Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 543: Division (fourth update, please subscribe)

Ling Pengyun said. "We don't need too many family members, so that we can ensure that this matter will not be spread."

"Now that the family is strong, there may be some people in the family who have been bribed by other Jindan forces and act as spies. If too many members of our family suddenly disappear, they will be noticed by other Jindan forces."

"Grandpa, you need to pay attention to this matter."

"I will only bring five members of the Qi training realm and one foundation building cultivator."

Ling Yunhong, who did not know the situation on Guiling Island, asked. "I agree that the number is small, but isn't one foundation building cultivator not enough?"

Ling Pengyun explained. "There are some foundation-building forces in Guiling Island. One foundation-building cultivator is enough to sit in charge of the branch that the family will establish in the Zhao family's territory."

"Besides, there is Qian Feng, so there are two foundation-building cultivators. If I put my Fengyingpeng there, there will be three foundation-building forces."

"Even if the foundation-building forces on Guiling Island want to occupy the branch's territory, the worst that can happen is that some of the Zhao family's territory will be ceded to the other foundation-building families on Guiling Island in the future."

"What our family needs most now is to take root in that territory. In this way, when our branch has the identity of Guiling Island, even if we openly plan the entire Guiling Island in the future, the Muyuan Immortal Sect will not say much."

"However, I am driving the fire bomb in the dark After the Shrimp Clan destroyed the Zhao Family and established a branch in the Zhao Family territory, they will not stay in that territory for long. "

"In the future, the affairs of that branch will still need to be managed by the foundation-building cultivators of our clan who are stationed there."

"This candidate must not only know the importance of the matter, but also be able to handle various family affairs. At present, the family has only Pengshan, a veteran who has been in charge of family affairs for nearly ten years, who is the most suitable to go."

"But... if Pengshan leaves, I am afraid that there will be a lot of family management chores that will fall on your head, Grandpa."

Although the clan leader Ling Yunhong has now returned to the family, Ling Yunhong has entered the Golden Core and is busy with affairs, so he still handed over the management of the family chores to Ling Pengshan, who has served as the acting clan leader of the Ling family for nearly ten years.

Ling Pengshan is meticulous, and as time goes by, he is even more adept at handling such family affairs.

Ling Yunhong did not care about Ling Pengyun's concerns, but smiled and said. "During the year you were away, Pengshan has trained a group of qualified Qi training elders who can manage family affairs skillfully."

"With those elders managing family affairs, Pengshan's departure from the family to build a branch will not have much impact on the family."

Ling Pengyun was overjoyed when he heard this. "That's great."

Then, the two of them talked for a few more words and discussed the five Qi training monks who would be sent to Guiling Island to build a branch.

Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong selected these five candidates very seriously.

It took them half an hour to select five trustworthy clan members.

After that, Ling Pengyun immediately went to various parts of the family and arranged for Ling Pengshan and the other six clan members who were going to build a branch on Guiling Island in the Boundless Sea to leave the sight of everyone in various ways.

For example, Ling Pengshan, a clan member whose life span was not long, escaped by faking his death after his life span was exhausted.

The other five members of the clan who were in the middle and late stages of Qi training were either killed by monsters or cut off by the Jie Xiu during the family's outbound mission.

In order to avoid attracting attention, Ling Pengyun spent nearly half a year to complete this step.

During this period, Ling Pengyun also created a second-grade upper-grade auxiliary magic weapon called "Transformation Mask" for Ling Pengshan and the other six people, which can change faces, breath, etc.

After doing these things, Ling Pengyun took Ling Pengshan and others who had detached themselves and wore transformation masks, and quietly left the family territory and went to the Boundless Sea.

After the group arrived at the Guiling Island in the Muyuan Sea of ​​the Boundless Sea, Ling Pengyun, the Jindan Zhenren, also killed some Zhao family cultivators when the Fire Bomb Shrimp Clan attacked the Zhao family.

Even Qian Feng, who had been living in the Qian family and forbearing for more than ten years, killed many Zhao family cultivators because of hatred.

Among them was his so-called fiancée Zhao Yujia.

His grandfather died at the hands of Zhao Yujia's father who was in the foundation building stage.

Over the years, he has never forgotten this hatred.

He has never loved Zhao Yujia.

He contacted Zhao Yujia because he valued her father who was in the foundation building stage, and wanted to use this to get the foundation building spiritual objects from the Zhao family to avenge his family.

Now, with the Ling family as a backer, what is the point of keeping Zhao Yujia.

