Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 598: Division of Interests: The Beast Taming Genius Lin Fan Marries a Wife (2600 words, plea

Then, Ling Pengyun's eyes were fixed on the thirty-six flags of the third-grade upper-grade Ten Thousand Beasts Futian Great Array.

Without much hesitation, Ling Pengyun spoke to the Bailing Zhenren.

"Daoyou Bailing, I will use my clan's 30% share of spiritual objects to ask for this Ten Thousand Beasts Futian Great Array."

Although the Bailing Zhenren was also very eager for the Ten Thousand Beasts Futian Great Array, he thought that the Ling family would be stationed alone in this Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain area in the near future to resist the ice and snow white lion group with eight golden elixir monster kings in the neighboring Zixie Ridge area, and he really needed this thing.

In addition, the value of the Ling family's 30% share was about 5 million spiritual waters, which was equivalent to the value of the great array.

Under such circumstances, he agreed to this matter.

He also collected all the other spiritual stones worth more than 12 million on the ground with dozens of storage bags.

This incident also made the fat face full of joy.

Then, the two divided the spiritual veins of the Ten Thousand Beast Sect.

The Ten Thousand Beast Sect currently has two territories, one of which is the Ten Thousand Beast Mountain Territory where the Ten Thousand Beast Sect ruins are located.

The other territory is the Thick Earth Spirit Turtle Territory that the Ten Thousand Beast Sect opened up in the Baiyun Mountains decades ago.

That territory stretches for tens of thousands of miles, not much smaller than the Ten Thousand Beast Mountain Territory.

True Man Bailing still considered that the Ten Thousand Beast Mountain Territory, which is adjacent to the Purple Scorpion Ridge Territory occupied by the ice and snow white lion group, is more dangerous.

In addition, in the early years, Bailing Sect also took advantage of the Ten Thousand Beast Sect and occupied some territory in the Thick Earth Spirit Turtle Territory.

Therefore, he also asked for the "Thick Earth Spirit Turtle Territory" of the Ten Thousand Beast Sect in the Baiyun Mountains.

This move made Ling Pengyun happy, and he immediately agreed to this matter and asked for the Ten Thousand Beast Mountain Territory that stretched for tens of thousands of miles.

He didn't want the people of his territory to have Bailingmen monks come in and out.

After a while, Ling Pengyun and Bailing Zhenren, two Jindan, also left the hall and went to the north of the Bailing Sect ruins, to a huge valley surrounded by a trap array.

This valley is called the Beast Taming Valley, where the Wanshou Sect imprisoned more than 5,000 Qi training realm monsters and 20 foundation building realm monsters.

If it weren't for the fact that the Ling family and the Bailingmen killed tens of thousands of monsters in the previous battle, the number of monsters here would have reached tens of thousands.

The monsters in this valley are also a major foundation of the Wanshou Sect. On weekdays, this sect also fights mostly with spirit beasts.

It's just a pity that this sect encountered the Bailing Sect and the Ling family.

In addition, this Beast Taming Valley is divided into several areas according to the types of monsters, and each area is arranged with a small second-level trap array to prevent the monsters in it from escaping.

At this time, the sky of the Beast Control Valley was hovering with the third-order lower-grade large Longyuan flying boat of the Bailing Sect and dozens of second-order medium-sized Longyuan flying boats.

One by one, the Bailing Sect monks continuously landed from those Longyuan flying boats and captured the monsters in the Beast Control Valley alive on the flying boats.

This group of Bailing Sect monks captured nearly 70% of the monsters in a row before stopping.

At this moment, Bailing Zhenren also greeted Ling Pengyun.

"Fellow Daoist Ling, since the property of the Ten Thousand Beast Sect and the 70% of the monsters belonging to my Bailing Sect have been transported to the Longyuan flying boat, I will not stay any longer."

After saying that, Bailing Zhenren jumped onto the third-order lower-grade Longyuan flying boat and led the group of Longyuan flying boats to quickly fly away from the Ten Thousand Beast Sect.

After watching the Bailing Sect people leave, Ling Pengyun also breathed a sigh of relief.

"That old ghost Bai Ling finally left."

He had always been on guard against Bai Ling Zhenren.

Ling Pengyun looked around the remaining 1,500 Qi training beasts and six foundation building beasts in the Beast Taming Valley, and a bit of joy appeared on his face.

"With these monsters joining our Ling family, the number of spirit beasts controlled by our Ling family can be increased by several times."

"It seems that the blood of these monsters should be good. I think they are carefully selected and cultivated by the Ten Thousand Beast Sect. In the future, if the monsters in our Spirit Beast Island reproduce with these monsters, the probability of giving birth to monsters with strong blood can be much greater."

