Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 553 Four Dragons Appear (3200 words, please subscribe)

Three months later.

In the depths of a courtyard quiet room on Zhanling Island.

A young man with a pale face sat cross-legged on a cushion.

After a long time, he finally opened his eyes and sighed with a bit of helplessness.

"It is really difficult to heal the injury to the Dantian."

This young man was Ling Chengxia, who had forced himself to practice the foundation-building secret technique "Yin Yang Hua Xuan Tu" in the Qi training realm half a year ago.

In the past three months, although he had a large number of high-level healing spiritual objects to help him, the injury to the Dantian was only nearly half healed.

Ling Chengxia slowly stood up, walked out of his own quiet room, and turned to walk into the quiet room where his four golden armored pythons were.

As soon as he entered this place, the four golden armored pythons that had been here all year round crawled over.

Three months later, his four golden armored pythons were somewhat different from before.

At this moment, the four golden armored pythons had grown from two feet to two and a half feet in length, with millstones as thick as millstones, and their cultivation had all been raised from the ninth level of Qi training to the state of perfect Qi training.

What's more, they each had a small bulge on their heads, and a trace of dragon pressure came from it.

The bulge on the head of the golden armored python named "Jin Da", which had the best aptitude and had reached the first level of Qi training by innate cultivation, was as big as a fist, and at the top of the bulge, a fingernail-sized, pointed keratin could be seen emerging from it.

The dragon aura transmitted from this python was also the most intense.

I'm afraid that with just the dragon aura, ordinary monsters of the same level would find it difficult to raise the desire to fight against it.

When Ling Chengxia saw this scene, the helpless look on his face was immediately dispersed, and a sense of joy appeared on his face.

"The twelve Jiao Blood Pills my father gave me are really effective. I didn't expect that these four golden armored pythons have already transformed into half-dragon bodies after taking only three Jiao Blood Pills with a weaker effect."

"Now, we only have to look at the last four second-grade superior Jiao Blood Pills with the strongest effect, which are made from the essence and blood of Jiao dragons."

He raised his hand and took out the four bottles of Jiao Blood Pills from the storage bag, poured out the pills, and immediately handed them to the four golden armored pythons to take.

Then, he sat cross-legged here, looking at the four golden armored pythons that fell into a deep sleep after taking Jiao Blood Pills with an expectant look on his face.

Time passed slowly, and three months passed in a blink of an eye.

One day.

The bodies of the four golden armored pythons, which had been motionless, suddenly flashed with dazzling red light.

Then, the four golden armored pythons seemed to be in great pain, constantly shaking their bodies and making painful wails from their mouths.

Ling Chengxia, who had been guarding the four demon pythons, panicked when he saw this.

He had intended to investigate whether the four demon pythons had any problems, but when he saw the bumps on the foreheads of the four demon pythons slowly swelled, and the dragon energy emanating from the bumps became more concentrated, he was relieved and his face became more expectant.

"Such a big commotion, it turns out that they are turning into dragons."

At this moment, the four golden-armored pythons suddenly flashed a golden aura, directly covering the red aura shining on their bodies.

The next moment, the strands of dragon energy that spread out from their bodies slowly blended together in a very strange way, as if they had become one.

A strong aura like a real dragon also emerged.

These real dragon auras trembled slightly, and at the same time flashed a golden aura, turning into small golden dragons, constantly passing through the bodies of the four golden-armored pythons.

Whenever the golden little dragons passed through the bodies of the four golden-armored pythons, they would remove the impurities in the blood of the four golden-armored pythons.

Some golden pointed keratin gradually emerged from the bulges on their heads.

Ling Chengxia, who saw this scene, was shocked.

"According to the records in the classics, such a situation would never occur during the period when the monsters turned into dragons!"

"Could it be that the powerful twin spirits were helping them turn into dragons?"

Thinking of this, Ling Chengxia was immediately certain, and his face was immediately filled with joy.

Three days later, all the strange phenomena stopped.

The four golden-armored pythons also changed their appearance at this moment, especially the golden-armored python named Jin Da. Its body, which had already grown rapidly, grew again to three and a half feet long, and the golden scales on its body became thicker and heavier, and the shape became fish scales.

The original bulge on its head also turned into a three-inch long golden horn, and a true dragon spirit also emanated from its body.

Although the bodies of the other three golden armored pythons had grown to three meters in length, and their scales had turned into fish scales.

However, the bulges on their heads had not completely turned into golden horns, and only two-foot-long golden horns emerged from the bulges.

In addition, although they also exuded the aura of the real dragon, it was weaker than the aura of the real dragon on Jin Da, and there was about 10% of the aura of the demon python mixed in, which seemed a bit out of place.

Obviously, these two demon pythons had not completely turned into dragons, but they were not far from turning into dragons.

And the golden armored python, which had extraordinary natural capital, naturally successfully turned into a dragon.

Seeing this, Ling Chengxia felt sorry that the three spirit beasts, Jin Er, Jin San, and Jin Si, had not completely turned into dragons, but his face was still full of joy.

You know, even half-dragons are extremely rare in the world. Relying on their half-dragon qualifications, they can at least break through to the late stage of foundation building and the state of perfection.

Half-dragons like Jin Er, Jin San and Jin Si who are about to transform into dragons will far surpass the monsters of the same level in both physique and consciousness, and they even have the probability of reaching half of the golden elixir stage.

