Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 557: The ingenious ideas of Li Bing, the corpse genius (2600 words, please subscribe)

Ling Pengyun heard Yan Siyi's reply, laughed three times, and said with a smile. "Hahaha, since Madam is willing, I will do my best to help Madam find something to resist the thunder catastrophe. How can I let Madam fall to the thunder calamity."

"I still want to stay together with my wife in this world of immortality."

"It just so happens that the Mu Yuan Immortal Sect in the Boundless Sea is about to hold an auction that happens every thirty years. We can also go and participate in it."

When Yan Siyi heard that Ling Pengyun planned to take her to the Boundless Sea to try to break through the golden elixir, her expression moved slightly. Thinking that there were rumors that the Ling family had a backer in the Boundless Sea, she asked curiously.

"Husband, does our Ling family really have a backer in the boundless sea?"

Ling Pengyun thought that Yan Siyi would go with him to Canglan Bihai Sect to seek the opportunity of golden elixir, so he did not hide it and said.

"Backing doesn't count. It can only be said that our ancestors have connections with a major force in the boundless sea. Now that force is showing weakness and facing a formidable enemy, it is the time when external help is needed."

"Although our Ling clan is currently weak, we still have two golden elixirs. Not only can we help that big force, at least when that big force is in trouble, our Ling clan can also contain the enemy sect's two golden elixirs. "

"Relying on the ancestral connection, that big force reluctantly accepted my Ling family."

"Under such circumstances, it is extremely difficult for that force to help with golden elixirs and spiritual objects."

"However, this sect has a fourth-level formation that can absorb the power of lightning and act as an attack."

"In the early years, with the help of that force, after I entered the Golden Core, the people from that force made an agreement with me. If someone in the family enters the Golden Core in the future and needs a formation to resist the thunder, they can go to that force and use the four Safely survive the thunder catastrophe and enter the golden elixir."

"Of course, that force is also thinking about the thunder catastrophes caused by me waiting for the golden elixir, and wants to use this to increase the power of the great formation. In addition, this sect wants to deepen the relationship with our clan's golden elixir in other ways. This That’s why you made such a promise to our clan.”

"However, this is not a bad thing for the family, but an opportunity."

"As for how long this opportunity can last, it depends on whether the big force can withstand the attack of its hostile forces."

After saying this, Ling Pengyun added another sentence.

"Madam, the words between the two of us are not allowed to be spread outside. Once this matter spreads too widely, some interested people may guess the identity of the power behind my Ling family, which will bring disaster to the family."

After hearing this, Yan Siyi's mind suddenly turned upside down.

From Ling Pengyun's words, she could probably guess that the force behind the Ling family was probably the Nascent Soul force that was rare in the world, and it was a relatively powerful force.

If not, it would be difficult for the forces behind the Ling family to master the formation that can absorb powerful thunder disasters and convert them into attack methods.

"I understand, husband." After a while, she suppressed her thoughts and said to Ling Pengyun solemnly.

"After half a month, when my opportunity is successfully condensed and transferred to Cheng Xia, we will set off for the boundless sea. In the past half month, madam, you will have a good rest and recover from the weakness caused by practicing the Explosive God Forging Technique."

Ling Pengyun saw Yan Siyi's pale face and felt a little distressed, so she tried to persuade her.

"Okay!" Yan Siyi felt warm in her heart when she saw her husband being so considerate, and she responded obediently.

Ling Pengyun nodded lightly and exited the training room, leaving the training room space to Yan Siyi.

And he entered the study room next door.

On the desk in the study room, there is sitting a somewhat dull-looking person with a scholarly air. He is holding a brush, his eyes are bloodshot, and his face has an unhealthy look, as if he has not seen it for a long time. The young man, who seemed to be sleeping, was holding a corpse path book and reading it with great interest.

Occasionally, the young man would have some ideas and would scribble on a blank book in front of him.

This man was extremely fascinated, and it was not until Ling Pengyun came to his side that he came back to his senses.

Then, he told Ling Pengyun excitedly with a happy face.

"Ancestor Pengyun! In the short time since you left, I thought of another way to improve the Black Ice Demonic Corpse I created which has many shortcomings, is difficult to refine, and is only capable of fighting in one battle. "

When Ling Pengyun heard this, his expression lit up and he asked curiously towards the nerdy young man. "Li Bing, please tell me in detail."

The young man named "Li Bing" nodded slightly and introduced excitedly. "Ancestor, after all our efforts and two years, we haven't improved many of the shortcomings of the Black Ice Demon Corpse."

"Instead of doing this, it's better to go all the way to the dark side."