"The spirit beasts of our clan are also booming."

After coming to his senses, he greeted a middle-aged man who was about six feet tall, with a serious look on his face, looked very fierce, had an ordinary appearance, wore a Ling family Taoist robe, and exuded the pressure of the fourth level of foundation building.

"Brother Pengcheng, come here."

The serious middle-aged man heard the greeting and immediately trotted to Ling Pengyun and asked Ling Pengyun respectfully.

"Brother Pengyun, is there anything you want to tell me?"

This person is "Ling Pengcheng", who used to be the patrol captain in Lingxiao Market.

In his early years, when he reached the perfection of Qi training, he had passed the best years for foundation building.

However, with the help of Ling's "Lingxiao Renewal of Fate" which can increase the best years for foundation building, and the fact that Ling's family has developed very fast in the past twenty years and has enough wealth to cultivate the family members.

Ling Pengcheng, the elder of the family, was also given a portion of Xiaobailing Water and a Pulse Protection Pill by the family when he was over 70 years old.

Although these two items are of limited help to foundation building, Ling Pengcheng has a very stable foundation, and he has also entered the stage of foundation building by chance.

After entering the foundation building stage, this person was smooth sailing. With the help of the family, he raised his cultivation to the fourth level of foundation building in just over 20 years.

Even among the family foundation building, this cultivation speed is considered fast.

Ling Pengyun nodded and asked him.

"Has the family's second-level beast tamer guest Lin Fan married my Ling family's wife in recent years?"

Ling Pengcheng shook his head and said. "That's not true. Although that guest Lin Fan is very loyal to the family, he is very picky. No matter how beautiful the female cultivator of our family is, he will not even look at her. He still dismissed the female cultivator that the family intended to arrange as his wife, saying that she was not to his liking."

"But I heard from the tribe members who learned beast control from the guest Lin Fan that... Cheng Ping has been chatting with the guest Lin Fan since the family's Earthbeard Spirit Silkworm King entered the middle stage of foundation building. After that, the two of them often get together to chat."

"According to my estimation, there are some signs between these two."

After speaking, Ling Pengcheng couldn't help but smile.

"I didn't expect that there was such a thing?"

"In recent years, I have become a little distant from Cheng Ping."

When Ling Pengyun heard this, he felt a bit inexplicable between his brows, and he muttered to himself.

After coming to his senses, he glanced at Ling Pengcheng. Thinking of how Ling Pengcheng had been managing the family's affairs over the years, he also arranged for Ling Pengcheng.

"Brother Pengcheng, I'll leave the chores of this territory to you."

"You should work with your clan members as soon as possible to count the number of mortals in the towns and villages around the first- and second-level spiritual veins in the Wanshou Mountains where the Wanshou Sect ruins are located."

"Those first-level spiritual veins that are difficult for the family members to take care of will all be rented out to the family forces in this territory."

"All the mortals around these first-level spiritual veins will also be moved to the villages and towns around the spiritual veins where the cultivators of our clan are stationed, so that the family can control more mortals."

"As for the original spiritual veins of those family forces that were destroyed by our clan and Bailingmen, they will all be rented out to the remaining family forces."

The Wanshou Mountains, which stretch for tens of thousands of miles, can be roughly divided into five areas.

They are the Wanshou Mountain Range, the ruins of the Wanshou Sect, "Wasteland County", "Green Field County", "White Hill County", and "Yellow Sand County".

These five areas cover at least 30,000 to 40,000 miles of territory.

In the past, except for the Wanshou Mountain Range, which has a large number of third-level spiritual veins, the spiritual veins in the other four county cities were given to the family forces under the Wanshou Sect.

And it was stipulated that those family forces must pay a tribute every year.

It was a disguised way of renting spiritual veins.

Ling Pengcheng was delighted when he saw Ling Pengyun giving him an important task.

"I will definitely take care of these chores, Brother Pengyun."

Seeing this, Ling Pengyun called him back and flew alone to the top of the "Wanshou Mountain", a low mountain with a third-level middle-grade spiritual vein in the deepest part of the Wanshou Sect ruins.

Standing on this mountain, he looked at this vast territory and felt a sense of relief in his heart.

"The family has finally occupied a third-level spiritual vein in a fair and square manner."

"It is also a third-level middle-grade spiritual vein."

"In this way, the family has become a real golden elixir force."

Speaking of this, he turned his eyes and looked towards the direction of the Purple Scorpion Ridge, his eyes flashing with brilliance.

"The next step is..."


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