Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 576 Pengxing and Wanchuan both enter the foundation building stage (3000 words, please subsc

Northern Wilderness Immortal Cultivation Realm.

Deep underground in a desolate forest adjacent to the territory of the State of Chen, there is a very hidden and quiet cave filled with thick black ghost energy.

On the right side of this cave, dozens of acres of ghost spiritual plants are planted.

On the left side of this cave, on a black jade bed several feet long, there is a transparent body, like a phantom, with a trace of ghost energy and a strong sword intent.

After an unknown period of time, a very strong suction force suddenly erupted from the body of this phantom old man.

The dense ghost energy around was immediately attracted by the suction force and rushed into the body of the phantom old man.

With the help of the dense ghost energy, the phantom old man's breath continued to grow stronger and his body gradually became solid.

Even through his virtual body, it can be seen that a small ball in his abdomen is gradually growing larger.

After three full days, the abnormal movement finally dissipated.

The small sphere on the old man's abdomen also grew to the size of a fist, and a foundation-building pressure also spread out from the black sphere.

This person's appearance also became much younger, at least half of his white hair turned black again, and the wrinkles on his face were much less.

He also opened his eyes, and a touch of joy hung on his face.

"Finally, I have entered the foundation-building stage."

"In this way, my remaining twenty years of life will also double. If calculated, I will have more than forty years of life left."

"Although this time is not long, but with my talent in the ghost way that is stronger than the right way, plus the ghost way cultivation resources provided to me by the family, I have a chance to improve my cultivation to the perfect foundation-building stage within the remaining forty years."

This person is Ling Pengxing, the sword cultivator of the Ling family who entered the ghost way. Since entering the ghost way, he has realized that he has a very high cultivation talent in the ghost way, which is three points stronger than his previous cultivation talent in the right way.

In terms of conversion, his talent in the ghost path is roughly equivalent to the powerful talent of the most superior righteous dual-spiritual cultivator.

It was precisely because of his extraordinary talent in ghost cultivation that he was able to improve his cultivation to the foundation-building stage in just a dozen years.

And the place where he was located was exactly on the second-level ghost vein that he discovered that year.

At this time, the "ghost cultivator" Wang Shi and his grandson, who had been guarding Ling Pengxing outside the cave, also noticed that Ling Pengxing had broken through the foundation-building stage.

The two ghosts also entered the cave with a bit of envy and smiles, and congratulated Ling Pengxing.

"Congratulations, lord, for entering the foundation-building stage and achieving the great way."

Ling Pengxing heard this, expressionless, and said lightly.

"How can the foundation-building stage be called the great way? It is nothing more than the first step to officially enter the path of the way."

"You continue to guard outside the cave."

Wang Shi and his grandson heard it, but hesitated.

Then, Wang Shi, whose cultivation had reached the state of perfect Qi training more than ten years ago, asked Ling Pengxing with a pleading look on his face.

"My Lord, now you have also entered the foundation building stage. Can you fulfill the promise we made together?"

Ling Pengyun hesitated for a moment, thought about it carefully, and then remembered that more than ten years ago, he had promised Wang Shi that as long as he entered the foundation building stage, he would give Wang Shi the family's "Lingxiao Xuyuan Technique" that could increase the maximum years of foundation building to comprehend, and give Wang Shi a ghost path ordinary foundation building spiritual object "beast spirit ghost energy".

He recalled that since Wang Shi and his grandson submitted to him, they have been diligent and conscientious, without revealing any small thoughts, and the two people's life souls are in his hands, so he nodded.

"Of course it can be fulfilled."

"This book records the technique of Ling Xiao's continuation of fate. After you comprehend it, I will give you the beast spirit ghost energy."

"But before you look through this secret technique, you need to swear an oath to the heaven with your cultivation to guarantee that you will not pass on this secret technique to others."

While speaking, he raised his hand and took out a storage bag from his waist, threw out a yellow book from it, and handed it to Wang Shi.

Beast spirit ghost energy can increase the probability of ghost cultivators breaking through the foundation by 10%. This item needs to be made from the soul of a demon beast with perfect foundation building, and can only be refined by a special refining method.

After the ghost cultivator Wang Shi, who had perfected the Qi training, took the book, his eyes suddenly lit up.

Immediately, he made a vow, took his granddaughter out of the cave, and honestly guarded the door for Ling Pengxing.

After Ling Pengxing closed the door of the cave, he also took out a "bronze lamp" from the storage bag.

This lamp was the rare treasure "Ghost Yin Lamp" that he had obtained from the cave on the ghost vein.

Looking at this treasure, his eyes were full of light.

"I don't know how many subsequent operation routes of the Ghost Yin Treasure Book can I get from the inheritance treasure left by the ghost ancestors with my current cultivation level."

Then, his somewhat illusory figure turned into a black shadow and escaped into the ghost lamp.

From the outside, this ghost Yin lamp is only the size of a palm, but the inside of this lamp contains the way of space, which is ten feet in size.

Moreover, the ghost energy here is extremely pure. Ling Pengxing's cultivation has improved so fast in the past ten years, and the pure ghost energy here is also a reason.

