Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 572: The Three-Headed Red Gold Hellfire Corpse Shows Its Power (3400 words, please subscribe

The two giant black ice whales were both quite intelligent. Although they guessed that Yan Siyi had used a secret method to gain such strength, Yan Siyi would surely die if they delayed her.

But they were afraid that Yan Siyi, whose strength had skyrocketed, would take this opportunity to escape.

With Yan Siyi's current strength, and the two of them not having a trap-type magic weapon, it would be difficult for them to stay.

In desperation, the two giant black ice whales in the early stage of the golden elixir opened their mouths and roared for help.

The two whale calls spread far and wide.

The giant black ice whales in the early and middle stages of the golden elixir, which were tens of thousands of miles away, also heard the sound.

The two giant black ice whales were surprised. They immediately swam out of the trench and saw the situation of the golden elixir battle site thousands of miles away through the pupil technique.

"That Jindan female cultivator didn't run away, but instead seemed to be deliberately delaying Xuan Da and Xuan Er. This is a bit strange."

"Xuan San, you go to support Xuan Da and the others. I will stay here to guard. Be sure to kill the Jindan female cultivator as soon as possible. If you encounter any changes, ask for help in time."

The Xuanbing giant whale, which was more than 70 feet in size and had a cultivation level of up to the fifth level of Jindan, looked at the scene in front of it, and countless concerns flashed in its eyes.

After hesitating for a while, it called out to the Xuanbing giant whale at the third level of Jindan next to it.

The Xuanbing giant whale at the early stage of Jindan heard the order, nodded slightly, and went to support.

Yan Siyi, who was fighting with two Xuanbing giant whales thousands of miles away, also noticed this. She looked happy, and stopped fighting too much, and turned around and ran.

The three Xuanbing giant whales at the early stage of Jindan chasing behind her naturally would not let her escape. They all used their own escape techniques to chase her.

Not far away, Ling Pengyun, who was hiding in a coral reef, saw that although the situation was good, there was only one Jindan middle-stage demon king stationed in the deep trench, but he felt a little uncomfortable.

In order to settle the matter as soon as possible, after Yan Siyi and the three Jindan early-stage demon kings walked away, he quietly moved to the deep trench thousands of miles away.

Just like the last time he came here, the Jindan middle-stage black ice giant whale in the trench still did not find the trace of Ling Pengyun who performed the profound secret technique of concealing his breath.

Ling Pengyun also took advantage of this advantage and sneaked into the cold deep trench.

When he was close to the Jindan middle-stage black ice giant whale crawling on the seabed at the bottom of the trench, he directly sacrificed the double dragon covering the sea formation, holding the covering sea flag and waving it to summon two ferocious water dragons of more than 60 feet, and hit the Jindan middle-stage giant whale.

At this time, the giant whale noticed Ling Pengyun's arrival.

It was furious and cried like a whale.

Then, it opened its mouth and spit out nine wooden spears with cold air and similar aura, and rushed towards the two water dragons.

Although the nine wooden spears were only of the third-grade lower grade, they were a rare set of magic weapons.

With their combined power, they were several times more powerful than ordinary third-grade middle-grade magic weapons, and were comparable to the power of those superior third-grade middle-grade magic weapons.

In this way, the nine spears suppressed the two water dragons in the first battle with the two water dragons, and the spiritual power of the two water dragons was gradually dispersed.

"The Jindan middle-stage demon king who came from the Yuanying demon clan is really difficult to deal with."

Ling Pengyun frowned in the distance, raised his hand and patted the storage bag on his waist, and summoned three huge "coffins" with the aura of second-grade upper-grade magic weapons, dozens of feet long and ten feet wide.

"Red Gold Hellfire Corpse!"

"Get out!"

After hearing three bangs, the lids of the three huge coffins were blown off. Three bear demon corpses, at least thirty feet in size, with nameless fire surging around them, like three small mountains, with fiery red hair all over their bodies, and monstrous demonic energy, slowly stood up from the coffins.

The demonic energy on their bodies also scattered, and the surroundings suddenly became pitch black. The sea water also became much colder, and even had a more gloomy feeling and a more weird atmosphere.

The three bear demon corpses that caused all this were the three red gold bear corpses of the early, middle and late Jindan that Ling Pengyun obtained from killing the red gold bear clan in his early years, plus the "Hellfire Demon Refining Method" that Ling Pengyun improved, and a large number of demons obtained from the Poison Blood Demon Sect as auxiliary materials, and were refined out.

Since this method was created by him, and he also comprehended it to the perfect level, he naturally did not fail in refining this corpse, and the success rate reached 100%.

Of course, this is only for him personally. For others, this method is still extremely difficult to comprehend.

Later, Ling Pengyun also placed the three demon corpses on the quasi-third-level demon vein in the Poison Blood Demon Sect’s residence, and relied on the secret technique to mobilize the rich demon energy in it to warm the three corpses for nine years, and then the task was completed.

Even so, the cultivation of these three bear demon corpses still inevitably dropped one or two small realms.

Now, the exact cultivation of these three bear demon corpses is one Jindan level one, one Jindan level four, and one Jindan level six.

"Help me stop that giant whale."

Ling Pengyun said to the three red gold demon corpses.

When the three red-gold bear demon corpses heard this, their three pairs of eyes covered by demonic energy all flashed with a gleam of light, and even a hint of excitement appeared, as if these three demon corpses were not demon corpses but living creatures.

And this is the power of the "Hellfire Demon Refining Corpse Transformation Method" that Ling Pengyun spent a lot of time to improve in his early years.

This method can not only use the corpses of demon beasts to refine demon corpses, but also retain most of the combat intelligence.

