Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 578: Cleverly borrowing justice (3200 words, please subscribe)

When Master Jiamu heard this, a look of helplessness appeared on his dark face, and he said in a deep voice.

"Fellow Daoist Qingjiu, Brother Ling, you don't know something. More than two hundred years ago, our sect had a conflict with an old Yuanying Demon Sect. The ancestor of our sect Yuanying used the Mu Yuan Demon-Slaying Sword to fight with When the Demon Sect's Nascent Soul Demon faced the enemy, he also suffered some serious damage to the sword."

"Today, my sect's Mu Yuan Demon-Slaying Sword is still sleeping and healing."

"Not to mention me, a little middle-stage golden elixir monk, even my sect's Yuan Ying ancestor will not easily disturb the demon-slaying sword ancestor's healing unless necessary, so as not to make that senior angry."

The old drunkard named "Sake Master" came from Mu Yuanxian Sect, a force with many golden elixirs.

At the same time, this person is also a close friend of Master Jiamu.

This person likes drinking and is a rare third-level winemaker. His friendship with Master Jiamu was also due to this spiritual wine.

After all, Master Jiamu is also a good drinker.

This time, this person was invited by Master Jiamu to hunt demons here.

As a powerful force in Mu Yuanxian Sect, the old Taoist sake master knew a little about the secret, but he still said something.

"Comrade Jiamu, are you sure that those demonic cultivators won't appear and cause trouble in your Zongmuyuan sea area?"

When Master Jiamu heard this, his already frowning frown deepened. After hesitating for a while, he used the Communication Treasure Realm to communicate with the golden elixirs of the other three Muyuan Immortal Sects, and then Master Jiamu spoke.

"Please wait for me here for a while. I and the other three brothers will return to the sect to ask for the sword."

After saying these words, Master Jiamu quickly turned into a escaping light and left the place.

Ling Pengyun and his wife, who were still staying here, and Master Sake landed on a nearby desert island to wait.

But five days later, Master Jiamu returned with a face full of joy.

"Brother Mu, have you got that Mu Yuan demon-slaying sword?"

Master Jiamu shook his head, but still said with a smile on his face.

"The senior swordsman hated the demonic cultivator deeply. However, due to the injuries sustained two hundred years ago, it was really difficult for him to come here. After careful consideration, the senior swordsman did not hesitate to hurt his origin and separated four sword souls from me and the others. The other three brothers.”

"Although the four sword souls have no power, they are extremely sensitive to demonic energy. They are no weaker than the senior swordsman who came here to search for demonic cultivators."

"It's just that the senior's separation of the four sword souls caused a lot of damage to its origin. I'm afraid it will take decades more for that senior to recover from the injuries."

"Therefore, I and the other brothers who have sword souls plan to search for those demon cultivators in the surrounding sea areas if we can't find that group of demon cultivators in the Muyuan sea area. In this way, we can also increase the number of demon cultivators we need to search for. Probability of repair.”

"At the same time, we can also be worthy of Senior Mu Yuan's Demon-Slaying Sword's help."

"I wonder if you are willing to spend more time?"

Ling Pengyun, Yan Siyi, and Taoist Qingjiu originally wanted to find the group of demon cultivators who caused trouble in Muyuanfang City, so as to get the demon-killing reward promised by Muyuan Immortal Sect. Naturally, they would not refuse this matter.

Immediately, they immediately blocked the matter.

Then, the four of them searched the Muyuan Sea area again.

This time, with the help of the sword soul, they found a few more small shrimps of demon cultivators. After killing those few small shrimps, the group also entered the Raging Whale Sea.

However, the group had not been deep into the Angry Whale Sea for long, when the small wooden sword transformed from the sword soul in Master Jiamu's hand suddenly trembled, suspended in the air on its own, and flew quickly in one direction.

Ling Pengyun and others were surprised when they saw this.

