Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 577 The Demon-Slaying Treasure Mu Yuan Demon-Slaying Sword (3000 words, please subscribe)

This person is none other than Ling's spiritual plant genius "Ling Wanchuan" who has the dual spiritual roots of water and wood, and the clear water spiritual bamboo is his natal spiritual plant.

The cultivation speed of spiritual plants like Qingshui Lingzhu is extremely slow, but Ling Wanchuan has been valued by the family since he was a child, and every year the family invests a large amount of resources in him.

As a result, he had enough resources to help him practice the Qingshui Lingzhu.

Of course, his cultivation speed is naturally faster than that of Qingshui Lingzhu.

The reason why Qingshui Lingzhu entered the foundation first was because he did it deliberately, so that after Qingshui Lingzhu entered the foundation, he could use Lingzhu's huge spiritual power to feed back and try to break through the foundation alone, so as to break through the golden elixir. Paving the way.

Since two golden elixirs appeared in the family one after another, the Ling clan members have also realized the benefits of breaking through the golden elixir through the sharp spiritual power and stronger meridians brought by breaking through the foundation alone.

In addition, the Ling family also obtained the Explosive God Forging Technique, a method of spiritual consciousness cultivation, and the "Lingxiao Continuing Fate Technique" that can increase the years of foundation building.

This also makes the monks of the Ling family usually try to attack the foundation alone when they break through the foundation.

If the foundation building alone fails, the Ling clan members will take the next foundation-building spiritual substance to save their lives, and try the spiritual substance foundation building again in the future.

After returning to his thoughts, Ling Wanchuan raised his hand and took the second-level natal spiritual plant Qingshui Lingzhu next to him, which had consumed too much spiritual power due to the regurgitated spiritual power, into his dantian to warm it up. Then, he stood up and left the cave. .

However, as soon as he left the cave, he saw a playful young woman with a look of joy standing outside the gate of the cave.

"Good boy, entering the foundation building realm at the age of thirty-one has almost caught up with the speed at which Uncle Peng Yun entered the foundation building. It is several years earlier than Grandpa Yunhong entered the foundation building."

"In the future, I, the Ling family, will really need another golden elixir. In the future, when you get rich, remember to protect your aunt and me."

This playful young woman then joked and praised Ling Wanchuan, who had just entered the Foundation Establishment.

"Aunt Cheng Ping, your qualifications are not much weaker than mine. Your cultivation level is as high as the fourth level of Foundation Establishment. You have also broken through Foundation Establishment alone. In the future, you will also have the opportunity to break through the Golden Core."

"With my aunt's blessings, the Golden Elixir Avenue is just something you can get at your fingertips. My nephew will have to rely on you in the future."

Although Ling Wanchuan is an honest person, he still understands how to communicate with people through words.

He also responded with a smile.

"You kid, you know how to talk."

Ling Chengping, who looks playful and relied on a stubborn temper to survive the physical pain of spiritual energy infusion and successfully broke through the foundation building alone, has a smile on her face.

"Hehe, isn't this what my aunt taught me well? By the way, aunt, are Grandpa Pengyun and Grandma Siyi in the family?"

Ling Wanchuan asked with a smile.

"She probably hasn't returned to the family yet."

Ling Chengping said.

"Okay, then I can only tell Grandpa Pengyun and Grandma Siyi about my success in building the foundation on my own in the future."

"Auntie, do you still have delicious food like mulberries, fruit flowers and honey with you? I want to go to the Wanchuan Island next door to see my parents."

Ling Wanchuan asked.

"You kid, you do have a lot of intentions."

"Of course I have those spiritual things like mulberries."

Ling Chengping's playful face had a hint of appreciation.

After saying that, she waved her hand and took out a lot of delicious spiritual things such as mulberries, fruit flowers and honey from the storage bag, and handed them to Ling Wanchuan.

When Ling Wanchuan saw this, he looked happy and immediately said to Ling Chengping.

"Aunt Cheng Ping, when the family distributes these delicious spiritual things to me next year, I will return them to you."

Ling Chengping patted the honest Ling Wanchuan on the shoulder and said with a smile. "You kid, why are you being polite to me? To me, these spiritual objects are just food for me for a few days, and they are not worth much."

Ling Wanchuan did not take these words to heart, but said.

"Auntie, friendship belongs to affection, and spiritual objects belong to spiritual objects. Even if these spiritual objects are worthless, they are still worth some spiritual stones."

"Let's not talk about this matter. Auntie, when I come back tomorrow, I will make you a spiritual meal and we will celebrate together."

After saying that, he summoned a fairy crane and rode it up, flying out of Yunyi Island and towards a deserted island a few miles away.

Ling Chengping, who was still in Yunyi Island, looked helplessly at her nephew Ling Wanchuan, who was extremely polite, I should not say extremely polite, and said to herself helplessly.

"What a stupid kid, but this kid's style is quite lovable."

After a hundred breaths.

Ling Wanchuan rode the fairy crane and landed on an island that only covered an area of ​​about ten miles.

There are hundreds of families living on this island, and in the center of the island, there is a luxurious compound.

Living in that compound were the parents of Ling Wanchuan, a monk with a secular background.

