Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 593: Going to war with this ancestor (3200 words, please subscribe)

After half a year.

A rapid escaping light hurriedly slid across the sky and entered the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect deep in the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountains.

The figure of this person also appeared. He was an old man with white hair and a gloomy face.

He quickly ran to the outside of a cave where the sect's spiritual energy was strongest, and knocked on the door of the cave.

After a while, the cave door was opened.

A middle-aged man with luxurious clothes, firm eyes, and a hint of ferocity on his face walked out.

When the man saw the white-haired old man, he frowned and asked.

"Senior Brother Liu? Is there any movement in Bailing Gate?"

The white-haired old man nodded lightly with lingering fear in his heart and said carefully.

"Junior Brother Liu, according to the news from the front, a large number of medium and large flying boats flew out of Bailingmen half an hour ago."

"Even the Longyuan Flying Boat, the third-level low-grade large flying boat of Zhenzong in Bailingmen, was dispatched."

"However, this Longyuan flying boat did not wait for the other low-level flying boats, but took the lead."

"And the direction that the Longyuan flying boat is heading towards is... the location of our sect."

"According to the speed of that large airship, I'm afraid that the airship will arrive at the place where our sect is in less than a day."

The fierce middle-aged man who was called "Junior Brother Liu" was "Liu Nian", the disciple of Wan Beast, the master of Wan Beast.

The golden elixir spiritual objects collected by the Ten Thousand Beast Sect in recent years were prepared for this person.

This person once attacked the golden elixir, but failed to break through.

Fortunately, there was a golden elixir to save his life, and he was a blessing in disguise, solidifying more than 70% of the spiritual power in his dantian.

Liu Nian, who was frowning, cursed angrily.

"Damn it, this sect is really going to attack my sect."

"It would be nice if I could wait for some time until I have cultivated the tempering meridians to perfection, and collected the two golden elixir spiritual objects with the help of the sect and entered the realm of the golden elixir."

Although the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect had collected two golden elixir spiritual objects a few years ago, Liu Nian was worried that the last time he broke through the golden elixir, he was too hasty, which resulted in consuming expensive golden elixir spiritual objects and failing to break through the golden elixir. , this time he planned to practice the sect's method of tempering meridians to the golden elixir level, and tried to break through the golden elixir.

In this way, he can increase the probability of entering the golden elixir realm by 10%.

If we add the two golden elixir spiritual objects from the sect and a spiritual consciousness cultivation method that has been cultivated to a great extent, the probability of him entering the golden elixir will reach more than 50%.

This success rate is extremely high. As long as he is lucky, Liu Nian has a chance to enter the realm of golden elixir.

Once Liu Nian enters the Golden Core, Ten Thousand Beasts Sect also has two Golden Cores. Even so, it is still difficult to compare with the Bailing Sect, but it is at least enough to make the Bailing Sect fearful.

"If I had known this, I should have taken those two golden elixirs and tried to break through the golden elixir!"

Liu Nian sighed helplessly.

"It is difficult to break through the golden elixir. If you can practice the method of tempering the meridians to perfection, you will have an extra 10% chance of breaking through the golden elixir. This is a steady way. You are doing the right thing. It is useless to talk about this matter. ”

"How is the situation of the sect master now?"

Senior Brother Liu, who was full of white hair and was the leader of the Intelligence Hall of Ten Thousand Beasts Sect, said.

"I don't know either. Master has entered seclusion five years ago after acquiring a golden elixir from the outside world."

"He has not been out of prison for the past five years."

Liu Nian said with a sad look on his face.

"Quickly pass this news to the sect master and ask the sect master for his opinion."

Senior Brother Liu, the leader of the Intelligence Hall, said.

"Understood, senior brother, come with me."

After Liu Nian finished speaking, he took Senior Brother Liu into the cave, and finally walked to the door of a training room in the deepest part of the cave. He also inserted a communication talisman into it.

After a while.

