Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 544: Suddenly Seeing a Ghost Pulse (3000 words, please subscribe)

Five years passed quickly.

It was the middle of winter this year.

A barren land adjacent to Yan State and Chen State.

Countless white snowflakes slowly fell from the sky, covering the entire ground.

There was also a biting cold wind, which kept whistling.

At this time, ordinary people usually stayed at home to warm themselves by the fire.

At this moment, an old man with an iron sword on his back, white hair, wrinkles on his face, and a hunched back walked on the thick snow on the ground in the cold wind.

What was even more peculiar was that there was a trace of sharp, sword-like gas lingering around the old man, which dispersed all the snow falling from the sky.

After an unknown period of time, some sweat appeared on the old man's face. It was obvious that walking in the snow was a bit tiring for him.

He therefore found a small forest where he could avoid the wind and snow, went into it, and sat on a relatively dry and flat place.

"This body is becoming less and less useful!"

"According to the time, I only have fifteen years left to live."

"I need to speed up the completion of... the secret art of the Star Gold Sword Dao!"

When the old man thought of this, a helpless look appeared on his face.

This old man was Ling Pengxing, who had left the Ling family and traveled for about ten years.

After leaving the family, he traveled all the way north.

During this period, he crossed millions of miles with his extraordinary physical fitness and walking speed.

It's a pity that along the way, he only comprehended the sword move "Chu Yang" when he went to Bailing Country six or seven years ago.

Besides that, he had no other gains.

He also fell into a bottleneck in the sword Dao.

At present, the secret art of the Star Gold Sword Dao he created only has two moves, namely "Bright Moon" and "Chu Yang".

At this time, a few miles away, a deserted wasteland suddenly lit up with various colors of strange lights.

There were even some roars.

Ling Pengxing heard the noise and looked over immediately.

Because his cultivation had dissipated, he could hardly see the scene several miles away.

However, based on his experience, he could probably guess that there were Qi-cultivating monks fighting there based on the unusual movement there.

If it was a battle between cultivators in the foundation-building stage or monsters, the noise would not be so small.

"It has been a long time since I fought with cultivators, and I have encountered a bottleneck in my swordsmanship."

"Now that I have encountered a live target, I can practice with them!"

After Ling Pengxing muttered to himself, he stood up and used a special breath-retaining method that he had comprehended with the swordsmanship.

Then, his vitality slowly disappeared, as if he had turned into a stone. He also took a step at this moment, and his figure was like a phantom, rushing quickly to the place where the unusual movement was heard several miles away.

In just a hundred breaths, he had crossed several miles and arrived near the strange place.

The strange place was indeed as Ling Pengxing had guessed. The combatants were indeed only practicing Qi, but only one side was a cultivator. The cultivator wore a linen robe, had the aura of the middle stage of Qi training, and kept attacking with excitement.

The other side was a spider monster with a strange appearance, black body, eight eyes, and the aura of the middle stage of Qi training. It looked like an enlarged version of a spider monster.

"Ghost Spider?"

"Why is there such a monster that likes to eat ghosts here?"

"There are ghosts here?"

Ling Pengxing fixed his eyes on the eight-eyed spider in the battle area not far away, and muttered in surprise.

He looked around again, and when he saw that the surrounding area was a wasteland, he did not see any ghosts, and there were no human villages, no mortals, and no traces of monsters, he immediately became confused.

"There are no ghosts, nor human beings or monsters to provide essence for this monster to eat. How could this monster appear here?"

The ghost spider is an extremely rare monster. It is extremely difficult for this monster to reproduce. Often, a female ghost spider can only reproduce one or two ghost spiders in her lifetime.

However, the strength of this monster is also very strong. This monster has mastered rare means of attacking spiritual consciousness, which often has a great advantage in battle.

In addition, the food that this monster likes to eat is also a bit special. This monster especially likes to eat ghosts, followed by the essence of human beings and monsters. As for ordinary meat, this monster does not like to eat.

With thousands of thoughts in his mind, Ling Pengxing made up his mind.

Then, he took off the black iron sword on his back, held it tightly in his hand, and pointed the sword at the round moon hanging in the dark night in the sky.

In an instant, countless white moonlight power poured into the black iron sword.

The next moment, the black iron sword trembled slightly, and a nine-foot-long sword light suddenly burst out from the tip of the sword, which was a powerful sword light of a late-stage Qi training cultivator.

Ling Pengxing also threw the sword at the mid-stage Qi training cultivator who was fighting with the ghost spider not far away.

At this time, the mid-stage Qi training cultivator only then discovered Ling Pengxing's trace.

But it was too late, the black iron sword with sword light had already killed him in the face.