"The difficulty of refining this corpse is simply that it is difficult to keep the power of the mysterious ice in this corpse stably. During the refining process, the mysterious ice will most likely burst out and turn the demonic corpse into ice, thus causing the refining to fail. "

"After the battle was exhausted, this corpse had no magic power and could not suppress the powerful power of black ice in its body. The body of the demon corpse was not strong, so it was backlashed by the power of black ice, causing its body to be frozen into ice. piece."

"With such shortcomings, if we can first use the body of the monster beast that we want to refine into a demon corpse, use it as a puppet and refine it with various spiritual materials to strengthen its body."

"And afterward, various refining spirit patterns that stabilize the power of the black ice are engraved on the body of the monster corpse, and then... try to refine the black ice monster corpse. Wouldn't it be possible to increase the power of refining the monster corpse? Success rate."

"Perhaps, the black ice demon corpse refined in this way will be stronger."

"However, there is a difficulty in refining the Xuanbing Demon Corpse in this way. When offering sacrifices to the Demon Corpse, special Demon Corpse Spiritual Patterns must be engraved on the body of the monster."

"Although the Demon Corpse Spiritual Patterns and the Refining Spiritual Patterns are both spiritual patterns, they are two different things. Once they belong to the same place, there will definitely be repulsion."

"Ancestor Pengyun, you are a third-level refiner. Do you have any way to solve this problem?"

The young man who posted the article was Ling Libing, the young genius who created the Xuanbing Demon Corpse Refining Method in the Ling Family's "Corpse Hall".

He has poor cultivation qualifications, and even among the five spiritual roots, he is also the worst.

In this case, he did not master any hundred arts, only the corpse path has a little talent, and this corpse path is also considered by him as a way to change his fate. He also devoted all his heart and soul to it, wanting to create a better method of refining the Demon Corpse, so as to gain the attention of the family and get resources tilted.

Now, he has indeed done it. Two years ago, relying on the method of refining the Xuanbing Demon Corpse, he became a core member of the family and could get ten first-grade lower-grade spiritual fruits with pure spiritual power for free every month to assist in cultivation.

He also relied on those cultivation resources to improve his cultivation level by one level every year in the past two years with only the five spiritual roots. Now his cultivation level has reached the fourth level of Qi training.

In the past, he only improved his cultivation level by two levels in the seven years since he entered the Tao.

It can be said that he has indeed changed his fate now.

It is for this reason that he is even more desperate to perfect the method of refining the Xuanbing Demon Corpse, get resources from the family, and enter a higher realm.

After listening to Ling Libing's wonderful ideas, Ling Pengyun's eyes lit up.

"Your idea is good. It just so happens that there is a third-level weapon refining inheritance in the clan, which records a third-level spiritual pattern called adaptation."

"This spiritual pattern has some effect of neutralizing various spiritual patterns and spiritual power."

"However, this spiritual pattern is extremely profound, and the lowest grade is third-level. I don't have any spare Jindan monster corpses on hand. If I want to implement this method, I guess I can only wait until I change the adaptation weapon refining spiritual pattern... to a first-level spiritual pattern."

"This matter will take at least three years, and at most ten years."

"You can keep the plan you proposed."

"Therefore, the plan cannot be implemented for the time being , you should change direction first and continue to follow our main plan. By improving the method of refining the Xuanbing Demon Corpse, see if you can solve the problem of the Xuanbing Demon Corpse's low success rate and only one-fighting ability. "

"If you have time, you can also study other branch plans for refining this corpse."

"But don't forget that cultivation is the foundation of our generation of cultivators. Only with high cultivation can you have a long life. Indirectly, you will have more time to study the way of refining corpses, and the harvest from refining corpses will also increase. "

Ling Libing heard that Ling Pengyun really had a way to solve the conflict between the corpse refining spirit pattern and the weapon refining spirit pattern, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

Although three to ten years is a long time, as long as the weapon refining spirit pattern and the corpse refining spirit pattern can be resolved, it will be a good thing.

In the future, if this method can succeed, he will also get a mountain of gold.

This matter also made Ling Libing more motivated. His silly face became serious, and he assured Ling Pengyun with excitement.

"Good ancestor, I will definitely practice hard, and then research a top-notch lower-level... no, a middle-level corpse refining method."

The lower-level method of refining demon corpses generally only has about 70% of the strength of cultivators.

The middle-level method of refining demon corpses has stronger strength, equivalent to the combat power of cultivators of the same level.

The upper-level demon corpses even have a combat power far exceeding 30% of ordinary cultivators of the same level, which is comparable to the powerful sword cultivators and body cultivators of the same level.

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