Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 558: Stubborn Ling Chengxia finally achieves success (2400 words, please subscribe)

After hearing this, Ling Pengyun touched Ling Libing's head and laughed.

"Hahaha, you are a good boy with ambition. If you can really create an excellent method of refining the demonic corpse, I will guarantee that you will enter the late stage of foundation building in the future."

The eyes of Ling Libing, a nerd with extremely weak qualifications, suddenly became hot.

In the late stage of foundation building, he can be regarded as a first-class strong man in the entire Yan Kingdom. As long as he is careful, he can move sideways in the entire Yan Kingdom.

The top experts are in the Golden Core realm.

"Grandpa, I will definitely improve an excellent corpse refining method!" Ling Libing said solemnly.

"I believe you!" Ling Pengyun saw Ling Libing's appearance, smiled and said from the bottom of his heart.

Since he took Ling Libing with him two years ago to tutor him in perfecting the method of refining the Black Ice Demonic Corpse, he has discovered that Ling Libing is indeed a talent in the corpse path. In terms of his understanding of the corpse path, he asked himself I can't compare to this young boy who is only in his teens.

Thinking of this, Ling Pengyun looked at the nerdy Ling Libing and sighed secretly.

"It's a pity that this kid Li Bing has extraordinary talents in the corpse path, but has lost the qualifications to practice."

"If the speed of his cultivation can be changed, perhaps with his understanding, this kid's future achievements will not be weaker than mine!"

"It seems that the matter of gathering the essence of the nine primordial yin and yang and condensing the primordial essence of yin and yang has to be postponed again."

"But having said that, if this kid Li Bing is not the son of my Ling family, but has truly entered the demonic path, and is practicing the demonic technique that can reach an extremely fast level with the help of blood food and cultivation speed, Maybe even if this kid only has five spiritual roots, he might become a giant in the corpse path that brings trouble to this world of immortality!"


Half a month passed quickly.

On this day, in the depths of Lingxiao Qianxing Lake, in a courtyard, a ray of light suddenly rose and flew into the distance.

And in the small courtyard, stood a young man with a strong murderous aura who looked extremely untouchable.

The young man looked at the escaping light in the sky that continued to fly away, with countless bright lights flashing in his eyes.

"I didn't expect dad to have the magical ability to change other people's qualifications!"

"I think the opportunity to come to Dad is also very profound."

After saying these words, the escaping light in the sky had flown very far away and was out of his sight.

He also gradually came back to his senses.

"Previously, with the help of the opportunity, my Dantian became 40% to 50% stronger than before, and my spiritual consciousness became several percent stronger. It is already comparable to the spiritual consciousness of a monk in the middle stage of Foundation Establishment."

"In this way, we can once again try to condense... the yin and yang metamorphosis diagram in the inner elixir."

Thinking about it like this, the young man's face also showed three parts fear, three parts expectation, and four parts stubbornness.

And this stubborn young man is none other than Ling Chengxia, who has been rebellious since childhood.

"If you are afraid, you will have to be left behind by cousin Wu Hong for the rest of your life."

"And even those with wind spirit roots like cousin Wu Hong have little chance of breaking through the golden elixir. There is a possibility of failure."

"If... I follow the plan step by step, what can I do in this life...!"

Immediately, Ling Chengxia returned to a quiet room in the courtyard with a determined expression. He sat cross-legged on a futon and closed his eyes. He silently used the special method of condensation to gradually transform the yin and yang in his Dantian. It is divided into two types of spiritual power: Yin and Yang.

He also used his spiritual consciousness to control part of the yin and yang spiritual power, and transformed into two small fish.

These two small fish were connected end to end and hovering around each other.

Because four years ago, Ling Chengxia tried to condense the yin and yang transformation diagram six times, and this time he was also very successful in stabilizing the two hovering yin and yang fish in the inner alchemy.

However, this is only the most basic step and the beginning.

Then, the formula in Ling Chengxia's mouth changed.



The two small fish circling end to end in his inner elixir suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and their circling speed was a little faster.

