Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 559 Another Genius (2800 words, please subscribe)

Half a year later.

This day.

In the Boundless Sea Cultivation World, in the turtle-shaped "Turtle Spirit Island" in the Muyuan Sea, which covers tens of thousands of miles, a courtyard on the hillside of the Han Clan Mountain that was rebuilt in the past decade.

A family of three was sitting at a small table in the courtyard eating breakfast.

However, at this time, the three of them seemed to have something on their minds, with a heavy look on their faces, and even a hint of nervousness.

After a while, the youngest child, who had a childish look on his face but a bit of stability that did not match his age, hesitated for a while, and finally couldn't hold back and asked his parents who were sitting at the small table.

"Dad, Mom... If the child does not have spiritual roots, will you send the child to the mortal world like the other elders in the clan?"

His parents frowned when they heard this.

The couple looked at each other, and the father, who looked very dignified, with white hair on his head but a middle-aged face, said helplessly.

"Shi'er, immortals and mortals... are different."

"If you really have no spiritual roots, it is also... normal to go to the mortal world."

"Although your father is the supreme elder of the Han family, he has the right to keep you in the mountain, but if your father takes this lead, the other members of the clan will follow suit, and then the Han family mountain will be in chaos."

"Besides... you haven't tested your spiritual roots yet, and everything is still uncertain. Why think so much? Eat well. After dinner, your mother and I will take you to the Han family ancestral temple to test your spiritual roots with other peers of your generation."

The young and mature child heard this, his eyes darkened slightly, and the tension on his face became more intense.

He grew up with his parents since he was a child. Once he had no spiritual roots and was sent to the mortal world, it would be difficult for him to see his parents who were cultivators in the future.

Moreover, he grew up in the Han Clan Mountain since he was a child. He was used to seeing cultivators who could fly and master various magical spells, so he was very eager to practice.

If he had no spiritual roots, his wish to travel the world of immortal cultivation with a sword as recorded in the travel notes written by the predecessors of the immortal cultivation world would be turned into ashes.

With so many thoughts in his mind, the child lost the mood to eat.

And his middle-aged father with white hair, who seemed to be very open-minded, also had a sad face at this time. Obviously, he was not as open-minded as he said.

"I hope that the ancestors of my Ling family can bless my son Ling Shi to have spiritual roots, even if it is... five spiritual roots!"

"Otherwise, with my remaining lifespan... even if I can have another child with my wife, I am afraid that I will not be able to see the other child's spiritual roots being detected."

"And if the other child also has no spiritual roots, my lineage... will probably be cut off."

The white-haired middle-aged father is "Ling Pengshan" who was sent by the Ling family to establish a branch on Guiling Island, and the sad and beautiful woman sitting next to him is his wife "Liu Mengting".

Back then, Liu Mengting followed Ling Pengshan not long after Ling Pengshan came to Guiling Island because her heart belonged to him.

In the second year after the branch on Guiling Island was built, she and Ling Pengshan also achieved a positive result.

The young and mature child is their only child "Ling Shi".

In the early years, in order to give birth to Ling Shi, Ling Pengshan and Liu Mengting spent a lot of effort and took a lot of supplements. After five years, Liu Mengting finally became pregnant and gave birth to Ling Shi eight years ago.

Ling Pengshan has been sent to Guiling Island by his family for fifteen years. He now has only thirteen or fourteen years left.

With such a long life, it is difficult for a cultivator to give birth to a child, and it is even more unlikely to give birth to a child with spiritual roots.

Therefore, Ling Pengshan, an old man who wanted to leave a bloodline of a cultivator, put all his hopes on Ling Shi.

If the child's spiritual roots are not detected, it will be difficult for his lineage to return to the path in the future.

Even for mortals with the blood of cultivators, the chance of giving birth to a child with spiritual roots is very small.

After thinking so much, Ling Pengshan, the usually serious and supreme elder of the Han clan of Guiling Island, looked like a bitter gourd.

