Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 571: Ice Spirit Vein, Frost Forest (2800 words, please subscribe)

However, not long after Ling Pengyun and his wife left the valley in the sea where Tuoshan Whale lived, they both felt a powerful spiritual plant aura coming from deeper in the Black Ice Giant Whale Sea.

"This spiritual plant aura should be the aura wave coming from the second-level spiritual plant impacting the third-level one!"

As a veteran Ling Zhifu, Ling Pengyun was very familiar with this situation. His eyes lit up and he secretly said.

"You have not yet transferred to the Huoyun Book of the Yuan Ying Kung Fu in your family, nor have you practiced the breath gathering technique in it. Your breath gathering method is not strong, so you stay here while I go to explore the situation alone."

Just as he was about to leave, Yan Siyi stopped him with a worried look.

"Husband, this is the territory of the demon clan. The place where the spiritual plant is breaking through will be guarded by demon beasts, so don't take any chances."

Ling Pengyun felt warm in his heart when he saw his wife's expression, and spoke to comfort her.

"Madam, don't worry. The breath gathering technique attached to my technique is extremely superior. With my current level of cultivation, if I activate this technique, as long as I am careful, it will be difficult for the monsters in the early and middle stages of the Golden Core to detect my traces. "

At this point, he spoke again with a bit more weight in his words.

"The family currently has too few third-level spiritual plants. If we can get one or two more third-level spiritual plants, it will be good for you, me, and even the rest of the family."

Hearing this, Yan Siyi also understood what Ling Pengyun meant.

She no longer tried to dissuade him, but still gave him an instruction.

"Husband, be careful along the way, I'll wait for you here."

"If you encounter danger, you must notify me in time."

After hearing this, Ling Pengyun felt a little calmer, nodded lightly, and responded. "clear!"

After saying that, he turned into a ghost and sneaked towards the aura of the spiritual plant breakthrough without any movement.

Yan Siyi, who was still in the same place, took out her own magic weapon and looked at the direction Ling Peng was leaving, ready for an accident to happen at any time.

Half an hour later.

Ling Pengyun traveled tens of thousands of miles and stopped at a deep trench in the sea that stretched tens of thousands of feet and was thousands of feet wide, filled with a thick layer of frost and ice mist, and constantly exuding an extremely cold feeling. edge.

His eyes were immediately attracted by the ice mist in the trench. His eyes trembled and he secretly said in surprise.

"Third-level low-grade... ice spirit vein!"

"This is rare!"

Ice spirit veins are rare spiritual veins. Even Ling Pengyun has been practicing Taoism for hundreds of years and has never seen many such rare spiritual veins.

Then, he activated his energy-seeing technique, applied it to his eyes, and looked toward the place where the fluctuations of spiritual plants were coming from deep in the trench.

The spiritual plant that emitted the breath was a spiritual tree with white bark and leaves.

In addition, there are hundreds of spiritual trees with the same appearance around this tree, but they are of different grades. Among them, there are as many as five that have reached the third level, and at least one hundred that have reached the second level. There are more than two hundred trees on the first level.

"This is... the Frost Spirit Tree!"

"Looking at the number of these spiritual trees, I am afraid that this batch of spiritual trees is worth at least more than one million spiritual stones."

Ling Pengyun's eyes were fixed on the white spiritual tree, and his eyes suddenly shone with countless brilliance.

Although the frost spiritual tree cannot bear spiritual fruits, its value is several times lower than that of the spiritual fruit trees of the same level.

But this wood contains the ultimate cold energy, and is a good material for refining ice attribute magic weapons and magic weapons.

The third-level low-grade Frost Spirit Tree is worth at least 200,000 spirit stones on the market.

Five third-level low-grade frost spiritual trees are equivalent to a million spiritual stones.

"If I can acquire all five frost spiritual trees that have entered the third-level low-grade, it will be enough to help me refine the third-level low-grade ice attribute magic weapon at least ten times."

