Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 601 The secrets Liu Haochan said (please subscribe)

At this moment, relying on his good spiritual sense, he could probably detect a trace of Liu Haochan's aura.

It's just that this breath is extremely weak.

According to Ling Pengyun's guess, this person should have mastered a profound breath-condensing method, and relied on his cultivation to reach the level of golden elixir perfection, which led to the current situation.

"I have long heard that Senior Liu has a strong cultivation base and has achieved the status of a Nascent Soul. After seeing it today, it is indeed true."

"I am here to congratulate you, Senior, on your future entry into the realm of Nascent Soul."

Ling Pengyun said a few polite words.

As for Liu Hao, who has reached the level of golden elixir perfection in meditation and is the third elder of the Tianxing Sect, he can indeed be called a senior by Ling Pengyun.

Liu Haochan has heard a lot of these words over the years, but now he has no feeling in his heart for these words.

However, he always treated others with humility, so he just returned the favor.

"Young friend Ling is serious. Isn't it possible that monks like me can peek into the realm of Nascent Soul?"

Ling Pengyun smiled and stopped talking. Then he expressed the questions in his heart.

"I wonder if Senior Liu is coming to our Ling Family's New Clan Mountain on behalf of the Tianxing Sect this time, but what's the important matter?"

Liu Haochan said with a smile.

"Didn't the nobles destroy the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect some time ago? Now the nobles also occupy the original third-level spiritual veins and territory of the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect. The 30,000 spiritual stones that this sect should have handed over to our sect every year are also It’s up to the nobles.”

When Ling Pengyun heard this, the doubts in his heart suddenly disappeared into smoke.

He had also heard that to become a true Jindan force, one had to pay a salary to the Heavenly Star Sect, the Supreme Sect.

In the past, although the Ling family had a golden elixir, they did not possess the third-level spiritual veins. They could only be regarded as a pseudo-jindan family, and the Tianxing Sect did not come to ask for their salary.

However, a full 30,000 spiritual stones need to be turned in every year, which is a lot.

In the past few years, before the Ling family occupied the realm of Ten Thousand Beasts Sect, there were only about 50,000 spiritual stones left every year.

Nowadays, he has to lose about 70% of the spiritual stones every year, which makes him feel very distressed.

If this amount of spiritual stone were put on the market, it would be enough to buy ten third-level low-grade Juyuan Dan, which would be enough for him to practice for three years.

He felt a sudden pain in his heart and asked some questions.

"Senior Liu, 30,000 spiritual stones per year is really too much. Can we reduce it some?"

Liu Haochan frowned. If he were an ordinary person, he would probably be angry at this moment.

However, since Ling Pengyun was extremely talented in cultivation and had a powerful Nascent Soul force behind him, he was kinder to Ling Pengyun.

"Little friend Ling, the territory of Ten Thousand Beasts Sect is tens of thousands of miles long, and there are nearly two thousand spiritual veins. As long as the Ling family, where you are, manages this territory well, it can earn six or seven dollars a year. Tens of thousands of spiritual stones is not difficult at all. After considering your clan’s annual expenses, you can reserve at least 30,000 spiritual stones every year.”

"Furthermore, the land of Ten Thousand Beasts Sect is protected by our sect. If our sect's true lord hadn't united with the other true lords of the Northern Wilderness Cultivation Realm to sign a contract with the Nascent Soul Demon King in the boundless vast swamp, this land would have been protected by our sect. How can it be so peaceful?”

After hearing these words, Ling Pengyun also understood the importance. He sighed helplessly and nodded in agreement.

"Okay, I will hand over this tribute to the Ling family. Please ask your sect to take care of it in the future."

When Liu Haochan saw Ling Pengyun relenting, he felt quite satisfied, and then he also offered some persuasive words.

"The nobles pay their salaries to our sect, and our sect will take care of them."

"Young friend Ling, you Jindan forces in the Yan Kingdom had enmity with the Nascent Soul Monster Clan more than ten years ago, and the next monster beast rebellion is very close."

"Although the true king of our sect will help you to entangle the Yuanying Demon Emperor of the Red Gold Bear clan because of the third-level Yuanyuanling Pond that you and the major forces in the Yan Kingdom paid tribute to during the next monster chaos."

"But the strength of the Red Gold Bear Clan is not weak. This clan has been in the Northern Wilderness Cultivation World for at least tens of thousands of years. According to what our sect's True Lord said, there are currently more than fifty Golden Core Demon Kings in this clan. There are more than a dozen Jindan demon clans under his command, and there are also many Jindan demon kings among these Jindan demon clans.”

"Also, there is another secret thing that you may not know about."

"The mother of the Yuan Ying's heir, Chi Jinxiong, who was killed by the Jindan forces of your Yan Kingdom back then, hated you and the Jindan forces of the Yan Kingdom."

"That female bear has a cultivation level as high as Golden Core Perfection, and is also a third-level high-grade Talisman Maker. She is quite favored by the Scarlet Gold Bear Emperor. According to our sect's information, the Scarlet Gold Bear Emperor has promised that the female bear will be the next demonic beast. During the chaos, ten Jindan Realm Red Gold Bears and five Jindan Demon Clan troops were assigned to this female bear.”

"And the female bear herself, through some benefits, persuaded the two Jindan demon tribes to help capture your Yan country during the demon beast chaos."

"Under such circumstances, at present, the female bear has no less than twenty Jindan subordinates."

"On the other hand, in your country, Yan, there are only a dozen or so Jindan monks."

"Under such a situation, it is better not to engage in civil strife. Once too much Jindan combat power is lost due to civil strife, it will not be good for the future war situation of your country, Yan."

After speaking, Liu Haochan perhaps felt that he, an outsider, had too much control, so he explained in a friendly manner.

"Of course, these words are just our casual chat, and have no intention of the sect. If my little friend destroys another Jindan force in the future, our sect will not interfere."

When Ling Pengyun heard this, his eyes suddenly trembled.

This kind of accurate information is extremely important to him.

Immediately, he thanked Liu Haochan.

"Thank you, Senior Liu, for sharing this secret."

Liu Haochan waved his hand, seemingly joking.

"It's just a small matter. Not many people in our sect know about this. I hope you won't spread this matter to avoid unrest. Maybe some Jindan forces will be afraid of fighting and flee to Yan State."

"My Tianxing Sect still needs your Yan State to help contain the Red Gold Bear Clan's forces. If your Yan State's Jindan forces flee and affect our sect's plan for the next monster beast riot, our sect can hold your clan accountable."

The Yuanying monster clan, the Red Gold Bear Clan, and the Yuanying sect, the Tianxing Sect, are old rivals.

The two territories are adjacent.

In the past, during the monster beast riot, Yan State, as a force under the Tianxing Sect, took the initiative to attack the monster clan in the boundless vast marshland. In addition to wanting to take advantage of this opportunity to occupy more territory and gain more benefits.

It was because they were inspired by the Tianxing Sect to contain more Jindan monster beasts.

In this way, it will be easier for the Tianxing Sect to fight against the Red Gold Bear Clan.

The Tianxing Sect has only 30 or 40 Jindan cultivators, which is less than the number of Jindan monster kings of the Red Gold Bear Clan.

After all, the Red Gold Bear Clan has been entrenched in the Northern Wilderness Immortal Cultivation World for tens of thousands of years.

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