Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 586 Obtaining the Frost Giant Whale Flag (2800 words, please subscribe)

Then, he slapped the storage bag on his waist, took out two Huiling Pills from the storage bag and swallowed them, and threw out a Yin-Yang Ming-Mie Ball, which directly shattered the inner alchemy magic power of the Wing Shadow Tiger to protect its body.

Jin Da, Jin Er, Jin San, and Jin Si, the four golden dragons, used the "Golden Dragon Shadow" of the late foundation building stage together, and took this opportunity to hit the Wing Shadow Tiger fiercely, knocking it away directly.

Then, the dragon directly entangled the Wing Shadow Tiger and strangled it directly.

Ling Chengxia's murderous face also raised a touch of joy.

"Finally, I killed this tiger."

However, the time he spent fighting with the four golden dragons was too long, and the monsters in the nearby dozens of miles were basically attracted.

In a moment, two or three thousand Qi training monsters surrounded Ling Chengxia and others from all directions.

Seeing this, Ling Chengxia did not show any fear, but his killing intent reached the extreme.

A trace of blood-red gas then appeared around him.

Ordinary monsters would unconsciously feel fear in their hearts as soon as they saw it, and their strength would be reduced by at least 10%.

He was like a living killing god, stepping on a ferocious fire dragon, leading the four golden dragons behind him and the phantom of the golden dragon to actively meet the two or three thousand Qi training monsters that attacked.

After a hundred breaths, the two sides met, and the roars were accompanied by screams and wails that resounded through the sky.

When all the noisy sounds fell, the two or three thousand monsters were all dead and fell.

The battle site also became a pool of blood.

Only a terrifying young man with a weak breath and blood on his body walked out of it, but his killing intent soared into the sky and even scattered the clouds in the sky.

Behind him, there were four golden dragons with excited faces and roars of rampant dragons.

Several monsters in the early and middle stages of foundation building, which came from farther away, saw this situation, their eyes trembled, and fear unconsciously appeared in their hearts.

Then, the terrifying young man looked over.

They were immediately furious, and without thinking too much, they turned around and ran away.

The terrifying young man showed a look of boredom on his face.

"I thought... I could get a few more foundation building monsters!"


Time passed slowly.

Five years passed in a blink of an eye.

In the Baiyun Mountains, on the top of the Baiyun Pine, a third-level middle-grade spiritual mountain, in a quiet room in a cave.

Ling Pengyun held the third-level refining inheritance of the Ling family in one hand, and kept drawing on a blank book with the other hand.

After a while, the blank paper on the blank book was finished by him.

However, he seemed to be dissatisfied with the contents of the blank book, and threw it aside.

Beside him, there were thousands of books like this.

If it weren't for the large space in the quiet room where he was, it would not be able to hold so many books.

At this time, he took out another blank book from the storage bag and continued to draw on it.

After three months of doing this, he finally achieved his goal. He looked at the contents he had just written on a blank book, and his face showed satisfaction.

"After seven years, I finally relied on the refining methods of various magic weapons in this book to deduce a magic weapon suitable for refining with the third-level frost spirit wood as the main material."

Although the third-level refining inheritance that Ling family obtained from the Baiyun Spirit Fox clan recorded the refining methods of dozens of magic weapons.

But there is no method to refine magic weapons with the rare spirit wood as the main material, such as the frost spirit wood.

Ling Pengyun, who had four third-level inferior frost spirit trees, naturally would not waste them.

Originally, he had obtained six third-level inferior frost spirit trees from the Xuanbing Giant Whale Clan, but two of them were used to exchange spiritual objects with Master Jiamu and Master Qingjiu.

After thinking back, Ling Pengyun turned into a beam of light and left this place.

A few hours later.

In the territory of Lingxiao Qianxing Lake, somewhere in Lingyun Island, deep in a frost forest with hundreds of trees.

Ling Pengyun looked at the four third-level inferior frost spirit trees in front of him, looked at them, and finally cut down three of the frost spirit trees that only condensed inferior Jiamu crystals.

The frost spirit tree that condensed medium Jiamu crystals was left by him.

The quality of the Jiamu crystal condensed by the spirit tree when it enters the Jindan realm is closely related to the future path of the spirit tree, and is no different from the Jindan of the cultivator.

A spirit tree that only produces low-quality Jiamu crystals has no chance of breaking through to the middle Jindan realm in a short period of time. It takes at least a thousand years of accumulation before it has a chance to break through.

This time is just a blink of an eye for a long-lived spirit plant like a spirit tree, but for a cultivator like Ling Pengyun, it is longer than his lifespan.

