Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 590: Powerful Soul Contract Wu Hong's Path (2800 words, please subscribe)

Yan State.

In the Bailing Mountains, deep in the Bailing Sect, outside a cultivation cave, many people gathered.

Such as Lingfu Patriarch who was stationed at the Jiaomang Lake Branch, Bailing Zhenren who was stationed in the Baiyun Mountains, and Bailing Sect’s chief steward, Baiyuan Zhenren, who was in the Fake Dan Realm, and even Yang Siling and Wu Hong’s mother and son, all gathered here.

These people had different expressions. The expressions on Bailing Zhenren and Baiyuan Zhenren’s faces were more expectant.

And Lingfu Patriarch, Yang Siling, and Wu Hong’s family were more worried.

“Dad has been in seclusion for three or four months. I wonder how Dad is doing now?”

Wu Hong, who was already in his fifties or sixties, inherited his parents’ appearance, had grown into a handsome young man, and had an inexplicable breeze flowing around him. Looking at the cave in front of him, his worries reached the extreme, and he couldn’t help but sigh.

When Tianfu Patriarch and Yang Siling heard this, the worry on their faces became even more.

On the other hand, the somewhat fat Bai Ling Zhenren, who had a big belly and looked like a wealthy man in the mortal world, comforted Wu Hong, who had the wind spirit root.

"Don't worry, your father has the ordinary golden elixir spirit object you gave him, plus the golden elixir spirit object supported by the sect, and the golden elixir spirit object your grandfather found for him. He has three ordinary golden elixir spirit objects in his hands. In addition, your father has also cultivated the sect's method of cultivating spiritual consciousness and the method of tempering meridians to perfection. Even if he breaks through the golden elixir, he has about a 40% to 50% chance."

"Not to mention, this time your father only refined the monster golden elixir and achieved the false elixir realm."

"This time your father is estimated to be a sure thing to enter the golden elixir."

At this point, Bai Ling Zhenren asked Wu Hong with a little kindness.

"By the way, Wu Hong, how far have you cultivated your spiritual consciousness cultivation method and the meridian tempering method?"

Wu Hong, who was originally worried, heard this question and his expression moved slightly. He did not answer directly, but looked at his grandfather Lingfu Patriarch beside him.

When he saw Lingfu Patriarch nodded, he replied to the questioning Bailing Zhenren.

"Report to the uncle master, I have comprehended the spiritual consciousness cultivation method and the meridian tempering method to the sixth level. It is estimated that in about five years, I can comprehend them to the seventh level and reach the level of great success."

When the rich master Bailing Zhenren heard this, his face was suddenly overjoyed, and he also smiled and said to the Lingfu Patriarch beside him.

"Junior brother Lingfu, your descendant is really talented."

The sad face, scholarly air, and teacher-like Lingfu ancestor Wu Tian smiled and complimented Bailing Zhenren.

"This is all thanks to the cultivation of the sect."

When Bailing Zhenren heard this, his smile became even more intense, and he also spoke calmly, as if joking.

"Haha, junior brother, you are too kind. Wu Hong has always been by your side. Now Wu Hong's achievements have little to do with the sect."

"The sect can only provide martial arts books and the like."

"Many disciples in the sect headquarters are probably very unfamiliar with nephew Wu Hong. Even those who don't know will think that some genius has come to my Bailing Sect when they see nephew Wu Hong in the sect headquarters. This is a funny thing."

After hearing this, Lingfu ancestor, including Yang Siling, and Wu Hong, all trembled.

How could they not hear that Bailing Zhenren was saying that Wu Hong, a cultivator with wind spirit roots from Bailing Sect, was not close to the sect.

This matter was a big problem.

If Bailing Zhenren, who had reached the late Jindan realm, really believed this, he might even take action against Wu Hong.

After all, Lingfu Patriarch and he were not in the same faction, and Lingfu Patriarch's grandson Wu Hong was also not close to the sect.

Lingfu Patriarch, who looked like a teacher, did not dare to be careless and explained immediately.

"Sect Master, you are joking. Who among the cultivators of my Yan Kingdom does not know that Hong'er is from Bailing Sect."

"When mentioning Hong'er, the first thing to mention is Bailing Sect."

"The prefix is ​​also Bailing Sect Wu Hong."

Bailing Zhenren smiled, glanced at Lingfu Patriarch, then looked at Wu Hong, and said meaningfully with a smile on his face.

"Brother Ling Fu, your lineage is now flourishing. I don't want to see Uncle Ling Zhen kill his fellow disciples."

"You two should swear an oath with your cultivation and sign a contract to swear allegiance to the sect on this Yuanhun contract."

"In addition, nephew Wu Hong needs to follow me to guard the Baiyun Mountains."

"If you agree, when Wu Hong breaks through the Jindan in the future, the sect can provide three ordinary Jindan spiritual objects without impurities, spiritual water, and spiritual fruits to help nephew Wu Hong break through the Jindan."

