Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 534: The Ice Soul Mysterious Water Talisman Appears (2600 words, please subscribe)

at the same time.

The Black Flame True Fire Weapon Spirit, which had been suppressed for a hundred breaths of time, no longer indulged the Bear King. The Black Flame True Fire Weapon Spirit transformed into the Black Flame True Fire Weapon Cage immediately spread out and re-condensed into the Black Flame Fire Phoenix Weapon. The appearance of the spirit.

However, the situation of this weapon spirit is not good now.

The figure of this weapon spirit has shrunk by a full 30%, remaining only about 120 feet in size.

Its aura has also become a little sluggish, and the temperature of the black flames surrounding it is also a little lower than before.

Now, the black flame phoenix weapon spirit glared at the bear king, opened its mouth and continuously spit out the black flame true fire, sweeping over the bear king's body.

At this time, the Bear King had no cultivation base at the pseudo-infant level, and it was somewhat difficult to withstand such a powerful Black Flame True Fire.

"Boy Bai Ling, this bear is too weird. I'm here to help you. Follow me and kill this bear."

At this moment, the Black Flame Fire Phoenix Artifact Spirit greeted Master Bai Ling.

After hearing this, Master Bailing's eyes lit up, and he immediately used all the magic weapons on his body.

The same goes for Ling Pengyun and others.

With the combined efforts of everyone, the layers of defense on the Bear King were gradually shattered, and the Bear King also showed a hint of defeat.

This bear king didn't dare to be too big, so he immediately roared for help.

Thousands of miles away, the Baiyunling Fox King and other five Golden Core Demon Kings who were besieging Xuanyang Feizhou heard this sound and looked towards the Bear King.

When they saw that the bear king was in danger, they all felt chills.

They all know the identity of the Bear King.

Once the Bear King, who is the heir of the Nascent Soul and the seed of the Nascent Soul of the Red Gold Bear Clan, dies tragically, the Red Gold Bear Clan will definitely not let them have an easy time, and there is a high possibility of killing them to vent their anger.

But now they are all entangled by the five Xuanyang Sect Golden Pills in the Xuanyang Flying Boat Group, making it difficult to escape.

In their anxiety, the Baiyun Linghu King and the other Golden Core Demon Kings turned to desperate measures to forcibly improve their cultivation, regardless of the consequences.

Their strength has also increased due to the improvement of their cultivation. Under their counterattack, even if the Xuanyang Master in the Xuanyang Flying Boat Group intends to entangle them, he is still unable to do so.

Even the Xuanyang Sword, the natal magic weapon used by Xuanyang Old Taoist to block the Baiyunling Fox King whose cultivation had been promoted to the pseudo-infant realm, was refined into scrap metal by the Fox King's natal formation flag.

The old Taoist Xuanyang also sprayed a mouthful of blood because his natal magic weapon was destroyed. The spiritual power in his body stagnated, and all other attack methods also stopped.

The fox king took this opportunity to quickly support the bear king whose life was in danger in the distance.

a long distance away.

Bailing Zhenren, the main force besieging the Bear King, frowned when he saw the Fox King coming to support him with his secret technique.

The original cultivation level of the Baiyun Spirit Fox King was as high as the Golden Core Perfection. Now, through the secret method, its cultivation level has been further improved to the realm of pseudo-infant.

If such powerful men were allowed to arrive, it would be impossible for him, Ling Pengyun and others to kill the Bear King.

In desperation, Master Bailing looked at Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong beside him and asked them.

"Fellow Taoist Pengyun and Yunhong, do you still have that superior third-level high-grade attack talisman with you?"

"If there is one, use it immediately and kill the Bear King in one fell swoop. Afterwards, I will give up the golden elixir on the Bear King and its corpse to you!"

"The Five Elements Returning to the Origin Formation that my clan borrowed from the Qin clan was damaged. The Five Elements Returning to the Origin Long Rope is a damaged array. Our clan does not need your clan to compensate for it."

Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong were immediately excited. Although the superior third-level high-grade spiritual talisman was powerful, it was extremely rare, and could be worth up to 50,000 spiritual stones on the market.

As for the golden elixir of the ninth-level peak golden elixir like the bear demon, and its corpse, the price of the ordinary ninth-level golden elixir monster is one point higher. On the market, the golden elixir of this kind of monster is at least worth One hundred thousand spiritual stones, and his body is worth at least 80,000 spiritual stones, which together equals 180,000 spiritual stones.

The difference between the two is nearly four times.

If its corpse and golden elixir are used to refine spiritual objects, the value can be doubled or tripled.

Furthermore, the damaged Five Elements Guiyuan Long Rope is worth at least 100,000 spirit stones. If they do not take action this time, the Ling Family will have to compensate Bailingmen with at least 100,000 spirit stones.

In addition, they have killed several Jindan Realm Red Gold Bears this time and have developed a hatred with the Red Gold Bear Clan. If they do not kill the Bear King today, the Ling family will definitely not have an easy time in the next few decades.

