Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 581: Sharing the benefits The three-eyed white fox is recovering from his injuries (3000 wor

Thinking back, the second most valuable thing of the Sima family is the third-level low-grade defensive formation on Yulong Island.

Although this formation has no formation tools, it is at least worth 300,000 spiritual stones.

The third thing is a dragon beard fish in the perfect foundation building realm that the Sima family has kept for hundreds of years.

Although this fish is not strong, it can only fight with a cultivator in the middle stage of foundation building at most.

However, this fish commands five dragon beard fish in the foundation building realm and more than 5,000 dragon beard fish in the Qi training realm.

As long as this fish is obtained, the rest of the dragon beard fish under its command will obey.

And this group of dragon beard fish is naturally kept by the Sima family.

Dragon beard fish is a very delicious spiritual fish with good spiritual energy, which is very popular in the market.

However, this fish can be said to be a mutant spiritual beast, which needs special methods to be cultivated.

Under the situation of shortage of goods and good efficacy of this thing, the value of a dragon beard fish is twice the value of the same level of cultivation pills.

According to the rough estimate of Ling Pengyun and others, the total value of this group of dragon beard fish is at least about 50,000 spiritual stones.

The rest of the spiritual objects are some miscellaneous spiritual plants, magic tools and the like.

In addition, everyone also searched for the Sima family's "Gengjin Tyrant Body Art" that can be cultivated to the late Jindan period from Sima Changguang's own private cave, as well as the Sima family's third-level inferior fish farming technique inheritance, and a magic technique "Exorcism" that can directly reach the middle Jindan period.

It is said that the Gengjin Tyrant Body Art and the third-level inferior fish farming technique were exchanged from the Muyuan Immortal Sect by Sima Changguang decades ago for a large amount of contribution points for his contributions to the Muyuan Immortal Sect in fighting against monsters.

Although the content recorded in the third-level inferior fish farming technique is relatively ordinary, the Sima family has supplemented it with the dragon beard fish farming technique, which also adds a bit of the value of this inheritance.

The Sima family's method of breeding dragon beard fish was not obtained from the Muyuan Immortal Sect, but was accidentally obtained by their ancestors.

And the corpse-driving skill is naturally the sect-protecting skill of the corpse-driving sect.

This skill records many corpse-driving skills, and also records a method that can dissolve "demon energy" "the method of dissolving demons and transforming spirits".

However, this magic skill is incomplete. Among the corpse-driving methods recorded in it, only one method called "Bao Tie" has reached the middle level. The rest of the corpse-driving methods are some inferior corpse-driving methods with very little value.

The complete corpse-driving skill can be cultivated to the perfection of the golden elixir.

After everyone counted the gains, they immediately divided the profits according to the previously divided shares.

Putting aside the half of the profits that need to be left to the Muyuan Immortal Sect, the four people can only get things worth millions of spirit stones.

Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi's 20% profit was worth about 220,000 spiritual stones. They took out two frost spiritual trees worth 200,000 spiritual stones, which together amounted to about 600,000 spiritual stones. They exchanged Yang's spiritual peach tree worth 500,000 spiritual stones and the dragon beard fish group worth 50,000 spiritual stones. Apart from these two items, they did not share the other spiritual objects such as magic tools.

The main reason why Jiamu Zhenren and Qingjiu Laodao gave up the extremely valuable spiritual peach tree was because they considered Ling Pengyun's powerful strength.

In addition, the spiritual peaches on the branches of the spiritual peach tree were all several years old. If they wanted this tree to produce 300-year-old spiritual peaches that were suitable for their Jindan cultivators, it would take at least 200 years of growth.

There were no Jindan spiritual fish in the dragon beard fish group, which was even more useless to them.

It was even more unprofitable for them to forcibly offend Ling Pengyun and get the spiritual peach tree and the spiritual fish group to give to the forces behind them.

In their eyes, Ling Pengyun will definitely become a middle-stage Jindan in the future, and it will not be difficult to reach the late Jindan stage.

If you can make friends with such a person, there will be great benefits in the future.

Afterwards, everyone used the empty book to copy all the Sima family's skills and divide them equally.

After doing this, everyone left the Sima family's Dragon Fish Island and went to the Sima family's territory to search for the first- and second-level spiritual veins.

On those spiritual veins, some well-informed Sima family monks fled in advance.

However, with the blood of the Sima family monks and the method of searching for the source, Ling Pengyun and others also searched out those Sima family monks who fled in advance and killed them one by one.

Although the wealth on those first- and second-level spiritual veins was mostly some first- and second-level spiritual plants, the large number of those spiritual plants also brought Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi and his wife about 100,000 yuan worth of benefits.

After the matter was settled, the two followed Jiamu Zhenren and Qingjiu Laodao to Muyuan Xianzong and received a reward of 50,000 spiritual stones for cultivation resources, which was promised in advance.

Muyuan Xianzong was indeed honest. With solid evidence, Ling Pengyun and others soon obtained the corresponding cultivation resources for Jindan cultivators.