In addition, among the four walls of this ghost Yin lamp, one of the walls is engraved with runes. These runes are the nameless "Ghost Dao Qi Training Chapter Operation Route" found by Wang Shi and his grandson inside this ghost lamp.

This technique was also named "Ghost Yin Treasure Book" by Ling Pengxing after the rare treasure called Ghost Yin Lamp.

Ling Pengxing walked slowly under the wall with the running route engraved on it, stretched out his hand and touched the wall, constantly channeling his turtle power into the wall.

Immediately, the lines of martial arts engraved on this wall flashed with black light.

After a while, the same black light flashing black light gradually appeared on the wall on the left side of the wall.

When the ghost power in Ling Pengxing's body was exhausted, the other wall was also covered with brand new martial arts runes.

Ling Pengxing, whose ghost power was exhausted and his figure became more illusory, also looked at the wall covered with brand-new technique runes with anticipation, and began to observe it carefully.

This newly emerged movement route glyph is extremely profound, and is several times or even several times more advanced than the righteous foundation-building technique he practiced when he was a righteous monk.

And within this technique, there are also four natal ghost techniques recorded.

They are the Gang-breaking technique "Ghost Spirit Thorn", the speed technique "Ghost Flash", the defensive technique "Ghost Shield", and the trapping technique "Ghost Shadow Binding".

According to the records in the skill, if Ling Pengxing, a ghost cultivator who is currently on the first level of Foundation Establishment, can cast these natal spells, he can at least exert the power of a third-level Foundation Establishment monk.

In addition, this foundation-building chapter also records some methods for refining ghost weapons using souls, and there is even a method for refining superior ghost weapons called "Shadow Thorn".

The ghost soldiers refined by this method have extremely high breath gathering and explosive abilities, and are good at assassination.

Generally speaking, the strength of this shadow-thorn ghost soldier is not much different from that of swordsmen and physical practitioners of the same level.

A few hours later, when he finished watching, his long-lasting face showed rare fluctuations.

A flash of ecstasy also emerged.

"The subsequent operation route of this technique is extremely profound. Not only are there many secret techniques, but you can actually practice it to the first level of the golden elixir! It is truly a treasure!"

Then, he turned his eyes and looked at the first wall where the runes of the Qi Lian chapter were recorded, his eyes radiating with brilliance.

"If you think about it this way, the first wall records the Qi training techniques, and the second wall records the foundation building techniques. Then the third wall and the fourth wall at least record the complete ones. The Golden Elixir chapter even records the complete Nascent Soul realm skills?"

As soon as this idea came to his mind, his face became even more joyful.

This also means that as long as his cultivation can continue to improve, he will not have to worry about his skills in the future.

As for the Ling family's ghost path, there will also be one more ghost path technique at the Golden Core Realm or Nascent Soul Realm.

at the same time.

Deep in the boundary of Lingxiao Qianxing Lake, there is a second-level high-grade spiritual island "Yunyi Island" that was once Ling Pengyun's monastic place, inside a cave quiet room.

There was a ten-foot-long clear-water spiritual bamboo with blue bamboo stems and blue bamboo leaves, which triggered the phenomenon of spiritual energy filling the body.

After a while, as the spiritual energy filling the body stopped, the bamboo's aura also rose to the second level.

"Qingshui, please help me cultivate my skills and help me try to break through the foundation building on my own."

On the side, a young monk with yellowish skin, a resolute face, and the appearance of a young man wearing Ling's Taoist robes suddenly became happy when he saw this.

Immediately, he greeted the clear water bamboo that had just entered the second level.

When the Qingshui Lingzhu heard this, it didn't hesitate too much. Then its body swayed, and the roots at its roots suddenly lengthened, squirmed, and climbed onto the body of the resolute young man.

Subsequently, the spiritual bamboo continuously transferred the pure spiritual power in the body into the young man's body through those roots.

The young man also closed his eyes at this moment, and mobilized the gentle and pure spiritual power that had entered his body from his natal spiritual plant Qingshui Lingzhu into his Dantian, trying to condense the liquid spiritual power.

With the help of the second-level Qingshui Lingzhu spiritual power, he condensed a drop of liquid spiritual power in his dantian within a few days.

As a result, he triggered the phenomenon of spiritual energy filling his body.

A large amount of surrounding spiritual energy was poured into his body, and the meridians in his body were swollen due to this.

However, with the blessing of the fourth level of Explosive God Forging Technique, his consciousness has reached the initial level of foundation building.

Relying on the suppression of this huge spiritual consciousness, the spiritual energy in his meridians was sent into his Dantian in an orderly manner in an instant.

Three days later, the infusion of spiritual energy into his body ended, and a shattering sound came from his Dantian area.

A foundation-building aura also spread out from his body.

He also opened his eyes at this moment.

"Hahaha, I, Ling Wanchuan, have entered the foundation building."

"This good thing must be reported to Grandpa Ling Pengyun, Grandma Siyi, my parents, and Aunt Cheng Ping."

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