Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 597: Killing two golden elixirs in a row, the huge benefits of the Ten Thousand Beast Sect (

A sky.

On the Bailing Flying Boat, Ling Pengyun looked at the departing Master Xuanyang and Master Qiu Shui with a look of pity on his face.

"If we can keep these two people this time, the only person left in the Xuanyang Sect will be the Jinyang boy from the fake elixir realm."

"When the time comes, the Xuanyang Sect will be destroyed with just a wave of my hand. It will be a pity."

"But fortunately, this time I killed two golden elixirs from the Xuanyang Sect, and forced the old Xuanyang Taoist to use several desperate methods in succession, causing him to lose some of his essence. His short lifespan is probably also gone. A lot has been lost, but this will bring a lot of benefits to the future.”

"Nine times out of ten, after this incident, Xuanyang Clan will not dare to cause trouble."

After he followed Master Bailing and other golden elixirs and packed up the belongings of Master Tuyang and Master Lieyang, they also rushed back to the place where the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect was located, and together they attacked the place in just three days. The formation of Ten Thousand Beasts Futian.

The monks within the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect and the real Ten Thousand Beasts were also massacred by Ling Pengyun and his group.


Deep in the Ten Thousand Beast Sect, in an underground cave rich in aura.

Ling Pengyun and others gathered here. Their eyes were fixed on the thirty-six array flags in front of them. Sharp golden murderous aura was scattered in the pool. The bottom of the pool was covered with cracks. The aura was low and about to fall back. On top of the third-level low-grade spiritual pool in the second-level realm.

Ling Pengyun also had a look of joy on his face, and he murmured secretly.

"Fortunately, within a short period of time, we were able to destroy the Ten Thousand Beasts Futian Formation. That Ten Thousand Beasts Master is not an formation master. Otherwise, if we had given the Ten Thousand Beasts Master a few days, this pool would probably be destroyed by the Ten Thousand Beasts." The earth-shattering formation formed by the real person with these thirty-six formation flags was completely destroyed."

"Looking at the current situation of this pool, it is estimated that it will take about thirty years to maintain the spiritual temperature of the spiritual veins in this place to restore it."

Thinking of this, he also felt happy on his face. Then, he moved his eyes to look at the Bailing Master a few feet away, and then called the three red-gold demon corpses beside him to stand in front of him.

After finishing this matter, he spoke to the Master Bailing.

"Fellow Daoist Bailing, now that the destruction of the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect is over, it's time to talk about the division of interests!"

"I, Ling, don't have third-level spiritual veins, so I, Ling, want the third-level spiritual vein here."

"My clan also wants this Jinyuan Zhensha Pond, which can produce third-level low-grade Jinyuan Zhensha."

"Our clan can take less of the rest of the Ten Thousand Beast Sect's belongings to make up for it."

"If fellow Taoist is unwilling... then fight..."

Master Bailing felt a little angry when he saw Ling Pengyun being so rude.

However, when he saw behind Ling Pengyun, there were three red-gold demon corpses with extraordinary strength in the golden elixir realm, and five golden elixir warriors, Ling Yunhong and Yan Siyi, the anger in his heart was immediately suppressed by him.

He also turned his eyes, looking at the Hundred Yuan Master and Wu Yan beside him, and saw that they were only at the first level of Jindan.

Because of the previous battle, he used a method to enhance his strength, and his strength was greatly reduced.

If there is a conflict with the Ling family at this moment, his side will definitely suffer, and even his hundred-yuan disciples and Wu Yan may die.

In addition, in the battle just now, Ling's group played a decisive role, and their contribution was indeed greater. Master Bailing had no choice but to agree.

But he also bargained.

"Our sect can give up the third-level spiritual veins here and the Jinyuan Zhensha Pond to the nobles, but our sect wants 70% of the wealth of the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect."

"Moreover, the nobles still need to take over from the Ten Thousand Beast Sect to resist the powerful group of ice and snow white lions in the Purple Scorpion Ridge during the next monster chaos."

"There is no need to talk about this matter. You all need to make an oath to heaven and swear to defend this place to the death."

"If there is a monster chaos next time, and I hear that you guys don't guard this place well, but instead run away and let this place fall into the hands of the Ice and Snow White Lion clan, causing the Ice and Snow White Lions to invade my sect, my sect will fight to the death when the time comes. A single fight will drag you into the water."

The headquarters of Bailingmen is close to the boundary of Ten Thousand Beasts Sect.

Once the boundary of the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect is breached by the Ice and Snow White Lions, Bailing Gate will naturally become the next target of the Ice and Snow White Lions.

This time, Master Bailing was willing to give up the third-level spiritual vein in this place to the Ling family so easily. He also had some thoughts of letting the Ling family stationed at the border to defend against the ice and snow white lions.

Ling Pengyun naturally had no intention of doing this, after all, the Ice and Snow White Lions had been in his plan for a long time.

Immediately, he responded.


Afterwards, Ling Pengyun sent a message to Ling Yunhong and Yan Siyi, arranging for them to return to their clan to garrison, lest the old Xuanyang Taoist lose his longevity and attack the boundary of Lingxiao Qianxing Lake.

Master Bai Ling also took the same action. He sent Master Bai Yuan and Wu Yan back to the sect's territory to station themselves.

The two golden elixirs, Ling Pengyun and Bailing Zhenren, who were still here, turned to loot the warehouses, Kung Fu Pavilion and other places of the Ten Thousand Beast Sect.

At the same time, they also notified the tribesmen and disciples under their command to spread across the realm of the Ten Thousand Beast Sect, to strangle the family forces that were closely related to the Ten Thousand Beast Sect, as well as the Ten Thousand Beast Sect disciples who were stationed in the first and second level Lingshan Mountains.

