Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 591 Bailingmen suspected of hiding the golden elixir? Wu Yan's brother-in-law enters th

Time flies.

In the blink of an eye, a year has passed.

During this time, the news that Wu Yan, the son of Wu Tian, ​​the Lingfu Patriarch of Bailingmen, successfully entered the Golden Elixir realm resounded throughout the territory of Yan State.

The news that this person will hold the Golden Elixir Ceremony in three months has also spread.

Three months is just a blink of an eye in the world of immortal cultivation.

Soon, it was the day of Wu Tian's Golden Elixir Ceremony.

At this moment, the azure sky of the Bailing Mountains.

A beam of light passed through the sky and finally stopped outside the gate of the Bailingmen Mountain, where people came and went.

Its figure also appeared, and it was a flying boat.

On the flying boat stood a young man with a fairy-like appearance, a plump and tall woman, and a very serious young man surrounded by murderous aura.

These were Ling Pengyun's family of three.

At this moment, four beams of light flew out of the gate of the Bailingmen Mountain.

The visitors were Bailing Zhenren, Baoyuan Zhenren, Lingfu Laozu, and Wu Yan, the newly promoted Jindan, from Bailing Sect.

Bailing Zhenren, who had entered the eighth level of Jindan by relying on the wealth gained from the Red Gold Bear Clan's counterattack on the Baiyun Mountains, had a very strong spiritual sense. With just one look, he noticed that the aura of Ling Pengyun's wife Yan Siyi was as strong as the Jindan level.

After watching it twice, he believed it. After being stunned for a while, he also congratulated Yan Siyi and Ling Pengyun.

"Congratulations to Madam Ling for entering the Jindan level, fellow Daoist Ling, you are so lucky. It will be hard for you to be bored in the future with Madam Ling accompanying you on your journey. You will be envied by others!"

After saying this, when he looked at Ling Pengyun, he was shocked again.

"Daoyou is worthy of being the first genius of Yan country. It has only been more than ten years since we last met. I didn't expect that you have broken through to the middle stage of Jindan."

"In time, Daoyou will become the first person in Yan country."

"When the time comes, Daoyou must not forget us old friends."

When the three Jindans beside him, Baoyuan Zhenren, Lingfu Laozu, and Wu Yan, were shocked when they heard what Bailing Zhenren said.

You know, it has only been more than 30 years since the birth of the first Jindan in the Ling family.

If Yan Siyi is included, the Ling family now has three Jindans.

This is extremely extraordinary.

However, when Baoyuan Zhenren and others thought about the fact that the sect paid three Jindan spiritual objects in exchange for the Ling family's Fire Cloud Treasure Book more than ten years ago, they also roughly guessed the details of Yan Siyi's breakthrough to Jindan.

It was the fact that Ling Pengyun broke through to the middle stage of Jindan that really surprised them.

Ling Pengyun has only been in Jindan for a short period of 20 to 30 years.

At this time, for ordinary Jindan cultivators, it would be a blessing to be able to break through a realm.

Not to mention breaking through directly from the first Jindan level to the middle Jindan realm.

After a long while, the three of them finally came to their senses, and they also congratulated Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi.

Ling Pengyun was also satisfied when he saw this.

This time he came to attend his brother-in-law Wu Yan's Jindan ceremony in person, first because of the relationship, and second to show his own strength and deter Bailingmen.

In recent years, Bailingmen has gained a lot of benefits in the battle of conquering Baiyun Mountains and blocking the Red Gold Bear Clan from counterattacking Baiyun Mountains.

This sect has also relied on those benefits to develop extremely fast.

This is not only the development at the Jindan level, but also the number and strength of its disciples are growing.

As a result, Bailingmen has become a little dishonest. On weekdays, its disciples often conflict with other Jindan forces.

Even directly robbed the spiritual land of other forces.

If this matter was not approved by the sect's top leaders, Ling Pengyun didn't believe that the low-level cultivators of Bailing Sect would dare to do those things.

Although the Ling family has not suffered such a situation at present, there are no eternal friends in this world of immortal cultivation.

Once the Ling family hurts the interests of Bailing Sect, Bailing Sect will definitely not take into account the past friendship.

Therefore, Ling Pengyun must take the lead in showing his own strength.

Then, he said humbly.

"Senior Bailing, you really embarrassed me. I just broke through by luck."

"If we talk about the future number one in Yan State, it should be Senior Bailing, the eighth-level Jindan cultivator."

After saying this, he looked at "Wu Yan" who had just entered the Jindan on the other side, but just by looking at it, Ling Pengyun found that the fake Dan realm aura exuded by Wu Yan, the fake Dan real person, carried a strange aura of monsters.

It was as if the aura of monsters was fake.

However, Ling Pengyun was not sure about this.

Because the fake elixir realm cultivators have achieved the golden elixir realm by offering sacrifices to the golden elixir of monster beasts, the aura of the fake elixir realm cultivators is generally tainted with a trace of the aura of monster beasts.

Thinking back, Ling Pengyun also took out a jade box from the storage bag and handed it to Wu Yan's brother-in-law, congratulating him.

"Congratulations to my brother-in-law for entering the golden elixir realm and achieving the golden elixir path. This is a gift from my younger brother. I hope my brother-in-law will not despise it."

"We are all family, how can we despise it? I am very happy that your family can come to my golden elixir ceremony, cousin Pengyun."

Wu Yan's face was more happy when he heard the congratulations. He stretched out his hand to take the gift, smiled and said, and then opened the jade box.

