Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 585 Yin Yang Ming Destroys the Ball (2600 words, please subscribe)

His treasure mirror is called "Yin Yang Hua Xuan Mirror", which can emit Yin Yang Hua Xuan light with extremely strong destructive power.

This treasure realm is the life magic weapon he made after entering the foundation building stage according to the refining method in the Yin Yang Hua Xuan Sutra. It can be regarded as a very good superior life magic weapon in the first level of life magic weapon.

However, this life magic weapon is a combination magic weapon.

The initial form of this magic weapon is Xuan Shui Mirror and Xuan Huo Mirror.

Xuan Shui Mirror and Xuan Huo Mirror can only be regarded as top-level middle-level magic weapons, which can transform into a large number of Xuan Shui Arrows and Xuan Huo Balls for attack.

This time, Ling Chengxia directly merged this treasure mirror, consuming a full 10% of his spiritual power, which stimulated the Yin Yang Hua Xuan light.

Immediately, Ling Chengxia transferred even more powerful spiritual power into the Yin-Yang Transformation Mysterious Mirror, consuming the remaining 90% of the spiritual power in his body, and continuously stimulated three more powerful Yin-Yang Transformation Mysterious Lights, which actually directly broke through the various defensive means held up by the third-level foundation-building golden-haired tiger and blasted it to death.

In the distance, Jin Da, Jin Er, Jin San, Jin Si and the phantom of the golden dragon were also killing the thousands of golden-haired tigers.

In just a few dozen breaths, hundreds of Qi training golden-haired tigers were killed by them.

The middle-stage foundation-building and two early-stage foundation-building golden-haired tigers that attacked them together were even more suppressed by Jin Da and his group, and had no power to fight back.

With the participation of Ling Chengxia who broke away from the hand, they soon slaughtered all the golden-haired tigers.

But just as Ling Chengxia and his group were happy about the great victory, a tiger howl full of anger came from the depths of the Winged Shadow Tiger Territory.

Ling Chengxia, Jin Da and the other four dragons, who were in the midst of the corpses of the golden-haired tiger, all trembled and turned their heads to look.

But they did not see any other movement. Even if Ling Chengxia used the Qi-seeing technique on his eyes, it was difficult to detect the movement in that direction.

However, Ling Chengxia and the four dragons were a little uneasy.

The five looked at each other, and then put away the joy after the victory of the battle, and began to be alert to the surroundings.

About a hundred breaths later, Ling Chengxia, whose spiritual sense was as strong as that of a sixth-level foundation-building cultivator, moved his expression and immediately urged the "Yin Yang Hua Xuan Bao Jing" in front of him to attack a huge rock hundreds of feet away in the east.

The powerful Yin Yang Hua Xuan Guang instantly smashed the huge rock, penetrated through it, and hit the back of the huge rock.

But at this moment, a dark light curtain suddenly appeared in the empty land, blocking the Yin Yang Hua Xuan Guang.

Then, the light in the light curtain was distorted, revealing a black-haired tiger with wings, a body size of more than ten feet, exuding the pressure of the late stage of foundation building, eyes full of anger, but with a hint of surprise.

This tiger did not expect that the hidden means it used would be discovered by Ling Chengxia so quickly.

However, this tiger did not delay too much. Ling Chengxia, who destroyed the golden-haired tiger clan under its command, deserved to die.

Immediately, it directly spit out nine second-level high-quality black flying knife magic weapons, blending into the night, and killing Ling Chengxia and others.

"The winged shadow tiger in the late stage of foundation building!"

"This is bad."

Seeing the sudden appearance of the black-haired tiger with wings, Ling Chengxia frowned and said secretly.

As an old-fashioned golden elixir demon clan, the winged shadow tiger clan is not only extremely powerful.

Moreover, the speed of this tribe is also extremely fast, about 20% to 30% faster than the flying speed of the monsters of the same level.

With the speed of Ling Chengxia and the four golden dragons, it is impossible to escape from the hands of the winged shadow tiger.

"Master, you leave first. Jin Er and I will stop the sick cat first, and we will come to find you later."

Jin Da, who is extremely intelligent, used a defensive method to cover the surroundings and block the nine flying knife magic weapons that appeared and disappeared. Then he sent a message to Ling Chengxia.

"The situation is not that bad yet, and everything is still uncertain. We still have a chance to fight."

"There is no need to talk about escape."

At this point, Ling Chengxia's frown suddenly relaxed, and an endless killing intent burst out of his body, and a wicked and terrifying smile appeared on his face.

"It is said that the corpses of the Winged Shadow Tiger clan are most suitable for refining the keel of a flying boat."

"I just don't have a second-level flying boat, so this sick cat is here to give me a gift."

