Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 61 Wen Nianling (Please read on!!!)

"Xiaoyun, pay the spirit stone." Ling Rushui turned his head and said.

Ling Pengyun nodded knowingly, patted the storage bag on his waist, summoned two hundred and eighty-five spiritual stones, and placed them on the ground.

Wen Ruojing looked at the small pile of spiritual stones on the ground, filled with joy. He was already secretly calculating how many spiritual stones he could earn from this transaction.

The Turtle Spirit Shield and the Jasper Hairpin are both of the highest quality, and the minimum price set by the family for him cannot be sold for less than one hundred and thirty spiritual stones respectively.

Any spiritual stones obtained above this price will belong to Wen Ruojing alone.

"I can buy a few Huangya Dan for Xiao Nianzhi again." Wen Ruojing said secretly.

At this time, Ling Pengyun put the turtle spirit shield and jasper hairpin in his hand into the storage bag, then took out four pieces of palm-sized snake skin from the storage bag, handed them to Wen Ruojing in front of him, and asked. "Senior, I still have a magic weapon that I would like to ask your family's weapon refiner to help refine. I wonder if your family's weapon refiner can use these four blue-scale demon python skins to refine it into magical shoes that can gather water spiritual energy."

Everything the monks wear and even their jewelry have the style of magical weapons.

Using these four pieces of demon python skin to refine a pair of magical boots is something that Ling Pengyun has long wanted to do. However, Ling Pengyun did not have many spiritual stones before, so he had to give up. Although he is an weapon refiner, he can refine it. The level is not high, and it does not gather water spirit patterns.

When Wen Ruojing heard Ling Pengyun's words, she thought to herself, "We can make another fortune."

The smile on his face became brighter and he smiled. "Little friend, when you say this, you are a bit underestimating me, the Wen Sect. I, the Wen Sect, have the refining diagrams for dozens of magical weapons, and I happen to have the refining diagram for the Condensed Water Spiritual Qi Magic Shoes. As long as we have the materials, I, the Wen Sect, will naturally have capable people to refine them. Your four pieces of blue-scale demon python skin are enough to refine a pair of magical shoes. However, the price of entrusting my Wen Sect's weapon refiner to refine these magical shoes is not cheap. , I need thirty spirit stones, do you think that’s okay?”

"Okay, I wonder if your family can refine these magical shoes quickly. The younger generation is in urgent need of these magical shoes." Ling Pengyun said.

Wen Ruojing's expression became brighter, but he quickly covered it up and pretended to be in a dilemma. He thought for a moment before speaking. "Most casual cultivators come to this Yunwu Market, and not many wealthy masters will entrust me, the Wen family, to refine magic weapons. They mostly buy finished products, so there is no Wen family weapon refiner in this Yunwu market. Under normal circumstances, if a monk really entrusts me with refining a magical weapon, I will usually hand over the materials for refining the magical weapon to a special person and send them back to the mountains of my Wen clan, and then hand them over to the weapon refiner in the family for refining."

"But... for Brother Ling's sake, if I can get ten more spirit stones, I can ask an armorer from Clan Mountain to leave the mountain and come to Yunwu Market to help me. You are refining the magic weapon."

When Ling Pengyun heard that the price was 30% higher, he frowned slightly and hesitated for a moment before speaking. "Okay. But I want to see the Qi Condensing Magic Shoes early tomorrow morning. If the refining fails, the refining master who failed to help me refine the magic weapon will need to help me refine the magic weapon once for free in the future. I don’t know if it’s possible?”

Wen Ruojing frowned and wanted to refuse directly. After all, if the refining failed, it would be a big loss.

But just when he was about to speak out, Ling Ruishui beside him said in a deep voice.

"Brother Wen, it's a bit disgraceful for you to take advantage of the fire to rob someone. This small request from my little friend's descendants is not too much."

Seeing Ling Ruishui's dark face, Wen Ruojing had no choice but to agree. If he didn't agree, he might not be able to place the order.

"This time I have to spend less spiritual stones to find those members of the family who have a higher success rate in refining magic weapons." Wen Ruojing said to himself.

Afterwards, Ling Pengyun handed over the forty spiritual stones entrusted to refine the magic weapon to Wen Ruojing.

There is no deposit required for entrusting a powerful force like the Wen Sect. Just mentioning the "Yunwu Wen Sect" is a golden sign. The Yunwu Wen Sect's weapon refining family is also famous within thousands of miles. How could it be possible for just forty yuan? Lingshi, pit Ling Pengyun.

Before leaving, Ling Pengyun also spent 330 spiritual stones to purchase 20 materials for refining the green bamboo sword and 10 materials for refining the round iron shield in the weapon refining hall. Thanks to Ling Ruishui's eloquence, Wen Ruojing gave in this time and reduced the price of twenty spiritual stones from the original price of three hundred and fifty yuan.

A portion of the Green Bamboo Sword refining material requires ten spirit stones. The defensive weapon "Round Iron Shield" requires more materials due to its larger size, so fifteen spirit stones are required for each portion.

After purchasing the magic weapon, entrusting Wen's weapon refiner to refine the magic weapon, and purchasing the materials for the weapon refinement, Ling Pengyun, Ling Ruishui and Wen Ruojing respectively greeted Wen Ruojing and exited the Yunwu Weapon Refining Hall.

After leaving the Yunwu Artifact Refining Hall, Ling Pengyun and Ling Ruishui went to the Green Bamboo Talisman Pavilion and bought ten water arrow talismans and ten water shield talismans. The magic talismans worked wonders when they killed the demon cultivator not long ago. But the effect is significant.