He looked at his only son Ling Shi and wanted to take out the spirit stone to test whether he had spiritual roots. However, he was afraid now, even though he had never been afraid of anything.

He thought that if he delayed for a while, he would be disappointed later...

He looked at the sun hanging in the sky and saw that it was almost time to test the spiritual roots this year. He was a little impatient and said.

"Let's go to the ancestral temple."

After saying that, he stood up, took the worried beautiful woman and the nervous child with him, left the courtyard, and walked to the Han clan ancestral temple halfway up the Han clan mountain.

At this moment, three children and a tall and thin middle-aged man wearing a Han clan Taoist robe with snake-like eyes gathered outside the Han clan ancestral temple.

When the middle-aged man saw Ling Pengshan and his family of three coming, he immediately respectfully called Ling Pengshan "Master".

Then, the man pointed at the three children beside him and introduced them.

"Master, these three children are all those who can activate the spirit stone and test them, which the cultivators of the clan found among the more than 30,000 mortals of the family."

Ling Pengshan nodded slightly and replied. "Xiaofeng, I will test the spirit roots of Shi'er first, and then test the spirit roots of these children."

After saying that, he turned around and took Ling Shi and his wife Liu Mengting into the Han's ancestral temple.

And the middle-aged man in the Han family's Taoist robe also followed.

This middle-aged man is the current head of the Han family, "Han Feng".

After Ling Pengshan helped Han Feng rebuild the Han family fifteen years ago, Ling Pengshan began to teach Han Feng how to practice as a master, and has been cultivating him well. The relationship between the two is also very good.

Han Feng is also a grateful person, and has always been very polite to Ling Pengshan.

At the same time.

Inside the Han family's ancestral hall.

Ling Shi, who just turned eight years old and is mature at a young age, is standing inside the five jade pillars.

Then, Ling Pengshan, who was standing outside the jade pillars, pinched his fingers and muttered a sentence.

"Array up!"

Hundreds of shining array patterns suddenly spread out from the five jade pillars and poured into Ling Shi's body.

The next moment, two of the five jade pillars suddenly shone with golden and yellow luster.

Seeing this, Ling Pengshan, Liu Mengting and Han Feng, who were outside the spirit testing formation, were all stunned, and then their faces were filled with ecstasy.

"Gold and earth dual spirit roots!"

"My son is a great talent! Hahaha!"

Ling Pengshan said happily.

Han Feng was also happy for Ling Shi, who had grown up with him since he was a child.

On the same night.

Ling Pengshan's family was at home, celebrating Ling Shi's spirit root test in the daytime.

However, two black shadows did not alarm the mountain protection formation of the Han clan, and entered the courtyard of Ling Pengshan's family without anyone noticing.

Their figures also appeared.

These two people were Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi.

Because the auction held by the Muyuan Immortal Sect in the Muyuan Sea once every thirty years had not yet begun, they happened to go to the Canglan Blue Sea Secret Realm first, so the two of them came to this Guiling Island on the way to see how the Ling branch, which was actually a branch of the Han clan, was doing now.

"Brother Pengshan, sister-in-law Mengting, what's the happy event today? I was just outside the courtyard and heard your family's laughter."

"Hey, who is this child?"

Ling Pengyun asked Ling Pengshan and Liu Mengting, his eyes fixed on Ling Shi, who looked a bit like Ling Pengshan, and his expression moved slightly as he asked.

The Guiling Island in the Boundless Sea is a long way from the Yan State in the Northern Wilderness Immortal Cultivation World, and it takes a long time to go back and forth.

In addition, the Han family of Guiling Island is a branch of the Ling family hidden in the dark, so the Ling family has never sent people to this place to avoid this Guiling Island from being noticed by those with ulterior motives.

Only ten years ago, when Ling Pengyun came to the Boundless Sea to buy some spiritual objects, he came here once.

Therefore, Ling Pengshan did not know Ling Shi's identity.

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