Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 545 Ghost Cultivator Wang Shi and his Grandson (3000 words, please subscribe)

If there was nothing strange about the ghost spider's lair, he would definitely kill the monster.

But after discovering that there was a ghost vein here, he changed his mind.

Ghost veins are of great help to ghost spiders. Not only can ghost spiders feed on ghost energy, but they can also use ghost energy to speed up their cultivation.

This is equivalent to that as long as the ghost spider is tamed, there is no need to worry, and the ghost spider can steadily increase its cultivation.

The strength of the ghost spider family is extremely extraordinary. With its ability to attack the divine consciousness, this spider has a strong dominance among the monsters in the Qi Training Realm and Foundation Establishment Realm.

Generally, the spiritual consciousness of monsters in the Qi Training Realm and Foundation Establishment Realm is weak. Only after the monsters enter the Golden Core Realm can their spiritual consciousness gradually catch up with the monks of the same level.

Ling Pengxing also considered this point, so he planned to keep it to see if there was any chance of taming it into a spiritual beast.

Even if you can't, you can still find spider monsters of the same level and try to reproduce with them.

After returning to his thoughts, Ling Pengxing began to take a closer look at the cave here above the ghost veins.

Previously, he had only seen part of the inside of the cave from outside the door, and there were still many places that he had not seen.

This cave is actually not big, only about fifty square meters.

On the left side of the cave is the Soul Jade Bed, and on the right side of the cave is half an acre of field, in which some immature first-grade low-grade soul-growing grass grows scatteredly.

In addition, in the corner of the cave, there is an inconspicuous, bronze-colored lamp covered with moss.

Ling Pengxing didn't care about the lamp at first, but he suddenly felt that the lamp posed a slight threat to him.

This thing is extremely strange.

You know, even if he has no cultivation, with his strong sense of swordsmanship and the two sword moves of "Bright Moon" and "Chu Yang" he created by himself, he can kill even a monk in the late stage of Qi training. kill.

Only those who have perfected their Qi training and are in the foundation-building realm can pose a threat to him.

The threat coming from the lamp was not strong, it was probably only equivalent to the threat of the perfect state of Qi training.

Immediately, Ling Pengxing took out from his arms a piece of first-class high-grade body-protecting magic weapon that Ling Pengyun had refined for him in the early years and crushed it into pieces.

Then, a curtain of light spread out from the shattered protective weapon, enveloping him.

"Fellow Taoist, why don't you come out?"

Ling Pengxing hesitated for a while and then said.

After waiting for a while, the lamp suddenly trembled, and a transparent shadow floated out of it.

The transparent shadow gradually became clear as the ghost energy gathered around it.

This is a phantom of a pitiful-looking young woman wearing linen clothes.

The female figure said to Ling Pengxing with a hint of crying.

"I have no intention of fighting with the young master. The little girl has a bad destiny and has become a ghost cultivator. I wonder if the young master can let the little girl live."

Ling Pengxing saw the woman's phantom appearance, a look of doubt appeared on his face, and he murmured in a low voice.

"As expected, he is a ghost cultivator. Looking at this aura, his cultivation level is only in the early stage of Qi training. It is a bit weaker than the ghost spider in the middle stage of Qi training."

"Such a level of cultivation can hardly pose a threat to me."

"Could it be that lamp?"

Ling Pengxing turned his eyes and looked at the bronze lamp where the woman had previously lived.

Because there was a protective light curtain around him, and the female ghost's cultivation was not high, he did not take the female ghost seriously. He walked directly to the bronze lamp and planned to pick it up.

But at this moment, an old ghost cultivator with an old appearance and a long sword suddenly appeared from the lamp, waving the long sword in his hand, towards Ling Pengxing.

This incident caught Ling Pengxing off guard. Fortunately, there was a protective light curtain around him, which temporarily blocked the old ghost cultivator who had perfected his Qi training.

However, the old ghost cultivator was extremely powerful. With just one blow, cracks appeared in the protective light curtain around him.

The old ghost cultivator was also cultivating ghostly to the woman in the early stage of Qi training who flew out of the lamp earlier.

"Yu'er, although this person is a mortal, his soul is extremely strong. He was probably a foundation-building monk in the past. If I can get his soul, I might have some chances to try to break into the foundation-building realm."

"At that time, I no longer need to rely on the ghost spider to help us collect souls. I can leave this ghost vein for a short time alone, go to the outside world, and actively kill passing monsters, monks, and mortals. ”

"Hurry up and kill this person with me."

"Otherwise, we would have spent so much effort to seduce this person into the ghost vein this time."

When the female ghost cultivator who was in the early stage of Qi training heard this, her heart suddenly moved. She also condensed her ghost Qi into a long sword and struck Ling Pengxing.

Ling Pengxing, who was under siege, was not afraid when he heard the old ghost cultivator's words. Instead, he muttered to himself with great interest.

"It's interesting that the Ghost Spider, who was originally the nemesis of ghost cultivators, became the spiritual beast of these two ghost cultivators due to his cultivation."

Then, he looked at the old ghost cultivator and muttered.

"Previously, the threat from that lamp was probably the old ghost cultivator who had perfected his Qi training."

"There are two ghost cultivators here and there. I guess they have the ghost cultivator's cultivation method in their hands."

"Although my foundation is broken, my cultivation is completely gone, and my lifespan is about to be exhausted. It is difficult for me to continue cultivating."

