Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 594: Ten Thousand Beasts in the Sky (2600 words, please subscribe)

"That boy Wan Beast didn't run away, but he was somewhat responsible."

"Now, the great formation of painting the ground as a cage has been completed. Even if you want to escape in the future, it will be difficult."

On the Long Yuan flying boat, Master Bai Ling's eyes flashed red, looking into the depths of the Ten Thousand Beast Sect, with a hint of joy on his face, and murmured.

Then, he turned his head and gave instructions to the two fake elixir realm Master Baiyuan and Master Fu Yan "Wu Yan".

"When it comes to the battle, you two should be more careful. I think the aura coming from that boy of Wanshou should be that he has recovered from his injuries and regained his fighting strength. He even has a faint feeling of breaking through the fourth level of the golden elixir. In addition, this person Holding the Golden Horn Bow and Golden Horn Arrow, the treasure of the Ten Thousand Beast Sect, he is not weak and needs to be guarded. "

Although Bai Yuan and Wu Yan are just fake elixir realm monks, they can still be regarded as golden elixirs. If they are lost in this battle, it will be a blow to Bailingmen.

After saying this, Master Bailing raised his hand and fired a burst of spiritual power into the flying boat at his feet, causing the Dragon Abyss flying boat to approach the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect.

This place is thousands of feet away from the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect. Although Jindan monks like Master Bailing can attack the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect, the Qi-training monks and foundation-building monks on the flying boat cannot, so they need to control the flying boat to get closer.

Deep in the Ten Thousand Beast Sect.

A cultivation quiet room suddenly opened, and a stream of light immediately flew out of it.

This stream of light is clearly the master of the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect, Wan Beast Zhenren.

He soared above the Ten Thousand Beast Sect and pinched it with his fingers. The light curtain protecting the sect, which was only finger-thick, suddenly became thicker several times, or even ten times.

The spiritual energy within the Ten Thousand Beast Sect was also crazily absorbed by the sect-protecting formation flag hidden in the earth veins deep underground.

At this moment, seeing the sect's formation fully open, Master Wan Beast felt at ease in his heart.

The Ten Thousand Beasts Sect's sect-protecting formation is as high as the third-level high-grade realm. It took the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect thousands of years to accumulate enough spiritual stones thousands of years ago. From the prosperous "Zhongzhou Immortal Cultivation World" "We hired a third-level high-grade formation mage and entrusted him to help refine it.

Moreover, this formation also has a third-level high-grade defensive magic weapon.

As a result, the defensive power of this formation is several hundred times stronger than that of ordinary third-level high-grade formations.

Even if three Jindan Perfection cultivators work together to besiege this formation, it will be difficult to break it within a short period of time.

Master Wan Beast, who was soaring in the sky of Wan Beast Sect, stared at Master Bai Ling who was controlling Long Yuan's flying boat and said angrily.

"Old Ghost Bailing, have you thought clearly? Is the Bailing Sect really going to defeat my Ten Thousand Beasts Sect to the death?"

The real Bai Ling on the flying boat was not afraid at all, but showed a hint of joking.

"It's an exaggeration to say that the fish will die and the net will break. As long as the net is big enough, the only thing that will happen is the fish will die."

After saying that, Master Bailing poured more spiritual power into the flying boat under his feet, making the speed of the flying boat several times faster than before.

Within a few breaths, the flying boat arrived within several hundred feet of the Ten Thousand Beast Sect.

"Disciples of our sect, attack the sect-protecting formation of the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect!"

Master Bai Ling, who was standing at the front of the Long Yuan flying boat, also roared.

The thousands and hundreds of Lingmen disciples standing with him on the Longyuan flying boat immediately understood.

In an instant, nearly ten thousand spells or magical weapons flew out of the Longyuan flying boat and struck the sect-protecting formation of the Ten Thousand Beast Sect.

A series of roaring sounds also sounded.

However, the movement of these thousands of monks bombarding the sect-protecting formation was huge.

But the big formation was safe and sound.

Even the ripples that appeared in the area where the formation was bombarded were pitifully small.

The three or four thousand disciples of the Ten Thousand Beast Sect who gathered outside the gate of the Ten Thousand Beast Sect all breathed a sigh of relief when they watched this scene.

"With the sect-protecting formation here, our sect can definitely avoid this crisis."

These Qi Training Realm and Foundation Establishment Realm monks, under the leadership of several senior officials of the Ten Thousand Beast Sect, launched attacks and counterattacks.

At this time, Master Bailing, who was standing on the plywood of the Longyuan Flying Boat outside the Ten Thousand Beast Sect, looked at this scene with his brows slightly furrowed.

"Based on this situation, if the low-level monks of the sect alone attack this formation, it will probably take at least a year or even several years to smash this formation into pieces."

"Even if Bao Yuan, Wu Yan and I take action, it will take three months to break the formation."

"It's easy for things to happen if time goes by. I can only use those few formation-breaking talismans."

There was a hint of physical pain on his face, and with a wave of his hand, he took out ten talismans that diffused third-level low-grade fluctuations from the storage bag, and punched them out.

The Wan Beast Master, who was flying in the sky above the Wan Beast Sect, saw this and his eyes moved slightly.

