Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 546: Pengxing turns to the ghost path, the strange treasure ghost lamp (2800 words, please s

Two years later.

In the deep Baiyun Mountains of Yan State, which stretches for millions of miles, on the top of Baisong Mountain, a third-level middle-grade spiritual mountain, three people were sitting in a cave hall named "Yunyi".

Two years ago, Ling Pengxing, who discovered the ghost vein in Chen State, was among them.

The other two were Ling Yunhong and Ling Pengyun.

Now, Ling Pengyun was taking the magical lamp that Ling Pengxing found on the ghost vein of Chen State and examining it carefully to find out the grade of this object.

Ling Yunhong and Ling Pengxing were waiting for Ling Pengyun's answer with expectation.

Obviously, Ling Yunhong, the Jindan Zhenren, did not know the grade of the lamp just like Ling Pengxing.

Indeed, the first person Ling Pengxing went to find when he returned to his family was Ling Yunhong, who was in charge of Lingxiao Qianxing Lake, but Ling Yunhong also found it difficult to find out the grade of the lamp.

In desperation, Ling Yunhong took him to find Ling Pengyun, who had been in charge of the third-level middle-grade Baisong Mountain for the past five or six years.

After a long time, Ling Pengyun burned the lamp with true fire again. When he found that it was difficult to melt it, his eyes lit up and he probably made a decision.

Then, he said with a little surprise.

"If my guess is right, this lamp that can warm ghosts should be the rare treasure recorded in the third-level refining inheritance that our clan got from the Baiyun Spirit Fox clan."

Ling Pengxing, who had just returned to the clan, said in confusion. "Strange treasure?"

"Strange treasure can also be said to be a special magic weapon, but it is different from ordinary magic weapons. Ordinary magic weapons consume a lot of spiritual energy and can only be used by cultivators who have completed the foundation building."

"But this strange treasure can be used even by cultivators who practice Qi. The power of the strange treasure can be determined by the spiritual energy that the cultivators pass into it."

"In other words, even ghost cultivators in the Jindan realm can enter this thing and use it to improve their cultivation."

"As for whether this thing is useful for ghost cultivators in the Yuanying realm, I don't know. I can only know after trying it."

Ling Pengyun explained with interest.

After hearing this, Ling Pengxing looked very happy.

"This is a great thing. It just so happens that I plan to abandon my physical body and become a ghost cultivator. On the road of exploring the Tao, with the help of this thing, my ghost path can be smoother."

Ling Yunhong and Ling Pengyun, who were standing aside, heard this and had already guessed that Ling Pengxing was going to become a ghost cultivator.

Previously, Ling Pengxing had already informed them about the discovery of the ghost vein in Chen State, as well as Wang Shi, Wang Yu, and others.

Ling Pengxing's life span is running out, and only by becoming a ghost cultivator can he have the opportunity to extend his life span and explore the path of Taoism.

Although ghost cultivators have great limitations, it is difficult to leave the ghost vein for a long time, and it is also difficult to break through the bottleneck of the great realm. In particular, they are afraid of thunder and have little chance of breaking through the golden elixir.

But ghost cultivators also have some special benefits, such as life span.

After becoming a ghost cultivator, the remaining life span of the cultivator will double, and after breaking through the cultivation level, the remaining life span will double again.

Until the realm that the predecessor's original path has not reached, the normal life span will be granted.

Take Ling Pengxing, a cultivator who was originally a foundation-building cultivator, for example. Now he has thirteen years of life left, but after he changes to the ghost path, his life span can be doubled to twenty-six years.

If he enters the foundation-building stage, his remaining life span can be doubled at that time.

If he enters the Golden Core Realm, he can really get a life span increase of 300 years.

Of course, no matter what level of cultivation a cultivator has, after switching to the ghost path, all his cultivation will dissipate, and he can only slowly practice the ghost path.

This is also the reason why few cultivators in the world of immortal cultivation switch to ghost cultivation.

In this case, it is better to use the art of possession when the life span is short, and take over the bodies of those cultivators with better qualifications. It is safer. After the possession is successful, there will be no restrictions like ghost cultivation.

However, for Ling Pengxing, whose cultivation foundation is now completely broken and his cultivation is all dissipated, it is difficult to perform the method of possession, this is indeed his only way out at present.

Ling Yunhong and Ling Pengyun looked at each other, and Ling Pengyun also said.

"Third brother, I and Grandpa Yunhong will not say much about your transformation into a ghost cultivator."

"In the future, we will collect some spiritual objects for you that ghost cultivators need, so that you can speed up your cultivation."

"As for the ghost vein of Chen State, the family currently does not have a third-level formation master, and it is difficult to move it to the family territory by using the migration formation."

"Looking for a third-level formation master from other forces to do this will inevitably leak the news. If the Jindan forces of Chen State know about it, I am afraid they will not give the rare second-level inferior ghost vein to our Ling family."

"After all, they have no ghost veins in Chen State, and more ghost veins mean more ways out."

"Therefore, in the future, you can only hide on the ghost vein of Chen State and practice in seclusion."

"Of course, the family will also take out several second-level formations and arrange them on the ghost vein to ensure your safety."

Ling Pengxing heard this, and his heart was warm, and he smiled. "The ghost vein migration is not a problem, the place where the ghost vein is located is very hidden."

"If I hadn't tracked the ghost spider tamed by the ghost cultivator Wang Shi, it would have been difficult to find the ghost vein."