If it weren't for the high price of first-level middle-grade spiritual talismans, Ling Pengyun would definitely buy a few more.

Because Ling Ruishui used the excuse of "purchasing a large number of spiritual talismans" as a counter-offer, the item that originally cost 110 spiritual stones was counter-offered to 105 spiritual stones, saving five spiritual stones. There are so many stones.

Afterwards, he went to the other shops in the market and bought all the first-grade low-grade and medium-grade spiritual fruits from these five shops, and purchased twenty-five first-grade low-grade spiritual fruits. The spiritual fruits and seventeen first-level mid-grade spiritual fruits cost a total of two hundred and one spiritual stones. Because the spiritual fruits were rare, they were not discounted and the bargaining was not successful.

Today's crazy consumption can be said to have consumed all the spiritual stones on Ling Pengyun's body. There was only one spiritual stone left in the bulging storage bag.

Although Ling Pengyun felt distressed, thinking about this harvest, he felt that it was worth it.

Needless to say, the magic weapon and the entrusted refining magic shoes purchased this time are used to enhance combat power.

The purpose of refining materials is to improve the skill of refining weapons.

Purchasing spiritual fruits is to improve the progress of cultivation.

Furthermore, he still has fourteen medium-quality green bamboo swords in his storage bag. He is waiting for Ling Rufan to come and offer them as offerings soon and sell these fourteen green bamboo swords to the family. The fourteen green bamboo swords in his storage bag Spirit stones can grow rapidly.

On the market, a medium-quality green bamboo sword can be sold for thirty spiritual stones.

In the dark night.

A beautiful and beautiful cultivator wearing a blue robe, tall and curvy, with black hair shawl, ordered a huge roc to land outside the entrance of Yunwu Market.

The old man Wen Ruoli who was guarding the Yunwu Market saw that the person coming was Wen Nianling, who had the best weapon refining talent among the younger generation in the clan. He raised a smile on his face and asked curiously.

"Nian Ling, why are you here?"

Wen Nianling is the eldest of the four "Ruo", "Xian", "Zhi", and "Nian" generations of the Wen family. He is also the only one of the "Nian" generation to become a talented person.

Although her cultivation talent is not good, she only has four spiritual roots, but she has a small talent in weapon refining. She is only twenty-eight or twenty-nine this year, so she is a first-level middle-grade weapon refiner, and the weapon refiner The success rate is extremely high, even among the weapon refiners of the Wen clan, a well-known weapon refiner family, it ranks at the forefront.

Wen Nianling raised his hands to Wen Ruoli and asked respectfully. "Tenth Great-Ancestor, I was summoned by my Ninth-Great-Ancestor to come to this market to refine a magical weapon for a monk."

"Brother Ninth can ask you to refine the weapon, but I'm afraid that the monk who entrusted him with the weapon will be cheated of a lot of spiritual stones." Wen Ruoli said with a smile.

"Ten great-grandfather, this is a serious business between my ninth great-grandfather and I. You agree with me, so there's nothing wrong with it." Although Wen Nianling knew that Wen Ruoli was joking, she still couldn't help but retort.

Wen Ruoli joked. "Okay, okay, you little girl, you are so sharp-tongued. I don't know what kind of person your future husband is, who can conquer this little girl like you."

After saying this, Wen Ruoli left a few words of laughter and turned into a light and shadow in front of Wen Nianling's eyes.

Wen Nianling's cheeks turned slightly red and she said to herself with a hint of helplessness. "This tenth-great-grandfather is really old and disrespectful."

Sighing softly, she regained her composure and quickly walked into the entrance and exit of the market, followed the avenue, entered the Yunwu Artifact Refining Hall, and met "Wen Ruojing", the owner of the Yunwu Wen's shop.

Wen Ruokingjing, who was waiting anxiously, looked overjoyed when he saw Wen Nianling arriving. He waved his hand and handed the weapon refining materials given by Ling Pengyun to Wen Nianling and asked in words. "Nian Ling, you are here now. There are still about three hours left before the sun rises. Are you still confident that you can refine the magic shoes when the sun just rises?"

"Of course." Wen Nianling nodded confidently.

Wen Ruojing heard the answer and told it in detail. "That's very good. Although I am your great-grandfather, my brother still settled the accounts clearly. The person who commissioned the refining of magic shoes spent a total of forty spiritual stones, of which ten spiritual stones were expedited. So, according to the thirty spiritual stones Stone calculation, I will take 30%, that is, I will get nine spiritual stones, and the rest will be yours. The refining must be successful this time. The person who entrusted it may have resentment about the expedited fee, so he paid the expedited fee. , and also added a condition, if the refining fails, you will refining the magic weapon for him again for free in the future."

"It's a small matter. Even if the refining fails this time, it will just waste a few more hours in the future. Besides, Ninth Great-Ancestor, you still don't believe in my refining skills." Wen Nianling said with a very grand smile.

After Wen Nianling said this, he went up to a guest room on the second floor of the Yunwu Artifact Refining Hall, sat quietly for a while, and then started refining the instrument.

It is naturally difficult to refine magic boots from four pieces of demon python skin, so General Wen Nianling has already prepared several auxiliary materials.

In just two hours, she refined a pair of magic boots with sparkling spiritual charm.

After she handed it over to Wen Ruojing, Wen Nianling hurriedly left Yunwu Market, and she was anxious to return to her family to refine the magic weapon.

What I am doing today is just to make extra money and have a stable income, but it still has to come from the family.

Thanks to the drunk guy for the big 500 point reward.

Thanks: The time has arrived, book friend 20200817183312699, Brother Huang, a working man, and worry-free monthly tickets.

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