A middle-aged man with a tall build and many wrinkles on his forehead walked out of the training room.

This person is the real person Wan Beast.

After Liu Nian and Senior Brother Liu detailed the movements of Bailing Gate, Master Wan Beast's face immediately darkened.

"Master, how should our sect deal with this matter?"

Liu Nian asked.

Master Wan Beast hesitated for a while, looked at his disciple Liu Nian, and said in a deep voice.

"I am the leader of the sect. As early as when I became the leader of the sect, I signed a soul contract and I will swear to defend the sect to the death."

"Now, my sect is experiencing a great disaster. If I leave at this time, I will also be affected by the soul contract, and my path will be lost in the future."

"Furthermore, since I am the master of the sect, I will stay with the other sect disciples to guard the sect."

"As for you...leave the sect with the two golden elixir spiritual objects from the sect, and go to other cultivation worlds to seek the third-order spiritual vein breakthrough golden elixir."

"If one day you can reach the late stage of the Golden Core, you will come back to avenge us. If you can't... forget it!"

"It will take at least several days for the disciples of the sect who are stationed in various spiritual places in the outside world to rush back to the sect. By this time, the people from the Bailing Sect have already arrived, so let all the disciples from the outside world hide."

"Let the Ten Thousand Beast Sect be disbanded like this."

"Perhaps, this can also leave some incense for the sect."

When Liu Nian and Senior Brother Liu heard this, their faces showed a bit of despair, but they both understood that this was reality.

Half an hour later.

Tens of thousands of miles away from the Ten Thousand Beast Sect, on a hidden barren mountain, a small cave suddenly appeared.

Liu Nian, the disciple of Wanshou Zhenren, also walked out of it.

He stood on the top of this barren mountain, and the cold wind around him kept blowing over his body, blowing up his black hair.

He looked at the direction of the Ten Thousand Beast Sect in the distance, and a trace of mist appeared in his eyes.

"Master, no matter whether I can achieve the Golden Core Dao in the future... I will definitely come back. If the sect is really... gone, I will swear to revenge the Bailing Sect."

As soon as he finished speaking, he disappeared without a trace with the cold wind.


At the same time.

In the Baiyun Mountains that stretch for millions of miles, deep in the Lingxiao Thousand Star Lake, outside the Ling clan's Lingyun Island ancestral temple, more than 300 Ling clan cultivators who are above the middle stage of Qi training are gathering.

In addition to the foundation-building cultivators in the key areas of the Ling clan, the other dozen foundation-building cultivators have also gathered here.

The clan leader Ling Yunhong, the supreme elder Ling Pengyun, and Yan Siyi stood in the first place.

Ling Pengyun stepped forward and spoke loudly to the clan members present.

"The purpose of the family gathering you here this time is to destroy the Ten Thousand Beast Sect."

"This battle is of great importance. Our family can only win, not lose. When the battle comes, all of us muster our strength to kill."

"Once we win a big victory, each person will be rewarded with 500 family contribution points."

"If you kill an additional disciple of the Ten Thousand Beast Sect, the family will also be rewarded."

The more than 300 Ling family cultivators above the middle stage of Qi training were shocked when they heard this.

The Ten Thousand Beast Sect is a golden elixir force that has lasted for thousands of years in Yan State, and its reputation is far-reaching.

Now, they learned from the ancestor that it is a miracle to destroy this sect.

However, when they heard the rewards mentioned by the ancestor Peng Yun, plus the fact that there are three golden elixir in their family, they suppressed their shock and only had the desire to destroy the Ten Thousand Beast Sect.

As long as they win this battle, they will also get a lot of contribution points, which can be used to exchange for family spiritual objects and improve their cultivation.

With the various wars and the operation of Lingxiao Market in recent years, the spiritual objects in the family have become extremely numerous in quality and variety, not less than those in the outside world.

And the 500 contribution points that Ling Pengyun mentioned this time alone are a huge amount for ordinary Qi training cultivators. If some are saved to buy spiritual objects, it is enough to help Qi training cultivators improve their cultivation by one or two levels.

