Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 528: Kill a monster and get a treasure (3000 words, please subscribe)

Just as Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong were talking, the Red Gold Bear King, who was at the peak of the ninth level of the Golden Core, and who was working together with the White Cloud Spirit Fox King, who was at the Golden Core Perfection Realm, to resist the Taoist Xuan Yang, also noticed the tragic death of his fellow Golden Core.

Countless anger suddenly surged in his heart, and he let out angry roars.

Even among the Red Gold Bear Clan of the Yuanying Demon Clan, there are not many Golden Core Demon Kings.

Moreover, the Golden Core Bear Monsters it brought this time were all the direct descendants of its father at the Yuanying Realm.

Once the death of its fellow Golden Core was known to its father, it would be punished.

It glared at the Poison Dragon City protected by the third-level formation, and the two bear killers Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong on the city wall, and its killing intent was even stronger.

Now it wanted to kill the two human Golden Cores to vent its anger, but it was blocked by the Taoist Xuan Yang, who was at the Golden Core Perfection Realm, and the third-level city defense formation of the Poison Dragon City.

Under such circumstances, it also transferred its anger to the Xuanyang Sword, the third-grade superior life magic weapon in front of it that was constantly suppressing it.

In anger, the red-gold bear king, which was more than a hundred feet in size, directly took out the heavy life magic weapon "Red Gold Wolf Tooth Club" that had been nurtured for hundreds of years.

This club exudes an aura that is stronger than ordinary third-grade superior magic weapons. Its size is even larger, reaching nearly two hundred feet, and the whole body is red gold. Except for the handle, the rest of the position is covered with sharp barbs.

And the quality of this club is also very high, which is stronger than the red gold claws of the red gold bear clan, which is also an offensive magic weapon, and has reached the level of superior life magic weapons.

This club is a heavy magic weapon, and the weight contained is not low, reaching two million jin, which is nearly twice as strong as the heavy magic weapon of the same level.

In addition, the origin of this stick is also extraordinary. Although it is also a magic weapon of the Red Gold Bear Clan, the forging method of this superior life magic weapon is the most core inheritance of the Red Gold Bear Clan.

Only the Red Gold Bear who has entered the late Jindan stage can get the forging method of this superior attack magic weapon from the Yuanying Demon King of the Red Gold Bear.

The Red Gold Bear King, who is at the peak of the ninth level of the Jindan, tightly grasped the Red Gold Wolf Tooth Stick in his hands, exerted force, and bombarded the sword light of the Xuanyang Sword that was more than 140 feet long, breaking up a lot of its sword light.

After a few moves, the Red Gold Bear King relied on this superior life magic weapon, the Red Gold Wolf Tooth Stick, to suppress the Xuanyang Sword.

However, this Xuanyang Sword is extraordinary after all. It belongs to the top middle-level magic weapon. Although it is weaker than the red gold mace in terms of power, it is still no problem to continue fighting with the bear monster under the blessing of the strong spiritual power of Xuanyang Taoist.

This little episode was quickly settled.

At the same time.

On the wall of Poison Dragon City.

The Qingxin Taoist, who had reached the third level of Jindan and was fighting with a third-level red gold bear with the third-level middle-grade magic weapon "Qingxin Whisk" of Qingxin Taoist Temple, was a little surprised to see Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong kill a red gold bear at the peak of the third level of Jindan so quickly.

However, when he thought that Ling Pengyun had killed an ordinary third-level peak demon king of Jindan alone in his early years, and the magical power that Ling Yunhong, the patriarch of the Ling family, had just performed was not weak, he was relieved.

Then, he looked at the two "top middle-level" third-level lower-grade life magic weapons "Red Gold Full Body Armor" and "Red Treasure Claw" worn by the third-level red gold bear monster that he was fighting with, and his eyes slightly showed a hint of excitement.

The quality of these two items is particularly good. Even if the human golden elixir cannot fully exert their power, they can still exert the power of top-level lower-grade magic weapons.

If these two magic weapons are put on the market, they can be sold for at least 350,000 spiritual stones, especially the red gold full body armor with particularly good defense, which can be sold for at least 400,000 spiritual stones.

Such benefits are also extremely huge for the Taoist Qingxin, the master of the temple.

Without being distracted too much, the Taoist Qingxin immediately greeted Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong who had just broken away not far away, and pointed to the third-level red gold bear monster that he was fighting with.

"Two fellow Lings, please help me kill this monster. We will share the benefits equally!"

Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong, who had just finished the battle, turned their heads and looked.

When they saw that the red-gold bear monster pointed by Taoist Qingxin was only at the third level of Jindan, they were also a little tempted, but neither of them agreed immediately.

Ling Pengyun, who was familiar with Taoist Qingxin, also bargained.

"There are two of us. Taoist Qingxin, you only give us 50% of the benefits. It's not a good friend!"

"After killing the bear monster, my grandfather and I will get 65% of the benefits, and you will get 35% alone."

