Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 542 Planning the Boundless Sea Branch (2600 words, please subscribe)

At the same time.

Thousands of miles away from Guiling Island, in a trench that stretched for tens of thousands of feet but had only dozens of spiritual veins, there was a young man wearing linen clothes but with extraordinary temperament, and a blue water curtain around him to block the surrounding seawater. He was sitting cross-legged on the second-grade middle-grade spiritual vein with the highest grade in this trench.

After a while, the young man slowly opened his eyes and murmured.

"According to the time, the fire bomb shrimp clan that occupied this trench before should have arrived at Guiling Island. I don't know what the current situation of the battle on Guiling Island is."

After saying this, the young man slowly stood up, turned into a beam of light and quickly rushed out of the sea, flew into the sky, and rushed to the direction of Guiling Island.

After a while, the young man crossed tens of thousands of miles and arrived at the edge of Guiling Island.

His eyes flickered slightly, looking at the Guiling Island that covered an area of ​​about ten thousand miles, and immediately saw the situation of Guiling Island in the war clearly.

"The pseudo-dan realm shrimp king of the Fire Bomb Shrimp Clan is quite smart. He even knows to send some demons to contain the combat power of the other foundation-building families of Guilingdan, and then use a large number of people to attack the Zhao family with all their strength."

"This idea coincides with my main idea of ​​driving the Fire Bomb Shrimp Clan out of the previous trench area so that they can attack Guiling Island."

"According to the life span of the pseudo-dan realm patriarch of the Zhao family, as long as the Muyuan Immortal Sect remains the same as before and does not interfere in this matter, the destruction of the Zhao family is a foregone conclusion."

"I should also prepare and gather the family members to come here to build this place into a retreat for my Ling family to hide in the dark."

This young man is Ling Pengyun who has disappeared for several days.

This time, the Fire Bomb Shrimp's attack on Guiling Island was also his work.

As for not taking direct action to destroy the Zhao family, it was because the movement was too loud and left too many traces.

Once the fact that he had destroyed the Zhao family was discovered by the Yuanying Sect, the superior of the Zhao family, Muyuan Xianzong, he would be regarded as a provocation by Muyuan Xianzong as a person who did not belong to the Muyuan Xianzong but interfered with the survival of the forces under Muyuan Xianzong, and would be killed.

Even the Ling family of the Northern Wilderness Xiuxian World behind him would probably not have a good end.

In this case, it would be safer to secretly drive the monsters to destroy the Zhao family.

It can even reduce the strength of other families on Guiling Island.

As for the reason for targeting only the Zhao family, there are two reasons. The main reason is that the Zhao family has the most spiritual veins in Guiling Island.

Second, Ling Pengyun has a connection with the two cultivators "Qian Feng" and "Qian Fei", descendants of the Han family who were destroyed by the Zhao family, survived and hid their names.

Afterwards, the Ling family could also secretly promote Qian Fei and Qian Feng, two descendants of the Han family, to rebuild the Han family and occupy the Zhao family territory under the name of supporting the Han family, so that other forces would not pay too much attention.

After all, if the Jindan family Ling family directly occupied Guiling Island openly, it would become a well-known fact, which did not conform to Ling Pengyun's initial idea of ​​planning the Zhao family territory on Guiling Island.

Ling Pengyun is now in such a hurry to plan the Zhao family territory in order to prepare for the next monster beast rebellion against the Yan State by the Yuanying demon clan of the Northern Wilderness Xiuxian Realm.

There are also fourth-level formation masters among the demon clans in the Boundless Cangmang Lake, so they also control the teleportation formation leading to the Boundless Sea Xiuxian Realm.

If the Ling family of the Northern Wilderness Xiuxian Realm is exposed openly that there is a branch in the Boundless Sea, it is undoubtedly telling the Yuanying demon king of the Red Gold Bear clan about this.

On the contrary, if they secretly built a branch on Guiling Island, even if the Ling family encountered the worst result in the next monster rebellion, the Ling family would not be destroyed, and the Ling family could continue to exist.

As for the Zhao family, the unlucky one who was plotted by the Ling family, whether it was unjust or not is another matter.

Decades ago, if the Zhao family had not destroyed the Han family where the Qianyuan Taoist was, Ling Pengyun would not have been able to inherit the Qianyuan Taoist, and would not have met the Han family's descendants Qian Fei and Qian Feng because of the cause and effect of the Qianyuan Taoist.

Everything is cause and effect and reincarnation.

Thinking of this, Ling Pengyun's eyes were slightly enlightened.

"The weak will be beaten, and my Ling family is facing this situation now."

"Perhaps only by reaching the highest realm in this world of cultivation... the realm of transformation, can we be free from worries in this world of cultivation."

For the realm of transformation, he was very yearning.

But this was too far for him. He shook his head, put aside his messy thoughts, and looked at the direction of Guiling Island, which covered an area of ​​10,000 miles, and planned secretly.