Ling Pengyun and his wife also followed, taking the "gold and earth" dual spiritual roots Ling Chengshi that had been placed in Muyuan Market, and left Muyuan Sea through the teleportation array in Muyuan Market.

One year later.

In the Northern Wilderness Xiuxian Realm, at the top of the third-level middle-grade spiritual mountain "Baisong Mountain" in the Baiyun Mountains of Yan State.

In a cave cultivation room, there was a strange fox the size of a house cat, with Qi training but extremely weak breath, as if injured, with an extra vertical eye on its forehead.

As time passed, the fox's aura gradually returned to normal.

After a little half a month, the fox suddenly turned green, and a sound of breaking came from its body.

Then, its gentle breath quickly rose, entering the strength of the late stage of Qi training.

The three-eyed fox also woke up after the vision was restored. It felt that the foundation injury that had troubled it for decades and the half-broken meridian injury in its body were all restored. It was ecstatic and couldn't help but howl happily.

The next moment, a phantom appeared in front of it.

Ling Pengyun's figure appeared.

Ling Pengyun looked at his mutant spirit beast "Three-eyed White Fox" that he had obtained for decades. Nearly half of the injuries in his body were restored, and the bottleneck that had been stuck in the middle stage of Qi training for many years was also broken due to the recovery of the meridian injury. He couldn't help but be secretly surprised.

"The effect of the third-grade top-grade healing pill Yimu Huashang Pill is indeed strong. It is worthy of my risking my life to attract the two evil cultivators of Jintu to attack me for Senior Huoyang, so that I could get this pill."

This three-eyed white fox was the one Ling Pengyun got when he killed Luo Minghui, the foundation-building master of the Luo family in Huaishui County, when he was still in the foundation-building stage.

However, the three-eyed white fox had been set up with a master-recognition restriction by Luo Minghui. When its master Luo Minghui died, the three-eyed white fox was also backfired by the master-recognition restriction, and nearly half of its meridians were destroyed, causing the foundation to collapse, and it was difficult to improve its cultivation.

As a result, it was stuck in the middle stage of Qi training for decades.

Ling Pengyun saw that the mutated "third eye" on the fox's forehead could shoot attacks that affected other people's consciousness, and he had been searching for spiritual objects that could restore meridians over the years.

It's just a pity that spiritual objects that can restore meridians are at least third-grade and extremely rare.

It was not until a year ago that Ling Pengyun got this kind of elixir "Yimu Huashang Dan" from the old Taoist Huoyang.

After he returned to the Northern Wilderness Cultivation World from the Boundless Sea, he gave one of the third-grade top-grade Yimu Huashang Dan to the fox to take.

Thinking back, the three-eyed fox, who was recovering from his injuries, saw his master coming and quickly crawled to Ling Pengyun's feet, expressing his gratitude to Ling Pengyun.

Ling Pengyun was very satisfied with this move, and he also said with a bit of seriousness.

"The third-grade top-grade Yimu Huashang Dan you took this time is of extraordinary value. If you don't practice well after your injuries recover, I will not let you off easily."

"Within five years, you must break through the foundation! I will provide the resources for cultivation."

The three-eyed white fox could understand the scolding words.

As a spirit beast that mutated in the direction of spiritual consciousness, it had already opened up its intelligence when it entered the realm of Qi training.

It naturally knew that the healing pill Ling Pengyun gave it was of the third-grade upper-grade state.

Then, it nodded to Ling Pengyun and agreed to this matter.

With a little confidence, it used the innate magic "sound transmission" to transmit the sound to its master Ling Pengyun.

"Master, it doesn't take five years. I can enter the foundation-building stage within three years."

"Within thirty years, I will definitely enter the state of perfect foundation-building!"

Hearing this, Ling Pengyun smiled and said. "So confident?"

"In the past few decades, although I had difficulty improving my cultivation because nearly half of my meridians were broken, I did not do nothing. The boring daily practice made my foundation extremely solid and the spiritual power in my body extremely sharp and pure."

"In addition, the Yimu Huashang Pill that you gave me also cleared the hidden injuries in my body. In fact, there were fewer impurities in my body, which played a similar effect to washing my marrow. At least it can increase my cultivation speed by about 10% before the golden elixir."

"Under such circumstances, I don't think I will encounter a bottleneck in the Qi training realm."

"And the bottleneck after I entered the foundation building realm, I think it will not be difficult for me to break through."

The three-tailed white fox, who was only in the late stage of Qi training, explained in detail.

"The Yimu Huashang Pill does have a slight effect of washing my marrow, but it should only be useful for low-level monsters like you."

"Since you are sure, I will see how fast your cultivation progresses in the future."

Ling Pengyun said with a smile.

"The little fox will definitely not let the master down."

The three-tailed white fox nodded and transmitted the message.

Ling Pengyun smiled, patted the storage bag on his waist, took out dozens of first-level spiritual fruits that he had prepared long ago, handed them to the three-tailed white fox, and then left the meditation room.

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