Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 526 Everyone Spy on the Magical Power and Treasure Technique Dragon Yang True Fire Claw Shap

The Fire Dragon Sword was one of the three third-grade lower-grade fire magic weapons Ling Pengyun found in the storage bag of "Master Huoyun" who was a Yuanying inheritor of the Poison Blood Demon Sect.

The other two third-grade lower-grade magic weapons are called "Fire Dragon Shield" and "Fire Dragon Ring", which are defense and trapping magic weapons respectively.

The Fire Dragon Shield is also in Ling Pengyun's hands, and the Fire Dragon Ring was given to Master Baoyuan of Bailing Sect.

These three magic weapons were forged by Master Huoyun, a peerless casual cultivator, who killed a late Jindan fire dragon thousands of years ago and entrusted a friend who was a casual cultivator to forge the materials from his body.

If it weren't for the poor level of refining of Master Huoyun's friend, the grade of the three magic weapons of the Fire Dragon Sword could at least be improved.

Of course, these three magic weapons have reached the superior level of the third-grade lower-grade realm because of the high grade of the main materials, and their power is comparable to that of the third-grade middle-grade magic weapons.

Ling Pengyun held the long banner to control the ghosts and waved it gently. Six mountain-moving evil ghosts several feet in size flew out of it and turned into an eighteen-foot-tall mountain-moving evil ghost. It walked in the air and first killed the red-gold bear monster in the Five Elements Return to Origin Formation.

The Burning Origin Magic Lamp spewed out a large amount of Burning Origin True Fire, sweeping out.

On the tip of the superior Fire Dragon Sword, a huge sword light of sixty feet surged out, turning into a red sword shadow that dispersed a large piece of clouds in the sky, and quickly slid across the sky with a crisp sword sound.

The red-gold bear in the Five Elements Return to Origin Formation, which was at the peak of the third level of the Golden Core, had just suppressed the surging blood in its body with spiritual power, and its spiritual power could not be raised for a while.

It was already a bit difficult to block the Five Elements Return to Origin Sword and the Blue Sea Heavy Origin Orb that attacked first.

With the arrival of the three powerful attacks of the Mountain Moving Evil Ghost, the Burning Yuan True Fire, and the Fire Dragon Sword, the Red Gold Bear, who was at the peak of the third level of the Golden Core, was defeated.

In desperation, the Red Gold Bear had to use its own innate magic "Red Gold Mysterious Yuan Cover".

A red gold light curtain was also propped up by it.

With the help of this light curtain, it gradually stabilized its position.

However, the power of the Bi Hai Chong Yuan Orb, the Five Elements Returning Yuan Flying Sword, the Mountain Moving Evil Ghost, the Burning Yuan True Fire, and the Fire Dragon Sword that Ling Pengyun used was not weak, and the defensive light curtain propped up by the Red Gold Bear was turbulent, and the flashing spiritual light of this light curtain quickly dimmed.

Poison Dragon City, on the main city wall.

Seeing Ling Pengyun's full-strength attack, the clan leader Ling Yunhong turned his head and looked at Ling Pengyun's murderous look, and also knew Ling Pengyun's plan.

He waved his hand to stabilize the Cloud Shuttle that had been knocked away by the third-level Golden Core Peak Red Gold Bear Monster, and slammed it onto the defensive light curtain held up by the bear monster.

Then, he kept pinching his hands and used the top-level middle-level magical power "Dragon Yang True Fire", which transformed into a large piece of Dragon Yang True Fire.

This piece of Dragon Yang True Fire gathered in one place and quickly condensed into a pure Yang Fire Dragon of more than 50 feet.

Although the eyes of this pure Yang Fire Dragon were dull, its body was extremely majestic. Once it appeared, it spread out a kind of high-ranking aura to press in all directions.

The millions of low-level monsters and even the fourteen Golden Core Demon Kings attacking the city felt the suppression from their blood, which weakened their strength by at least half a percent.

Such a grand show also alarmed the other Golden Core True People who were fighting against the Golden Core Monster Beasts.

These Jindan Zhenren all came from big sects and had some knowledge. Through the fire dragon's micro-power, they guessed that the technique Ling Yunhong used had an extraordinary origin, at least it was a technique of the level of magical power.

At the same time, Xuanyang Laodao, Lieyang Zhenren, and Yaowang Zhenren of Yaowang Valley, who mainly practiced fire-related techniques, also showed some excitement in their eyes.

According to their experience, the power of the fire dragon magical power technique is more than that.

However, they only thought that Ling Yunhong was unable to exert the true power of the fire dragon magical power technique because of his low cultivation level.

And the fire dragon magical power technique is consistent with the attributes of the techniques they practiced. If they can obtain it, their strength will be enough to increase by several times.

However, these three people are old hands in the world. They were surprised to see that Ling Yunhong, who was only at the first level of Jindan, could obtain such a powerful magical power technique that their sects did not have.

They turned their heads to look at Bailing Sect's leader, Master Bailing, who had a good relationship with the Ling family, and took a look at Master Bailing's expression.

What surprised the three was that Master Bailing was also surprised when he saw Ling Yunhong's powerful Fire Dragon Magical Art.

However, they also subtly noticed that Master Bailing's face also showed a trace of fear and a trace of envy.

Apart from that, there was no other expression at all.

If Ling Yunhong had a high level of cultivation and used this technique, it would be normal for Master Bailing not to be concerned but to be afraid.

But Ling Yunhong was only at the first level of Jindan. It was very strange that Master Bailing, who was always insidious, did not covet such a low-level Jindan with such a magic.

In this way, the amount of information contained was huge.

