Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 599: The cuckoo takes over the magpie's nest and becomes the king of the mountain (plea

The boundary of Xuanyang Mountains.

A stream of light quickly slid across the sky and entered the center of a large-scale building complex filled with attics, rich in spiritual energy, and from time to time monks flying magic weapons came in and out. It was the top of a thousand-foot mountain that towered into the clouds.

The figure of this stream of light also appeared.

What turned into a stream of light was a third-order middle-grade flying boat, and standing on top of this flying boat were the "Xuanyang Old Dao" and Qiushui Zhenren who had escaped from the Ten Thousand Beast Sect.

At this time, both of their faces were extremely dark, and there was even a lot of resentment pouring out of them.

Obviously, they were very upset about the fact that they were hunted down by Ling Pengyun and others.

The high mountain they were on was Xuanyang Mountain, where the third-level spiritual vein of Xuanyang Sect was located.

The buildings around Gaoshan all fall within the boundary of Xuanyangmen.

At this time, the False Dan Realm Jinyang Zhenren who was stationed here alone also walked out of a cave on the top of Xuanyang Mountain.

When he watched, four golden elixirs left the sect, but only two golden elixirs returned, and the auras of the returning golden elixirs, Old Taoist Xuanyang and Master Qiu Shui, were both extremely weak.

Especially the old Taoist Xuanyang, whose face was pale, his face was lifeless, his aura was extremely empty, and he looked extremely embarrassed.

"Uncle Xuanyang, Brother Qiushui, what happened to you during this trip? My master, and Brother Tuyang..."

When Master Jin Yang saw this scene, he immediately had a premonition that something was not going to happen. He immediately asked, but at the end of the story, he did not dare to say it again.

Old Taoist Xuanyang told what happened with a gloomy look on his face.

After saying that, he took the genius disciple "Qiu Shui Zhenren" that day and entered a cave on the top of Xuanyang Mountain.

As for Master Jin Yang, who was left alone on the top of the mountain, there were countless angry looks on his face.

The formation master "Zhenren Lieyang" of Xuanyang Sect who died in the battle this time was his master.

Decades ago, when the Xuanyang Sect attacked the Baiyun Linghu clan who lacked golden elixirs, it was his master, Lieyang Zhenren, who overcame everyone's objections and asked the sect for a demonic beast golden elixir and a copy. The golden elixir spiritual object helped him achieve the state of fake elixir, which extended his life span by more than three hundred years and raised his life span limit to five hundred.

It can be said that Master Lieyang was kind to him in achieving enlightenment.

It was hard for him to accept that before Master Jin Yang could repay such kindness, Master Lie Yang died. He lowered his head, clenched his fists, and murmured a few words through gritted teeth.

"Bailingmen, Ling Family..."

at the same time.

Xuanyang Mountain, inside a cave cultivation room.

"Now the only ones left in the sect are you, me, and the fake elixir realm nephew Jin Yang. This time it can be said that our strength has been greatly reduced."

"The next monster beast rebellion will come again, and the Red Gold Bear clan will also retaliate against our Yan country's fighting power at that time, and our Xuanyang Sect will also be unable to escape."

"With the current strength of our sect, even if I risk my life, I may not be able to survive that crisis."

"If I take ten thousand steps back, even if I survive that crisis, I'm afraid I won't have long to live until then."

"The sect only has two or three talents. Even if the sect tries its best to help them, only two of them will be able to enter the golden elixir realm."

"And it will take decades for those talents to grow."

"Even if they can enter the realm of golden elixirs before my life span is exhausted, at that time, the sect will only have four golden elixirs at most."

"There are not many of these golden elixirs. If the monks were to take over the sect in the late period without the golden elixir, it would be difficult for the sect to have an advantage when facing the Ling family and Bai Lingmen who were watching eagerly."

"Qiushui, in the past, Junior Brother Lieyang was at the sixth level of the Golden Core and was also a third-level mid-level formation mage. I never urged you to practice."

