Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 556 Yan Siyi has the Golden Elixir Divine Awareness (2400 words, please subscribe)

Two years later.

Deep in the Baiyun Mountains, in the Baiyun Mountains.

In a cave called "Yun Yi" on the top of Baisong Mountain, a third-level middle-grade spiritual mountain, the spiritual energy in the training room is extremely rich, and clouds of spiritual energy gathered by the spiritual energy are floating in this quiet room.

In the center of these spiritual clouds, there is a young woman wearing a loose Taoist robe of the Ling family, but still unable to hide her good figure, white skin, peach-like face, pink and tender as if you can pinch water, and a shoulder-length black hair that looks extraordinary and otherworldly. She sits cross-legged on a cushion.

The young woman raised a decisive look on her face, and silently recited a special spell in her heart.

At this time, the wisps of spiritual consciousness in her mind's sea of ​​consciousness kept flashing with spiritual light, and then exploded one by one, turning into several or dozens of smaller spiritual consciousness fragments.

Then, the young woman will transfer spiritual power into those spiritual consciousness fragments to help them grow, so that they can be transformed from fragments into a trace of complete spiritual consciousness.

This process was extremely painful, and the young woman's face gradually became distorted.

What's more, a trace of cold sweat gradually appeared on the young woman's brow, and her face gradually turned pale.

But she never stopped, because this could slowly enhance the power of her spiritual consciousness.

After such a short half day, the young woman's face lost its pinkness and became as white as paper, without a trace of blood.

But in the next moment, as her spiritual consciousness grew to the limit of foundation building, breaking the invisible spiritual bottleneck, a sound of breaking came from her sea of ​​consciousness, and she also immediately spread a golden elixir realm spiritual pressure sweeping across the four directions.

The young woman then opened her eyes, and a bright joy appeared on her pale face.

"After more than ten years, I finally cultivated the Explosive Forging God Technique to the seventh level."

At this moment, a phantom suddenly appeared in front of the young woman, and the figure of the phantom also appeared.

The man who came was a young man who was eight feet tall, with a straight back, a solemn aura, looked very capable, and also carried a huge golden elixir pressure. He was wearing a blue Ling family loose Taoist robe and looked like an immortal.

"Congratulations, Madam, on cultivating the golden elixir realm consciousness."

The beautiful woman saw her husband coming and was delighted. She immediately stood up and said with a smile.

"This matter is also thanks to the opportunity to enhance my aptitude that my husband gave me nine years ago. If it weren't for that opportunity, I would not have been able to comprehend the Explosion Forging God Art to the seventh level so quickly."

The beautiful woman was Yan Siyi, and the young man with an immortal look was Ling Pengyun.

Nine years ago, after Ling Pengyun condensed a breath of yin and yang primordial energy, he passed that breath of primordial energy to Madam Yan Siyi to enhance her aptitude.

"Madam, this opportunity is too great to discuss."

"Madam, your spiritual consciousness has reached the Golden Core Realm, and your cultivation has broken through to the Perfect Foundation Establishment Realm four or five years ago. Now your realm is extremely stable, and you can try to break through the Golden Core Realm."

"In the early years, the family relied on the top-level lower-level magical power technique, the Fire Wolf Swallowing the Moon Technique, and the three ordinary Golden Core spiritual objects obtained from the Bailing Sect have always remained in the family."

"Relying on these three Golden Core spiritual objects, Madam, do you dare to try to break through the Golden Core Realm?"

Ling Pengyun asked with a smile.

The Bailing Sect, a wealthy and old-fashioned Golden Core force, had raised three ordinary Golden Core spiritual objects and a third-level lower-grade refining inheritance to the Ling family several years ago, and exchanged them for the Fire Wolf Swallowing the Moon Technique that the Ling family and the Bailing Sect obtained when they destroyed the Poison Blood Demon Sect.

Yan Siyi's face suddenly became hot when she heard what Ling Pengyun said. As a senior member of the family, she naturally knew that the family had three Golden Core spiritual objects.

However, she did not answer immediately, but frowned and evaded.

"My husband, my brother Pengqiu has now reached the peak of the ninth level of foundation building, and his progress in the forging of the spirit is also not weak. In a short time, he will probably rely on the Lingxiao Xuyuan Jue that you improved to try to break through the golden elixir."

