Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 535: Four major forces force Xuanyang Sect to abdicate (2500 words, please subscribe)

Ling Yunhong, Bailing Zhenren, Baoyuan Zhenren, and Qingxin Laodao, who were suppressed by the shadow of the Yuanying Demon King, also woke up immediately. They also made up their minds and used their killing moves.

The bear king was originally a slave by force, and all its defenses had been broken. Only the third-grade top-grade black gold armor was left on its body.

Moreover, the visor of the armor protecting the bear monster's head was also broken by the Bingpo Xuanshui Talisman before, which also became a flaw of the bear king.

In just two breaths, Ling Pengyun seized the opportunity and pierced the bear king's head with the Fire Dragon Sword.

Then, with another stir, countless small sword beams flowed into the rest of the bear monster's body, stirring its meridians, blood and flesh into a mess.

Along with the wailing sounds coming from the bear monster's mouth, its vitality also dissipated and turned into a cold corpse.

In order to prevent the bear monster's corpse from falling from a thousand feet high and breaking into pieces, Ling Pengyun raised his hand and used the art of controlling objects to move the object in the air, moving it in front of himself and putting it into the storage bag.

He also called out to Bailing Zhenren who was standing at the head of Bailing Flying Boat.

"Daoyou Bailing, we will divide the property later."

At this moment, the White Cloud Spirit Fox King, who was thousands of feet away and supporting the bear king to use the escape technique to kill Ling Pengyun and others, saw that the Yuanying Demon King's son, the bear king, had been killed, and was in a panic.

The bear king had an extraordinary background, but now he died tragically beside him. He would definitely be held accountable by the bear king's father, the Yuanying Demon King.

Even if he was highly regarded by the demon king of the Red Gold Bear Clan because of the formation, he could save his life.

But in the future, the tiny path to a higher realm that he had gained by relying on the Red Gold Bear Clan for thousands of years would definitely be broken.

With a lot of thoughts in mind, the fox king glanced at the Black Flame Phoenix Spirit with extraordinary momentum and cultivation level of the Golden Core Perfection, and Ling Pengyun who sacrificed a third-grade upper-grade Ice Soul Mysterious Water Talisman, and a trace of fear appeared in his eyes.

Considering that even if it kills at this time, it is probably difficult to kill Ling Pengyun and others. Now it is nothing more than a waste of energy to kill again.

Moreover, this matter is not good, after all, the bear king is dead.

"Now the only way left for me is to leave the Red Gold Bear Clan, leave the Baiyun Mountains, and look for another opportunity for the Nascent Soul!"

Thinking of this, the monster's eyes showed a trace of helplessness.

Then, it roared and fled to the "Baiyun Mountains" where the Baiyun Spirit Fox Clan lived deep in the Baiyun Mountains.

Thousands of miles away, the two middle-stage Jindan White Cloud Spirit Fox Kings that were besieging the Xuanyang Sect's flying boats heard this. Although they were confused, they still stopped their attacks and followed the White Cloud Spirit Fox King out of the battlefield.

Ling Pengyun and others on the Bailing flying boat didn't understand why the White Cloud Spirit Fox King that was originally coming to kill them suddenly escaped, but it was a good thing to have one less crisis. After all, the White Cloud Spirit Fox King's cultivation level was also improved to the pseudo-infant realm after performing the secret method.

Bailing Zhenren breathed a sigh of relief, and with a look of heartache, he took back the Black Flame Fire Phoenix Spirit that had consumed a lot of power into the magic weapon Black Flame True Fire Gourd.

Then, Bailing Zhenren controlled the flying boat under his feet and killed the two early-stage Jindan Red Gold Bear Monsters that were attacking the Xuanyang Sect's flying boats in the distance.

Under the joint attack of Ling Pengyun and others, as well as the other five Xuanyang Sect Jindans in the Xuanyang flying boat, the two early-stage Jindan Red Gold Bears did not last long before being killed by everyone.

Ling Pengyun and others followed and approached the Xuanyang flying boat group protected by the formation.

However, they did not enter the flying boat group directly, but stayed outside the flying boat group.

And the five Xuanyang Sect Jindan in the flying boat group did not leave the flying boat group.

Obviously, both sides were afraid of each other.

They met across the defensive formation of the flying boat group.

Previously, the five Xuanyang Sect Jindan were angry about the Bailing Sect's escape during the period of guarding Dulong City.

However, the fact that Bailing Sect could come to support them this time made them feel better.

"Fellow Daoist Xuanyang, the escaped fox king and the other two mid-stage Jindan fox demons have all used desperate methods. I'm afraid it won't be long before they fall into a weak period. Now is a good time to kill them."