"With my 30% success rate in refining third-level low-grade magic weapons, I can at least produce three third-level low-grade magic weapons."

"Those first- and second-order spiritual trees can be used to refine a large number of first- and second-order magic weapons with ice attributes."

"And if we keep these spiritual trees for planting, I, the Ling family, will also have an additional stable source of income in the future."

Thinking of this, he fixed his gaze on the frosty forest deep in the trench. Three heads were in the early stage of the golden elixir, and one was in the middle stage of the golden elixir. They were at least thirty feet in size, and their whole bodies were covered with thick white scales, like Wearing a white armor-like giant whale.

His face gradually showed a solemn look.

"It's just that here there are three black ice whales in the early stage of the golden elixir, one black ice whale in the middle stage of the golden elixir, and tens of thousands of qi-training and foundation-building black ice whales hiding in the dark. The overlord of this area of ​​​​the sea is here again. Originally from the Black Ice Giant Whale clan, I am afraid it will be extremely troublesome to transplant those Frost Spirit Trees deep in the trench."

"However, five... no, it should be six third-order low-grade frost spiritual trees now, as well as more than a hundred second-order, and more than two hundred first-order frost spiritual trees. They are extremely valuable, and they are worth the risk for me. ”

The group of Black Ice Giant Whales in the trench are naturally just a branch of the Black Ice Giant Whale Clan of the Nascent Soul Monster Clan.

At this moment, the spiritual tree that was breaking through deep in the trench swayed suddenly, frantically absorbing the ice spiritual energy in the deep trench on the seabed.

Within a moment, a dazzling white light suddenly shone at the root of the tree. If you look carefully, you can find that the source of the shining light is a fist-sized crystal.

A third-level spirit plant aura also spread out from the crystal stone.

And this crystal is the "Jiamu Crystal" that was condensed after the spiritual tree reached the third level. This Jiamu Crystal has similar effects to the monk's golden elixir, but it is called differently.

Only by condensing this crystal stone can spiritual tree-like spiritual plants enter the realm of golden elixir.

The next moment, the sky above the surface of the trench slowly gathered pieces of black calamity clouds.

However, the scale of this calamity cloud is much smaller than the calamity cloud produced by the cultivator entering the golden elixir, about 20% to 30%.

After a while, the calamity cloud in the sky brewed a calamity thunder with destructive power, which suddenly split the water surface and hit it.

However, just when the calamity thunder was about to hit the white spirit tree, the three early golden elixir and one middle golden elixir black ice giant whales that had been floating above the Frost Spirit Tree Forest unexpectedly spit out several formation flags, forming a third-level middle-grade formation, which easily blocked the first thunder calamity.

The subsequent eight thunder calamities were also blocked by this formation.

However, the third-level middle-grade formation was also damaged, and the formation was covered with tiny cracks.

Even the aura of this formation was somewhat weakened.

"As expected of a Jindan demon king from the Xuanbing Giant Whale clan of the Yuanying demon clan, he even has a third-level mid-grade formation."

"Fortunately, this formation was forced out by the thunder tribulation and damaged. This is beneficial to my plan for the Frost Spirit Tree deep under the sea."

Ling Pengyun was delighted when he saw this.

At the same time, the tribulation cloud above the sea also dropped a piece of nectar on the Frost Spirit Tree that had just entered the third level, and then dissipated into smoke.

At this moment, Ling Pengyun also quietly left the trench and found his wife Yan Siyi who was waiting in a safe place again. Together, they searched the millions of miles around the trench where the Xuanbing Giant Whale clan branch was located.

When the two did not find any other Jindan demons around, they were also delighted.

A safe place tens of thousands of miles away from the deep trench on the seabed.

"The concerns have been resolved. We don't have to worry about other Jindan monsters supporting us after we enter the deep sea trench."

"Madam, it's up to you next."

"But be careful."

Ling Pengyun instructed Yan Siyi beside him.