"Pengqiu has contributed a lot to the family and has been working hard over the years. If the three golden elixir spiritual objects of the family are all given to me, it will be bad."

"I have the opportunity you gave me, plus the help of the golden elixir consciousness I have cultivated now, so I have a 20% chance of trying to break through the golden elixir. I will take another golden elixir spiritual object and make up a 30% chance of breaking through the golden elixir."

Five years ago, Ling Pengyun improved the method of the holy demon continuation of the relationship that he had obtained from a demon cultivator in the boundless sea area in his early years, which could increase the number of years for cultivators to break through, into a righteous method.

This method was also renamed "Lingxiao Xuyuan Technique" by Ling Pengyun.

After hearing what his wife Yan Siyi said, Ling Pengyun was more satisfied with this virtuous wife.

He was more happy. "Madam, don't worry about these things. You can take the three Jindan spiritual objects and try to break through the Jindan. I have already agreed with Grandpa Yunhong."

"In addition, I saw that Brother Pengqiu's life span was not long, so I gave him an opportunity to help him practice."

"In this way, when he comprehends the seventh level of the Forging God Technique and possesses the Jindan realm consciousness, his chance of breaking through the Jindan alone will be the same as yours, which is as much as 20%. "

"When he can try to break through the Jindan, Grandpa Yunhong and I will find a way to get him one or more Jindan spiritual objects to help him break through the Jindan."

"Now, I will give you all three Jindan spiritual objects, mainly to ensure that you successfully enter the Jindan."

Yan Siyi was shocked when she heard this.

She had a deep understanding of how powerful the opportunity to change others' qualifications was.

Over the years, since she had obtained that opportunity, she had not dared to ask Ling Pengyun where he got it because she was worried about its power.

However, now that she heard that Ling Pengqiu had given that opportunity before, an idea suddenly came to her mind as a mother.

Her eyes were excited, and she asked Ling Pengyun two questions in a row.

"My husband, do you still have that opportunity to improve others' qualifications? Can you give this opportunity to Cheng Xia?"

Ling Pengyun naturally understood what his wife Yan Siyi was thinking, and he said with a smile. "Although I don't have that opportunity now, I will be able to condense one in about half a month."

"Cheng Xia was born later, so I have never given him that opportunity, but when the next opportunity is formed, it will belong to him."

Yan Siyi was happier than when she got three golden elixir spirit objects when she heard this. She immediately hugged Ling Pengyun and kissed him hard, causing Ling Pengyun to laugh.

"Madam, you are so old now. If someone sees you, I'm afraid you, the second elder of the Ling family, will be laughed at to death."

"Let's talk about your breakthrough to the golden elixir first."

Ling Pengyun joked.

Yan Siyi's face became solemn again when she heard this.

Not to mention the strength of the golden elixir cultivation, the fact that the golden elixir realm can extend life by 300 years and increase the life span of the cultivator to 500 years is enough to make her excited.

However, in a flash, when she thought about the difficulty of breaking through the Jindan, and the fact that her family currently did not have a powerful formation or powerful magic weapon that could resist the Jindan thunder tribulation, she felt a little scared.

If there was no external object to help resist the thunder tribulation, once it failed, she would surely perish.

With thousands of thoughts, Yan Siyi considered that with the help of the three Jindan spiritual objects in the family, plus the Yin-Yang Taichu Qi, and the newly cultivated Jindan realm consciousness, she had a 50% chance of breaking through the Jindan.

This success rate has reached an extremely high level.

In addition, she herself is more than a hundred years old, and her life span is only a hundred years at most, while her husband Ling Pengyun, a Jindan Zhenren, has a life span of nearly four hundred years.

If she still cultivates at the foundation-building level, she will not only not be able to help her husband Ling Pengyun at all, but will become a burden.

And after a hundred years, she will definitely pass away first, and it will be difficult for her to walk the path of cultivation with her husband Ling Pengyun.

Thinking of this, her eyes suddenly became firm, and she said solemnly.

"As my husband's wife, I have practiced Taoism for half my life and have reached my current level of cultivation after a hundred years. How can I be willing to stay at the foundation-building stage?"

"Even if I fall under the thunder tribulation, I have no regrets!"

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