For various reasons, Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong looked at each other.

Then, Ling Pengyun said something to Master Bai Ling.

"I have the magic talisman, but after the matter is completed, I will also want the body of the seven-layer red gold bear with golden elixir that we killed while stationed at Qingping Mountain and its golden elixir!"

"If fellow Taoist agrees, I will take action."

Master Bai Ling felt a little angry when he saw Ling Pengyun taking advantage of the fire to rob.

However, when he considered that by killing the Bear King, he would get the top-notch intermediate third-level magic weapon Xuanjinkai and the upper-level third-level magic weapon Xuanjin Mace in the hands of the Bear King, he gritted his teeth. Agreed to this matter.

Both of these items are worth at least a million spiritual stones, especially the extremely high-quality black gold mace. Even if it is used by the human race, it is difficult to exert its full power, but it can also exert the power of the top intermediate magic weapon. The value is at least around 1.5 million spiritual stones.

In this way, getting the black gold mace is like acquiring a top-notch intermediate magic weapon. This item is enough to increase the strength of Bai Ling by several percent. With this item alone, he can reach the level of overcoming enemies. strength.

"Okay, I'll do as you say!"

When Ling Pengyun heard that Bai Ling Zhenren agreed to his request, his eyes suddenly lit up with joy. He immediately slapped the storage bag on his waist and took out the third-grade superior ice soul mysterious water talisman that his master, Bi Shui Zhenren, gave him when he left the secret realm, and threw it out.

This talisman was suspended in the air, and the spiritual light trembled. Countless cold air surged out of it and turned into a water drop the size of a fingernail.

This water drop was extremely fast. A blue light and shadow slid across the sky, and the water drop spanned hundreds of feet and killed the bear king. It easily broke the last layer of defensive light curtain on the bear king's body and hit the mask on the bear king's head, causing a huge roar.

Although this mask was also part of the third-grade superior red gold armor on the bear monster, it was very strong and temporarily blocked this water drop.

But the best thing about this ice soul mysterious water drop is to break the barrier, and its power is also extraordinary. It is not weaker than the full-strength attack of a strong man in the golden elixir perfect realm.

In just half a breath, the Ice Soul Mysterious Water Droplet pierced through the bear demon's visor.

However, just when everyone thought that they had won and the bear demon was doomed, something strange happened.

A powerful aura that did not belong to it suddenly burst out from the bear demon's body, and then a red-gold bear phantom with a length of more than 400 feet, a Yuanying aura, a ferocious face, and a rather majestic appearance appeared behind the bear demon.

The huge red-gold bear phantom raised its hand and shot out a spiritual power, which dispersed the Ice Soul Mysterious Water Droplet that was about to pierce the bear king's head.

Then, it shot out another spiritual power, bombarding the Black Flame Fire Phoenix Spirit that had been spewing flames at the bear king.

Although the Black Flame Fire Phoenix Spirit was strong, its cultivation was only at the Golden Core Perfection after all. It could not resist the attack of the Yuanying strongman at all. It was immediately knocked hundreds of feet away by the spiritual light, and its exuding aura became a little weaker.

However, after this action, the huge phantom of the red-gold bear seemed to have consumed a lot of power and became very transparent, as if it would dissipate in the next moment.

When the phantom was about to dissipate, it stared at Ling Pengyun who cast the Ice Soul Mysterious Water Talisman and threatened.

"This is my son. If you dare to touch it, the next time the monster beasts riot, I will lead my tribe to pacify your Yan country!"

As soon as these words fell, the phantom turned into countless fragments and dissipated in the smoke.

Ling Pengyun, who saw this scene, and Bai Ling Zhenren and others beside him also showed a touch of surprise on their faces.

They did not expect that the bear king in the peak of the ninth level of the golden elixir in front of them was the only descendant of the red-gold bear king in the Yuanying realm of the red-gold bear clan.

After half a breath, when Ling Pengyun came to his senses, he stared at the bear king with the Yuanying demon king standing on the platform.

When he saw the bear's arrogant face and eyes full of hatred and murderous intent, he frowned immediately.

Then, he called out to the surrounding Bailing Zhenren who didn't know whether to take action.

"This bear monster, the descendant of the Yuanying, has already hated us. If we don't get rid of it today, when this bear king escapes and we disperse and return to our own homes, I'm afraid this bear king will defeat us one by one."

"If we kill this bear, we can live for decades more, and maybe we will have a chance to survive the next monster beast chaos."

"And if we don't get rid of this bear today, I'm afraid our forces won't even be able to survive the monster beast chaos!"

Speaking of this, Ling Pengyun's fighting spirit increased greatly. He directly pinched the formula to mobilize the remaining 60% of the spiritual power in his body, condensed two fifty-foot-long blue sea sky swords and directly hit the bear king, and then shouted again.

"Follow me to kill this bear!"

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