs to the top middle-level magic weapon level.

This quality of flying sword is more powerful in the hands of Taoist Xuanyang who has reached the realm of golden elixir perfection. Over the years, Taoist Xuanyang has killed at least five demon kings in the golden elixir realm with this sword.

And now, the Xuanyang Sword, which has reappeared in the world after three days, is more powerful than before.

Countless sword beams surged out of the sword, and a huge sword beam of more than 140 feet long gathered on the tip of the sword.

As the old Taoist Xuanyang raised his hand and waved, the sword suddenly made a sound of breaking through the air, carrying the sharp and huge sword beam to break through the void and kill the millions of low-level monsters attacking the formation outside the city.

Ling Pengyun and other Jindan, who had been waiting for this day for a long time, also launched their own attacks at this moment, killing the monsters in the Qi training and foundation building realms outside the city.

With just one strike, tens of thousands of Qi training and foundation building monsters died tragically at the hands of Ling Pengyun and others.

After more than ten breaths, the results of the battles of Ling Pengyun and other Jindan became greater and greater, and they killed hundreds of thousands of monsters.

At this time, the fourteen demon kings of the Red Gold Bear Clan and the White Cloud Spirit Fox Clan, who were in the rear of the millions of monsters and were ten thousand feet away from the Poison Dragon City, also noticed that the human Jindan in the Poison Dragon City had taken action.

Previously, they were all gathering their strength, preparing to fight to the death with the human Jindan in the city after the millions of low-level monsters smashed the third-level formation of the Poison Dragon City, so they had never attacked the formation of the Poison Dragon City.

Now that the human Jindan has taken action, they will naturally not sit idly by, and with the roar of the "Red Gold Bear King", a powerful Jindan ninth-level peak realm.

The fourteen Jindan demon kings who were thousands of feet away from the Poison Dragon City showed up one after another, turning into a beam of light and quickly approaching the Poison Dragon City.

The eleven Jindan demon kings of the Red Gold Bear clan are all good at physical fitness, and they directly use their bodies to confront the attacks of Ling Pengyun and others.

The three Jindan demon kings of the White Cloud Spirit Fox clan are all those who are relatively powerful in spiritual consciousness. They use spells or control multiple magic weapons to block the attacks of the human Jindan.

In this way, the casualties of the millions of monsters attacking the Poison Dragon City gradually stabilized.

The Red Gold Bear Clan and the White Cloud Spirit Fox Clan are both inherited demon clans, and they all master the method of refining their own magic treasures.

At this time.

The Jindan battlefield was extremely fierce, and the aftermath of the battle between the cultivators of both sides could shatter the group of low-level monsters on the ground, making those low-level monsters dare not approach.

The Xuanyang Taoist Xuanyang, who had reached the perfection of the Jindan, relied on the Xuanyang Sword, the third-grade upper-grade life magic treasure, and the Xuanyang Lamp, the third-grade upper-grade magic treasure of this sect, to block the strongest Jindan Nine-level Peak Bear King and the White Cloud Spirit Fox King who had reached the perfection of the Jindan.

The four Jindans of the Xuanyang Clan, except for the Jinyang Zhenren who was in the fake Dan realm, the other three Jindans were quite strong.

Li Cheng, the Lieyang Zhenren who had the sixth-level Jindan cultivation, was a third-level middle-grade array master. He used a set of third-level middle-grade fire arrays to trap two red gold bear monsters in the middle Jindan stage in the array and burn them with fire.

The Qiushui Zhenren Song Shu, who possessed the superior golden elixir, entered the Dao with talismans, and his life magic weapon was a set of "Qiushui Xuanyu Talisman Formation" of the third-level inferior grade.

This set of Qiushui treasure talismans had a total of thirty-six pieces. Relying on this set of treasure talismans, he formed a Qiushui Xuanyu formation, which transformed into countless rain arrows to entangle the two third-level golden elixir red gold bear monsters.

The third-level golden elixir Tuyang Zhenren took this opportunity to sacrifice a heavy earth magic weapon, and continuously attacked the two third-level golden elixir red gold bear monsters in the Qiushui Xuanyu formation.

With the cooperation of the two of them, they suppressed the two second-level golden elixir red gold bear monsters, and even forced the two second-level golden elixir red gold bear monsters to use their life defense magic weapons.

As for the fake elixir realm Jinyang Zhenren of Xuanyang Sect, his strength was extremely weak. Relying on a good life magic weapon and two third-level inferior magic weapons in his hand, he was able to block a second-level golden elixir red gold bear monster.

The Bailing Master of Bailing Sect, who was in the late Jindan stage, was a veteran strongman. He used several magic weapons to block another late Jindan stage bear monster and a middle Jindan stage bear monster from the Red Gold Bear Clan.

After the incident with the Poison Blood Demon Clan, Master Baoyuan became more aggressive in fighting. He was able to suppress a second Jindan stage red gold bear monster with his first Jindan stage cultivation, which made him several times stronger than before.

Qingxin Lao Dao, a third-level golden elixir monk from Qingxin Gym, was quite decent and blocked a red gold bear with a third-level golden elixir.

The sixth-level golden elixir monk "Yao Wang Zhenren" who is famous for his combat prowess in Yaowang Valley does indeed live up to his name. With a furnace magic weapon, he single-handedly blocked the two golden heads of the Baiyun Spirit Fox clan. Mid-stage fox demon.

Ling Clan's Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong worked together to entangle a red gold bear demon at the peak of the third level of the Golden Core.