The three frost spirit trees that only produce low-quality Jiamu crystals can only be used to reproduce the first-level frost spirit trees at most, and their value is not great.

That is why Ling Pengyun cut down the three third-level low-quality frost spirit trees.

Then, Ling Pengyun entered a quiet room in a cave deep in Lingyun Island.

After recuperating in this quiet room, he took out a red-based refining furnace with flame patterns on the surface and floated it in front of him.

He just pinched his fingers, and the flame patterns engraved on the surface of the refining furnace suddenly lit up.

Countless dark red blazing flames suddenly gushed out and gathered at the bottom of the refining furnace, slowly heating up the temperature inside the furnace.

This red refining furnace was made by Ling Pengyun in recent years with dozens of kilograms of third-level inferior blazing fire treasure iron bought from the two forces with which he had a good relationship, Bailingmen and Qingxin Taoist Temple, using spirit stones.

This furnace was also named "blazing fire refining furnace" by Ling Pengyun, and its main function is that it is engraved with a third-level blazing fire treasure pattern.

This treasure pattern can absorb fire spirit energy into the body at ordinary times. When refining, a large amount of blazing fire can be transformed through the third-level blazing fire treasure pattern to help refine the weapon, without the need for the refiner to consume spiritual power to activate the spiritual fire to refine the magic weapon.

When the temperature in the furnace reached a certain level, Ling Pengyun took out the three third-level low-grade frost spirit trees, as well as the golden elixir, whale skin, and soul of a giant black ice whale in the early stage of the golden elixir that he had killed in his early years, from his storage bag, and threw them into the furnace one by one to melt the impurities in these spiritual objects.

This step took a long time, and Ling Pengyun spent half a year to deal with it.

Then, it took another half a year to condense the magic weapon with the three frost spirit trees into nine flagpoles, whale skin as flag cloth, golden elixir liquid into it, soul into flag, etc., and then it was over.

A full nine third-level low-grade magic weapons with a breath comparable to the breath of third-level middle-grade magic weapons also came out of the blazing fire furnace.

Ling Pengyun was delighted when he saw this. He immediately opened the furnace and summoned nine blue flags with a pattern of a giant black ice whale on each flag.

He also immediately walked out of the quiet room and appeared in an open space.

The next moment, a cloud of disasters gathered in the sky where he was.

This cloud of disasters was the magic weapon thunder disaster caused by the nine flags entering the third level.

Soon, the first thunder of disasters fell.

However, the power of this thunder of disasters was not as strong as the thunder of the cultivator entering the golden elixir. At most, it was only about 50% of the power of a golden elixir cultivator.

Ling Pengyun injected a spiritual power into each of the nine flags, and the nine flags suddenly flashed with spiritual light.

A giant black ice whale of the fourth level of the golden elixir, which was more than 60 feet in size and whose whole body was transformed by spiritual power, quickly emerged and crashed into the thunder of disasters falling from the sky.

With a loud bang, the thunderbolt was easily blocked by the giant whale. ’

The subsequent thunderbolts did not hurt the giant whale at all.

It was not until the last three thunderbolts, which were all comparable to the fourth level of the Golden Core, that they threatened the giant whale.

The giant whale was also injured as a result.

However, after all the thunderbolts of the magic weapon fell, the thunderbolt clouds in the sky also turned into a piece of nectar, which fell on the body of the giant whale, recovering its injuries and even helping the whale to consolidate its foundation.

This made the whale's somewhat illusory body, which was transformed by spiritual power, become more solid.

"It is better to survive the magic weapon thunder tribulation with the magic weapon's own power."

"In this way, after the baptism of the magic weapon thunder tribulation, after the nine flags are nurtured with spiritual power in the future, the giant whale transformed by the nine flags should be able to reach the peak of the fourth level of the golden elixir or the fifth level of the golden elixir."

"After careful calculation, although this flag is not a life magic weapon, its power is probably equivalent to the life magic weapon of the same level."

"That's not bad, another treasure."

Ling Pengyun, who was standing aside, saw the situation of the giant whale and his eyebrows were more happy.

He also waved his hand and took the giant whale back into the nine flags.

Looking at the nine long flags, thinking carefully, he also named these nine superior third-level lower-grade magic weapons "Frost Giant Whale Flags".


Thanks: Book friend 2023051, Book friend 160428133731056, General Kuangdao, Fuhuayimeng730, Cotton Candyzly, Wang Lei-ad, Book friend 875eD, Military Soul Past Years, Book friend 20180622123352790 for their monthly tickets.

Thanks to the future Weipan for his 7800 points reward

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