Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 580: Destroying the Sima Family (3,000 words, please subscribe)

Everyone saw the magic elixir "Demon-binding Pill" placed here, but they did not feel the breath of the Demon-binding Pill before, and they all became confused.

Then, their eyes were fixed on the red cloth that covered the Demon-binding Pill.

After everyone tested it, they immediately found that although the red cloth had no grade and was like an ordinary object, it had the effect of covering up the magic energy.

This incident also made Master Jiamu's eyes flash, and the image of a treasure also emerged in his mind. He guessed and said.

"Demon-locking cloth?"

The old Taoist of sake beside heard this and asked in confusion.

"Isn't the treasure of the Exorcist Sect, the Demon-Locking Cloth, in the hands of the Taoist friend Mushou who controls many spirit beasts in your sect?"

"How did it appear in the hands of Sima Changguang?"

More than two hundred years ago, when the Muyuan Immortal Sect and the Yuanying Demon Sect clashed, although the two sects did not decide the winner, many of the Jindan, foundation-building, and Qi-training forces under the two sects who participated in the battle were destroyed by the other side.

The Muyuan Immortal Sect once destroyed a Jindan Demon Sect called the Exorcist Sect.

This sect has a treasure of the sect, the "Demon-Locking Cloth", the only effect of which is to conceal the demonic energy.

In the early years, the Exorcist Sect relied on this treasure to conceal the demonic energy, and was not afraid of the detection of ordinary demon-seeking treasures. They often mingled in the territory of righteous cultivators, quietly beheaded the righteous Jindan, and used the corpses of the righteous Jindan to sacrifice and refine the demon corpses.

In this way, the Exorcist Sect became stronger and stronger.

However, this sect killed the close friend of Mu Shou Zhenren, who controlled two golden elixir perfect spirit beasts, from Mu Yuan Xian Zong more than 200 years ago.

Mu Shou Zhenren therefore took the opportunity to destroy Qu Shi Zong directly 200 years ago.

Jia Mu Zhenren heard what the old Taoist Qing Jiu said and realized that something was wrong.

The magic lock cloth of Qu Shi Zong of Jin Dan Mo Men can be stretched and retracted at will, but the red cloth here, which has the same effect as the magic lock cloth, cannot be stretched and retracted at will.

Then, he told what he had heard in his early years.

"It is said that the magic lock cloth obtained by the sect's Mushou Zhenren when he destroyed the Jindan Demon Sect and the Corpse Exorcist Sect two hundred years ago was incomplete."

"This piece of red cloth here is probably the fragment of the magic lock cloth."

"With the effect of the cloth fragment, it can indeed cover the search of ordinary third-level magic treasures."

"Fortunately, this time I listened to the advice of Brother Ling and asked for the help of the sect's Muyuan Demon Slaying Sword Senior, otherwise we would have no chance to find evidence of Sima Changguang's crime this time."

Jiamu Zhenren's face suddenly raised a trace of relief, and his eyes also looked at the magic pill in the jade box in his hand, with a bit of nostalgia, muttering.

"Thinking about it this way, the Sima family, which was originally just a foundation-building family, has risen in the past hundred years. I am afraid it has something to do with this magic pill."

Ling Pengyun asked curiously. "What do you mean?"

"The Sima family is a Jindan family that has risen in the territory of my Muyuan Immortal Sect in the past hundred years. Because its patriarch Sima Changguang has made rapid progress in cultivation, my sect has also paid attention to it. I also know a thing or two about the Sima family."

"A hundred years ago, there was also a demon chaos in the Muyuan Sea, but that demon chaos was the same as this time. The group of demon cultivators fought a lightning war and disappeared without a trace after making some achievements. At that time, the Muyuan Demon Slayer Sword of my sect happened to be injured for a hundred years. The injury has not recovered much, and it is difficult to separate the sword soul to help search for demonic energy."

"And if we calculate the time, Sima Changguang of the Sima family entered the Jindan after that demon chaos. The Sima family also became a Jindan family because of this person."

"Combined with the Sima family's refining of the Demon Pill this time, the demon chaos a hundred years ago was probably caused by the Sima family."

"This family really deserves to die."

At this point, Master Jiamu's face raised a few doubts.

"But logically speaking, when a righteous cultivator swallows a magic elixir and enters the golden elixir stage, he will be more or less contaminated by the devil's energy, or his mind will be affected by the devil's energy."

"But Sima Changguang has extremely strong spiritual power, without any devil's energy. The sword spirit does not react much to this person, but is resistant to Sima Changguang's three devil corpses."

"This is a suspicious point."

"In addition, the hidden dangers of righteous cultivators taking magic elixir to impact the golden elixir are well known to the world, but this clan still forcibly sacrificed countless cultivators and mortals to refine the golden elixir, which is a bit weird."

"And the secret method that can eliminate the devil's energy is extremely rare, even in my sect there are not many."

"The Sima family is just a small golden elixir force, and it is even more impossible to obtain it."

"Thinking about the broken matter of the lock of the devil, it is estimated that the Sima family has inherited the corpse-driving sect."

Ling Pengyun, who was standing aside, heard the speculation of Jiamu Zhenren, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

"In that case, can't I, a righteous cultivator, also use this Demon-Blocking Pill?"

He immediately said.

"Brother Mu, Fellow Daoist Qingjiu, the previous Sima Changguang, who was at the fifth level of the Golden Core, was killed by my wife and I. This Demon-Blocking Pill and the Demon-Locking Cloth belonged to Sima Changguang. Logically, these two items should belong to me."