"I remember that your Xuanyang Sect has been attacking the Baiyun Spirit Fox clan for decades. It's not good for my sect, the Ling family, and the Qingxin Taoist Temple to take advantage of the situation and occupy that area alone. You Xuanyang Sect must chase them with us and kill the three Jindan-level Baiyun Spirit Foxes, so as to occupy the Baiyun Mountains where the Baiyun Spirit Fox clan lives?"

Bai Ling Zhenren glanced at the old Taoist Xuanyang, whose life magic weapon, the Xuanyang Sword, was destroyed, and whose face was pale and whose breath was a little empty. A sneer suddenly appeared on his face, and he said with full confidence.

The life magic weapon was destroyed, and the strength of the old Taoist Xuanyang was at least reduced by 30%. His strength was at most equivalent to the ninth level of the ordinary Jindan. He was not afraid at all.

As for going to Xuanyang Gate, it was not just a verbal intention, but he was concerned about the formations on the third-level spiritual veins where the Baiyun Spirit Fox Clan lived.

Now the three Jindan-level Baiyun Spirit Foxes have all run away, and they left in the direction of the Baiyun Mountains.

Once the three Jindan-level fox kings return to the formations in the Baiyun Mountains where the third-level formations are arranged, even if they fall into the weak period of the desperate method, they can still rely on the power of the third-level formations to be extraordinary.

It is simply difficult to take down the Bailing Sect, Qingxin Taoist Temple, and Ling Clan alone, and there may even be life-threatening situations.

Under such circumstances, Bailing Zhenren wanted to bring in Xuanyang Sect.

The injured Xuanyang Laodao and the other four Xuanyang Sect Jindan Zhenren all showed anger when they heard this.

Over the past few decades, they have experienced life and death several times in attacking the Baiyun Linghu territory. Now they want to share a share of the Bailing Sect, Ling Clan, and Qingxin Taoist Temple. How could they be willing?

Immediately, the Xuanyang Sect Jindan "Lieyang Laodao", who was a somewhat impulsive third-level mid-grade formation master, was about to take action.

Bailing Zhenren also noticed this action, but he did not care. Instead, he turned his head and looked at the void hundreds of miles away and shouted.

"Fellow Daoist Yaowang, if you don't show up, there will be no place for Yaowang Valley in the Baiyun Mountains!"

Just as everyone was surprised, the void hundreds of miles away suddenly trembled, and a figure in a green Taoist robe walked out of it.

This person was Yaowang Zhenren, the master of Yaowang Valley who had escaped from Dulong City alone.

Obviously, Yaowang Zhenren also killed the sixth-level red gold bear that was chasing him, and came here to support, but he was a little late.

Yaowang Zhenren frowned slightly as he looked at Bailing Zhenren who was looking at him hundreds of miles away.

Considering that the Baiyun Spirit Fox Clan is the overlord of the vast Baiyun Mountains, there are many spiritual objects and spiritual veins.

In addition, the life magic weapon of Xuanyang Laodao Xuanyang, who was in the perfect state of Jindan, was destroyed, and it was difficult to recover from the injury in a short time. At the same time, because of this injury, his life span was lost faster, and Xuanyang Laodao would not live for many years.

Thinking of this, the Medicine King no longer cared about the powerful Xuanyang Taoist, and a smile appeared on his face.

"Haha, Taoist Bailing is really kind-hearted. I was planning to be a spectator, but I didn't expect that I could also share some benefits."

"Since Taoist Bailing has made an appointment, I won't be polite."

After saying this, the Medicine King quickly crossed hundreds of miles and stood in the line of Ling Pengyun and others.

The five Jindan of Xuanyang Sect in the Xuanyang flying boat group saw this and their faces suddenly turned black.

The strength of the Medicine King is not weak, and his cultivation has reached the sixth level of Jindan.

With the addition of the Medicine King, there are as many as six Jindan headed by Bailing, one more than them.

And Xuanyang Taoist is now injured and it is not easy to fight. Once fighting, it will also aggravate his injuries.

Under various reasons, Xuanyang Taoist sighed helplessly, stopped the furious Lieyang Taoist, and compromised with Bailing Taoist.

"In order to kill the remaining three golden elixir demon kings of the Baiyun Spirit Fox clan, my Xuanyang Sect will naturally participate."

"However, the interests of the Baiyun Mountains occupied by the Baiyun Spirit Fox clan must be discussed first."

"My Xuanyang Sect wants 50% of the profits, and the remaining 50%...!"

Before he finished speaking, Bailing Zhenren interrupted. "50% is too much. I see that your sect's appetite is not very good now. I think your sect can take that piece of land... 30% of the profits will be considered good."

"My sect, Ling's family, Qingxin Taoist Temple, and Yaowang Valley have a bigger appetite, so they will take 70%."

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