Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 541: The layout several years ago, Han Feng (3200 words, please subscribe)

Ten days later.

The strongest foundation-building family on Guiling Island, "Zhao Family Mountain", is halfway up the mountain in a courtyard.

There were two young people, a man and a woman, laughing and chatting. During the chat, their eyes inadvertently conveyed a trace of affection towards each other.

But after a while, the door of the courtyard where the two of them were was knocked.

The young man who seemed to be the owner of the courtyard stood up in confusion, walked to the courtyard gate, and opened it.

An old-looking monk with white hair and a wrinkled face also appeared in front of him. He also raised his hand and greeted the white-haired monk politely.

"Old man of the Baigang clan!"

The pretty female cultivator who had been chatting with the young man in the courtyard also came up to her. She sweetly addressed the old cultivator who had suddenly arrived and asked in confusion.

"Grandpa Baigang."

The white-haired old monk joked to the pretty female monk. "Xiaofeng, Yujia is here too."

"When will the wedding of your two children be held? This must be done as soon as possible, otherwise I won't be able to drink your wedding wine when my life is running out."

That young man was Xiao Qianfei's cousin "Qian Feng".

At that time, the "Han family" of Qian Yuan's family showed weakness and was annexed by the Zhao family on Guiling Island. Qian Yuan could not take revenge alone.

In addition, he offended a high-ranking member of the Muyuan Immortal Sect. In order to protect his direct lineage of ordinary people, he placed him in a ordinary village of the Zhao family and asked those ordinary people to change their surname to Qian.

Qian Feng, who originally lived in that village, had his spiritual roots detected by Zhao family monks more than ten years ago and was brought to the Zhao family mountain to practice.

And that pretty female cultivator, named "Zhao Yujia" is the youngest member of the Yu generation of the Zhao family, and her father is a middle-stage foundation-building cultivator of the Qian family.

She is about the same age as Qian Feng, who is in his twenties, and they can be considered peers.

Due to Qian Feng's intentional contact and the fact that he had grown up since childhood, the relationship between the two became closer and closer.

Now, he and Zhao Yujia were about to discuss marriage.

As for the white-haired old monk, his name is Zhao Baigang. He is an elder of the Zhao family. He is at the ninth level of Qi training. Because of his age, he works as a guard on the Zhao family mountain.

Qian Feng and Zhao Yujia were both young, and their faces became a little red after being teased like this by Zhao Baigang.

Zhao Yujia, who came from an extraordinary background, said a little shyly. "I know Grandpa Baigang, my father said that Brother Feng and I are not very old yet, so we have to wait a few years."

When the old Zhao Baigang heard this, his eyes moved slightly and he glanced at "Qian Feng", a monk with a foreign surname.

Then he muttered something in his mind. "Although Xiaofeng grew up in the family, he is a monk with a foreign surname after all. Taking him as a son-in-law requires careful observation."

"By the way, Grandpa Baigang, are you here to find Brother Feng?"

At this moment, Zhao Yujia asked doubtfully to Zhao Baigang, who was guarding the mountain gate.

"Yes, a monk who is in the middle stage of Qi training has just arrived. He said that he was a good friend Xiaofeng made when he was training outside in the early years. Now that he is passing by, he came to visit Xiaofeng."

"In addition, the man also said that his Taoist name is Wu Ming. In his early years, he borrowed some spiritual stones from Xiaofeng, and the two of them formed a friendship."

"Xiao Feng, is this possible? Do you know that person?"

Zhao Bai just came back to his senses, nodded lightly, and asked Qian Feng, who was young and seemed to be only in his twenties.

When Qian Feng heard this, he was confused at first, but in an instant, the doubts disappeared and his eyes trembled slightly.

"Could it be that senior?"

Then, he nodded.

"I know this person."

Zhao Baigang also quite admired Qian Feng, a kid who was only in his twenties and whose cultivation had reached the late stage of Qi training, so he said something extra.