Seeing that the morale of the clan members present was raised, Ling Pengyun also raised a satisfied look on his face. He also patted the storage bag on his waist and took out a small flying boat with dragons and phoenixes carved on it, the size of a fist, and the surface was black.

After injecting a spiritual power into this flying boat, this flying boat quickly grew to a huge flying boat with a length of fifty feet, a height of more than ten feet, a width of two floors, and exuding the aura of the lower level of the third level.

This flying boat is the "Lingxiao Flying Boat" forged by Ling Pengyun in his early years.

However, originally, the grade of this flying boat was only the prototype of a magic weapon.

But now the grade of this flying boat has reached the third-grade lower grade realm.

A few years ago, Ling Pengyun refined various third-grade magic weapons and officially upgraded his refining skills to the third-grade lower grade. He then relied on the third-grade spiritual objects collected by the family to recast this flying boat and upgraded it to the third-grade lower grade realm.

It was divided into two layers. The first layer was inside the flying boat, with small houses.

The second layer was the flying boat plywood. Except for a pavilion in the middle, the rest of the place was extremely empty.

Ling Pengyun called out to the great elder Ling Chengyuan in the crowd in front of him.

"Chengyuan, the family is in your hands."

After that, Ling Pengyun called out to the other more than 300 Qi training clansmen and 18 foundation building clansmen present.

"Follow this ancestor on the flying boat and go to war!"

Ling Yunhong, Yan Siyi, two Jindan, and more than 300 clansmen followed closely.

After a while, this group of people boarded the Lingxiao flying boat, and only Ling Chengyuan, who was guarding the house, was left outside the ancestral temple.

The Lingxiao flying boat also turned into a beam of light and flew away quickly.

"It's hard to snatch food from the tiger's mouth. I hope that Grandpa Pengyun and his people will have a smooth journey this time."

Ling Chengyuan looked at the flying boat going away and muttered to himself.

Then, he entered a spiritual plant garden deep in Lingyun Island and slowly walked to the third-level low-grade frost spirit tree.

The third-level low-grade frost spirit tree seemed to be very familiar with Ling Chengyuan. When it saw Ling Chengyuan coming, it even drooped a branch and shook it for a while, as if to greet Ling Chengyuan.

Seeing this, Ling Chengyuan smiled.

"These years, it's not in vain to feed this tree some second-level spiritual water, or even third-level spiritual water."

Then, he raised a bit of solemnity on his face and greeted the frost spirit tree.

"Han Shuang, now the family depends on the two of us to guard it. When the enemy comes, I hope you will help us with all your strength."

The third-level Han Shuang spirit tree has intelligence, and it can understand what Ling Chengyuan said.

After hesitating for a few breaths, the tree nodded slightly and agreed to this matter, thinking that the Ling family had treated it badly in recent years, and a trace of its life soul was in the hands of the Ling family's golden elixir.

One day later.

Just as night fell and the scorching sun was about to rise in the east.

A huge stream of light arrived near the Ten Thousand Beast Sect in an instant, and its figure also appeared. It was a large flying boat with a length of a hundred feet.

On this flying boat, there were more than a thousand cultivators standing. At the front of the flying boat were Bai Ling Zhenren, the eighth-level golden elixir of Bai Lingmen, Bai Yuan Zhenren of the fake elixir realm, and "Fu Yan Zhenren".

True Man Fu Yan is Ling Pengyun's brother-in-law Wu Yan. The word Fu Yan is also a Taoist name that he took based on his own personality.

True Man Bai Ling raised his hand and took out thirty-six battle flags.

Once the thirty-six formation flags appeared, they turned into thirty-six streams of light, which were distributed throughout the Wanshou Sect, which was several thousand feet wide.

Then, a huge third-level trap formation was formed, and the thirty-six formation flags also supported a huge light curtain to trap the enemy, surrounding the entire Wanshou Sect.

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