Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 527: Strong Killing and Treasure Sharing (Update, the fourth update)

After coming back to his senses, he focused his eyes, pinched the magic formula with both hands, and muttered a sentence.

"The Five Elements Return to Origin Rope!"


The Five Elements Guiyuan Formation that trapped the bear demon whose cultivation had soared to the fourth level of the Golden Core trembled again. A thirty-foot long rope suddenly appeared behind the bear demon in the formation who was resisting several attacks.

The aura of this long rope was extremely secretive and extremely fast. Before the bear demon could react, the long rope magic weapon had already clung to its body and wrapped around its hands like a long snake. Bound them together.

This rope has been blessed by the power of the formation, and its power is comparable to the third-level low-grade magic weapon.

Even if the strength of this bear demon is improved through secret methods, the power it controls has skyrocketed to as much as 800,000 kilograms.

But for a short time, the bear demon was still unable to break free from the long rope tied to his hands.

This also left it with no means of fighting and its strength was greatly reduced.

The next moment, the attack methods such as the Pure Yang Fire Dragon, the Burning Yuan True Fire, the Blue Sea Heavy Yuan Orb, the Five Elements Returning Yuan Sword, the Fire Dragon Flying Sword and other attacks that were previously blocked by it with both hands were unable to resist, and they all bombarded the bear's body. The set of "red gold full-body armor" aroused the harsh sounds of metal and iron.

The bear demon was also beaten back continuously due to the remaining power from the treasure armor.

In addition, attack methods such as Pure Yang Fire Dragon and Burning Yuan True Fire all have good power. In particular, the power of Pure Yang Fire Dragon, Burning Yuan True Fire, and Fire Dragon Sword are comparable to those of the three. A mid-level magic weapon.

In this way, even if the treasured armor on the bear demon is of high quality and strong, it is still a bit too much to bear under the bombardment of so many powerful magic weapons, and the shining luster on its treasured armor gradually becomes dim.

In just ten breaths, the treasured armor was already covered with scratches.

In fact, the arm guards that protected the bear's hands had holes in them and became broken.

The Burning Origin True Fire, which was comparable to the third-order mid-grade True Fire, followed the holes on the arm guards of his hands and burned on the flesh and blood of his hands.

Although this red gold bear with the fourth level of golden elixir has a strong body, it can't resist the invasion of the Burning Yuan True Fire.

The red-gold hair on his arms was burned by the real fire first, followed by his flesh and blood.

A hint of meaty aroma also came.

And the bear demon also let out a painful cry.

Although the bear mobilized its spiritual power in time to block the Yuan-burning True Fire, it prevented the fire from continuing to burn the flesh and blood on its hands.

But the flesh and blood that had been burned by the Burning Yuan True Fire still felt burning pain at this moment.

Coupled with the current crisis.

If we continue to maintain the status quo, I'm afraid it won't be much better.

With a cruel heart, it directly launched the second level of the Angry Bear Technique, the "Blood Bear Technique".

Suddenly, the normal blood and the small amount of blood essence in its body began to burn crazily, turning into a steady stream of spiritual power to feed back to the bear.

Its cultivation also skyrocketed.

In just half a breath, its cultivation reached the peak of the sixth level of the Golden Core, and was only one step away from the seventh level of the Golden Core.

At the same time as its cultivation level increased greatly, its strength, which was already stronger than monsters of the same level, also skyrocketed to nearly a million kilograms of strength.

It roared angrily, exploded with nearly a million kilograms of force, and violently broke free from the Five Elements Returning Rope wrapped around its hands.

Although the Five Elements Returning Rope is strong, the power of this bear demon is too huge.

In just half a breath, cracks appeared on the rope.

This situation made Ling Pengyun, who was confident enough to kill this monster, feel moved.

You must know that this bear's original cultivation level was only at the peak of the third level of Golden Core.

Now it has risen to three levels.

"But I underestimated this demon king who was born in the Yuanying clan!"

A solemn look also appeared on Ling Pengyun's face.

In order to prevent the long rope of the Five Elements Return to Origin from being damaged, he raised his hand and removed it.

As for the red gold bear demon, whose hands were no longer bound by the five-element return-to-origin long rope, anger had already reached its head. It wildly waved its claws that had regained freedom and slapped wildly on the incoming attacks, repelling them one by one.

Even the extremely powerful Pure Yang Fire Dragon was able to disperse 20% of the true fire in a short period of time.

The size of the fire dragon also became smaller.

Ling Pengyun secretly knew that he could not let the bear attack again. If he did not make any response, the bear's strength might be enough to break the Five Elements Returning Formation and escape.

He greeted Ling Yunhong loudly beside him.

"Grandpa Yunhong, use the killing move!"

Ling Yunhong knew what he meant, nodded lightly, and quickly made a seal with his hands.

"Pure Yang stove!"


The Pure Yang Fire Dragon, which was pressed down and beaten by the bear demon, suddenly roared.

The power of the blazing sun shining down from the sky continuously gathered into the body of the fire dragon, helping the fire dragon to continue to grow stronger.

In an instant, the size of this fire dragon grew to more than sixty feet.

Then, the fire dragon changed again.

It suddenly spread out and turned into a large piece of pure Yang true fire that swept towards the red gold bear, wrapped it inside, and turned into a pure Yang furnace.

Nine fire chains transformed from pure Yang true fire were also formed, and they were tied to the hands and feet of the red gold bear demon in the furnace.

The burning true fire that came out of Ling Pengyun's top inferior magic weapon, the burning yuan magic lantern, also turned into chains of fire, wrapping around the body of the bear demon.

The 480,000-kilogram Blue Sea Chongyuan Orb and the 18-foot-tall Mountain-Moving Evil Ghost were respectively pressed on the body of the bear demon.