"And if you don't agree, your lineage can add one more fake Dan Zhenren from Wu Hong's father to guard the Jiaomang Lake branch."

"Jindan Zhenren... If there are more, it would be a waste of talent."

In order to help Wu Yan achieve the fake Dan realm, Ling Fu Laozu consumed two ordinary Jindans that he had collected with great difficulty. Seeing that Zhenren Bailing agreed to help Wu Hong with three Jindan spiritual objects so easily, his face was immediately overjoyed.

As for serving the sect, it was his duty as a core member of the sect, so he didn't care about the threat at all.

He immediately agreed for Wu Hong.

"Thank you, Senior Brother Bai Ling, for your help. Junior Brother and Hong Er are willing to make a heaven and earth oath and sign a soul contract to swear allegiance to the sect until death."

Wu Hong, who had been silent, agreed with what his grandfather Lingfu said.

Upon hearing this, Bailing Zhenren nodded with satisfaction. He also waved his hand and took out a jade box from his storage bag. After opening it, a piece of paper made of green spiritual power suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

This green paper is the Yuanhun Contract. The Yuanhun Contract requires at least a Jindan cultivator to consume his own Yuanhun to condense it.

And every time a cultivator's Yuanhun is consumed, it will be one less.

This also makes this item extremely rare. Even the Bailing Sect, an old Jindan force that has been established for hundreds of years, does not have many.

Only when the lifespan of the Jindan cultivators in the sect is about to run out, will they consume the Yuanhun origin and sacrifice a few Yuanhun contracts for the sect.

And the effect of this item is also amazing, even stronger than the constraints of the Heavenly Dao Oath on the cultivator.

Once a cultivator signs a contract on this Yuanhun Contract and then violates it, the cultivator's Yuanhun will lose at least 30% of his Yuanhun.

The lost soul will be difficult to recover, and the cultivator's path will be flawed in the future. He will have no chance to enter a higher realm, and his strength will be greatly reduced by more than 30%.

With such a powerful effect, the soul contract has become one of the common means of restraining each other among high-level cultivators.

Bai Ling Zhenren used his spiritual consciousness as a pen to write some words on the soul contract, and then handed it to Ling Fu Laozu and Wu Hong.

"Junior brother Ling Fu, nephew Wu Hong, sign the contract."

Ling Fu Laozu carefully read the contents of the soul contract and saw that there were no small traps hidden in the dark. He also passed a trace of soul into it with Wu Hong, and signed the contract with that trace of soul as a seal.

The soul contract also flashed green light and turned into three light balls, which entered the sea of ​​consciousness of Bai Ling Zhenren, Ling Fu Laozu, and Wu Hong respectively.

The fake Dan realm Bai Yuan Zhenren who had not spoken was not happy about this. Instead, he looked worried and sent a message to Bai Ling Zhenren.

"Master, in order to buy the Nascent Soul Technique Fire Cloud Treasure Book from Ling's hands a few years ago, the sect has lost three Golden Core Spirits. A few months ago, Wu Tian entered the Golden Core, and the sect supported another Golden Core Spirit. Now there are no Golden Core Spirits in the sect."

"The forces in the Northern Wilderness Cultivation World that will auction Golden Core Spirits have already auctioned off a Golden Core Spirit. If you want to wait for those forces to release Golden Core Spirits, it will take at least several decades."

"In this case, if you want to buy it within five years, , in order to collect three golden elixir spirit objects for Wu Hong, he had to go to the resource-rich Wubianhai area to cultivate immortals. "

"Master, more than ten or twenty years ago, when the sect wanted to exchange the Fire Cloud Treasure Book, you went to Wubianhai and spent a lot of money to buy three golden elixir spirit objects, which attracted the attention of the forces there. "

"If you go to Wubianhai to buy golden elixir spirit objects and show up in front of the public, it will be very dangerous. "

Because Baiyuan Zhenren only relied on the monster's golden elixir to make a fake elixir, his strength was also relatively low.

Bailing Zhenren did not send Baiyuan Zhenren to a more dangerous place, but left him in the Bailing Sect headquarters to manage the sect's affairs.

In this way, Baiyuan Zhenren is also very familiar with the situation of the sect.

Bailing Zhenren also heard the concern of his disciple Baiyuan Zhenren, and his heart was slightly warmed.

But in a flash, a trace of cruelty flashed in his eyes.

"I know the dangers of going to the Boundless Sea to buy golden elixir spirit objects."

"However, I have never thought of using golden elixir spirit objects in the Boundless Sea Xiuxian World."

At this point, he suddenly paused and said no more.

Although Bai Yuan Zhenren didn't understand, he didn't dare to ask more, so he had to hide his doubts in his heart.

"Where did the master get the golden elixir spirit objects from?"

"Could it be from the other Xiuxian Worlds?"

"But those Xiuxian Worlds have either been in conflict recently or have few resources. It doesn't make sense."


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