"This sect can have ten third-level low-grade formation-breaking talismans. They must have been refined by the spiritual talisman ancestor of this sect. It seems that the talisman-making level of the spiritual talisman ancestor is close to the third-order mid-grade, or has already entered the level. The third-level middle-grade realm.”

Formation-breaking talismans are extremely difficult to refine. Generally, a third-level low-grade talisman maker would have difficulty refining a third-level low-grade formation-breaking talisman.

Master Wan Beast did not dare to be careless. He quickly sacrificed the "Golden Horn Bow", the magic weapon of Wan Beast Sect to suppress the sect. He turned his spiritual power into arrows and shot out a series of extremely powerful arrow feathers, blasting towards the ten formations that were facing the sect. The flying formation breaking talisman.

It's a pity that the Bailing master who came from the outside world didn't just watch.

Master Bailing used a set of third-level mid-grade blazing flying swords to destroy all the arrow feathers shot by Master Wan Beast one by one, and protected the ten third-level low-grade forbidden-breaking talismans by affixing them to the sect-protecting formation of Wan Beast Sect. .

The ten formation-breaking talismans flashed with spiritual light, and in an instant, they spread a huge suction force to the outside world, absorbing the spiritual power within the formation into the spiritual talismans.

The sect-protecting formation of the Ten Thousand Beast Sect, which was as stable as a mountain, was also absorbed by its spiritual power, and its power gradually decreased.

After three breaths, the ten formation-breaking talismans absorbed huge spiritual power and reached their own limits, and cracks appeared on those talismans.

But at this moment, the ten formation-breaking talismans suddenly flashed a bright light and exploded one after another.

Previously, the huge spiritual power absorbed by these ten formation-breaking talismans also surged out in an instant, causing waves to ripple across the sect-protecting formation.

When everything calmed down, the power of the sect-protecting formation had been greatly reduced by about 20%, and the defensive light curtain it propped up gradually became dim.

The real Wanshou who was flying in the sky above the Wanshou Sect had a gloomy expression on his face.

With infinite anger, he yelled at Master Bai Ling outside the sect.

"Old ghost Bai Ling! Even if my Ten Thousand Beast Sect is destroyed today, I will drag down a member of your Bai Ling Sect to support you."

He raised his hand and took out a formation disk. He condensed a magic seal using the secret formula and penetrated it into the formation disk. He muttered.

"All beasts come out!"

The sect-protecting formation protecting the Ten Thousand Beast Sect trembled slightly, and the roars of countless monster beasts suddenly came out.

The next moment, a total of 18,000 demonic beasts in the late stages of Qi training, 1,800 in the foundation-building realm, and ten golden elixir realms continued to emerge from the sect-protecting formation. Appear in the void.

For a moment, the blazing sun in the sky seemed to be blocked, and the surroundings of the Ten Thousand Beast Sect also became dim.

And this is the attack method of the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect's "Ten Thousand Beasts Futian Formation".

Those demonic beast phantoms are all the souls of countless demonic beasts collected and sacrificed by the Ten Thousand Beast Sect over the thousands of years since its founding.

If this were not the limit of the Ten Thousand Beasts Futian Formation, the number of phantoms of Qi Training Realm and Foundation Establishment Realm demonic beasts that appeared at this time would have been doubled or even several times greater.

As for the extremely powerful golden elixir monsters, even the Ten Thousand Beast Sect has not collected many of them over the past thousands of years.

The perfect Ten Thousand Beasts Futian Formation requires eighteen golden elixir monsters.

"Destroy the Longyuan flying boat for this sect leader."

Master Wan Beast glared at the Longyuan flying boat in the distance where Master Bai Ling was, and roared angrily.

Among the phantoms of thousands of monsters, the strongest one, the phantom of a vast giant bear in the ninth level of the Golden Core, led the phantoms of thousands of monsters and turned into a frenzy of monsters, stirring up the wind and clouds, covering the sky, and running through the void. Toward the Longyuan flying boat.

"All the beasts come out, it does look like a lurking sky."

At this time, Master Bailing on the Longyuan flying boat saw this scene and frowned slightly.

He also took out a set of formation flags, but the aura of this flag was nearly twice as strong as that of the previous large formation with a painted ground as a cage. Its grade had already entered the third-level mid-grade realm.

As the spiritual power entered it, the formation immediately spread out and turned into a huge light curtain, protecting the entire Longyuan flying boat.

"Disciple Baoyuan and nephew Wu Yan, follow me to stop the phantoms of those monster beasts."

Master Bai Ling took out several magic weapons in succession, and directly entangled the phantoms of five golden elixir realm monsters, and the souls of thousands of Qi training realm and foundation building realm monsters.

Baoyuan Zhenren and Wu Yan relied on several good magic weapons in their hands to block the phantoms of the five golden elixir monsters.

Even, the three of them have some advantages.

The reason why they are able to achieve such feats is because the phantoms of those monster beasts have no real substance. Even with the blessing of the Ten Thousand Beasts Futian Formation, their strength is only about 80% of what it was when they were completely victorious.

And the Wan Beast Master within the Wan Beast Sect also took this opportunity to use the golden horn bow to continuously bombard the third-level mid-level defensive formation of Long Yuan Feizhou.

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