Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 575 Special arrangements for Wan Xuan (four updates tomorrow, 2800 words, please subscribe)

This Wanxuan Qi-cultivating casual cultivator was stunned by the question of the soul.

However, he had been in the immortal cultivation world of the boundless sea for decades and had long been experienced.

In an instant, he told all his advantages.

"Senior, although my strength is only Qi-cultivating, I have always made a living by killing monsters in the Muyuan and Nujing seas, and I have also organized a monster hunting team. It is because of this experience that I have made many friends in the Nujing Sea and Muyuan Sea under the Muyuan Immortal Sect over the years."

"Among them, there are even many people from major forces, and even from the Muyuan Immortal Sect."

"If there is enough benefit, combined with my friendship and help, as long as the senior wants to know about the Muyuan Sea and Nujing Sea, within ten days... no, just three days, I can find out for the senior."

After hearing this, Ling Pengyun was slightly surprised.

However, when I think of this person's strong vitality, probably only about fifty years old, and as a casual cultivator, he has raised his cultivation to the state of perfect Qi training, he can be regarded as an extraordinary person.

There may be people who take the initiative to make friends with such people.

Under such circumstances, this person naturally knows a lot of cultivators.

"The branch established by Pengshan on Guiling Island has been mainly targeting the other four foundation-building families on Guiling Island in recent years. The family does know less about the information of the vast land of Muyuan Sea."

"This point is indeed a gap."

"If it is not compensated, it will become a problem for the branch led by Pengshan to occupy the entire Guiling Island in the future."

"This person has a wide range of friends and can be used."

Thinking of this, Ling Pengyun also made up his mind.

He replied to Wan Xuan. "I can accept you as my servant. I probably know your purpose for doing so."

"However, I need to place a restriction in your body."

When Wan Xuan heard the word "restriction", he probably understood that it was the kind of restriction that could control the life and death of others, and his body trembled.

However, he also understood that the restriction was a stepping stone.

"Everything is up to you, senior."

Wan Xuan said with a stiff face.

Ling Pengyun was very satisfied with Wan Xuan's words. He also pinched his fingers and used the "Blood Soul Seal", a magic method of the magic sect that he had searched for when he destroyed the Poison Blood Demon Sect in his early years. He condensed a blood-red spiritual power seal and injected it into Wan Xuan's body.

Once the Blood Soul Seal is placed on a cultivator, it will penetrate into the cultivator's sea of ​​consciousness. As long as the cultivator who placed this method has a thought, the Blood Soul Seal will explode and blow the cultivator's sea of ​​consciousness to pieces.

The cultivator will naturally die as a result.

And Wan Xuan, who was placed with the Blood Soul Seal, naturally felt it, and his back was chilled.

However, at this moment, he saw Ling Pengyun waved his hand and took out a full three thousand spirit stones and handed them to him.

"Go to the largest market in Muyuan Sea, Muyuan Market, and rent a shop. Use the shop as a source to collect information about the major forces in Muyuan Sea."

"This information must be comprehensive, and it must be accurate to the number of cultivators in that force, the approximate cultivation level of the cultivators, the amount of assets, etc."

"Don't fool me with the information that can be found in the market."

At this point, Ling Pengyun paused, thinking that he rarely came to this boundless sea, and he couldn't personally hand over information to this person. He also placed a blood soul seal in this person's body, and life and death were only in his mind. He could treat him as a special person, so he spoke.

"After collecting the information... you secretly send it to Han Feng, the patriarch of the Han family in Guiling Island in the Muyuan Sea."

"This Han family has an old relationship with you, you need to assist them well. If necessary, you can help this family."

"But you can't show up unless it's necessary, you need to hide in the dark."

"At the same time, I will also make an agreement with the Han family in advance. If you perform well after a year, the patriarch of the Han family will give you three sets of second-class foundation-building spiritual objects. As for whether you can build a foundation, it depends on your own luck."

"And if you can't build a foundation, if you have descendants, I can also promise you that as long as you continue to work hard in the future, I can get a more powerful foundation-building spiritual object foundation-building pill for your descendants in the future to help them break through the foundation."

Wan Xuan, who was still frightened by the blood soul seal, saw the spirit stone and heard Ling Pengyun's response, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

Let alone the foundation-building pill for his offspring, the three first-class foundation-building spiritual objects that will be given to him in a year are enough to make him work hard.

Three first-class foundation-building spiritual objects can increase the probability of a cultivator's foundation-building by 15%, and are worth at least 15,000 spiritual stones on the market.

If these spiritual stones were put on the black market, they would be enough to buy ten lives of a cultivator who has perfected Qi training.

Immediately, he took the three thousand spiritual stones handed to him by Ling Pengyun with a happy face, and then replied.

"Please rest assured, senior, I will definitely collect information."

Ling Pengyun nodded lightly and added. "By the way, the shop I rented with the spirit stones will make a profit in the future. 30% of it will be used to manage the people you know and to find out information. The other 60% will be sold to Han, and the last 10% will be yours."

"However, if I find out that you are embezzling, you will know the consequences."

After saying this, Ling Pengyun's golden elixir pressure was like a mountain pressing on Wan Xuan.

