Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 552 Ling's Five Sons and Five Tigers (3400 words, please subscribe)

At the same time.

In the depths of one of the four monster islands surrounding Zhanling Island.

In a valley covered by a formation, two young men wearing Ling's Taoist robes, with different appearances and cultivation levels at the seventh level of Qi training, were attacking a 9th level of Qi training Swift Wind Wolf together.

At this moment, a small bell hanging on the waists of the two 7th level Qi training young men suddenly rang.

The two men who were fighting saw this unusual movement and looked very happy.

One of the young men, who looked ordinary but had a fierce look on his face, controlled nine first-grade top-grade green bamboo swords to form the "Earth Evil Sword Formation" to attack the Swift Wind Wolf. He greeted the square-faced young man who looked very stable and kept pinching his fingers to cast earth-based defensive spells to resist the wind blades from the Swift Wind Wolf.

"Brother Wanduo, Grandpa Pengyun hasn't come to Zhanling Island to preach for nearly two years. If you miss this opportunity, you don't know when you will have to wait. Don't save your spiritual power. Follow me to kill this monster quickly and go back to Zhanling Island to listen to Grandpa Pengyun's preaching."

After saying that, the ruthless young man raised his hand and slapped the storage bag on his waist, and summoned nine first-grade top-grade green bamboo swords again.

Then, he quickly pinched the formula to perform the Ling family's set of earthly evil sword tactics, and hit it into it, and actually formed these nine green bamboo swords into a sword formation.

In this way, this person can control two sets of sword formations to fight the enemy at the same time.

For a moment, the nine-level Qi training wind wolf, which had a slight advantage before, was immediately suppressed by the two sets of powerful sword formations, and wounds continued to appear on its body.

And the young man who looked more stable, always focused on defense, and was called "Brother Wanduo" on the side, actually hid his strength.

A trace of seriousness appeared on his face, and the fingering in his hand quickly changed and turned into a series of fingering shadows.

The next moment, a series of earth spikes emerged and were continuously shot out by him.

It was like a magic turret.

If there were cultivators of the same level here, they would be shocked by the strength of the two.

With the two fighting at full strength, the Swift Wind Wolf with a cultivation level of the ninth level of Qi training did not last long and was killed by the two.

After the battle.

"Brother Wanxu, your sword formation is getting more and more fierce, but has your spiritual consciousness improved again?"

The young man who looked more stable and was called Brother Wanduo asked the young man with a fierce face who mastered two sets of earthly sword formations with a little envy.

This stable young man was the earth magic genius "Ling Wanduo" in the Ling family battle hall.

And the young man with a fierce face was "Ling Wanxu" in the battle hall, who had poor cultivation qualifications and only four spiritual roots, but had extremely high spiritual consciousness talent.

If we count the spiritual consciousness talent, he is the best among the younger generation of the entire Ling family. Even Ling Chengxia is weaker than him in spiritual consciousness.

"The fourth level of the Explosive Forging God Technique is extremely difficult to comprehend. Since I comprehended this method to the fourth level last year, my progress in practicing this method has been very slow."

"I guess it will be difficult for me to make great progress in this method before I complete my Qi training."

"My sword formation is sharp because I have made some progress in the sword path recently, but I am still a little far from condensing the sword intent."

"It's a pity... I don't have any talent in the sword path. If the strongest sword path master in the family, Pengxing Zuye, is still in the family, with his guidance, perhaps I can make further progress in the sword path. Steps."

"Brother Wanduo, I won't say much about this matter. Let's go back to Zhanling Island and listen to Grandpa Pengyun's teachings."

"Two years ago, I listened to Grandpa Pengyun's teachings, and then I had some insights. After a year of accumulation, I comprehended the fourth level of the Explosion Forging God Technique and possessed the spiritual consciousness comparable to that of a cultivator in the early stage of foundation building."

"Perhaps, this time, we can also gain something."

Ling Wanxu said with a little helplessness, and then with excitement, he summoned a Ling family's iconic fairy crane, rode on it, and flew away from this monster island.

Ling Wanduo, who was still in the same place, looked at Ling Wanxu who couldn't wait to ride the fairy crane away, and his face was full of envy.

"This kid's talent is getting more and more terrifying. If he enters the sword path, I'm afraid he will be able to compete with Cheng Xiabo, who is the same age as me."

"I also need to work hard, otherwise I will be left too far behind by this kid, which will really damage my dignity as a clan elder."