"I understand, husband. I will never let you down."

Yan Siyi nodded solemnly, replied, and turned into a red light, rushing towards the deep sea trench occupied by the branch of the Xuanbing Giant Whale Clan tens of thousands of miles away.

After a while, Yan Siyi arrived within ten thousand miles of the deep sea trench.

The four Xuanbing Giant Whale Monster Kings in the deep sea trench also noticed the arrival of Yan Siyi, a human Jindan.

Immediately, two Xuanbing Giant Whales in the early Jindan stage rushed towards Yan Siyi with excitement in their eyes.

Yan Siyi looked at the two Xuanbing Giant Whales in the early Jindan stage in front of her, but she did not show any fear.

"According to my husband, there are three Jindan early stage demon kings and one Jindan middle stage demon king from the branch of the Xuanbing Giant Whale clan here. Now there are only two Jindan demon kings attracted by me."

"In this way, there is still one Jindan early stage and one Jindan middle stage demon king left behind in the place where this clan branch is located."

"It is difficult for my husband to kill such a powerful enemy in a short time."

Thinking of this, Yan Siyi's face suddenly showed a resolute look.

In the past hundred years, she rarely helped Ling Pengyun in the way of cultivation, but became a burden to Ling Pengyun.

Now that she has finally entered the Jindan stage, she finally has the opportunity to help her husband Ling Pengyun. As Ling Pengyun's wife, she should do her best to help him.

Immediately, she took out the flag and array plate of the third-level lower-grade Five Elements Return to Origin Array that Ling Pengyun had given her to refine, and arranged them around herself to support the array to protect her body.

She also took out the prototype of her life treasure, the "Yuanyang Fire Cloud Pot", and a third-grade inferior sword with a flashing spiritual light, a red gold color, and a sword spirit.

This third-grade inferior sword was recast and refined by Ling Pengyun based on the third-grade inferior red gold claw that was left when the red gold bear clan counterattacked the Baiyun Mountains more than ten years ago.

After all, the red gold claw is a treasure for physical cultivation.

Ordinary cultivators like Yan Siyi can only exert 80% to 90% of its power when using spiritual consciousness to control it.

It is far inferior to the power of the sword in a better state.

And this sword was also named "Red Gold Sword" by Ling Pengyun.

In the past year, when Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi were hiding in Muyuanfang City, this sword was also refined by Yan Siyi.

After a while, when the two Jindan early stage demon kings approached.

Yan Siyi did not delay any longer, and directly raised her hand to transfer a spiritual power into the mandarin duck fire cloud pot, from which countless flames like little mandarin ducks were summoned, sweeping out.

The red cloud sword rang out a sword sound, turned into a red gold light, and also killed out.

At the same time, Yan Siyi was still constantly pinching the formula to condense the third-level fire spell.

In addition, she was protected by the Five Elements Return to Origin Formation, which could resist the magic weapon attacks of the two Xuanbing giant whales.

For a moment, she actually blocked the two Jindan realm Xuanbing giant whales with her own strength.

However, this was not enough for Yan Siyi.

"If there are no casualties, there will be no other Jindan realm demon kings coming."

Yan Siyi's eyes were fierce, without any hesitation, she kept reciting the third-level desperate method "Burning Blood Technique" that Ling got from the Demon Sect.

Under the effect of this secret method, the blood in her plump body burned crazily, turning into strands of pure solidified spiritual power that continuously flowed into the golden elixir in her abdomen.

Her cultivation level also rapidly improved at this moment.

After a while, she entered the second level of the Golden Core Realm, and stopped only when she was about to break through.

With the support of spiritual power, the power of the magic weapon she used was even more powerful.

The two Golden Core Initial Stage Black Ice Giant Whales, each with only one spear-shaped and one magic shield-shaped third-level low-grade magic weapon, also fell into a disadvantage in an instant and were beaten by Yan Siyi alone.

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