"Then go and see him quickly. The man said he has other urgent matters and will be leaving soon. Don't keep that fellow Taoist waiting for a long time, lest he feel neglected."

Qian Feng nodded lightly, then told Qian Yujia to wait for him for a while, and then he quickly left the courtyard and ran out of the mountain gate.

After a while, he left the clan mountain and saw the mountain gate.

At this time, a young monk with a young appearance, an aura in the middle stage of Qi training, and wearing linen robes was waiting there at the mountain gate.

This young monk is none other than Ling Pengyun who left Muyuanfang City.

In his early years, when he came to Guiling Island to accept Xiao Qian Fei as his disciple in order to gain the connection with Qian Yuan Lao Dao Karma, he did have a transaction of spiritual stones with Qian Feng, but that amount of spiritual stones was financed by him. .

As for his suppression of aura, it was naturally to avoid detection by the Zhao family's pseudo-alchemy monk.

Now, he has comprehended the Blue Sea Breath Condensation Technique, and his spiritual consciousness is as high as the third level of the Golden Core. Once he uses this technique, even middle-stage Golden Core monks will have difficulty in detecting his true cultivation level.

If he wanted not to reveal any aura, he could, but it would be too abrupt.

When Qian Feng approached, Ling Pengyun's spiritual consciousness scanned the surroundings. He didn't notice any monks using his spiritual consciousness to detect him. Only the old man Zhao Baigang who was guarding the mountain gate looked at this place for a few times. A soundproof barrier and a cloud of mist were placed around the area to cover up the consciousness.

Qian Feng had never seen Ling Pengyun, a big benefactor, before, so he felt a little uneasy and asked Ling Pengyun, who didn't look much older than him, what he was wondering about.

"Are you the senior who gave me a thousand spirit stones and took Fei'er as his apprentice?"

"Yes, you look a bit like Xiaofei."

Ling Pengyun nodded, replied lightly, and then mobilized his spiritual sense to scan Qian Feng's body to investigate Qian Feng's situation.

Then, he said with a little praise.

"Bone age is 29, and the cultivation level is the seventh level of Qi training."

"It seems that you didn't waste the thousand spirit stones I gave you."

At this point, he paused, took out a storage bag that had been prepared long ago from his arms, handed it to Qian Feng, and said another word.

"But the progress of this cultivation is still too slow."

"Take the spiritual objects in this storage bag and practice well."

Hearing this, Qian Feng curiously probed his spiritual sense into the storage bag in his hand that had no restrictions.

When he noticed that there were dozens of first-level middle and upper-grade spiritual fruits in the storage bag, which were suitable for cultivators in the middle and late stages of Qi training, his expression suddenly brightened.

These are all rare spiritual objects on the market. With the help of these spiritual objects, he is sure to break through a realm within two years at least.

He also thanked Ling Pengyun.

"Thank you for the gift, senior. When I succeed in my cultivation, I will definitely repay you for your help on the road."

Ling Pengyun nodded with satisfaction, and then swept his eyes across the Zhao Family Mountain in front of him, muttering to himself.

"As I expected, the pseudo-dan realm patriarch of the Zhao family has a short lifespan. Judging from the situation of the patriarch of the Zhao family, he may only have twenty years left."

"The Yan State where our family is now will suffer revenge from the Red Gold Bear Clan in the next monster beast riot. Even if the Yuanying Demon King of this clan will be stopped by the Tianxing Sect, the Red Gold Bear Clan still has thirty or forty Golden Core Demon Kings. With the strength of the other Golden Core forces in Yan State, the probability of our Yan State being trampled in the next monster beast riot is still very high."

"If we continue to wait slowly as before for Qian Feng to marry into the Zhao family, gain the trust of the Zhao family, and get the foundation-building spiritual objects from the Zhao family, and then build the foundation, and then slowly plan to seize this piece of land, it is too slow."

"We need to speed up the progress... I will take action."