Even if we look at the entire cultivation world of methods that use monsters to refine demon corpses, this method can at least be regarded as a top-notch middle-level corpse refining method.

And the demon corpses refined by this method are about 10% stronger than the same-level demon beasts.

The demon corpses refined by ordinary middle-level corpse refining methods are not much different from the strength of cultivators and demon beasts of the same level.

At this moment, the three red-gold bear demon corpses that received the order all opened their mouths with excitement, spewing out countless green nether fires carrying demonic energy from them to attack the distant black ice giant whale in the middle stage of the golden elixir.

The black ice giant whale in the middle stage of the golden elixir reacted in time and took out the third-level middle-grade formation that had been used to resist the thunder tribulation for the spirit tree to resist the invasion of the netherworld true fire.

But what surprised this whale was that the true fire shot by the three bear demon corpses actually had the effect of corroding the formation.

The formation, which had already been severely damaged by resisting the thunder tribulation, was suddenly more seriously injured, and the light curtain of the formation was rapidly darkening at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Seeing this, the middle-stage Jindan demon king was panicked and quickly took out another heavy seal magic weapon of the third-level middle-grade, and continued to cast spells and spit out cold air. Only then did he rely on the third-level middle-grade formation to barely resist the attack of the netherworld true fire shot by the three red-gold bear demon corpses.

But for this, it had no more strength to spare.

Ling Pengyun became an outsider and had arrived at the "frost forest" deep in the trench.

However, just when he wanted to dig up the third-level low-grade frost spirit tree, the spirit tree suddenly shook its body, and several thick roots suddenly rose from the ground and pulled towards Ling Pengyun.

The other five third-level low-grade frost spirit trees in the surrounding area were also the same, and they all faced the outside.

In a moment, dozens of tree roots with at least 100,000 jin of force attacked, and even Ling Pengyun did not dare to underestimate them.

He quickly raised his hand and patted the storage bag on his waist, summoning the superior third-level lower-grade magic weapon "Fire Dragon Shield" from it, and propped up a thick defensive light curtain to resist it.

When the situation stabilized, he looked at the dozens of tree roots from the six third-level lower-grade frost treasure trees with interest, muttering to himself.

"I have been in Taoism for a hundred years, and finally I have seen the battle of third-level treasure trees."

"Looking at the power of these tree roots, it is 50% of the power of a first-level Jindan cultivator. With the combined power of six trees, ordinary first-level Jindan and even second-level Jindan cultivators may be killed."

"These six trees are indeed treasure trees!"

"After being transplanted back to the tribe, they can also be used as spiritual trees to protect the tribe, haha."

Ling Pengyun's eyes were shining.

For example, the Frost Spiritual Tree, which does not produce spiritual fruits and uses all its spiritual power to refine itself, will have its spiritual intelligence greatly opened after entering the third stage, and it is even much higher than the general spiritual medicine and spiritual fruit trees of the same stage.

At the same time, this kind of third-level spiritual tree also has a certain attack ability.

Spiritual plants such as spiritual medicine and spiritual fruit trees are weaker because most of the spiritual power they absorb is used to increase the medicinal properties or produce fruits. After entering the golden elixir stage, their spiritual intelligence increases less, and they have no awareness to protect themselves, so they have no attack ability.

However, when their cultivation level is improved again, they will also have the ability to attack.

Of course, there are also some special spiritual plants that have mastered the means of attack when they are in the foundation building or even the Qi training stage.

Thinking back, Ling Pengyun pinched his hands and performed the transplantation secret method to enter the six third-level cold spiritual trees.

Although the transplantation secret method that Ling Pengyun used at this time was only of the second level, Ling Pengyun's spiritual consciousness was transcendent, and with the help of spiritual consciousness, it also worked on the six third-level ghost cold spirit trees.

After a while, the six third-level ghost cold spirit trees calmed down and retracted the roots they had previously struck.

They even listened to Ling Pengyun's command, slowly moved countless roots, and walked out of the soil on their own.

Ling Pengyun's expression was slightly happy, and he immediately took out some large soul-locking jade boxes left over from his storage bag in the early years, and put the six third-level low-grade frost spirit trees one by one into the storage bag.

Then, he happily began to transplant the other second-level and first-level frost spirit trees in the surrounding area.

In the distance, the Jindan middle-stage Xuanbing giant whale, which was besieged by the double dragon sea-covering formation and three red gold dark fire corpses, noticed this and was immediately furious.

The six third-level low-grade frost spirit trees were accumulated by it over the past few hundred years, and it was prepared to refine a set of spear magic weapons for "Xuan San", the most talented person in the tribe, whose current cultivation has reached the third level of Jindan.

In this way, Xuan San's strength can be increased by several times.

It can also have an additional capable helper, thereby increasing the combat power of the tribe.

But now the six frost spirit trees have been snatched away by the damn human race, and hundreds of years of hard work have been in vain.

Moreover, even if it does not give the six frost spirit trees to "Xuan San" to refine magic weapons, it can rely on these six third-level spirit trees to exchange for a lot of good things from other demon tribes.

"Human race, you are looking for death!"

The fifth-level Jindan whale king roared at Ling Pengyun, and his aura suddenly rose.

However, in just three breaths, the cultivation of this whale king soared to the seventh level of Jindan.

Apparently, this whale, like Yan Siyi before, had used a method to increase its strength, and it was not an ordinary secret method.

After its cultivation level was improved, its strength also skyrocketed.

The situation was reversed in the blink of an eye.

The Golden Core Whale King actually suppressed the two water dragons and the three bear monsters.

Even, this whale king found the right opportunity and directly broke through the netherworld true fire shot by the three bear monsters, swung its tail violently, and rushed towards Ling Pengyun who was in the deep sea trench.

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