After thinking about it for a while, Taoist Xuanyang, Master Lieyang, and Master Yaowang, who were extremely moved by the powerful Fire Dragon Art performed by Ling Yunhong, suddenly came up with a guess in their hearts.

"This technique was given by a master!"

"And that master must be very powerful."

Instantly, the three people's concerns about the Fire Dragon Magical Technique suddenly disappeared.

If Ling Yunhong didn't have someone behind him, and that person was very powerful, then the extremely sinister Bai Ling Zhenren would have already taken action to snatch the technique.

Thinking in this way, the three of them gradually thought of the fact that the Ling family had produced two golden elixirs in recent years.

The three of them attributed this to the master behind the Ling family.

This also made the three of them feel a little bit of awe for the Ling family.

Thinking back, the three of them also put their minds back on the battle.

And Ling Yunhong, who had condensed the Pure Yang Fire Dragon, also shot the Pure Yang Fire Dragon at this moment.

This Pure Yang Fire Dragon was extremely fast. In just half a breath, it hit the defensive light curtain held up by the Golden Elixir Level 3 Peak Bear Monster in the Five Elements Return to Origin Formation.


Under the impact of the fire dragon, a huge wave suddenly emerged.

A small crack appeared at the impact point.

Obviously, although this magical power of this master who is good at refining pills is not as powerful as facing demon cultivators when facing monsters, its power is not weak.

Compared with the previous ones, the power of this magic skill against monsters can at least be compared to the top lower magic skills.

The top lower magic skills are at least 60% stronger than the innate spells of the same-level cultivators, and at least more than twice as strong as the ordinary spells of the same level.

In addition, Ling Yunhong formed a middle-level golden elixir, and with the blessing of the yin and yang primordial energy, his spiritual power is enough to be as strong as that of a third-level golden elixir cultivator.

With enough spiritual power, he can fight against the third-level golden elixir strongman with this pure yang true fire alone.

With the continuous bombardment of this powerful pure yang fire dragon and the means used by Ling Pengyun, the defensive light curtain held up by the red gold bear monster was covered with spider-like cracks in just three breaths.

With a sound of breaking, the defensive light curtain suddenly broke into countless pieces and turned into ashes.

The Pure Yang Fire Dragon and other attacks also hit the Red Gold Bear Demon at the peak of the third level of the Golden Core.

Seeing this, the Red Gold Bear Demon rarely showed fear in his eyes.

Under desperation, it had to open its mouth and offer the "Red Gold Treasure Armor" that had been nurtured for hundreds of years and had just been upgraded to the third-level middle-grade realm some time ago. It was forged with a piece of third-level upper-grade gold-attributed precious iron as the source and a large amount of third-level precious iron.

This heavy treasure armor, which was only the size of a fist and appeared golden in color, turned around and suddenly grew larger, and fit very smoothly on the body of the Red Gold Bear Demon at the peak of the third level of the Golden Core.

Then, it offered another offensive life magic weapon "Red Gold Claw" and performed a short-term burst method "Angry Bear Technique".

There were two sets of Red Gold Claws, which were respectively put on the claws of the bear demon.

The Angry Bear Technique is a relatively sophisticated explosive combat method that was improved by several Yuanying demon kings of the Red Gold Bear Clan over tens of thousands of years.

This technique is divided into two levels. The first level will burn the spiritual power in the body after being used, increasing the strength by about 50%.

Although the first level is not as strong as other desperate methods, it does not have side effects like other desperate spells after this method is used.

For example, it will be weak for a certain period of time, or the blood and essence will be greatly reduced.

And the second level of this method, once used, will explode twice the strength within a hundred breaths, but the cost is also huge, and it will take at least ten years to recover.

At this time, this Red Gold Bear at the peak of the third level of the Golden Core is using the first level of the Angry Bear Technique.

With the blessing of this technique, its cultivation has also skyrocketed to the fourth level of the Golden Core.

With the improvement brought by the two life magic weapons and cultivation, this Red Gold Bear Demon is at peace.

It used its hands, which were covered with red gold full body armor, to block the attacks of the Pure Yang Fire Dragon.

The "Red Gold Full Body Armor" of the third-grade intermediate magic weapon on its body, which was at the top-middle level of its life magic weapon, was extremely strong, and it was actually blocked by the bear in such a simple way.

With such an advantage, the Red Gold Bear Demon was overjoyed. It arrogantly roared at the Pure Yang Fire Dragon in front of it, which kept hitting itself and made itself feel very uncomfortable with the breath of the superior.

Then, it waved its claws, which were also covered with the Red Gold Claws of the third-grade intermediate life magic weapon, which was also at the top-middle level, and turned into an airtight claw shadow to block all the attacks.

Moreover, it also paid special attention to the Pure Yang Fire Dragon. 50% of its claw attacks basically fell on this powerful Pure Yang Fire Dragon.

Each time it clawed, it made a lot of achievements. In just half a breath, it dispersed half of the flames on the fire dragon.

This also made the red-gold bear demon more rampant, and finally let out a roar of celebration in advance.

Standing on the main wall of the Poison Dragon City, Ling Pengyun watched this scene, but he was not afraid. Instead, he looked at the "red-gold claws" on the claws of the bear demon whose cultivation had soared to the fourth level of the golden elixir with deep meaning, and muttered to himself.

"Rare claw magic weapons are rare."

"It just so happens that my physique has been tempered by the golden elixir thunder tribulation and has been upgraded to the ordinary golden elixir level of physical cultivation. If I have the help of this magic weapon, my physique comparable to the first level of the golden elixir can be used."

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