"If Taoist agrees to this division of benefits, my grandfather and I will help you. If Taoist disagrees, my grandfather and I will help the other Taoists!"

After hearing this, Taoist Qingxin considered that if it was calculated based on three people, he would get the most benefits among the three.

In addition, Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong were both as strong as him. With their help, it was almost certain that he would kill the third-level golden elixir red-gold bear.

In this way, he could also get away and go to help other Taoist friends to gain more benefits, so he gritted his teeth and agreed.

"Okay, let's divide the benefits like this!"

Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong were both delighted when they heard this.

Then, the two of them sacrificed their own magic weapons and went to help Taoist Qingxin to besiege the third-level golden elixir red-gold bear outside the city.

The red gold bear of the third level of the Golden Core was several times weaker than the one killed by Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong before, and could only fight Taoist Qingxin on equal terms.

Now that Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong came to support, the bear was simply unable to resist.

After a few moves, the bear lost its composure and could no longer resist so many attacks, causing its body to be bombarded by magic weapons.

If it were not for the relatively strong "Red Gold Armor", its life magic weapon, it would have been killed by now.

Then, it cast several defensive spells.

But even so, the bear did not last long.

In just half an incense stick of time, it was beheaded by Ling Pengyun and the other two.

Taoist Qingxin also used the art of controlling objects to summon the corpse of the third level of the Golden Core Bear Demon and its magic weapon into the city.

Then, he said to Ling Pengyun's grandfather and grandson who were approaching him.

"This bear monster only has this third-grade lower-grade red gold armor and red gold claws, which are worth 400,000 spirit stones and 350,000 spirit stones respectively."

"Its body, plus its golden elixir, is worth at most 50,000 spirit stones, and its soul is worth about 10,000 spirit stones."

"After careful calculation, the total value of the bear monster we killed this time is about 810,000 spirit stones."

"I lack a good quality defensive magic weapon. If you two Taoist friends can give me the red gold armor of this bear monster, I am willing to make up the difference of 120,000 spirit stones later."

Ling Pengyun already has a superior third-grade lower-grade magic weapon, the Fire Dragon Shield, and Ling Yunhong also has a red gold armor. They both have no shortage of defensive magic weapons.

In addition, since Taoist Qingxin is willing to make up the difference, they also sold Taoist Qingxin a face and gave the red gold armor to Taoist Qingxin.

Taoist Qingxin was very happy about this. With the help of the treasure armor, his defense power would be stronger, and he would have a greater chance of survival in the future when he encountered danger.

He also thanked Ling Pengyun and his grandson.

"Thank you two Taoist friends for sharing the treasure!"

Ling Yunhong and Ling Pengyun did not care about this. After waving their hands, they looked at the body of the third-level golden elixir red gold bear monster, the golden elixir, and the third-level lower-grade magic weapon red gold claw.

Ling Pengyun saw that the body of this red gold bear monster was well preserved. Except for the head being cut off, there were only some flesh wounds on his body because of the protection of the red gold treasure armor. It was not like the bear monster he killed before, half of the body was gone.

Then, his heart moved.

"This bear monster has a strong body, and it is a good material for refining a demon corpse."

A month ago, the "Corpse Control Treasure Book" of the Demon Cultivation Corpse Dao Golden Elixir inheritance that he collected from the Poison Blood Demon Sect did not record the method of refining the corpse of a demon beast into a demon corpse.

But in some of the miscellaneous Qi training and foundation building techniques of the Corpse Dao, some such methods were seen.

However, the methods of refining the corpse of a demon beast into a demon corpse recorded in those miscellaneous techniques were not very advanced, and could only refine the corpse of a demon beast into the most common iron corpse.

For example, the demon corpse that mastered the five elements was not recorded.

From this, it can be seen that low-level corpse cultivators do not value the corpse of a demon beast very much.

Thinking back, Ling Pengyun said to his grandfather Ling Yunhong who had not spoken beside him.

"Grandfather, I have a use for this third-level Jindan bear monster's corpse, its Jindan, and its soul. These three items belong to me, and the third-level lower-grade magic weapon-level red gold claw belongs to you, Grandfather, okay?"

Ling Yunhong heard this and nodded with joy. "Of course."

His body has also been tempered by the Jindan thunder tribulation, and has the strength comparable to that of a first-level Jindan body cultivator.

With the help of that good red gold claw, he can have one more means of attack.

Afterwards, Ling Pengyun waved his hand and pinched his fingers, performing a small spell to collect souls, leading out the soul of the third-level Jindan bear monster and putting it into the soul-collecting bottle.

After the division of interests, he and Ling Yunhong had consumed most of their spiritual power after two consecutive battles, so they sat cross-legged on the city wall, absorbing the spiritual energy produced by the third-level spiritual vein in the city into their bodies and pouring it into their Jindan.

The Taoist priest Qingxin, who still had a lot of spiritual power left, was delighted as he went to help the rest of the human race's golden elixirs and kill the demon king outside the city.

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