And they also spread out an infinite suction force and began to absorb the surrounding spiritual energy into the body.

Just when the spiritual energy entered the bodies of the two little fishes, the two little fishes began to become increasingly unstable.

When Ling Chengxia noticed this, he immediately mobilized his powerful spiritual consciousness, which was comparable to that of a monk in the middle stage of Foundation Establishment, penetrated into the Dantian, and forcibly stabilized the situation of the two little fishes, Yin and Yang.

And help them gradually refine the spiritual energy they absorb.

But as time went by, the two little fish absorbed more and more refined spiritual energy, and the two spiritual powers of yin and yang in their bodies also became more and more.

These yin and yang spiritual powers have not yet been integrated into the power of yin and yang. If they are forcibly sent into the dantian, it will dilute the pure yin and yang power in the dantian.

After a while, he saw that the two yin and yang fish were about to be exploded by the spiritual power in their bodies. Ling Chengxia, whose consciousness was already exhausted, gritted his teeth and forcibly mobilized the last bit of consciousness in his body. With the remaining energy, he controlled the yin and yang spiritual powers in the two fish's bodies and slowly merged them.

This move made Ling Chengxia extremely difficult.

In just a few breaths, Ling Cheng Xixia found it difficult to hold on. The two yin and yang fish in his body lost their consciousness and collided with each other.

The two spiritual powers of yin and yang in their bodies, which are inherently opposed and have not yet been merged, are in conflict because of this.

But in just a few moments, they exploded wildly.

Even though Ling Chengxia used his spiritual consciousness in time to suppress the condition of his dantian, his dantian still suffered a lot of injuries.

However, Ling Chengxia was stubborn and refused to accept anything he encountered.

I don't want to be defeated, just one word: "Do it!"

What's more, this time he almost succeeded.

He gritted his teeth and tried again to condense the Yin-Yang Transformation Diagram.

Perhaps it was because of his tenacity that he was blessed by heaven. When he failed for the fifth time and was about to faint like four years ago, he finally succeeded in condensing the Yin-Yang Transformation Diagram for the sixth time.

Ling Chengxia's pale face also showed a touch of ecstasy.

Then, he mobilized his consciousness and looked at the Yin-Yang Transformation Diagram, one black and one white, suspended in the center of his dantian. The two fish connected head to tail were like a Tai Chi pattern. He didn't even need to control it deliberately, and it could swirl and spread suction by itself, absorbing the surrounding spiritual energy and purifying it into the pure Yin-Yang Taixuan power and sending it into his dantian to improve his cultivation. His face was even happier.

He could even feel that the Yin-Yang Transformation Power purified by the Yin-Yang Transformation Diagram was about 30% more pure than the Yin-Yang Transformation Power purified by himself.

His foundation also became more solid because of the Yin-Yang Transformation Diagram.

At this moment, he felt that the serious injury to his Dantian four years ago, including the injury to his Dantian this time, was worth it.

"Hahaha, this diagram is worthy of being a secret technique for practicing the superior skills that can directly reach the Nascent Soul Realm."

"In the future, with the help of this diagram, I will definitely catch up with my cousin Wu Hong who has a different spiritual root."

"Next, my goal is... Dad."

"When my cultivation level exceeds Dad in the future, I will definitely pin him to the ground and beat him up!"

"Tell him to beat me every day when he was a child!"


Ling Chengxia said happily.

At the same time.

Ling Pengyun, who had just left Zhanling Island with his wife Yan Siyi, suddenly realized something and sneezed.

"Strange, I've entered the Golden Core Realm, how can I still sneeze?"

Confused for a while, Ling Pengyun stopped flying, closed his eyes, and felt the source of his bad luck. In the dark, a voice made him look towards Zhanling Island.

Instantly, he understood everything, and his forehead suddenly turned black.

"What a rebellious son!"

Yan Siyi, who didn't understand what was going on, raised her mouth curiously.

"Husband, what's wrong?"

Ling Pengyun said with some anger. "It's okay, it's just that your good son is itchy."


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