"However, this ghost cultivator... is quite a challenge!"

Thinking about it this way, the murderous god Ling Pengxing from decades ago reappeared.

Countless murderous auras burst out from his body, and he slowly reached out to take out the black iron sword on his back.

His eyes moved, and countless sword energy around him immediately merged into the iron sword.

He muttered a sentence.

"Chu Yang!"

The black long sword suddenly lit up with a light like the scorching sun, and the dense ghost energy around it seemed to be extremely afraid of this light and moved away.

However, it was precisely because of the deep underground and the ghost veins with dense ghost energy that it was difficult to use the power of the flame.

The Chu Yang sword move that Ling Pengxing performed this time was only about 70% of the power of the complete victory.

The tip of the iron sword also burst out a red sword light of about eight feet.

Ling Pengxing raised his hand and waved it, and then hit the flying sword at the strongest old ghost cultivator here.

The old ghost cultivator had no time to dodge and was directly pierced through the body by the iron sword.

The scorching sun power condensed by the sword energy also began to burn the body of the old ghost cultivator like a flame.

In just a short moment, the body of the old ghost cultivator became about 10% to 20% weaker, and his breath also weakened a little.

"Ghost cultivators are really afraid of things with scorching sun. My Chuyang sword move just happens to restrain this ghost."

Ling Pengxing muttered to himself when he saw this, and called back the iron sword, and performed another Chuyang sword move, which dispersed 10% to 20% of the ghost energy on the old ghost cultivator, causing the old ghost cultivator's breath to fall back to the late stage of Qi training.

This situation made the old ghost cultivator who had perfected Qi training panic.

Immediately, he begged for mercy.

"Daoyou, Daoyou, stop fighting, stop fighting, I deserve to die."

Ling Pengxing stopped when he saw this.

He looked coldly at the old ghost cultivator and the female ghost cultivator in the early stage of Qi training, and then said coldly.

"Take out the cultivation method of ghost cultivators, what is the lamp, and your origins!"

"I will only give you one chance. If any of your words are false, I will kill you!"

The old ghost cultivator who had perfected Qi training trembled slightly when he heard it.

But considering Ling Pengxing's strange strength, he hesitated for a few minutes and had no choice but to hand over the ghost cultivation method he mastered, and told about the lamp, as well as his origins with the young ghost cultivator named "Yu'er".

After listening to it, Ling Pengxing finally understood.

It turned out that the old ghost cultivator who had perfected Qi training and the female ghost cultivator named Yu'er were a pair of grandfather and grandson. The old ghost cultivator was named "Wang Shi" and the female ghost was named "Wang Yu".

Decades ago, they were villagers from a secular village a hundred miles away, making a living by hunting wild animals.

At that time, they came to the forest where the ghost vein was located to hunt wild animals, and accidentally encountered a tiger and got into trouble.

However, the place where they died happened to be above the ghost vein. After more than ten years, their blood penetrated deep into the ground and came into contact with the ghost energy here. As a result, they became lonely ghosts by chance.

After a period of time, they found the special lamp in the ghost vein cave, and got the ghost cultivation method from the inside of the lamp. They also embarked on the path of cultivation, cultivating with the ghost energy here.

According to the old ghost cultivator Wang Shi, the ghost spider was attracted by the ghost energy leaked from the broken formation on the ghost vein more than ten years ago.

At that time, the ghost spider was still young and only had the first level of Qi training. Its character was not yet determined. Wang Shi also tamed the ghost spider simply by relying on the beast control restrictions recorded in the lamp.

It specifically helped him and Wang Yu go to the outside world to search for wild beasts around, or mortals and monks passing by to hunt, and bring back their souls to give them to improve their cultivation.

Wang Shi's cultivation was so high, which was also the reason.

The ghost Dao technique recorded in the lamp was called "Mo Gui Xuan Yuan Treasure Book", which could be cultivated to the initial stage of foundation building. Wang Shi's grandfather and grandson also copied them one by one to Ling Pengxing.

However, according to Wang Shi's grandfather and grandson, this treasure book was incomplete. Only when enough ghost energy was transferred into the lamp, the four walls of the lamp would show a higher level of technique.

As for the cave and the magical lamp here, according to Wang Shi, these were originally there, and he didn't know where they came from.

Anyway, he and Wang Yu have been here for decades, and it doesn't matter if other ghost cultivators come here.

The effect of the magical lamp is that it can stimulate its own ghost power, and then absorb the surrounding ghost energy and purify it, making the ghost energy in the lamp extremely pure, and the cultivation speed can be extremely fast.

After listening, Ling Pengxing looked at the lamp on the ground in front of him and murmured.

"In this way, the effect of this lamp of unknown grade should be equivalent to the spirit gathering array."

"Its effect is somewhat like a heritage treasure, which is specially passed down for the purpose of passing on the skills on the four walls inside the lamp."

"And the original owner of this lamp should have died, so it was picked up by Wang Shi and Wang Yu, who were born as mortals."

Thinking back, Ling Pengxing said lightly to the ghost cultivators Wang Shi and Wang Yu.

"Take the ghost spider to watch this place well. If anyone finds this place, kill them for me."

Wang Shi and Wang Yu heard it, and naturally nodded repeatedly.

Seeing this, Ling Pengxing nodded with satisfaction, picked up the magical lamp, left this ghost vein, and rushed back to Yan State.

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