Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 554 The number of Ling family monks is growing rapidly (2200 words, please subscribe)

Two and a half years later.

This winter, the snow was heavier than usual.

Countless snowflakes as big as half a fist fell from the sky, and a biting cold wind blew across the earth.

The white snow falling from the sky on the ground is at least half a leg high. Countless white snow falling on the lake in Lingxiao Qianxing Lake is condensed into a thick layer of ice by the icy white snow.

But even in such weather, there were countless monks of different ages wearing Ling's robes, not afraid of the cold, braving the biting cold wind, running across the ice towards Lingxiao Qianxing Lake from various places.

A few days later, these monks finally arrived outside the ancestral temple on Lingyun Island of the Ling clan in the early morning of the Spring Festival.

At this time, there were as many as five hundred monks gathered here wearing Ling's Taoist robes.

The five hundred monks were arranged in an orderly manner. The ten people at the front of the crowd were none other than the "Five Tigers" of the Ling family and the "Five Sons" of the Ling family.

"Uncle Pengqiu, Aunt Penglin, why did the family celebrate the Spring Festival together and didn't return home? Do you know where Aunt Penglin went?"

Ling Chengping, who was clever and eccentric and had been brought up by Ling Pengyun since she was a child, glanced around and saw that the surrounding tribesmen were celebrating the Spring Festival together as they were five years ago, and they also did not see Ling Penglin, who had a good relationship with them. She frowned suddenly.

Confused, she looked at Ling Pengqiu, the leader of the Five Tigers of the Ling Family, and asked him.

"I don't know. In recent years, I have been having trouble contacting Sister Penglin using the messenger talisman. However, I have been to the ancestral temple and looked at Sister Penglin's life card. Her life card is still intact."

"I guess...Sister Penglin was arranged by Brother Pengyun or Grandpa Yunhong to be stationed in a key place. It is inconvenient to disclose it to the public!"

Ling Pengqiu, who had white hair and a face full of wrinkles, said carefully.

Since the construction of Lingxiao Qianxing Lake, the Ling family has held a collective Spring Festival every five years to call on many tribesmen outside to return home and reunite to strengthen cohesion.

As for not holding it every year, it's just because the clan members who are away are in various places, and returning to the clan every year is too time-consuming.

"Garrisoning in important places? What kind of important places can be stationed so that Aunt Penglin, a veteran second-level array mage, can take over?"

After Ling Chengping heard this, he lowered his head and started thinking curiously.

At the same time, an inconspicuous young monk among the five hundred monks also heard what Ling Pengqiu had just said, and his eyes suddenly flashed with a strange light.

After a while, when the blazing sun in the sky slowly rose, a ray of sunlight fell on the earth, and a ray of light flew rapidly from the distant sky at this moment.

When the five hundred monks outside the ancestral temple saw this scene, they all raised their heads and watched, with a look of pride on their faces.

After a short while, the escaping light also stopped above the Ling Family Ancestral Temple.

Three figures jumped to the top of the crowd.

These three people are none other than Ling Pengyun, Yan Siyi, and Ling Yunhong.

At this moment, the more than 500 monks bowed in unison to Ling Pengyun, Ling Yunhong, and Yan Siyi, who were standing at the top, with expressions of respect on their faces.

"Congratulations to the patriarch, supreme elder, and second elder!"

A few years ago, Yan Siyi had used the flesh and blood of several golden elixir monsters that Ling Pengyun had killed in his early years to cook as spiritual food to help her reach the stage of perfect foundation building.

She is also the one with the highest cultivation level in the entire Ling family, except Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong.

In addition, his spiritual chef has already been promoted to the second-level high-grade realm, and he is a veteran second-level high-grade spiritual chef.

Ling Pengyun, the wife of Jin Dan Zhenren, has an extraordinary status and special status. She married into the Ling clan and has been regarded as a relative of the Ling clan for a long time. In the eyes of the Ling clan, she has long been one of their own.

As a result, she was entrusted with an important task by her family and nominated as the second elder, specializing in teaching those members of the clan who had the talent of being a spiritual cook.

Moreover, in the hearts of all the young and old of the Ling family, they are very clear that Yan Siyi, the third strongest person of the Ling family, will have the opportunity to break through the golden elixir in the future. The Ling family also regards Yan Siyi as another Ling family queen in the future. Elder Shang can be said to be a person respected by everyone in the Ling clan.

Ling Pengyun, his wife, and the clan leader Ling Yunhong looked at the more than 500 clan members who greeted them in unison, with a hint of joy on their faces.

Clan leader Ling Yunhong smiled and waved his hand to signal everyone to stop, then he smiled kindly.

"There are many new young faces here during the Spring Festival this year, which is a good thing!"

After saying this, he looked at the middle-aged man with a steady face and a loyal appearance at the front of the five hundred monks, and greeted him.

"Cheng Yuan, as usual, tell us what happened in the clan in the past five years."

This loyal middle-aged man was Ling Chengyuan, who was selected as one of the five tigers of the Ling family based on his outstanding talent.

Since he joined Foundation Establishment, he has been valued by the family because he is relatively stable and has a good overall view of the overall situation. He has been trained by the family's obstruction system who is good at deploying various spiritual objects in the family, handling various chores, etc. A long time.