As a result, a bloody storm descended on the entire Bailingmen realm.

In just a few days, more than twenty foundation-building families and nearly a hundred Qi-training families were wiped out.

Thousands of disciples of the Ten Thousand Beast Sect were killed in the outside world.

As for the ordinary affiliated forces of the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect, they were retained by the Ling Family and the Bailing Sect.

After all, the territory of Ten Thousand Beast Sect stretches for nearly 200,000 miles, which is no smaller than the territory of Lingxiao Qianxing Lake.

There are nearly two thousand spiritual veins among them.

The numerous spiritual veins in this area also need to be managed manually.

After this incident, the reputation of Ling's family and Bailingmen spread throughout the entire Wanshou Sect.

Ling's family and Bailingmen also suppressed the surviving forces in this area with their powerful strength, and became the new owner of this area.

At the same time.

In the Wanshou Sect ruins, countless spiritual objects were piled up in a hall.

Those spiritual objects all exuded a trace of breath, making the spiritual energy of the hall extremely rich, even not weaker than the spiritual energy above the third-level spiritual vein.

At this moment, Ling Pengyun and Bailing Zhenren, two Jindan, stood beside the pile of spiritual objects. They kept picking up spiritual objects one by one, calculating the value of these spiritual objects, and making statistics.

After working for half a day, the two finally finished this matter.

The two Jindan masters also raised an irrepressible smile on their faces.

Therefore, the value of the spiritual objects of the Wanshou Sect is as high as 17 million spiritual stones.

Among them, the monster materials here, the Wanshou Sect's protective formation "Wanshou Futian Formation", the sect's magic weapon Golden Horn Bow, and the nine golden horn arrows account for the majority.

The amount of monster materials in the batch of spiritual objects here is extremely large. Even if we only consider the value of these monster materials, it is as high as more than 3 million.

If there are Hundred Arts people who can refine them into spiritual objects, this batch of monster materials can bring at least 6 or 7 million spiritual stones.

But it takes time, according to the estimates of Ling Pengyun and Bailing Zhenren.

Even with the size of the Ling family and Bailingmen, it will take at least 300 years to turn this batch of monster materials into spiritual stones.

As for how the Wanshou Sect got it, it is also obvious.

A few years ago, this sect also participated in the capture of the Baiyun Mountain Range monster clan and destroyed many monsters.

More than a decade ago, this clan also gained a lot when it destroyed the territory of Zixie Ridge.

As a result, this clan naturally stored a large amount of monster materials, which were difficult to digest in a short period of time.

However, this was a happy event for the Ling family and Bailingmen.

The value of the Wanshou Sect's Wanshou Futian formation was even higher. This formation was already of extremely high grade, and it also had two third-grade top-grade formation tools, the Wanshou Shield and the Wanshou Banner, which made it not only more powerful than the same-grade formation, but also more valuable than the same-grade formation.

Such a large formation, if put on the market, would be worth at least four million spirit stones.

If the five remaining golden elixir monster phantoms in this formation, as well as the thousands of phantoms of the foundation-building stage and the Qi training stage, were added, the value of this formation could be increased by at least 20%, and the value could reach as high as five million spirit stones.

The value of the sect's treasures, the Golden Horn Bow and Golden Horn Arrow, is not inferior to that of the formation. The Golden Horn Bow is of the third-grade upper grade and of excellent quality. Even if it is sold alone, it can be sold for at least 1.5 million spiritual stones.

The nine Golden Horn Arrows are of a slightly lower grade, only the third-grade middle grade, but their quality has reached the upper level after thousands of years of nurturing by the Ten Thousand Beast Sect.

Even if the Golden Horn Arrow needs to be paired with the Golden Horn Bow to exert its miraculous effect, and its value is about 50% lower than that of the same-grade attack magic weapon, each Golden Horn Arrow is worth at least 400,000 spiritual stones.

The nine arrow feathers are worth up to 3.6 million spiritual stones.

If these nine arrow feathers are sold with the Golden Horn Bow, this powerful magic weapon will also be unified, and its value will be greatly increased, at least up to 5 million spiritual stones on the market.

As for the other items worth more than 4 million spiritual stones, they are just some miscellaneous things, such as spiritual talismans, magic tools, formations, etc.

And there are only 70,000 or 80,000 spiritual stones.

Compared with the total value of the spiritual objects here, it is simply a world of difference.

However, Ling Pengyun and Bai Ling Zhenren were not surprised by this.

Even the forces behind the two of them can only circulate tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of spiritual stones.

Of course, this does not represent their wealth, such as some spiritual objects of extraordinary value. There are many forces behind them.

Moreover, the Wanshou Sect has spent a lot of spiritual stones in recent years to buy two golden elixir spiritual objects.

Now, there are still so many spiritual stones in the Wanshou Sect, which is already good.

Ling Pengyun couldn't help but sigh at this moment.

"This Wanshou Sect is indeed worthy of having been in existence for thousands of years in this area of ​​the immortal cultivation world. It is really rich."

"The difference in wealth between this and the Sima family, a golden elixir family that has only risen for a hundred years in the boundless sea area, is really huge."

"It's just a pity that the damn Wanshou Master destroyed the core skills inheritance of this sect. Only some Qi training and foundation building inheritances were left behind because they were not destroyed in time."

Back then, he and Yan Siyi and others only got millions of dollars from destroying the Sima family.

The core inheritances of the Wanshou Sect were all destroyed by Wanshou Master, and the remaining inheritances were not valuable at all.

It can only fill the foundation of some low-level inheritances of the Ling family.

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