"But now, Junior Brother Lieyang and Senior Nephew Tuyang have died tragically one after another. Now the sect's Junior Brother Jinyang is only in the realm of fake elixirs, and it is impossible for him to resist the big task."

"The future of the sect... lies with you."

"Go to the sect's warehouse and take out all the third-level spiritual spiritual objects accumulated by the sect."

"In a few days, I will go to Yaowang Valley and ask fellow Yaowang Daoist to sacrifice all the remaining dozens of third-level Yuan-Juden grasses in the sect into Yuan-Juden Dan and give it to you to practice."

Old Taoist Xuanyang looked at his disciple Qiu Shui in detail with a look of helplessness and sorrow.

Master Qiu Shui didn't feel any joy when he heard these words. Instead, he only felt countless pressure coming on him.

It can be said that from today on, he is not practicing for himself, but for the entire Xuanyang Sect.

Once his cultivation progress slows down, if the Yan Kingdom can avoid the next monster chaos, the Ling family and Bailingmen will definitely seize the opportunity to destroy Xuanyangmen in one fell swoop.

"Disciple will definitely live up to...master's expectations!"

After a while, Master Qiu Shui also had a look of determination on his face, and then he spoke.

Old Taoist Xuanyang nodded with satisfaction and called him back.

He took the next level three healing elixir and fell into seclusion.

A month later.

The news that the Yan Kingdom's Jindan power, the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect, was jointly destroyed by the Ling family and the Bailing Sect, that two Jindanmen from the Xuanyang Sect were beheaded, and that the Ling family had the three-headed Jindan monster corpses, spread throughout the Yan Kingdom, and even There are several great immortal-cultivating countries in the surrounding area.

In the past, the Ling family, which was not strong in the Yan Kingdom, was also noticed by countless monks at this moment.

Yaowang Valley and Qingxin Taoist Temple, two local Jindan forces in the Yan Kingdom, were a little nervous after hearing the news.

After all, the Ten Thousand Beast Sect has learned from the past, and maybe one day it will be their turn to be besieged by the Ling Family and the Bailing Sect.

Immediately, the two major forces gathered a lot of external personnel in the sect, and the Jindan of the two forces did not dare to leave the sect easily. They also began to guard against Ling Clan and Bailing Sect from that day on.

On that day, deep in the ruins of Wanshou Sect, in a magnificent hall.

Most of the senior leaders of Ling Clan gathered here. The three Jindan in the clan, except Yan Siyi, were still stationed at Lingxiao Qianxing Lake. Seeing that the old Taoist Xuanyang of Xuanyang Sect had not made any movement, the clan leader Ling Yunhong returned here to discuss the meeting.

"In the Wanshou Mountains, the number of mortals who originally belonged to the Wanshou Sect was nearly four million."

"As for the mortals of this sect in the Thick Earth Spirit Turtle Land of the Baiyun Mountains, there are only a few hundred thousand."

"It is estimated that this sect, like our clan, also considered that the next monster rebellion would definitely start the first battle in the Baiyun Mountains near the Red Gold Bear Clan. In order to avoid the threat to the mortals in that place, all the mortals in that area were moved back to the Wanshou Mountains."

"And this Wanshou Mountains, which is rich in spiritual veins, has more than 400 first-level and more than 30 second-level spiritual veins, and one third-level spiritual vein."

"Because my clan is short of manpower, my clan has more than 200 first-level spiritual veins. The spiritual veins were leased to dozens of foundation-building families who surrendered to our clan first in this area. "

"Speaking of these dozens of foundation-building families, I have to say that these families have recently sent some female cultivators from their clans to our clan cultivators. Even if they are concubines, the female cultivators of those families agree to it."

"This matter involves the family, so I dare not do it casually. I also let my family members keep their pants down and no marriage will appear for the time being."

"As for the Wanshou Valley in the Wanshou Sect ruins, there are a total of 1,568 Qi-training monsters in captivity, among which..."


At this time, the elder Ling Pengcheng held a roster and read it carefully to the family leaders present.

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