Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 60: Turtle Spirit Shield, Jade Hairpin (Please read on!!!)

The layout of the Yunwu Artifact Refining Hall is no different from that of the Lingxiao Rice Hall. There is just a counter inside the store, but the spiritual objects inside the counter are different.

There are many kinds of spiritual rice and spiritual plants in the Lingxiao Rice Hall, and most of the magic weapons placed on the counter in the Yunwu Artifact Refining Hall are magic weapons.

As soon as Ling Rushui and Ling Pengyun entered the Yunwu Artifact Refining Hall, they were noticed by Wen Ruojing, the steward who was cleaning the shop in the Yunwu Artifact Refining Hall.

When Wen Ruojing saw that the visitor was Ling Chengshui, an "old acquaintance", he put a smile on his face and said with a smile.

"Brother Ling, why do you come to me when you have time, but you want to come here to buy magical weapons? To tell you the truth, in the first half of the year, my weapon refining hall has received several excellent first-level middle-grade magical weapons, including attack, defense, and auxiliary weapons. , both sinister and insidious. Would you like to buy one?”

Ling Ruishui led him casually and then said. "Brother Wen, I already have half of my feet in the ground, why should I buy a magical weapon? It's the descendants of my good friend who want to buy a magical weapon."

After hearing the reply, Wen Ruojing noticed Ling Pengyun behind Ling Ruxian, looked up and down, and saw that although Ling Pengyun was wearing ordinary linen robes like a casual cultivator, his temperament was extraordinary and his cultivation was unfathomable. It is difficult to immediately judge the cultivation level of this sixth-level qi-training monk. It is obvious that the cultivation level of the young man in front of him is at least in the middle stage of qi-training.

Young and highly cultivated.

As soon as these two signs came out, Wen Ruojing remembered that when the previous "Wen Xianren" who was stationed at Yunwu Market was alive, he once told him that Ling Pengyun, a member of the Ling family with the surname Peng, had a good relationship with Ling Ruishui, and they often came to him. Come to Yunwu Market.

For a moment, he immediately guessed that the "young man" in front of him was "Ling Pengyun", the most talented person in the Ling family's Peng generation, but he pretended not to know.

It's not a good idea to reveal the identity of someone you want to hide.

Furthermore, as a monk in the family, he naturally also knew why Ling Rushui wanted to help Ling Pengyun hide his identity.

In this world of cultivating immortals, families and sect monks are symbols of wealth and are most vulnerable to being intercepted and killed by evil cultivators.

According to Ling Rushui's idea, in this realm of the Wen family, which is far away from the family, it is possible to hide something without revealing that Ling Pengyun is a family monk.

"This young man looks familiar, but have you ever been to my weapon refining hall?" In order to avoid any differences between Ling Ruishui and Ling Ruoshui, Wen Ruojing asked normally.

"Yes, I have been here once in more than two years. However, the price of the magical artifacts in your store was too expensive. I was short of money at the time, so I had to give up. I wonder if the turtle spirit shield and the jasper hairpin in your store are still available. exist?"

The Turtle Spirit Shield and the Jasper Hairpin were the magical weapons that Ling Pengyun had been obsessed with since he first came to the Yunwu Weapon Refining Hall two years ago.

The Turtle Spirit Shield is the best first-level middle-grade defensive magic weapon in the Yunwu Weapon Refining Hall. Like Ling Pengyun's black iron shield, it is the most superior magic weapon at the same level. Its defensive power is comparable to ordinary first-level high-grade magic weapons. Magical weapon.

The jasper hairpin is a magic weapon that stores spiritual power. It has the same effect as the elixir "Qi Rejuvenation Pill" that restores spiritual power. However, this storage magic weapon can be recycled. This hairpin is also in the first-level mid-level. .

This jade hairpin is extremely important to monks like Ling Pengyun who are on the path of "Dharma Cultivation". As long as they have enough spiritual power, they can cast spells one after another, like a "spell fort".

This spiritual storage weapon is also the foundation of the Yunwu Wen Sect, and the method of refining it is also extremely rare.

Not to mention the entire Huaishui County, even in the entire huge Jingzhou territory, there are only five forces at most who master the refining method of this thing.

When Wen Ruojing heard this, his eyes suddenly flashed with light, and he smiled calmly. "Those two magical artifacts are still there. My dear friend, you really have a good eye. These two magical artifacts are the best in my shop."

After saying this, he put down the cleaning broom in his hand, walked quickly to the counter of the store, and took out a shield engraved with turtle patterns and a six-inch long hairpin like jasper from the counter. Pass it to Ling Pengyun.

"Please see, little friends, this turtle spirit shield is made of the shell of an earth-armored turtle in the middle stage of Qi training, and is made of earth-black iron, black gold and other spiritual irons. The jasper hairpin is made of first-level The main material is high-grade Jasper Jade, and is refined using Wen's special method. Both of these magical artifacts are top-grade among the same-level magical artifacts, and their prices are quite higher. The former and the latter are both priced at One hundred and fifty spiritual stones, I wonder if I can accept it?”

When Ling Pengyun heard the price, he frowned slightly and turned to Ling Ruishui for help in lowering the price.

Ling Rushui noticed Ling Pengyun's gaze, nodded, and spoke immediately.

"Brother Wen, I understand that the price of your Wen family's spirit storage magic weapon is so high. After all, things are rare and expensive. But although this turtle spirit shield is excellent, the price is too high. Ordinary first-level mid-level defense The magic weapon can only cost a hundred spirit stones at most. Although this turtle spirit shield is excellent, it can directly increase the price by fifty spirit stones. It is really too expensive. If you add ten or twenty spirit stones, you can buy one. It’s a first-level high-grade attack weapon, and one hundred and thirty spiritual stones is about the same.”

"One hundred and thirty spiritual stones? Brother Ling, your bargaining price is too harsh. If I sell it at this price, it will be difficult for me to explain it to my family." Wen Ruojing cried bitterly.

"One hundred and thirty spirit stones is too little. Brother Wen thinks I don't know. The turtle spirit shield in this store has been in this store for three or four years. Normally, although there are many The young cultivators expressed their love for this shield, but they were all deterred by the high price. If my good friend's descendants don't buy it today, I'm afraid this shield will be gathering dust here for who knows how long." Ling Chengshui didn't care. road. "Besides, we are old acquaintances. Even if you sell this shield for one hundred and thirty spiritual stones, I'm afraid you can still make a fortune from it."

Wen Ruojing smiled awkwardly, but in order to maximize the benefits of this shield, he still increased the price. "Since Brother Ling said so, I will be more relaxed, but Brother Ling also raised his hand and let me earn more spirit stones. Add five spirit stones, 135 spirit stones, and I will sell this turtle spirit shield. However, next month when I go to Brother Ling's rice hall to buy white jade spirit rice, you have to give me a discount."

"No problem, 30% off for less than 50 kilograms." Ling Rushui smiled.

Hearing this, Wen Ruojing also smiled.

One spirit stone per kilogram of white jade spirit rice, 30% off for 50 kilograms can save 15 spirit stones.

This transaction is equivalent to an exchange of interests between the two parties. Wen Ruojing will naturally not lose, but Ling Rushui will suffer a little loss. After all, the magic weapon was not bought by him, but he has to bear the loss.

Ling Pengyun naturally understood this truth and kept this good intention in mind.

The fifteen spiritual stones Ling Rushui lost this time were equivalent to Ling Pengyun's salary for one and a half months.

This favor was too great.

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