It is extremely easy for a Jiaolong to complete the foundation building. With its strong physique and spiritual awareness far superior to that of the same level, it can even increase the probability of entering the Golden Core by 10%.

Not to mention, these four spirit beasts are all in twin spirit bodies, with qualifications far superior to the other half Jiao or Jiaolong, and they can even increase the probability of entering the Golden Core by 10%.

In this way, Jin Da, who has the strongest qualifications and has turned into a Jiao, has a 20% probability of breaking through the Golden Core.

Jin Er, Jin San, and Jin Si, the three half Jiaos, also have a 15% probability of breaking through the Golden Core.

"Hahaha, this time, it's really a great opportunity!"

"If these four Jiaolongs can enter the Golden Core in the future, who in the entire Yan State can stop me!"

"When the time comes, I will definitely lead the entire Yan State with my family."

Ling Chengxia was excited and muttered to himself about his ambitions.

However, just as Ling Chengxia was happy, Jin Da, one of the four golden-armored pythons, looked at his three twin brothers who had not successfully transformed into dragons with a worried look on his face.

Jin Da's intelligence had already been greatly opened because of his spiritual body. In addition, after this transformation into a dragon, he brought some dragon inheritance into his blood. He also knew that successfully transforming into a dragon in the state of Qi training could bring about the benefits of consolidating the foundation and greatly enhancing the qualifications.

In this way, if his three twin brothers missed the opportunity to transform into dragons during the Qi training period, their benefits would be much smaller, and they would find it difficult to keep up with him in the future.

This also means that it is difficult for his three brothers to ascend to the path of Taoism. Because of the twin spiritual bodies, he has a deep relationship with his three brothers, and he does not want to be the only one with a long life in the future.

Furthermore, there is another limitation of the twin spiritual bodies.

That is, as the cultivation level increases, the cultivation level of the monsters with twin spiritual bodies will remain at the same level, and then they will work together and make progress together.

If one party lags behind, the progress of the cultivation of the others will also be delayed.

Regardless of whether it is emotional or logical, as the eldest brother, it will help the three brothers and help them transform into dragons as soon as possible in the Qi training realm, so as to improve their qualifications.

It asked its master Ling Chengxia if there was anything that could help transform into a dragon. When it received a reply that there was no, its eyes became fierce, and it immediately forced out the few drops of true dragon blood in its body and sent them to its three brothers.

And roared at them, asking them to quickly take the true dragon blood.

Jin Er, Jin San, Jin San, and even Ling Chengxia were all stunned after knowing Jin Da's intention.

Blood is the origin of a demon beast. Once lost, it is extremely difficult to recover, and the body will become weak during this period, the strength will be greatly reduced, and the speed of cultivation will be reduced.

Jin Da has just become a dragon body, and there is not much true dragon blood in his body, only five drops.

If Jin Er and the others swallowed the three drops of true dragon blood, Jin Da's future cultivation speed, strength, etc. would be at least reduced by 60%.

To recover these three drops of blood, even if there are enough blood-recovering things to help, it will take at least six years to recuperate.

Such a price is very high for Jin Da, who has turned into a dragon and whose cultivation speed is not inferior to that of a cultivator with different spiritual roots.

Ling Chengxia saw that Jin Da looked determined, and considering the various reasons that Jin Da considered, he did not dissuade him from doing so.

At the same time, he also had a little more respect for Jin Da in his heart. Among ordinary monsters, fellows could not be as willing as Jin Da.

And Jin Er, Jin San, and Jin Si were all very intelligent, and they all knew the consequences of Jin Da's loss of blood.

However, they also knew what Jin Da was thinking. After keeping this in mind, the three golden armored pythons with weaker qualifications swallowed the true dragon blood sent by Jin Da one after another and fell into a deep sleep.

Jin Er, Jin San, and Jin Si were already on the verge of becoming dragons. The true dragon blood from Jin Dadu was like divine help to them now. They took this opportunity and transformed into dragons one after another in just three days.

"Four dragons! Hahaha!"

"God help me!"

"In the future, this Yan State will definitely become the territory of the Ling family!"

Ling Chengxia, who had been guarding here, saw that the last golden armored python also successfully transformed into a dragon, and he smiled so hard that he couldn't close his mouth and said happily.

At this moment, when the last golden dragon that successfully transformed into a dragon opened its eyes, the four golden dragons in twin spirits in this quiet room suddenly trembled.

Their bodies also flashed golden spiritual light.

In the dark, there was an invisible consciousness guiding them to operate a very difficult spell.

In an instant, the four golden dragons roared at the same time and spewed out a spell respectively.

The four spells cast by the four dragons suddenly gathered together and turned into a golden seal with countless dragon patterns on the surface.


The golden seal glowed with spiritual light, and countless golden spiritual powers gushed out, quickly gathering into a five-meter-long golden dragon phantom.

This golden dragon phantom is the same as the four golden dragons, but it is a little bigger, and its eyes are bright, like a living thing, with a dragon aura that is several times higher than the four golden dragons. It also radiates a huge pressure of the third level of foundation building.

"This is... fusion... magic!"

Ling Chengxia saw this scene and was shocked.

"Judging from the aura of this fusion magic, I'm afraid there is a chance to fight... a third-level foundation building strongman."

"Qi training is perfected to fight... the third level of foundation building!"


"Another good thing has come! Hahaha!"


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