What came into view were three medicine bottles, each of which contained a third-level low-grade cultivation elixir "Juyuan Dan".

Wu Yan, who was originally short of third-level elixirs, smiled crookedly when he saw this.

"Cousin Pengyun, you really spent a lot of money."

Ling Pengyun said with a smile. "They are all made by the clan leader of our clan. If you, brother-in-law Wu Yan, get spiritual materials in the future and want to make third-level pills, you can come to our clan to find the clan leader of our clan. I will let the clan leader give priority to making third-level pills for you."

"Cousin, isn't this a bit bad?" Wu Yan's excited eyes flashed, but he still said something.

"This is not a big deal. Family members should help each other."

Ling Pengyun said with a smile.

"Thank you, cousin. In the future, if you want to entrust me to make spiritual talismans, you can come to my clan to find me or my father."

When Wu Yan heard this, he accepted the matter and also gave benefits.

His father, the ancestor of spiritual talismans "Wu Tian", also said with a happy face. "Yes, Fellow Daoist Ling, if you need to refine talismans in the future, just come to us, don't be polite."

"Haha, I just happen to have some spiritual materials for drawing third-level talismans, so I'll have to trouble you, Fellow Daoist Lingfu and brother-in-law."

Ling Pengyun was waiting for this moment. He smiled and took out dozens of frost spiritual tree branches left over from the storage bag when he refined a set of magic weapons "Frost Giant Whale Flags" a few years ago, and handed them to the two Lingfu ancestors.


"Is this a branch of a third-level frost spiritual tree?"

"Fellow Daoist has a third-level frost spiritual tree in his hand?"

Lingfu ancestor looked at those branches, his eyes flashed slightly, and asked.

"Yes, but I used them to refine magic weapons. These branches are what's left of those spirit trees. If the number of these branches is not too small, I would not think of refining them into third-level spirit talismans."

"And I hope that fellow spirit talisman Daoist can help me refine a few third-level spirit talismans with ice attributes with these frost tree branches I gave this time. I wonder how much it costs for you to refine the spirit talismans?"

Ling Pengyun did not tell that the family also had a third-level frost spirit tree that produced medium-level Jiamu crystals. Ling Pengyun regarded that tree as a trump card.

Because this tree produced medium-level Jiamu crystals, its strength was higher than that of the same-level frost spirit tree, and it was comparable to the first-level Jindan false Dan realm cultivator.

"What a pity."

"Fellow Daoist, if you see a third-level ice-attributed spiritual tree in the future, please find it for me. I will definitely reward you handsomely later."

"Forget the cost of refining this talisman entrusted to me this time. Please keep the matter of finding the tree in mind."

A trace of disappointment flashed across the face of the Spirit Talisman Ancestor, and he pleaded with Ling Pengyun again.

He knew that Ling Pengyun had many channels in the resource-rich Boundless Sea, and the probability of getting good things was also higher.

However, Ling Pengyun felt a little strange when he heard this.

The practice of the Spirit Talisman Ancestor was fire, and water and fire could not be mixed, which was known to the world.

And the Frost Spirit Tree was a spiritual material for refining magic tools and spiritual talismans. Even if it was refined into a spiritual talisman, the power of the Spirit Talisman Ancestor could only be exerted by 70% to 80%.

Moreover, the other golden elixirs of Bailingmen did not use water-based practices.

For a moment, he was extremely curious about this matter.

His eyes also swept over several Jindan of Bailing Zhenren, and immediately, he noticed that the old fox of Bailing Zhenren also showed a hint of disappointment in his expression.

"Is this matter related to Senior Bailing?"

"Could it be that Bailingmen hides Jindan who specializes in water-based exercises? Or spiritual beasts?"

Thinking about it this way, Ling Pengyun felt that it was somewhat possible.

After all, it is normal for old-fashioned Jindan forces like Bailingmen to have Jindan hidden in the dark.

"The development time of the family's dark hall is still too short, and we didn't get any information about the secrets of Bailingmen before."

"But afterwards, we have to let the family's dark hall check whether Bailingmen has consumed a lot of water-based and ice-attributed spiritual objects in recent years."

This time of thinking was just a flash, and after coming to his senses, Ling Pengyun responded to the Lingfu Patriarch.

"Don't worry, fellow Daoist Lingfu. As long as I find a third-level ice-attributed spiritual tree, I will definitely find it for you."

Ancestor Lingfu thanked him. "Thank you."

Then, the group entered Bailing Gate together.

Half a year later.

One night.

Deep in Lingxiao Qianxing Lake.

An unclear black shadow, through a token, broke through the island protection formation of Lingyun Island, the Ling clan's land, and successfully entered it. It passed through a quiet room in a cultivation cave and entered a dark underground quiet room.

In this quiet room, there was already a young man with a fairy-like appearance, black hair, and a face that looked easy to get along with, and a middle-aged man who looked honest but quite imposing, as if he was in a high position, waiting here.

The black shadow that sneaked into this place also showed up. This was a middle-aged cultivator with a plain appearance, and he could even be said to be someone who would not even look at him more in a crowd, and his cultivation was only the seventh level of Qi training.

When this person saw the two people in the quiet room, he immediately showed respect on his face, raised his hands, and bowed to the two people.

"I am Ling Wanxun, the younger generation of the Ling family, and I would like to pay my respects to the ancestors Pengyun and Cheng Yuanbo."

The young man with a fairy-like appearance waved his hand and asked the ordinary middle-aged man.

"No need to be polite. In the past six months, have you heard about the consumption of water and ice spiritual objects by Bailingmen?"

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