After returning, Ling Pengyun took out a first-level mid-grade flying magic weapon and flew away.

Qian Feng, who was still outside the gate of Zhao Family Mountain, watched Ling Pengyun leave, then put away the joy on his face, put the storage bag given by Ling Pengyun in his arms, and returned to Zhao Family Mountain as if nothing had happened, returned to his own courtyard, and chatted with Zhao Yujia.

As for Zhao Baigang, who was guarding the gate, although he used his eyes to see who was looking for Qian Feng, he did not see anything because of the soundproof ban set by Ling Pengyun and the cloud that concealed his spiritual sense.

However, he did not ask much, after all, this was Qian Feng's private matter.

After this incident, only a few days later.

The old rival of Guiling Island, the "Fire Bomb Shrimp Clan", led tens of thousands of sea monsters to invade Guiling Island.

The Fire Bomb Shrimp Clan is a special monster clan. This monster clan is not big, the largest will not exceed ten feet, and the smallest is even as big as a house cat.

It is precisely because of this that they are not good at physical strength.

However, this tribe is quite good at fire magic, which also makes them not good at fighting in the sea with rich water vapor, but good at fighting on land.

In addition, this tribe also has a pseudo-dan realm fire bullet shrimp that tried to break through the golden elixir and failed but saved his life, as well as more than 20 foundation-building realm fire bullet shrimps.

It can be said that this fire bullet shrimp is the strongest demon force within the 100,000-li territory of Guiling Island.

As for the fact that this powerful fire bullet shrimp tribe can continue to this day, it has not been destroyed by the overlord of this Muyuan Sea, the Muyuan Immortal Sect.

The main reason is that 90% of the boundless sea is seawater, and the land with seawater is vast and boundless, and the seawater is connected in all directions. The monsters in the demon sea often enter the human sea.

Once this group of fire bomb shrimps are destroyed, it won't be long before another group of monsters will come to settle near Guiling Island, a subordinate force of the Xianzong. It is better to let the group of fire bomb shrimps guard it. Anyway, this kind of low-level monsters are the most exclusive and don't like other kinds of monsters to approach their territory.

At the same time, the Xianzong can also indirectly control the strength and growth potential of its forces through these Qi training and foundation-building sea monsters that enter the Muyuan Sea.

After all, the Muyuan Sea has long been developed by the Muyuan Xianzong. If the monsters that flow into this sea want to occupy the next spiritual vein with rich spiritual energy, they will not target the spiritual veins occupied by human cultivators.

Of course, these monsters also ran away because they couldn't survive in the monster sea.

Thinking back, the Fire Bomb Shrimp Clan that attacked Guiling Island was extremely powerful, and the several foundation-building families in Guiling Island had lost a lot of people because of the destruction of the foundation-building family "Han Clan" where the old Taoist Qianyuan was located decades ago, and they were missing the help of the Han Clan.

This also made the remaining foundation-building families in Guiling Island fall into a disadvantage once they fought with the Fire Bomb Shrimp Clan.

In this battle alone, hundreds of Qi training cultivators died on Guiling Island, even one foundation-building cultivator died, and tens of thousands of mortals were killed and injured.

The Fire Bomb Shrimp Clan also took this opportunity to occupy one-tenth of the territory of Guiling Island.

If it weren't for the pseudo-Dan realm patriarch of the Zhao family who took action in time, the Fire Bomb Shrimp would probably have occupied more of Guiling Island, and Guiling Island would have suffered greater losses.

The Fire Bomb Shrimp Clan also took root in Guiling Island by occupying those spiritual veins.

From time to time, this clan would send demons to invade the territories of the major foundation-building families on Guiling Island and occupy the spiritual veins of those major families.

The Zhao family, the strongest foundation-building family on Guiling Island, was given extra care by the Fire Bomb Shrimp clan because of its strength and the largest territory. In addition to some "other factors", the Zhao family received the most demons attacking it.

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