Previously, when they used this sword soul to search for demonic cultivators, this sword soul did not react like this even if it found monsters.

"Is there a high-level monster or a demon cultivator?"

A doubt suddenly appeared in their minds.

Immediately, the four people's expressions lit up.

"Hurry up and catch up!"

Master Jiamu gave the order.

Then, he immediately took the lead and used his escape technique to catch up with the automatic flying wooden sword.

Ling Pengyun, Yan Siyi, and Qingjiu Zhenren followed closely behind.

at the same time.

On the front line of the battle between the Wrathful Whale Sea and the Black Ice Giant Whale Clan, in the residential area of ​​Wrath Whalefang City, in a cave quiet room.

Sima Changguang, the head of the Sima family and in the middle stage of the Golden Core, suddenly flashed a spiritual light from the storage bag on his waist.

When he saw this scene, his expression suddenly changed.

"Has the magic weapon locked the magic weapon?"

Before he finished speaking, he turned into a breeze and quickly left Nujingfang City.

Half an hour later.

Ling Pengyun and his party chased the sword spirit and arrived near a small desert island covering an area of ​​only a few hundred feet.

Just as the group was about to land on the deserted island, a ray of light flew from the distance.

A voice also came out from the escaping light.

"On the desert island of Sima Changguang of the Sima family in the Xiamuyuan sea area, a monk from our clan is trying to break through the foundation. I hope that the four fellow Taoists will not disturb him."

Ling Pengyun and the others stopped when they heard this.

They also looked at the approaching light.

After waiting for a while, the escaping light arrived within a thousand feet of them.

A middle-aged man with an ordinary appearance but who looked extremely kind and approachable also appeared.

This person is none other than "Sima Changguang".

"It turns out to be Fellow Daoist Sima. Isn't Fellow Daoist on the front line of the Raging Whale Sea? Why did he appear in the hinterland of the Raging Whale Sea?"

"Furthermore, why don't the children of your clan retreat to break through and build foundations in those spiritual islands with spiritual energy, instead of on this deserted island."

"In addition, I am waiting for a group of people to track down the place where a demonic energy came."

"But the descendants of the nobles are in retreat on the island where the evil energy is coming from. It is too much of a coincidence to break through and build a foundation."

Master Jiamu seemed to know this person, he was suspicious and questioned.

"I just happened to be taking a break today and just returned from the front line. I wanted to come here to see the people of my clan."

"It was naturally a helpless move for my clan to break through and build a foundation on this deserted island. A month ago, when I brought my clan members to the front line to support the way here, my clan members suddenly appeared to have a breakthrough. I couldn’t dissuade him, so I left it to him.”

When Sima Changguang talked about this, his words became a little more aggressive.

"What? I led my clan members to sacrifice their lives for your sect to fight on the front line against the Black Ice Giant Whale clan, but your sect suspected that I had something to do with the demon cultivator?"

"Is this the style of the great sect? Your sect is not afraid that we and others will be heartbroken for the forces fighting monsters and beasts on the front lines?"

Master Jiamu was not good at arguing with others, and he often suffered losses when he quarreled with Ling Pengyun in the past.

Now that Sima Changguang was using Mu Yuan Immortal Sect's righteousness to pressure him, he didn't know how to start searching for the island.

Ling Pengyun on the side frowned when he saw this, and he immediately said.

"You can't go wrong with a demon-seeking object. What's more, the demon-seeking object in our hands is the sword soul of the fourth-level demon-slaying treasure Mu Yuan Demon-Slaying Sword. There must be monsters or demon cultivators on the island."

"If this fellow Daoist Sima is trying to dissuade us from exterminating demons from the Mu Yuan Immortal Sect, we will definitely kill him!"

"With the power of Zhen Mu Yuan Immortal Sect!"

Even though the old Taoist Qingjiu who only had the third level of Golden Elixir, relied on the large number of people, he was not afraid of Sima Changguang, who had the fifth level of Golden Elixir, and used his strength to Ling Pengyun Dao.