Wan Xuan, who was only at the perfect stage of Qi training, was immediately pressed to his knees by this aura and could not resist at all.

Wan Xuan could even feel that his body was being crushed. As long as the pressure was stronger, or if Ling Pengyun deliberately increased the pressure, he would probably be crushed to death by the pressure of the golden elixir.

This incident also let him know the real gap between the Qi training realm and the Golden Core realm.

Countless cold sweats suddenly broke out on his back.

Fortunately, the pressure dissipated quickly, and he was lifted up by Ling Pengyun's spiritual power and thrown out of the flying boat.

"You can find your own way back to Muyuanfang City. If I send you there, some people will know about the relationship between you and me."

As soon as he said this, Ling Pengyun commanded Feizhou to fly away from this place with Yan Siyi and Ling Chengshi.

Wan Xuan, who was thrown out of the flying boat, also took out a flying magic weapon in time, stepped forward, and stabilized his figure in the air.

He looked fearfully at Ling Pengyun and the others who were gradually moving away. He waited for a while, then recovered from the pressure of the huge golden elixir, and left the place with the flying magic weapon.

After one day.

Mu Yuan sea area.

Muyuanfang City.

Teleport into a secret room in the main hall.

"Brother Mu, what do you want to tell my wife? Why did you bring us into this quiet room?"

Ling Pengyun looked at the sad-looking Master Jiamu in front of him with confusion and said doubtfully.

Just now, he and Yan Siyi took Ling Chengshi into the teleportation hall and planned to leave the Muyuan sea area through the teleportation array in this hall. Then they received the communication talisman from Master Jiamu and were personally invited to the quiet room by Master Jiamu. .

Master Jiamu sighed helplessly and replied.

"Since my sect started a war with the Yuanying Monster Clan and the Xuanbing Giant Whale Clan in the Xuanbing Sea in the past month, our sect has transferred more than 70% of the sect's monks to the front line of the Raging Whale Sea to participate in the battle."

"This move is beneficial to the frontline war situation."

"But this move has also plunged the Muyuan Sea Territory, which is covered with land, far away from the front line, and where there are not many monks stationed in our sect, into chaos. Many people who are interested take this opportunity to attack all the weak and small forces wantonly. , so the sect monks like me who stayed in Muyuanfang City received a lot of messages asking for help."

"And our sect, through those requests for help, also learned that there is a demonic cultivator force with a middle-stage Jindan realm demonic cultivator stationed in our Muyuan sea area."

"The threats posed by those monks who usually make trouble are not big, and they are easy to handle and control, but the threat from the demonic cultivators is huge."

"According to statistics, this demonic cultivator has destroyed a total of twenty-three foundation-building forces in just three days. There was even a relatively weak Jindan force that was destroyed. There were nearly 10,000 dead and injured cultivators and mortals. There were millions more casualties.”

"Because this group of demon cultivators appear and disappear, the forces of destruction are sometimes in the east and sometimes in the west. Our sect has a small number of golden elixirs stationed in the Muyuan sea area, so it is difficult to find them for a while."

"If this demonic cultivator continues to cause chaos, our sect may still have a chance to find it."

"But this group of demon cultivators are very skilled. They only appeared for three days and then disappeared."

"Maybe one day, or after the storm has passed, this group of demonic cultivators will appear again. This group of demonic cultivators is really a scourge and must be eliminated."

"This matter is related to the reputation of our Muyuan Immortal Sect. If this matter is not handled well, it will be difficult for our sect to obey in the future."

"Though I, the few golden elixirs who were left behind by the sect in the Muyuan sea area, were determined to search for the group of demon cultivators in the Muyuan sea area, and we even borrowed a few magic weapons that are extremely sensitive to demonic energy to help, but Muyuan The sea area is huge and we have few manpower, and we can’t send the Golden Core cultivators back from the front line. The demon cultivators are so powerful that the few Golden Core cultivators from our sect don’t dare to search separately.”

"Under such circumstances, it will be difficult for us to search the entire Muyuan Sea Area in a short time."

"Therefore, I would like to entrust Brother Ling and Mrs. Ling to help us search for that group of demon cultivators. In this way, the few Jindans of our sect who are staying in the Muyuan sea area can be divided into at least two waves to search for the group of demon cultivators separately. "

"Of course, as long as Brother Ling and Mrs. Ling are willing to help, regardless of success or failure, our sect will pay 10,000 spiritual stones to them respectively."

"Once the group of demon cultivators is found and the two of them are involved in killing that group of demon cultivators, our sect can send a batch of cultivation elixirs worth fifty thousand spiritual stones to each of them."

"I wonder if you two would be willing to help?"

Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi looked at each other and communicated through voice transmission.

After a few breaths passed, the two of them considered that the strongest among the group of demon cultivators was only at the mid-stage Golden Core level, and each of them mastered powerful real fire, so they had some restraint on the demon cultivators. At least they had no problem in protecting themselves.

The benefits promised by Mu Yuan Immortal Sect were huge.

The couple also agreed to the matter.

After they placed Ling Chengshi in Muyuanfang City, the two followed Master Jiamu and left Muyuanfang City.

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