"Would you two be willing to give them up?"

When Jiamu Zhenren heard this, his brows furrowed.

Although the Demon-Blocking Pill was a pill for demon cultivators, the Muyuan Immortal Sect, like the Sima family, had a secret method that could dissolve demonic energy.

With the help of the secret method, righteous cultivators could take the Demon-Blocking Pill at will, but the efficacy of the pill would be reduced by 50%, and only 50% would be retained.

It can only increase the probability of a righteous monk to break through the golden elixir by about 15%.

But even so, if this magic pill were placed in the Mu Yuan Immortal Sect, it would be worth at least more than half a million spiritual stones.

Although the magic-locking mortal cloth is incomplete, its effectiveness is not reduced. If it is covered on a small magic weapon, it can be used as a sneak attack magic weapon, and it is worth at least 30,000 to 400,000 spiritual stones.

As a physical practitioner, Jiamu Zhenren consumes the most resources. Naturally, he will not give up a large amount of spiritual stones just because Ling Pengyun is his good friend.

Immediately, he retorted.

"After all, we searched for this magic elixir with the help of the sword soul derived from our sect's Mu Yuan Demon-Slaying Sword. After all, I and...fellow Taoist Sake should also have a share of this thing."

The old sake master who had never spoken a word on the side nodded lightly and stood behind Master Jiamu, as if he was the leader.

Ling Pengyun is also an experienced person, so he naturally knows that Jiamu Zhenren and Qingjiu Master are just using the sword soul to make excuses.

He also spoke accordingly.

"Two fellow Taoists, have you forgotten the wealth of the Sima family?"

"A month ago, there was more than one demon cultivator in the Muyuan Sea Area. The other monks from the Sima family must have also participated."

"How can such a family like a demon cultivator survive in this world."

"Maybe there are other demonic practices that can be found in it!"

"As long as you two agree to give me this magic pill, I will take less of the Sima family's spiritual objects."

When Master Jiamu and the sake master heard this, their eyes suddenly lit up.

"This matter can indeed be done, but after all, we need to destroy the Sima family in the name of the sect, and we also need to leave some benefits to the sect."

"The profit for the sect will be 30%, and the remaining 70%, shall we divide it among the four of us?"

Ling Pengyun and others all agreed.

Then, Master Jiamu detailed the 70% benefit.

He and the sake master each got 2.5% of the profit, and the combined profit was 50%.

Because Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi took away the rare treasures of the magic-locking cloth and the magic pill, they could only get 10% of the Sima family's profits.

Although the difference in interests between Ling Pengyun and his wife, Jiamu Zhenren and Sake Master is only 15%, the Sima family is also a Jindan family, and this 15% interest is equivalent to at least hundreds of thousands or hundreds of thousands of pieces of spirit. Stone.

After agreeing on the division of interests, the group of four people immediately left the deserted island and rushed to the island in order to prevent the monks from the Sima family from knowing that the head of the family, Sima Changguang, was dead and causing the monks to flee with the wealth of the Sima family. Near the "Yulong Island" where the Sima family belongs.

But at this time, the Fish Dragon Island was protected by a huge third-level low-grade defense formation.

Although Ling Pengyun and the others knew that there was Mu Yuan Immortal Sect behind them, the Sima family monks who were on Yulong Island still did not remove the island protection formation. Obviously, the Sima family monks who stayed alone on this island also had Some people knew what the Sima family had done.

In desperation, Ling Pengyun and the others had no choice but to use attack methods to bombard the island protection formation of Yulong Island.

The level of this formation was as high as the third-level low-grade, and it also had the third-level low-grade spiritual veins under Yulong Island as the source of spiritual power. This also allowed Ling Pengyun and the four of them to bombard the island-protecting formation for five days. Defeat it and enter the island.

Many of the Sima monks on this island launched a counterattack.

Ling Pengyun and others originally wanted to keep these people and let Muyuan Immortal Sect deal with them, but seeing how ignorant these Sima monks were, they were furious and immediately killed them all.

"Those who follow the path of practicing demons are still so violent and even worse than the demon sect. They really deserve to die."

Ling Pengyun looked at the large corpses of Sima monks in front of him with disdain, raised his hand to summon a ball of spiritual fire, and burned them directly.

Afterwards, the group of people looted the Yulong Island clan treasury, spiritual plant garden, Gongfa Pavilion and other important places where the Sima family resided.

Even the cave where the monks of the Sima family lived, the formations arranged in various important places on the island, and the immature spiritual plants, the four of them did not let go.

After such a search, Ling Pengyun and the other four obtained quite a lot of property, and there were even unexpected surprises.

Generally speaking, apart from the classics that can be printed such as exercises, various spiritual objects, immature spiritual plants and other spiritual objects, this time they found a total of more than two million spiritual stones. things.

Among them, there are three spiritual objects with single value. The first one is a third-level low-grade spiritual peach tree.

According to the knowledgeable Jiamu Zhenren, this tree is the spiritual tree of the Yang family of the Jindan family that was previously destroyed by Sima Changguang's "devil".

Because this tree can produce spiritual fruits, its value is high, far exceeding that of other spiritual trees of the same level. It is worth at least half a million spiritual stones on the market.

Apart from this tree, there are no other third-level spiritual fruit trees in the Sima family. There are some third-level spiritual medicines, but they are not yet mature.

As for the Sima family, which has only been a member of the Jindan family for a hundred years, due to its weak background, it is difficult to help its clan-suppressing spiritual tree break through the golden elixir. This also makes the clan's clan-suppressing spirit tree still at the second-level upper level. .

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