"Fei'er is still young, and her cultivation is only in the early stage of Qi training. It is too early for her to step onto the stage."

"In this way, there is only another descendant of the Han family who has embarked on the path of Taoism, has a cultivation of the late stage of Qi training, and is not far from building a foundation... Qian Feng."

After thinking it over, Ling Pengyun pinched his hands and performed the Bi Hai Condensing Breath Art, quietly entering the Zhao family's territory on Guiling Island, which was filled with war.

Half a day later, Ling Pengyun found Qian Feng, who was sent by Zhao to guard a first-level middle-grade spiritual vein protected by a formation in the Zhao family.

In order to prevent Qian Feng from dying at the hands of the Fire Bomb Shrimp Clan, he also took Qian Feng away directly and returned to the Muyuan Market, waiting for the ripening of the Muyuan Spirit Fruit of the Muyuan Immortal Sect.

Qian Feng's sudden disappearance was also considered by the Zhao family to which he belonged as a result of him running away out of fear of the Fire Bomb Shrimp Clan.

In the past, the Zhao family members who had a good relationship with Qian Feng often cursed Qian Feng behind his back.

At first, Qian Feng's fiancée "Zhao Yujia" would help Qian Feng find excuses, but as time passed, Qian Feng did not return.

Zhao Yujia began to waver in her heart, and she cried all day long because of this, and even forgot about practicing.

This day.

Zhao Family Mountain is located in a courtyard halfway up the mountain.

A middle-aged couple looked at the room in front of them where crying sounds were constantly coming from, with helpless expressions on their faces.

Among the couple, the middle-aged man who looked a bit dignified sighed softly.

"I didn't expect Qian Feng to be such a greedy person and afraid of death. This time for the Fire Bomb Shrimp clan, I arranged for that boy to station outside the clan mountain to guard the low-level spiritual veins of our clan. I wanted to test it. If that boy is used After this incident, I will marry the two children, and at the same time, I can accumulate some merits for the boy and prepare for the foundation of the boy in the future. "

"This kid is really useless."

"My poor Jia'er, I saw the wrong man."

A month and a half later.

After the Mu Yuan Immortal Sect's fourth-level Mu Yuan Ling fruit tree successfully gave birth to three third-level low-grade Mu Yuan Ling fruits, Ling Pengyun also spent 350,000 spiritual stones to buy them from Master Jia Mu. One piece.

Subsequently, Ling Pengyun spent another five hundred thousand spirit stones brought from his family, and purchased a total of more than 130,000 pounds of first-level spirit stones at a 95% discount for four spirit stones per pound. The middle grade contains water-rich iron.

After doing these things, Ling Pengyun arranged Qian Feng in Muyuanfang City in order to avoid spending so many spirit stones to buy water-type spirit iron, and then took the teleportation array in Muyuanfang City alone, heading north. Return to the immortal world.

It has to be said that the people of the Mu Yuan Immortal Sect are indeed very trustworthy. Ling Pengyun did not encounter any crisis along the way and returned to the Yan Kingdom safely and sent the third-level low-grade golden elixir Mu Yuan Spirit Fruit to the buyer. The family spirit talisman is in the hands of the ancestor.

The ancestor of Lingfu was very happy about this, and then handed over to Ling Pengyun the 30,000 pieces of spiritual stone reward he had promised to Ling Pengyun as a middleman in the early years.

Afterwards, Ling Pengyun also returned to Lingxiao Qianxing Lake.

After returning to his home territory, Ling Pengyun also felt at ease.

He also rushed directly to the "Hongyun Island" where another golden elixir monk "Ling Yunhong" in the family was cultivating, and found Ling Yunhong who was sitting there. Ling Yunhong was informed about the construction of a branch hidden in the dark.

After Ling Yunhong learned about it, he immediately agreed.

"This is feasible, but it is still a bit unsafe to drive monsters to destroy the Zhao family. Even if the Zhao family really encounters the crisis of annihilation due to the fire bomb shrimp, the foundation-building monster clan does not have trap-type magic weapons, formations and other spiritual objects. I'm afraid There will also be many Zhao family members who can escape. This matter is extremely troublesome and needs to be eradicated. If they stay, it will be a great obstacle to the family's establishment of a branch in the Zhao family's territory. "

"You have been running around recently, and you need to understand the inheritance of weapon refining, improve various magic secrets, and plan a way out for the tribesmen in Pengshan who have not long to live."

"Your understanding is stronger than mine, and your path must be farther than mine, so I will lead someone to take care of this matter. You can practice peacefully in the clan."

After Ling Pengyun heard about it, he immediately refused.

"Grandpa, this matter is still up to me. After all, I am in charge of this matter. I can easily handle some details."

Seeing Ling Pengyun's expression, Ling Yunhong seemed to be unable to persuade him, so he nodded and agreed to the matter.

Then, he asked again.

"How many people do you plan to take to the Guiling Island in the Immortal Cultivation World in the Boundless Sea to establish a branch?"

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