The Fire Dragon Sword and the Five Elements Returning to Origin Flying Sword attacked the bear monster's claws without armor protection, causing the bear monster great pain.

It was also trapped by many magic weapons, and it was difficult to escape in a short time even with its huge strength.

The next moment, four sword sounds resounded through the sky.

Four Azure Sea Sky Swords, more than fifty feet long, also appeared in the air.

These four Azure Sea Sky Swords turned into dazzling sword lights, carrying bursts of pleasant sword sounds, and quickly crossed a thousand feet and killed the bear monster.

Even if the bear monster supported the last means of life-saving "Golden Pill Divine Power" body protection Yuan Gang in time.

Although this set of body protection Yuan Gang has strong defense, even because it used the desperate method, the defense is enough to be comparable to the power of the third-level top-grade defense magic weapon.

But when it used this technique, it also took away more of its remaining strength.

It was also difficult for it to break free from the other magic weapons on its body.

After a hundred breaths of fighting, the desperate skill of the bear monster had come to an end.

Then, the aura of the bear monster, which had reached the peak of the sixth level of the Golden Core, quickly fell back to the third level of the Golden Core.

The protective Yuan Gang it held up also became extremely dim.

Ling Pengyun seized the opportunity and urged the superior third-level lower-grade Fire Dragon Sword to smash it with one sword.

He also transferred more spiritual power into the Burning Yuan Magic Lamp and summoned more Burning Yuan True Fire.

He mobilized this true fire to burn the flesh and blood along the arm guards full of holes on the bear monster's hands.

At this time, the weak bear monster was no longer able to use spiritual power to resist the burning of the true fire as before, which also caused its arms to be burned to ashes in just half a breath, and only the pair of red gold claws magic weapons remained.

After the success, the Burning Yuan True Fire also swept along its flesh and blood to other parts.

But after a while, the head of the bear monster, which was in a weak period of desperate spells, was burned clean by the true fire.

Its golden elixir also rushed out of its abdomen at this moment, but it was retained by the gravity magnetic field of the Bihai Chongyuan Pearl.

Standing on the wall of the Poison Dragon City, Ling Pengyunguan saw this happy event and showed joy on his face.

However, looking at the red gold bear monster whose body was only half burned by the burning Yuan true fire, he showed a look of pity on his face.

He had planned to kill this bear monster instead of fighting it, waiting for the other human golden elixirs to come to support, because he was thinking about the flesh and blood containing rich spiritual energy on this monster.

Now that most of it has been lost, he is naturally distressed.

Then, he raised his hand and waved back the magic weapon he had sacrificed, and then directly performed the art of controlling objects from a distance of thousands of feet, and moved the body of the red gold bear monster, which was only half of the body left, as well as its golden elixir and the pair of red gold claws, into the Poison Dragon City.

He threw the golden elixir of the red gold bear and the solid red gold armor on it to Ling Yunhong beside him and said to him.

"Grandpa, this golden elixir is for you to make elixirs. You just happen to have no defensive magic weapon, and this armor can also make up for your shortcomings. I want the red gold claws of this bear monster. I plan to leave the remaining half of its flesh and blood to my wife to cook spiritual food to help her improve her cultivation!"

Ling Yunhong reached out to take the golden elixir handed over. Hearing this, his eyes moved slightly and asked.

"Pengyun, do you plan to help Siyi break through the golden elixir first?"

Ling Pengyun nodded without hiding his thoughts. "Yes, Siyi has now reached the ninth level of foundation building, while Pengqiu, another Jindan seed in the clan, has only reached the peak of the eighth level of foundation building."

"As long as nothing unexpected happens, Madam will definitely reach the perfection of foundation building faster than Pengqiu."

"The best get the opportunity first, this is the custom in the world of immortal cultivation."

After Ling Yunhong waved his hand and cast a soundproof ban around his body, he showed a touch of approval on his face and said.

"Although Siyi's combat power is not strong, her cultivation aptitude is also good. She is in the spiritual kitchen and is your wife. If she can enter the Jindan, it will also be of great benefit to the family. Whether I stand on your side or on the side of the family, I agree with this matter."

After saying this, Ling Yunhong asked another question.

"But what are you going to do with Pengqiu?"

"In the future, our clan can only exchange three different ordinary golden elixir spirit objects from Bailingmen with the Fire Wolf Swallowing Moon Technique!"

"If you want to help Siyi break through the golden elixir, it's best to give these three golden elixir spirit objects to Siyi. But if you do that, Pengqiu will have no golden elixir spirit objects to help him break through the golden elixir in the future."

Ling Pengyun answered. "I have already thought about Pengqiu's breakthrough to the Golden Core. I have passed a breath of Yin-Yang Taichu Qi to Pengqiu, and he can increase his chances of breaking through the Golden Core by 10%."

"Now, Grandpa, you and I are both strong. We can easily kill a cultivator in the early stage of the Golden Core with our combined strength, and we can also fight a cultivator in the middle stage of the Golden Core with our combined strength."

"In this case, in a few years, after the family has raised a batch of spirit stones, we will have some strength to not be afraid of the same level of cultivators, and we can directly go to the major markets to buy Golden Core spiritual objects."

"By then, buy two Golden Core spiritual objects for Pengqiu, and the probability of Pengqiu breaking through the Golden Core will be about 30%, which is not small."

"We are not ashamed of him."

Ling Yunhong was a little surprised, and then a kind smile rose on his face, looking at Ling Pengyun and said with a smile.

"You gave Pengqiu that opportunity, and you are willing to find two ordinary Golden Core spiritual objects for Pengqiu. This is indeed not ashamed of him."

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