Then, his head was easily cut off.

The mid-stage Qi training ghost spider that was fighting with it saw this scene and was panicked.

Its spiritual consciousness far exceeded that of the same-level monsters, and it was comparable to the cultivators of the late Qi training realm. It could clearly sense how powerful the iron sword was. Even if it was attacked by the iron sword, it would not survive and would be easily killed.

Under such a lack of contrast, it didn't dare to stay here longer, so it quickly turned around and ran away.

When Ling Pengxing saw this, he did not stop the ghost spider. He just used the breath-condensing method and followed quietly behind the ghost spider.

Less than half an hour later, Ling Pengxing chased the escaping ghost spider for more than ten miles and entered a dense forest that was deserted and shrouded in clouds and mist all day long.

After going deeper into the dense forest for a while, the ghost spider disappeared into a small bush and disappeared.

Although Ling Pengxing lost his consciousness, he could detect that the ghost shadow had disappeared through his sword intention.

This thing surprised him. When he stepped forward and took a look, he realized that there was a deep hole in the ground in the center of the small bush that was about the same size as the ghost spider.

"This place is so hidden and deep in the wilderness. I think this place is the nest of the ghost spider."

After Ling Pengxing murmured to himself, considering that he had many protective magic weapons that could be used without using spiritual power, and was not afraid of the ghost spider, he followed suit, lying down and following the ghost spider. The hole, got in.

To his surprise, he followed the entrance of the cave about a hundred feet deep, but suddenly fell into a passage one foot high and half a foot wide.

Ling Pengxing took a look at the situation here, but found that the four sides of the passage were extremely smooth, as if the place had been dug out with a sharp tool.

It was very different from the small uneven passages on all four sides that he had penetrated into before.

"This passage is probably built with sharp instruments."

In addition, this underground passage is filled with a thin, aura-like black mist that contains special energy and has a cold feeling.

Ling Pengxing looked at the black mist around him. After thinking about it carefully, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"This is... ghost energy!"

"Looking at the lingering ghost energy here, there should be a ghost vein here."

"It's no wonder that the ghost spider was located here."

Speaking of this, Ling Pengxing spoke again in disbelief.

"I just didn't expect that rare ghost veins would appear in a place like this."

Ghost veins are extremely rare. Even the huge Yan Kingdom does not have one. It is said that ghost veins are more common only in the "Zhongzhou Immortal Cultivation World" where cultivation is prosperous.

And this vein can be said to be a special kind of spiritual vein, which is formed by the mutation of spiritual veins.

This ghost vein produces ghost energy, and it is difficult for normal monks to absorb this ghost energy into the body.

Only ghost cultivators like ghost spiders or ghosts can absorb ghost energy.

As for ghosts, most of them evolved from the souls of monks or monsters, which were introduced into the body by Yin Qi at specific times or other factors.

After Ling Pengxing came back to his senses, he followed the aura left by the ghost bead in the passage and chased forward.

As we gradually went deeper into the large passage, the ghostly aura around us became more and more intense.

In front of him, an open stone door also appeared.

The ghost energy in this passage spread out from the open stone door.

And inside the stone gate, there are some buildings like monk caves, which are extremely rich in ghost energy.

The ghost spider that Ling Pengyun let go before lay down on a black stone bed about one foot long and half a foot wide on the left side of the cave to absorb the rich ghost energy in the cave to practice.

When Ling Pengxing saw this scene, his expression showed a hint of surprise but also a hint of certainty.

"Looking at the intensity of the ghost energy here, the ghost veins in this cave should be around the second-lower grade."

"I didn't expect that the ghost vein here is of such a high grade!"

After Ling Pengxing exclaimed, his eyes were fixed on the black stone bed.

"The stone bed should be made of soul jade that is recorded in the family's classics as being beneficial to ghost cultivation."

"Looking at its grade, it should be around the first-level upper grade."

"Sure enough, this place was discovered by an ancestor, and that ancestor must have been a wealthy person. This place was probably later occupied by the ghost spider."

"Otherwise, when I arrive at the entrance of the cave, the ancestors will not show up all the time."

"I just don't know if the person who discovered this place first was a righteous monk who has practiced a special method, or a ghost cultivator?"

With doubts, he quickly stepped into the stone door.

By this time, because it was too close to the ghost spider, the ghost spider crawling on the black stone bed to absorb ghost energy and practice also noticed the arrival of Ling Pengxing.

However, before it could make any response, Ling Pengxing directly threw out a jade pendant that exuded the aura of the first-order middle-grade realm, transforming into a thick light curtain that trapped the enemy, trapping the ghost spider directly. .

But after that, he did not take action against him and killed him.

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