This incident made Ling Pengyun see Han Feng's character, which also made him pay more attention to Han Feng.

And Ling Pengyun and Qian Feng's killing of Zhao family cultivators also accelerated the demise of the Zhao family.

In just half a year, the Zhao family, which had dominated Guiling Island for decades, was completely destroyed by the Fire Bomb Shrimp Clan.

The Fire Bomb Shrimp also occupied the territory of the Zhao family.

Guiling Island has also become more chaotic.

Ling Pengshan, the foundation-building master of the Ling family, also took this opportunity to bring the notorious Qian Feng, who was regarded as a traitor by the Zhao family, back to Guiling Island, and made Qian Feng's true life story public. In the name of Qian Feng's master, he established Qian Feng to rebuild the "Han family".

In addition, he cooperated with Feng Yingpeng, who was in the late stage of foundation-building, to kill some fire shrimps and recapture some of the Zhao family's territory occupied by the fire shrimps as the territory of the Han family.

Qian Feng no longer hid his real name and restored his real surname "Han". Under the name of Han Feng, he also became the head of the Guiling Han family.

He also spread the news that Han's would recruit guest officials to resist the Fire Bomb Shrimp Clan and offer benefits.

The five other Qi-training clan members of Ling's clan who came here also joined Han's clan in this way.

In addition, there were also some independent cultivators who loved money and joined Han's clan because of the huge benefits promised by Han Feng.

This made the five Qi-training cultivators of Ling's clan join Han's clan not abrupt.

Because Guiling Island was still in chaos, and Han Feng did have evidence that it was the descendants of the Han family that were destroyed by the Zhao family decades ago, the other foundation-building families on Guiling Island had nothing to say about it.

As for "Han Feng's" master Ling Pengshan, the other foundation-building families on Guiling Island did not care much for the time being, after all, their family was still being invaded by the Fire Bomb Shrimp.

Time passed slowly, and half a year passed in a flash.

Seeing that Han had established a firm foothold on Guiling Island, Ling Pengyun, a Jindan cultivator, disguised himself as a wandering Jindan cultivator who happened to come to Guiling Island and drove the Fire Bomb Shrimp Clan out of Guiling Island.

Those Guiling Island foundation-building families who were kept in the dark by Ling Pengyun and almost exterminated by the Fire Bomb Shrimp Clan were very grateful to Ling Pengyun.

Ling Pengyun naturally didn't care about it, and he didn't stay for long, and left this area directly.

But what he didn't know was that it was his otherworldly behavior that made the other foundation-building families on Guiling Island admire Ling Pengyun, a wandering Jindan real person with extraordinary strength, even more.

As for Ling Pengyun's identity, the foundation-building families on Guiling Island didn't think much about it.

After all, the Fire Bomb Shrimp Clan was an old enemy of Guiling Island.

This clan often attacked Guiling Island.

There are actually quite a few free cultivators like Ling Pengyun in the Immortal Cultivation World of the Boundless Sea.

And most of these cultivators are those who have encountered a bottleneck and want to use external factors to relax and then break through the bottleneck.

After the fire bomb shrimp incident was over.

The several foundation-building families on Guiling Island also sent people to visit the newly rebuilt Han family, and secretly inquired about the identity of the outsider master of Han Feng of the Han family.

In this regard, Han Feng did not hide it, and directly said that his master was a casual cultivator, and because of his short life span, he just happened to meet him, a person with good qualifications, and wanted to pass on his inheritance to him.

Ling Pengshan’s life span is indeed short, and the rest of the foundation-building families are relieved about Han Feng’s master Ling Pengshan.

These old people on Guiling Island participated in the destruction of the Han family decades ago, and now the pillar of the Han family Ling Pengshan has a short life span.

The head of the family, Han Feng, is still in the Qi training stage.

Only the spiritual beast Feng Yingpeng in the foundation-building stage of this clan was a threat to them.

The Han clan was gradually considered a small clan by them.

They also wantonly occupied the vast territory of the Zhao clan, which was empty and unmanned.

During this period, the Han clan did not say anything, but just managed their own land with peace of mind.

This matter also made the other major clans of Guiling Island very satisfied.

The Han clan, which had only one member, Han Feng, gradually survived in the cracks.

And the five Ling clan members who changed their names and entered Han Feng as guests, also frantically took concubines and married wives, and left the remaining offspring.

During this period, Ling Pengyun gradually arranged the "Strange Chess Fairy" Liu Mengting, who Ling Pengshan liked, and the original offspring or Taoist companions of the five clan members to be with Ling Pengshan and others in this way.

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