Poison Dragon City.

On top of the main city wall.

Ling Pengyun looked outside the city to the Blue Sea Heavy Yuan Orb that weighed 480,000 kilograms, and Ling Yunhong's prototype of the Breaking Gang magic weapon "Cloud Stepping Shuttle", which had the upper hand and defeated him with its powerful physique. The red gold bear demon, whose aura was at the peak of the third level of the golden elixir, whose hair was the color of red gold, and who was more than fifty feet tall, looked slightly shocked when these two magic weapons were defeated steadily.

"The strength of this bear's body has probably reached more than 600,000 kilograms, which only monsters in the middle stage of the Golden Core possess. It is estimated that this bear's physical strength alone is enough to defeat ordinary monsters of the same level."

"If so, if this bear sacrifices its life magic weapon, its combat power will probably be close to that of the fourth-level Golden Core Demon King, and one step or more stronger than the peak third-level Golden Core mutant Black Wind Wolf Demon that I killed. Two points.”

"It is at least 30% to 40% stronger than ordinary monsters of the same level."

"Come to think of it, the blood strength in this bear's body is terrifying."

Thinking of this, Ling Pengyun's eyes lit up and he muttered to himself.

"Monster beasts with strong bloodline are the most nutritious, and this bear is good at physical fitness. Generally, the spiritual energy contained in these monsters is relatively high. The spiritual energy contained in the flesh and blood of this red gold bear from the Yuanying Demon Clan is probably higher than Monsters with ordinary good physiques at the same level are also stronger."

"If we can kill it and give its flesh and blood to Madam to cook as spiritual food, I think it can help Madam break through to the state of perfect foundation building as soon as possible."

"The strong claws on his hands are even better than magic weapons of the same level. They are also good materials for refining magic weapons. When I get the Bailing Gate, I can buy the third level of my clan's fire wolf swallowing the moon technique. After inheriting the low-grade weapon refining, the claws of this bear demon are actually useful."

Thinking about this, Ling Pengyun looked at the situation of the other thirteen golden elixir demon kings that appeared on the battlefield. When he saw that the other thirteen demon kings were entangled by the other human golden elixirs, and it was difficult to escape within a short period of time, he His eyes lit up slightly.

"Let's try to kill... this red gold bear demon at the peak of the third level of Golden Core."

A murderous intent suddenly appeared on Ling Pengyun's face, and he no longer held back.

He raised his hand and patted the storage bag on his waist, and directly called out the eighteen formation flags of the third-level low-level formation "Five Elements Return to Origin Formation" that he borrowed from Bailingmen at the cost of spiritual stones in the early years.

These eighteen colorful formation flags were floating in the air like colorful clothes. Before the golden elixir three-layer red gold bear demon chasing the blue sea heavy yuan orb could react, these eighteen formation flags surrounded it. stand up.

"Array up!"

Ling Pengyun pinched his hands, and the eighteen formation flags suddenly appeared. They immediately set up a thick light curtain to trap the enemy, covering the fifty-foot-tall red gold bear monster in the formation.

This red gold bear demon, which was more than 50 feet tall and had a cultivation level as high as the third level of the Golden Core, was shocked when it saw this. It quickly swung its sharp claws that were one point stronger than the magic weapon of the same level and slapped the five elements fiercely. On top of the Guiyuan Formation, it only slightly shook the formation, causing a small ripple on the light curtain held up by the formation to trap the enemy.

This situation made this red gold bear demon with the third level of golden elixir panic.

Judging from the attack just now, it would be impossible for it to break through this formation in a short period of time.

This situation was a good thing for Ling Pengyun, and his eyes were slightly happy.

"This array is very useful. I will ask Bailingmen if they are willing to sell this array in the future!"

Then, he pinched his hands and changed his fingering methods.

"The Five Elements Return to Origin Flying Sword!"


The Five Elements Guiyuan Formation trembled slightly, and the Five Elements Guiyuan Flying Sword, which was at the rudimentary level of the array's attack weapon, suddenly appeared.

With the blessing of the power of the formation, the power of the Five Elements Guiyuan Flying Sword at the prototype level of the magic weapon has greatly increased, which is comparable to the power of the third-level low-grade magic weapon.

This sword suddenly emitted a huge sword light of thirty feet, directly killing the red gold bear demon with the third level of golden elixir in the formation.

The red gold bear demon reacted in time and used its claws to block the Five Elements Returning Flying Sword.

But the Bihai Chongyuan Orb, which had been beaten back by the bear before, suddenly came over and caught the bear off guard. It directly hit the belly of the red gold bear with the third layer of golden elixir, sending it flying several feet away. .

Even if this red golden bear at the peak of the third level of the Golden Core is physically strong and can stabilize its body in time and use its claws to lift the Bihai Heavy Yuan Pearl away, the Bihai Heavy Yuan Pearl that contains a huge force of 480,000 kilograms is not Empty shelves.

This blow directly beat the red gold bear demon, who was at the peak of the third level of the Golden Core, until the blood surged, and it spit out a mouthful of blood.

Seeing this, Ling Pengyun took advantage of the victory and pursued it. He raised his hand and used the Five Elements Guiyuan Flying Sword and the Blue Sea Heavy Yuan Orb to attack the bear demon at the peak of the third level of the Golden Core.

He patted the storage bag on his waist again and took out the ghost-controlling long banner, which was the prototype level of the magic weapon, as well as the third-level low-grade magic weapon, the Burning Yuan Dharma Lamp and the Fire Dragon Sword.

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