Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 592 Ling Pengyun's plan for the Ten Thousand Beast Sect (2800 words, please subscribe)

The ordinary middle-aged man's face remained the same as before. After thinking about it carefully, he spoke carefully to the immortal young man and the middle-aged Wei Yan.

"I heard about it. According to the elder of the Bailingmen General Affairs Hall who I bribed with benefits, through various connections, Bailingmen began to intentionally collect some water and ice-type materials through their subordinates and shops in various places decades ago. The uses of the corpses and inner elixirs of snakes and pythons are unknown."

"Whenever a certain amount of water and ice-based corpses and inner elixirs are collected, these corpses and inner elixirs will disappear from the accounts."

"As for the other water and ice spiritual objects, Bailingmen has not collected them."

"However, this sect stopped collecting water and ice monster corpses and inner elixirs two years ago. This is a strange thing."

"In addition, through various channels, I recently discovered that the Bailing Sect seems to be gathering the elite disciples within the sect."

"Originally, some of the elite brothers of the Bailing Sect who were still tasked with guarding spiritual veins and important places in various places were replaced by others in the past six months, and they returned to the sect."

"As for the reason, this junior has not yet found out."

"But this junior guesses that Bailingmen is planning to start a war."

"Ancestor Pengyun, Uncle Cheng Yun, please also ask the clan to take precautions."

The immortal young man and the dignified middle-aged man were none other than Ling Pengyun and Ling Chengyuan.

And this Ling Wanxun is one of the six deputy hall masters of the family secret hall. He is responsible for commanding some of the secret hall men in the Golden Pill Force of Bailingmen, as well as the major foundation building forces and even the Qi training forces under his command. .

Among the people in this secret hall, a few are members of the Ling family, and the majority are people bribed with benefits.

The six deputy hall masters of the dark hall are divided according to their merits and have nothing to do with their strength.

After all, in the dark hall, which is dedicated to inquiring about information, strength does not play a big role. It mainly depends on the individual's ability.

Five of these six hall masters are responsible for inquiring about information within the boundaries of the remaining five golden elixir forces in the Yan Kingdom.

Another deputy hall master was sent by the Ling family to the border of Chen Kingdom next door to inquire about the news.

As for the leader of this hall, he is Ling Chengyuan, the great elder of the Ling family.

The news conveyed to the Yu clan in this secret hall also passed through the hands of Ling Chengyuan, and the other elders had no idea about it.

This is also to prevent the secret hall members' faces, information, etc. from being leaked, so as to prevent these secret hall personnel from encountering accidents when they go out to inquire for information.

Ling Pengyun's expression changed slightly when he heard the two messages from Ling Wanxun.

He also took out three spiritual peaches, handed them to Ling Wanxun, and praised him.

"You did a good job on this matter. These are three second-level low-grade spiritual fruits. After you take them, they should be able to help you reach the eighth and ninth levels of Qi training."

Ling Wanxun, a young seventh-level qi-training monk, saw that the three spiritual fruits handed over were of such high grade, his face that had not changed for a long time could not help but show a hint of joy, and he also thanked them.

"Continue to investigate the matter of Bailingmen summoning disciples. I will arrange for the family to guard Bailingmen. Stay in the boundary of Bailingmen and pay more attention to safety."

"Okay, please step back first."

Ling Pengyun said.

Ling Wanxun didn't say much, nodded lightly, left the underground quiet room, and hurriedly left Lingyun Island in the dark.

Ling Pengyun, who was still in the underground quiet room, was also analyzing with Ling Chengyuan at this moment.

"The Bailing Sect only collects the bodies and inner elixirs of water and ice-based foundation-building monsters, but does not collect other water- and ice-attributed spiritual objects. In addition, a few days ago, the ancestor of the spirit talisman asked me about the ice-attributed spiritual tree. ”

"The person hidden in this sect is most likely an ice-type snake, python or even an ice dragon."

"Based on what Wan Xun said, Bailing Sect has stopped collecting the corpses and inner elixirs of such monsters in the past two years. It is estimated that the monster has broken through to the realm of Foundation Establishment Perfection or Golden Elixir, and there is no need to use Foundation Establishment. A first-level thing.”

"And the Jiao Python Lake that Bailingmen now occupies was originally occupied by two dragons. Bailingmen is the biggest beneficiary of the destruction of the two dragons in Jiaopython Lake."

"With the blood of the dragons in the two golden elixir dragons, it is not difficult for this sect to cultivate a dragon."

"Under such circumstances, the probability that this sect has an ice dragon is not small. Even if it is not a dragon, it is at least a half-flood."

"This matter is basically a certainty."

Speaking of this, Ling Pengyun wanted to test Ling Chengyuan, the great elder, and asked him a question.

"As for the Bailingmen gathering elite disciples to start a war, they probably also want to plunder a wave of resources to develop themselves to cope with the next monster chaos when the monster chaos is approaching."

"Cheng Yuan, which force do you think the Bailing Sect is going to take action against when the monster chaos is approaching?"

Ling Chengyuan thought carefully for a moment and then expressed all his thoughts in detail.