Five years ago, when Ling Chengyuan achieved success in his studies, he was tested by the family's senior officials. He was unanimously elected by the family's senior officials as the family elder, in charge of all family affairs.

During the fifteen years since Ling's transformation of this land into Qianxing Lake, Ling's development has changed every year.

Ling's foundation-building monks are popping up like bamboo shoots.

Under such circumstances, Ling Yunhong and Ling Pengyun had agreed more than ten years ago that only those with foundation-building cultivation could serve as family elders.

Currently, the Ling family has eleven elders in the foundation building stage, namely the first elder Ling Chengyuan, the second elder Yan Siyi, the third elder formation master Ling Penglin, the fourth elder second-level spiritual plant husband Ling Pengliang, the fifth elder Ling Xiaofang Market "Fangzhu" Ling Pengqiu, the sixth elder second-level silkworm breeder Ling Chengping, the seventh elder second-level weapon refiner Ling Chenggang...

Ling Penglin is actually the same age as Ling Pengqiu, and she should have been selected as one of the "Five Tigers" of the middle-aged generation of the family. However, considering that she only has ten or twenty years left to live, she has already become an old body, so she refused the family's intention to include her in the Five Tigers.

Although Ling Pengqiu also has a short lifespan, he still has about forty years of life left because of the high quality of the things he took to enhance his lifespan, which can barely be regarded as a middle-aged man.

The fourth elder Ling Pengliang is now managing some idle spiritual plants and taking care of the spiritual plants on the spiritual plant island opened by the family in Ling Xiao Qianxing Lake.

Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong had intended to arrange him to an important position to manage some family affairs.

However, Ling Pengliang managed the various spiritual objects and miscellaneous matters in Huaishui County alone in his early years, which made him exhausted and he had no interest in this matter. He just wanted to be a leisurely farmer.

Ling Pengqiu and Ling Chengping will not be mentioned.

Ling Chenggang entered the foundation-building stage at the age of 68, which was considered to be relatively lucky. Originally, he was in charge of the Huangyan steel vein discovered by the family in the territory of Lingxiao Qianxing Lake, and specialized in refining magic tools with the Huangyan steel mined there.

He also took advantage of that opportunity to improve his refining skills to the second level when he was in the Qi training stage, and he was considered to be a talented refiner.

In addition, he is also a first-level superior puppeteer, who is good at refining puppets in two forms: wooden puppets and iron puppets.

Nowadays, more than 70% of the puppets produced by the family are basically made by him.

The other four elders were all from the Ling family who had accumulated a large number of foundation-building spiritual objects. They were well-behaved and stationed in various places for the Ling family.

Thinking back, the honest-looking Ling Chengyuan immediately walked to the side of Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong, who were at the head of the group, and faced the five hundred Ling family members present. He took out a book from his arms, opened a page, and recited carefully.

"Another five years of peace and happiness. Although there have been no major changes in the family in these five years, it is a blessing to be free of disasters."

"And it is worth mentioning that as the number of cultivators and mortals in the family increases, the family can basically increase by 30 to 40 people with spiritual roots every year."

"Now, the number of cultivators in the family has reached 858, which is more than 190 more than when they celebrated the Spring Festival together five years ago."

"Currently, there are six generations living together in the family, and the six generations are Yun, Xiao, Peng, Cheng, Wan, and Li."

"There is only one member of the Yun generation, two members of the Xiao generation, 36 members of the Peng generation, 58 members of the Cheng generation, 231 members of the Wan generation, and 530 members of the Li generation."

"There are 538 clan members present at this collective Spring Festival, and 320 clan members are in important positions, either managing a store or stationed somewhere, and it is difficult for them to return."

"After investigation and statistics by the family cultivators, the number of mortals under the family is currently 1,056,896."

"Since many of the mortals in Lingxiao Qianxing Lake were sent back to Huaishui County, there are only more than 100,000 mortals."

"The remaining more than 90 mortals are all in Huaishui County, Fudi, Yan State."


"I have finished talking about the small changes in the family in the past five years."

After talking for a while, Ling Chengxia closed the yellow book in his hand, said a word to everyone present, and returned to the big team.

"The clan is more prosperous, which is a great thing."

"This Spring Festival, all clan members in the clan will be given an extra five spiritual fruits of the same level as their cultivation, so that they can have fun together."

The clan leader Ling Yunhong smiled.

When the more than 500 Ling clan members heard this, they all looked overjoyed and praised the clan leader Ling Yunhong for his wise move.

Clan leader Ling Yunhong waved his hand and invited everyone to enter the spacious ancestral temple.

Everyone stood in the hall of the ancestral temple and spoke to the hundreds of Ling clan ancestors' spirit tablets placed deep in the ancestral temple.

"Junior, Ling Pengyun, the eighth of the Peng generation, has come to pay tribute to the ancestors. I hope the ancestors will bless our clan to prosper!"

"Junior, Yan Siyi, the wife of Ling Pengyun, has come to..."


After the tedious memorial service was completed, everyone gathered on a square with hundreds of large round tables, eating and chatting together, enjoying the joy of family reunion during the Spring Festival.


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