"Jin Da, Jin Er, Jin San, Jin Si, follow me to fight that sick cat... to the death."

As soon as the words fell, Ling Chengxia took a soul-restoring pill to restore the spiritual power consumed in the battle just now.

He pinched his fingers again and performed the desperate method, raising his cultivation to the second level of foundation building.

With this cultivation, Ling Chengxia's attack became more powerful and fierce.

He urged the Yin-Yang Transformation Mirror to shoot three Yin-Yang Transformation Lights that were comparable to the full-strength attack of a mid-stage foundation building cultivator, and directly broke the defensive light curtain held up by the late-stage foundation building winged shadow tiger.

However, just when the three Yin-Yang Transformed Mysterious Lights that still had some power were about to hit the Winged Shadow Tiger, the tiger spit out a dark gold full body armor from its mouth and put it on its body. With this armor alone, it blocked the three Yin-Yang Transformed Mysterious Lights.

"With a life-defining magic weapon, this tiger is indeed from the old-fashioned Jindan demon clan."

Ling Chengxia groaned, and his murderous intent increased a bit.

The tiger had one more life-defining magic weapon, and for him, beheading the tiger would be an extra benefit.

His eyes also became fanatical, and while he was activating the Yin-Yang Transformed Mysterious Mirror, his hands were even constantly making hand gestures.

In just a moment, a fire dragon several feet in size with bared fangs and claws was immediately beaten out by him.

The four golden dragons on the side were not idle either. They also used the desperate method inherited from their bloodline to raise their cultivation from the second level of foundation building to the peak of the third level of foundation building, and they were only one step away from reaching the fourth level of foundation building.

Then, the four of them transferred more powerful spiritual power into the body of the "golden dragon phantom" formed by the fusion spell on the side.

With enough spiritual power as support, the size of the golden dragon phantom, which was originally eight feet in size, suddenly increased to eleven feet in size, and its aura also entered the level of the seventh level of foundation building.

"Kill that sick cat."

Jin Da, with a ferocious face, roared at the golden dragon phantom.

The golden dragon phantom heard the order, his eyes became fierce, and he immediately killed out.

Jin Da, Jin Er, Jin San, and Jin Si were worried that the Winged Shadow Tiger had too high a cultivation level, so they stood behind with Ling Chengxia and cast gold-attributed spells to fight the enemy.

They also had good attainments in spells, and their strength was not inferior to their physical combat.

Suddenly, a sky full of golden arrow feathers appeared quietly.

Under various attacks, the Winged Shadow Tiger with two second-level top-grade life magic weapons also fell into a disadvantage.

However, this tiger was not a good person either. It also used the desperate method of the Winged Shadow Tiger clan to raise its cultivation level from the seventh level of foundation building to the eighth level of foundation building.

It also relied on this cultivation level to reverse the situation.

Unfortunately, today it encountered Ling Chengxia, the God of Killing.

Ling Chengxia pinched the God of Killing finger again, and his cultivation level was raised again.

In just a moment, his cultivation level crossed two small realms and entered the fourth level of foundation building.

A small sphere formed by a large amount of fire and water spiritual power was also thrown out by him.

Although the winged shadow tiger at the eighth level of foundation building sensed the terrifying power contained in the sphere, it had no time to stop it.

In just a blink of an eye, the sphere spanned hundreds of feet and touched the armor on its body.

At this moment, the sphere with water and fire spiritual power suddenly lit up, and the water and fire spiritual power coexisting in it suddenly lost balance, and the two spiritual powers suddenly clashed.

A very strong explosive spiritual power also appeared immediately.

There was a "boom".

The winged shadow tiger at the eighth level of foundation building was immediately submerged by a large amount of fire and blue spiritual light.

When everything was settled, the winged shadow tiger also appeared.

However, the winged shadow tiger now lost its majestic appearance and was left with only embarrassment.

Most of its hair was burned clean, and its second-grade full-body armor was damaged by the explosion, and its spiritual light became extremely dim.

"A Yin-Yang Ming-Mie Ball has not killed this tiger yet. It is really a tough life."

Ling Chengxia, who had used up all his spiritual power by casting the Yin-Yang Ming-Mie Ball, muttered.

Yin-Yang Ming-Mie Ball is a superior life-defining magic spell attached to his cultivation method.

And his cultivation was able to be improved again because of the auxiliary secret technique Yin-Yang Huaxuan Diagram condensed in his inner elixir when he was in the state of Qi training.

This diagram can not only speed up his cultivation speed, but also activate this diagram to enhance his strength in times of crisis.

However, it will take at least three months to nurture the Yin-Yang Huaxuan Diagram before it can be used again to speed up cultivation.

And using this diagram to cast the technique to improve strength did not cause any damage to Ling Chengxia's body.

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