"Yes, fellow Taoist Sima, you are so dissuasive. I'm afraid that island is really extraordinary. My sake must go to this island."

Yan Siyi also approached her husband Ling Pengyun at this moment and expressed that she stood by her side.

The Jiamu Zhenren who was said to be confused also came back to his senses, and his eyes became firm.

"Fellow Taoist, are you going to let me wait to land on the island?"

Sima Changguang's face suddenly darkened when he saw the behavior of Ling Pengyun and his group, and his eyes were fixed on Ling Pengyun, who only had the second level of Jindan cultivation and was the first to break the calm.

After a moment, he said in a deep voice.

"Okay, since the four fellow Taoists are going to the island, I have nothing to say."

Master Jiamu glanced coldly at Sima Changguang, and then said something to Ling Pengyun and the others.

"Brother Ling, Mrs. Ling, fellow Daoist Qingjiu, please help me keep an eye on Sima Changguang in case this person does anything strange."

After saying that, he fell to the island alone.

But at this moment, Sima Changguang's face darkened.

"You can all use the fourth-level Mu Yuan Demon-Slaying Sword. My clan is really unlucky."

"In this case, I will finish this last step and officially escape into the devil's path."

Thinking of this, Sima Changguang's gentle face suddenly showed numerous sinister looks.

"It just so happens that it has been some time since I entered the fifth level of the Golden Core. With the help of these four Golden Cores, my breakthrough to the sixth level of the Golden Core is a sure thing."

"All of them die."

He made a gesture with his fingers, and countless earth-yellow formations suddenly appeared around four to five thousand feet around the deserted island not far away.

The next moment, a huge yellow cover suddenly formed, covering the four to five thousand feet of land around the island.

This big mask even separated the four of them, Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi. Only Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi were not cut apart by the mask because they were standing close to each other.

Then, four to five thousand five-foot-long earth arrows emerged from the cover, turning into a rain of arrows and hitting Ling Pengyun and others respectively.

The ferocious-looking Sima Changguang also roared at this moment. His body continued to grow, turning into a three-foot-sized golden man. A set of golden domineering third-level low-grade armor also appeared on his body. He held a hand tightly in his hand. Armed with a third-level mid-level spear magic weapon, he took the lead in charging towards the hated Ling Pengyun.

"I didn't expect that this person is also a physical practitioner."

When Ling Pengyun saw Sima Changguang's sudden rampage, he was already prepared.

Immediately, he wielded the most powerful third-level low-grade magic weapon "Fire Dragon Shield" on his body, and transformed into a defensive light curtain to cover himself and his wife Yan Siyi, using this light screen to resist the Sima Chang Attack of light.

"Old thief Sima, you deserve to be damned if you stop the Mu Yuan Immortal Sect from searching for demonic energy. Today I will destroy you on behalf of the Mu Yuan Immortal Sect."

Ling Pengyun spoke with an upright expression, and then directly took out the Double Dragon Sea-Covering Formation, a red gold demon corpse with the first level of golden elixir, the fourth level of golden elixir, and the sixth level of golden elixir, the third-level mid-level Burning Yuan Dharma Lamp, the third-level low-level The Ghost Controlling Long Banner and the Blue Sea Heavy Yuan Orb were then shot out.

Yan Siyi naturally knew what her husband meant, so she immediately used the Five Elements Returning to Yuan Formation, trapping Sima Changguang in the formation, and also used the Five Elements Returning to Yuan Sword, the third-level low-grade red gold sword, and the Mandarin Duck Fire Cloud. Guo killed the old thief.

Just a face-to-face encounter, Sima Changguang, who was confident that he could kill Ling Pengyun and others one by one with the help of the third-level mid-level formation deployed here, was defeated steadily by the cooperation of Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi. , could only rely on the treasure armor on his body to defend with difficulty, and fell into a disadvantage.

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