Within this compound.

"Wan Chuan, why are you kid back again? Calculating the time, you have come back twice this year. If you delay your cultivation because of this, how can your mother and I feel at ease? How can you be worthy of the family's training for you?"

A middle-aged man wearing linen clothes with a bit of mud on his body, tall and thin, with dark skin, was a little happy when he saw the child Ling Wanchuan coming home, but he was soon replaced by He hid, and he reprimanded accordingly.

Such scoldings soon attracted a middle-aged lady who was embroidering clothes in a room in the courtyard.

The middle-aged lady trotted into the courtyard with a serious look on her face and scolded her.

"Your father is right. I should not have agreed to move to Wanchuan Island if I had known."

Ling Wanchuan listened to these scoldings, but he was not angry. Instead, he felt warm in his heart and explained.

"Mom and Dad, I just broke through my cultivation and came to celebrate with you. I am not lazy."

Ling Wanchuan's father's eyes lit up and asked again. "Really?"

"When did I lie to you?"

Ling Wanchuan answered and patted the storage bag on his waist, and took out the spiritual mulberries, fruit flower honey and other delicious spiritual things borrowed by Ling Chengping.

"Mom and Dad, take these things. Eat more. It's good for your health."

Ling Wanchuan's father saw this and although his face was a little more happy, he still refused.

"At the beginning of the year, your mother and I hadn't finished eating the spiritual fruits you brought back when you went home."

"Although your mother and I don't understand cultivation, we know that these are good for you cultivators."

"Take these spiritual objects back and cultivate well. Only when we see you are well, our bodies will be truly well."

Ling Wanchuan's mother also added. "Yes!"

"Dad, Mom..."

Ling Wanchuan didn't know what to say for a moment, and choked up a little.


After a little half a month.

Boundless Sea Cultivation Realm, Muyuan Sea.

Four escape lights slowly slid across the sky and finally stopped at a border area of ​​Muyuan Sea.

The figures of the four escape lights also appeared. The leader was Jiamu Zhenren, who was holding a third-level magic treasure realm.

The three people behind him were Ling Pengyun and his wife, and an old Jindan wearing a yellow Taoist robe, a wine gourd hanging around his waist, with a flushed cheek, a full beard, and gray hair.

At this time, the old Jindan, who was like an old drunkard, looked regretful and said with regret.

"We have searched the territory assigned to our team. We only killed some Qi training and foundation building demon cultivators, and interrogated several righteous cultivators who carried demons on their bodies, but we can't find any traces of the demon cultivators who made trouble before, and we don't know where they are hiding."

"I thought that I could get some cultivation resources from Muyuan Xianzong by killing that group of demon cultivators this time."

"It's really a pity."

"Fellow Daoist Jiamu, use the means of communication to ask the other three Jindan teams organized by your Muyuan Xianzong Jindan cultivators to search for demon cultivators, and ask them if they have found any traces of the demon cultivators who made trouble before."

The real person Jiamu, who had been looking at the third-level demon-hunting treasure in his hand, nodded helplessly when he saw that the mirror had not moved, and took out a third-level communication treasure from the storage bag and cast a spell on it.

After a while, three figures appeared on the communication treasure realm. These three people were the other three Jindan of Muyuan Xianzong who were searching for the magic cultivation team.

After communicating with them, Jiamu Zhenren also learned that the three teams had not found the magic cultivation team.

His face gradually darkened.

"Daoyou Jiamu, in my opinion, we have searched the entire Muyuan Sea area. It is estimated that the group of demon cultivators who plundered the Muyuan Sea area before have either left the Muyuan Sea area or have some high-level treasures that can conceal the demonic aura."

"Daoyou Jiamu, why don't you go back to your sect and ask for your sect's fourth-level demon-killing treasure, the Muyuan Demon-Slaying Sword?"

"With the effect of this sword, if the group of demon cultivators are still hiding in the Muyuan Sea area, and their treasures that conceal their auras are not yet at the fourth level, we may still have a chance to find the group of demon cultivators."

The old Jindan, who was wearing a wine gourd and looked like a drunkard, still didn't want to give up the good thing of killing the demon cultivators and getting a lot of cultivation resources from the Muyuan Immortal Sect, so he proposed again.

Ling Pengyun, who had been silent, had his eyes lit up and spoke out.

"Yes, Brother Mu, why don't you go and ask for the Mu Yuan Demon Slayer Sword?"

The Mu Yuan Demon Slayer Sword is a very famous fourth-level spiritual treasure of the Mu Yuan Xian Sect, and this spiritual treasure is not an ordinary spiritual treasure.

This treasure is a fourth-level demon-slaying treasure of the purest and most yang. This sword can burst out extremely powerful combat power when fighting against demon cultivators.

After this treasure entered the fourth level, it also gave birth to extremely high spiritual intelligence, and it can even fight against demon cultivators in the early stage of the Nascent Soul without being defeated, and even kill them.

This sword is therefore respected as the ancestor by the disciples of the Mu Yuan Xian Sect.

In addition, this sword is also extremely sensitive to demonic energy. As long as a demon cultivator appears within 30,000 feet, this sword will sense it.

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