"My nephew thinks there are three possibilities. The first one is that Bailingmen plans to attack Xuanyangmen."

"After all, the two sects are enemies. The old Taoist Xuanyang of the Xuanyang Sect was injured when the Red Gold Bear Clan counterattacked the Baiyun Mountains. Now, the old Taoist Xuanyang of the Xuanyang Sect may not have much life left. The force will also be affected.”

"But Bailingmen is on the contrary. Now this sect has another Jindan. The leader of Bailingmen, Bailingmen, has broken through to the eighth level of Jindan. This sect is very powerful."

"However, the possibility of Bailing Sect taking action against Xuanyang Sect is only possible, but not high. Although the Xuanyang Sect's perfect golden elixir master Xuanyang is in poor condition now, the sect is not weak. If Bailing Sect is like this, The battle between the two is bound to be a protracted war, and the chaos of monsters is approaching. It is not worthwhile to fight a protracted war that will harm the people and money. "

"The second one is that Bailing Sect plans to take action against the Golden Horn Mad Bull clan, the hegemon of the Golden Horn Grassland, which is directly adjacent to the Jiaomang Lake branch."

"However, this clan is the same as the Xuanyang Clan. It is difficult for the Bailing Clan to be destroyed. It requires a protracted war."

"The third type is that Bailingmen plans to attack the weakest Ten Thousand Beasts Sect in the Yan Kingdom."

"This is probably the biggest one. After all, the sect-protecting spirit beast of the Wan Beast Sect is dead, and only its sect leader, the real Wan Beast Master, is left in charge of the sect."

"Furthermore, according to the information from An Tang, when the real Wanshou occupied the Purple Scorpion Ridge and was besieged by the ice and snow white lion clan, in order to survive, he continuously used many desperate methods and damaged his foundation. Now he is injured like this It’s never been better.”

"This person is probably a strong person but a capable person now."

"With the powerful strength of Bailing Sect's five golden elixirs, it is not difficult to destroy this sect."

"It just so happens that this sect is close to Bailingmen. After Bailingmen destroys this sect, it can easily absorb the land of Ten Thousand Beasts Sect and gain a large amount of resources."

After hearing this, Ling Pengyun nodded with satisfaction. What Ling Chengyuan said was exactly the same as what he thought.

Then, he spoke again.

"Then do you think I, the Ling family, will be involved?"

Ling Chengyuan was a little surprised when he heard this.

He was very familiar with Ling Pengyun, the patriarch who had a very good relationship with his parents. Since Ling Pengyun would bring up this issue at this time, he must have some thoughts about it.

However, this idea went against the stability in his heart.

He also offered words of persuasion. "Uncle Peng Yun, the current strength of the clan is not as strong as that of the Bailing Sect. If we forcefully intervene, I am afraid that we will also be hostile to the Bailing Sect."

"There is even a high probability that the Bailing Sect will take action against our clan when our clan intervenes."

"Uncle Peng Yun, it's best for us to keep an eye on this matter, so as not to cause trouble again."

Although Ling Pengyun had expected what Ling Chengyuan said, she still couldn't help but be a little disappointed in Ling Chengyuan.

As an elder, he also gave him a few words of advice.

"Cheng Yuan, sometimes being cautious is not a good thing, it will also become a disaster."

"Today, the family is indeed not strong, but if it is not strong, how will the family survive the next monster chaos?"

"And in this world of immortality, the only way to accumulate resources in a short period of time is to grab and fight."

“Only with resources can a family be strong.”

"Besides that, you also need to have a longer view."

"The territory of Purple Scorpion Ridge, which is adjacent to the territory of Ten Thousand Beasts Sect, was occupied by a group of ice and snow white lions more than ten years ago. This time I want to get involved. In addition to plotting the resources of Ten Thousand Beasts Sect, I also want to attack this clan. Take action."

"The attribute of this clan is ice, which is the same as the skills practiced by me and Grandpa Yunhong. If Grandpa Yunhong and I can get the bodies of those golden elixir realm ice and snow white lions, I can also refine them into A magic weapon suitable for me and Grandpa Yunhong.”

"In addition, the ice and snow white lions have the same attributes as the black ice demon corpse that Li Bing improved. Those ice and snow white lions are refined into steel ice and snow demon corpses, and their strength is half as strong as the black ice demon corpse of the same level. About 10%.”

"The most important thing is that this clan is deep in the ice and snow of the vast vast swamp, and there are many third-level spiritual creatures."

"There are even several first- and second-level medium-sized mineral veins of the water and ice systems. The ores produced in them are crucial for Grandpa Yunhong and I to refining magical treasures."

"Under such circumstances, do you understand?"

After hearing this, Ling Chengyuan felt like he was enlightened.

He admired Ling Pengyun even more in his heart, and at the same time, he secretly vowed to change his temperament.

"I have learned from Uncle Peng Yun."

He bowed deeply to Ling Pengyun.

"Secretly gathering people and preparing to seize the food from the tiger's mouth."

When Ling Pengyun saw this, he nodded with satisfaction, his eyes flashed scarlet, and he said to him.

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