After saying that, he also summoned a fairy crane and flew away from here.

Since the Ling family received the second-level beast control from Lin Fan, the beast control guest, the reproduction speed of the fairy cranes in the clan, which have always been difficult to reproduce, has also increased a lot.

In addition, Ling Wanduo and Ling Wanxu are one of the new generation of Ling family's "Five Sons". They are the children that Ling family focuses on training. They were also given a fairy crane with good flying speed and good combat power by the clan.

The Five Sons of the Ling Family is the title given by the Ling family to those who are the youngest members of the "Wan" and "Li" generations in the family with outstanding talents.

In addition to Ling Wanduo and Ling Wanxu, the other three sons are Ling Wanchuan, a genius of spiritual plants who is a disciple of Ling Pengyun and has dual spiritual roots of water and wood, and two geniuses of the Li generation.

In addition, the Ling family also selected the outstanding talents of the Qi training and foundation building clan members from the Peng and Cheng generations of the "Yun, Xiao, Peng, Cheng, Wan, Li" generation in the family and named them the Ling family's "Five Tigers".

These five tigers are "Ling Pengqiu" who specializes in fire magic.

The second-level upper-grade alchemist "Ling Chengxin".

Ling Chengyuan, who had steadily entered the foundation-building realm several years ago and was also a second-level spiritual plant husband, was the son of Ling Pengliang. He had been stationed with Ling Chengping in Luoxia Mountain in Huaishui County. He was a steady person with good spiritual plant talent, so he was given the title of Five Tigers.

Ling Chengping, who had also entered the foundation-building realm a few years ago and was also a second-level silkworm breeder.

And Ling Chengxia, who had perfected his Qi training.

Whether it was the five sons of the Ling family or the five tigers of the Ling family, they were all the children that the Ling family focused on training and had resources tilted.

If it weren't for the fact that there were fewer talents in the family, the Ling family, with its strong foundation and wealth, could have spent a lot of resources to focus on training a few members of the family.

Of course, the reason why the family trained these five tigers and five sons was because they valued their talents. All ten of them had the opportunity to break through to the late stage of foundation-building or even perfect foundation-building.

Among them, there are Ling Pengqiu, Ling Chengxin, Ling Chengxia and other clansmen who have the opportunity to try to break through the Jindan realm.

In the depths of the Battle Spirit Island, in the originally empty hall, there are excited and serious members of the Ling family battle hall, looking at the host Ling Pengyun, waiting for him to preach.

It was not until Ling Wanduo and Ling Wanxu, two clansmen who were in the outside world, arrived that Ling Pengyun began to talk about the way of practicing Qi in detail.

“Practicing Qi is a realm in the Tao where it is best to forge the foundation.”

“In this realm, you don’t need to be fast, just take steady steps. If you are a fast cultivator, it is best to spend more time in Qi training. This will indirectly consolidate the foundation, which will be beneficial for breaking through the foundation-building realm, and for the future Tao, it will be more beneficial...”

At the same time.

In a courtyard in the inner circle of the Battle Spirit Island.

Ling Chengxia had heard his father Ling Pengyun preach in his early years, so he did not go to Ling Pengyun's preaching on the island this time.

At this time, he walked into a quiet room.

The spiritual energy in this quiet room was extremely rich, and in the corner of this quiet room, there were four demon pythons that were two meters long, as thick as buckets, and had reached the ninth level of Qi training. Their bodies were covered with golden scales. They coiled their bodies into a circle and leaned together to absorb the spiritual energy in the quiet room for cultivation.

"Okay, don't practice anymore, I'll give you something good!"

Ling Chengxin greeted the four golden-scaled demon pythons that were practicing.

The four demon pythons were his four golden armored pythons with twin spirits.

With the blessing of the twin spirits, the four of them practiced much faster than the same level, and were a few points faster than ordinary cultivators. This was also the advantage of the spirit.

The four golden-armored pythons opened their eyes one after another when they heard the call, and cast doubtful eyes at Ling Chengxia who disturbed their practice.

Ling Chengxia did not explain, but waved his hand and took out four bottles of Jiao Blood Pills, poured out one Jiao Blood Pill from each of them, and handed them to the four golden-armored pythons.

"One for each snake, don't fight for it."

The four golden-armored pythons felt the Jiaolong Qi contained in the four Jiao Blood Pills, and their blood couldn't help but become a little hotter, and a sense of desire from the depths of their blood rushed into their brains.