"Don't worry about this matter."

"Besides, my presence there can prevent outsiders from knowing that I have become a ghost cultivator, and can also protect the family's reputation."

"Third brother, Grandpa Yunhong, my life is running out, and I need to switch to ghost cultivation as soon as possible. This place is far away from the ghost vein of Chen State. I wonder if you can give me a ride?"

Ghost cultivators are despised by righteous cultivators just like demon cultivators in all the major cultivation worlds.

After all, for ghost cultivators, the best cultivation resource is the soul of another person.

This also makes the reputation of ghost cultivators as bad as that of demon cultivators.

Ling Pengyun waved his hand and said, "Third brother, you don't need to think too much. There are not many ghost cultivators in my Northern Wilderness cultivation world. As long as you don't do anything to harm others and are not caught by others, it's fine."

"It just so happens that I have nothing to do these days, so I will send you back to the ghost vein. It just so happens that I can also help you arrange various second-level formations on the ghost vein."

Ling Yunhong, who was standing aside, saw this and smiled kindly. "I will also go with you, so that I can see where the ghost vein is. If there is something in the future, I will also know where to find you, Pengxing."

Ling Pengxing saw that the two golden elixirs of the family were willing to send him off, and his face was also more joyful.

"Thank you, my eighth brother and Grandpa Yunhong."

"We are a family, don't say a word." Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong said at the same time.

After chatting for a few more words, Ling Pengyun summoned the Ling family's highest-grade magic weapon, the Lingxiao Flying Boat, and left Baisong Mountain with Ling Yunhong and Ling Pengxing.

In order to avoid investigation by other forces, Ling Pengyun deliberately circled around the territory of Yan State for a few more times. Seeing that no one was following him, he took Ling Pengxing and Ling Yunhong to the ghost vein of Chen State.

A few days later, when the group arrived at the ghost vein, Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong immediately helped Ling Pengxing to set up a large formation on the ghost vein, such as breath-holding, air-locking, and defense.

Afterwards, the two of them protected Ling Pengxing so that he could switch to ghost cultivation with peace of mind.

This day.

Ling Pengxing sat cross-legged on the soul jade bed in the ghost vein cave, and began to operate the "Mo Gui Xuan Yuan Treasure Book" operation method.

As he chanted a series of difficult spells, a green spiritual light floated out from his body.

This green spiritual light was his soul.

The dense ghost energy around him also gathered towards the soul at this moment.

Gradually, as the soul absorbed more and more ghost energy, the soul gradually became larger and larger.

After a little half a month, the soul had changed its appearance and turned into the appearance of Ling Pengxing, but it was a little transparent, just like the transparent phantom of Wang Shi's grandfather and grandson before.

At this time, a breath of the innate realm also came out from Ling Pengxing's phantom.

This also meant that he officially became a ghost cultivator and entered the ghost cultivation path.

His transparent face gradually raised a touch of joy.

"Congratulations, third brother, the transformation was successful."

Ling Pengyun, who was guarding him on the side, congratulated him.

Ling Yunhong and Wang Shi's grandfather and grandson also congratulated him.

Ling Pengxing's face was even happier.

"Haha, thank you for protecting me these days."

Afterwards, everyone chatted for a while, and Ling Pengyun looked at the grandpa and grandson Wang Shi.

Considering that Ling Pengxing has become a ghost cultivator now, and there are no other cultivators in the clan who practice ghost cultivation.

With the grandpa and grandson Wang Shi, if Ling Pengxing encounters a bottleneck in his path in the future, he will have someone to ask, so he puts aside his killing intentions and speaks instead.

"If you don't want to die, hand over a trace of your life soul."

The grandpa and grandson Wang Shi saw the cruel words of Ling Pengyun, who was in the Jindan realm, and didn't care to think much, and quickly sacrificed a trace of his own life soul and handed it to Ling Pengyun.

Ling Pengyun was quite satisfied with the attitude of the grandpa and grandson Wang Shi.

With the life souls of these two ghost cultivators in hand, he can control their life and death.

Ling Pengyun also put the two strands of souls given by Wang Shi and his grandson into a soul-collecting bottle that had been prepared long ago, and handed it to Ling Pengxing.

"Third brother, these two ghosts will be under your command in the future."

After saying that, he threatened Wang Shi and his grandson again.

"Assist my third brother well. If I find out that you two have done anything wrong, no matter where you are, I will definitely kill you."

After Wang Shi and his grandson entered the Tao, although they had never come into contact with cultivators, the "Mo Gui Xuan Yuan Treasure Book" did record some common sense in the world of immortal cultivation, and they also knew the power of the golden elixir cultivation.

For a moment, the bodies of the grandfather and grandson kept trembling, and they nodded repeatedly to show that they understood.

After handling this matter, Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong left this ghost vein with peace of mind and returned to Yan State.

Ling Pengxing, who was still in the ghost vein, also followed and invited Wang Shi and his grandson to enter the "Ghost Yin Lantern" to practice.

Ghost Yin Lantern is the name Ling Pengxing gave to the treasure lamp.

Thanks: 500 points of reward from Future Wupan

Thanks: Descendants of the Dragon Clan, Clan One Mountain, Three People Walk, There Must Be One Group, Koukoukou Xiyang, Yan Mo, Book Friend 20210301106541322356, Unforgettable Reincarnation, Book Friend 20181123225022253, Fall in Love with Zeze, Tianxian Yijian's monthly ticket

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