In excitement, they immediately ate the four Jiao Blood Pills handed to them.

Then, they expressed their gratitude to their master Ling Chengxia, and then closed their eyes again and went to refine the pills.

Seeing this, Ling Chengxia shook his head helplessly and complained.

"Four starving ghosts."

He then left the quiet room and walked into the next quiet room, sitting cross-legged on the ground, his eyes flashing with a hint of dissatisfaction.

"I must condense the Yin-Yang Huaxuan Diagram and catch up with the cultivation speed of cousin Wu Hong."

After saying this, he immediately closed his eyes and began to mobilize the Yin-Yang Taixuan spiritual power in his body, gathering it into a circle in the dantian.

He then separated the Yang and Yin spiritual powers, and according to the records in the exercises, he used these two spiritual powers to transform them into small fish, making the two small fish connect head to tail and let them rotate.

At first, it was okay, he could still keep the two small fish connected head to tail rotating normally, but when he was not careful, one of the small fish was a little faster and hit the small fish in front.

If the Yin and Yang spiritual powers were operated normally according to the exercises, there would be no problem.

But now the Yin and Yang spiritual powers were transformed into fish, separated by Ling Chengxia, and then overlapped in a short time, which also caused the conflict between the Yin and Yang spiritual powers, and the spiritual powers in the two collided fish gradually began to riot.

"Not good!"

Ling Chengxia frowned and said secretly.

Before he could mobilize his consciousness and go forward to suppress it, he heard a faint roar from his Dantian.

A pain suddenly came from his Dantian.

His blood and qi began to roll, and a mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth.

After spending a long time to suppress the injury in his body, his consciousness probed into the inner Dan that was constantly emitting pain.

"The injury is not serious, continue!"

Ling Chengxia's eyes were fierce, and he said secretly.

Immediately, he once again operated the condensation method of Yin and Yang Huaxuantu.

However, this time was still like the last time, he still ended in failure.

This went on for half a day. Ling Chengxia tried five times, but failed.

After repeated failures, he was seriously injured, and blood kept flowing from his mouth, nose, and ears.

His breath was even weaker.

And the inner elixir in his body, due to the five consecutive collisions and explosions of the small fish transformed by the Yin and Yang spiritual powers, also had tiny cracks.

When he failed for the sixth time, the small cracks on his inner pill also expanded a little.

The blood in his body continued to flow to his head, and he could no longer hold on to his injuries. As a mouthful of blood spurted out, his eyes went black and he fell to the ground.

The four golden-armored pythons in the next room that were refining Jiaoxuedan noticed this through the master recognition restriction. They all left their own meditation rooms without caring about refining Jiaoxuedan and rushed to the meditation room where Ling Chengxia was. They crawled beside Ling Chengxia who had fainted on the ground, looking at the extremely weak Ling Chengxia with a worried and helpless look.

The next moment, in the Battle Spirit Island.

Ling Pengyun, who was preaching, frowned suddenly, turned into a phantom, and disappeared.

When he appeared again, he had come to the side of Ling Chengxia who had fainted on the ground.

When he used his spiritual sense to detect the injuries on Ling Chengxia's body, he immediately understood why Ling Chengxia had reached such a point.

"This child is really stubborn."

"If the Yin-Yang Huaxuan Diagram recorded in the superior technique Yin-Yang Huaxuan Sutra, which is extremely helpful for auxiliary, is so easy, why would it be marked on the technique that only foundation-building cultivators can try to comprehend this secret technique."


"Fortunately, the child's Dantian injury is not the kind of injury that is difficult to recover, otherwise the child's path would probably be delayed because of this."

After saying this, Ling Pengyun immediately took out a bottle of healing second-level spiritual water from his arms and poured it into Ling Chengxia's mouth.

With the help of the spiritual water, Ling Chengxia's breath gradually became smoother.

Seeing this, Ling Pengyun was relieved, and he left this place and returned to the Battle Spirit Hall to preach.

Thanks: Yebi for the 100-point reward

Thanks: Book Friend 20190405200334200, Book Friend 20230219592-DC, EVAB, Book Friend 20171005163108762, Book Friend 20171005163108762, Is It Wrong to Fall in Love with Someone, Cotton Candy zly, Book Friend 2018040221144587, Lonely-Ea, Inexhaustible Primordial Desolation; Don't Understand Books, Military Soul Old Past, homomanlian for the monthly ticket

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